!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~        Safe-InferredAA special exception that makes QuickCheck discard the test case.  Normally you should use ==>!, but if for some reason this isn't 6 possible (e.g. you are deep inside a generator), use   instead.           Safe-Inferred           Safe-InferredState represents QuickCheck'+s internal state while testing a property. 2 The state is made visible to callback functions. the current terminal *maximum number of successful tests needed .maximum number of tests that can be discarded +how to compute the size of test cases from   tests and discarded tests 0the current number of tests that have succeeded &the current number of discarded tests =the number of discarded tests since the last successful test +all labels that have been collected so far .indicates if the property is expected to fail the current random seed ,number of successful shrinking steps so far Bnumber of failed shrinking steps since the last successful shrink !'total number of failed shrinking steps  ! ! ! ! Safe-Inferred%,Modifies a generator using an integer seed. &@Used to construct generators that depend on the size parameter. '=Overrides the size parameter. Returns a generator which uses 7 the given size instead of the runtime-size parameter. (9Generates a random element in the given inclusive range. )?Promotes a monadic generator to a generator of monadic values. *Generates some example values. +1Generates some example values and prints them to stdout. ,.Generates a value that satisfies a predicate. -6Tries to generate a value that satisfies a predicate. .:Randomly uses one of the given generators. The input list  must be non-empty. /JChooses one of the given generators, with a weighted random distribution. # The input list must be non-empty. 0EGenerates one of the given values. The input list must be non-empty. 19Takes a list of elements of increasing size, and chooses @ among an initial segment of the list. The size of this initial , segment increases with the size parameter. # The input list must be non-empty. 2EGenerates a list of random length. The maximum length depends on the  size parameter. 3@Generates a non-empty list of random length. The maximum length  depends on the size parameter. 4&Generates a list of the given length. "#$%&'()*+,-./01234"#$%&'()*+,-./01234"#$%&'()*+,-./01234"#$%&'()*+,-./01234 Safe-Inferred5)Used for random generation of functions. 6$Used to generate a function of type a -> c. The implementation ? should use the first argument to perturb the random generator 6 given as the second argument. the returned generator / is then used to generate the function result.  You can often use % and D to implement  6. 7+Random generation and shrinking of values. 8*A generator for values of the given type. 95Produces a (possibly) empty list of all the possible ' immediate shrinks of the given value. ;EGenerates an integral number. The number can be positive or negative ? and its maximum absolute value depends on the size parameter. <FGenerates a fractional number. The number can be positive or negative ? and its maximum absolute value depends on the size parameter. =BGenerates an integral number. The number is chosen uniformly from 3 the entire range of the type. You may want to use  @ instead. >7Generates an element of a bounded type. The element is + chosen from the entire range of the type. ?/Generates an element of a bounded enumeration. @BGenerates an integral number from a bounded domain. The number is A chosen from the entire range of the type, but small numbers are A generated more often than big numbers. Inspired by demands from  Phil Wadler. A#Returns no shrinking alternatives. BShrink an integral number. CShrink a fraction. D<Combine two generator perturbing functions, for example the  results of calls to % or 6. EA 6& implementation for integral numbers. FA 6" implementation for real numbers. G6 helper for lazy people :-). HA 6 implementation for enums. I$Generates a list of a given length. J-Generates an ordered list of a given length. N56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ78956;=@<>?A:BCDEFGHIJK56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPNone$KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\Z[\WXYTUVQRSNOPKLMKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abNone ` Shrinking _ x3: allows for maintaining a state during shrinking. b Smart _ x*: tries a different order when shrinking. d Shrink2 x=: allows 2 shrinking steps at the same time when shrinking x f NonNegative x: guarantees that x >= 0. i NonZero x: guarantees that x /= 0. l Positive x: guarantees that x > 0. o NonEmpty xs#: guarantees that xs is non-empty. r Ordered xs!: guarantees that xs is ordered. uFixed x : as x, but will not be shrunk. wBlind x): as x, but x does not have to be in the c class. )]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxdefghijklmnop]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwxuvrstopqlmnijkfghbcde`a]^_]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxdefghijklmnopNone-yz{|}qrstuvwxy~z{|}~yz{|}~yz}{|~%yz{|}vutsrqwxy~z{|}~  Safe-Inferred&The result of a single test. +result of the test case; Nothing = discard 6indicates what the expected result of the property is %a message indicating what went wrong 8indicates if the test case was cancelled by pressing ^C )if True, the test should not be repeated (the collected values for this test case !the callbacks for this test case Not affected by the  combinator Affected by the  combinator Different kinds of callbacks (Called with the final failing test-case Called just after a test FThe class of things which can be tested, i.e. turned into a property. Do I/=O inside a property. This can obviously lead to unrepeatable  testcases, so use with care. 3Changes the maximum test case size for a property. @Shrinks the argument to property if it fails. Shrinking is done D automatically for most types. This is only needed when you want to  override the default behavior. .Disables shrinking for a property altogether. Adds a callback @Prints a message to the terminal as part of the counterexample.  Performs an . action after the last failure of a property.  Performs an + action every time a property fails. Thus, = if shrinking is done, this can be used to keep track of the  failures along the way. EPrints out the generated testcase every time the property is tested,  like  verboseCheck from QuickCheck 1.  Only variables quantified over inside the  are printed. HModifies a property so that it is expected to fail for some test cases. 9Modifies a property so that it only will be tested once. ;Attaches a label to a property. This is used for reporting  test case distribution.  Labels a property with a value:  collect x = label (show x)  Conditionally labels test case. CChecks that at least the given proportion of the test cases belong  to the given class. <Implication for properties: The resulting property holds if  the first argument is - (in which case the test case is discarded), ! or if the given property holds. ;Considers a property failed if it does not complete within # the given number of microseconds. <Explicit universal quantification: uses an explicitly given  test case generator. Like ;, but tries to shrink the argument for failing test cases. Nondeterministic choice: p1  p2 picks randomly one of  p1 and p20 to test. If you test the property 100 times it  makes 100 random choices.  Conjunction: p1  p2 passes if both p1 and p2 pass. ,Take the conjunction of several properties.  Disjunction: p1  p2 passes unless p1 and p2 simultaneously fail. ,Take the disjunction of several properties. K9-like function. The original argument True& if the test case should be labelled. Label. True( if the test case belongs to the class. /The required percentage (0-100) of test cases. Label for the test case class. DD9  Safe-Inferred"Result represents the test result /number of successful shrinking steps performed what seed was used what was the test size what was the reason did the user press ctrl-C? number of tests performed number of tests performed %number of successful tests performed %number of successful tests performed 9labels and frequencies found during all successful tests 9labels and frequencies found during all successful tests .labels and frequencies found during all tests .labels and frequencies found during all tests printed output printed output printed output printed output 2Args specifies arguments to the QuickCheck driver "should we replay a previous test? 5maximum number of successful tests before succeeding Gmaximum number of discarded tests per successful test before giving up 'size to use for the biggest test cases whether to print anything 6isSuccess checks if the test run result was a success ,stdArgs are the default test arguments used +Tests a property and prints the results to stdout. BTests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results to stdout. DTests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results to stdout. ZTests a property, using test arguments, produces a test result, and prints the results to stdout. HTests a property and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. < This is just a convenience function that means the same as   . _Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. 3 This is just a convenience function that combines  and . aTests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. 3 This is just a convenience function that combines  and . wTests a property, using test arguments, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. 3 This is just a convenience function that combines  and . ++4 None None>Test a polymorphic property, defaulting all type variables to .  Invoke as $( 'prop), where prop is a property.  Note that just evaluating  prop in GHCi will seem to 7 work, but will silently default all type variables to ()! >Test a polymorphic property, defaulting all type variables to . 3 This is just a convenience function that combines  and . CMonomorphise an arbitrary name by defaulting all type variables to . For example, if f has type  a => [a] -> [a]  then $( 'f) has type [] -> []. :Test all properties in the current module, using a custom  $ function. The same caveats as with   apply. $ has type ( ->  ) ->  .  An example invocation is $ ,  which does the same thing as $. +Test all properties in the current module. * The name of the property must begin with prop_. - Polymorphic properties will be defaulted to .  Returns  if all tests succeeded,  otherwise. Using  interactively doesn't work. = Instead, add a definition to your module along the lines of   runTests = $quickCheckAll and then execute runTests. +Test all properties in the current module. 3 This is just a convenience function that combines  and .  None}"%&'()*+,-./0123456789;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx"&'(),-./01234IJ+*78956;<@=>?HABC%DEFGwxuvrstopqlmnijkfghbcde`a]^_  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYYZ[[\]]^__`aabccdefghhiijjkklmmnoopqrstuvwwxxyyz{|}~                                     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgh@ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~       \       QuickCheck-2.6Test.QuickCheckTest.QuickCheck.TextTest.QuickCheck.StateTest.QuickCheck.GenTest.QuickCheck.ArbitraryTest.QuickCheck.PolyTest.QuickCheck.ModifiersTest.QuickCheck.FunctionTest.QuickCheck.PropertyTest.QuickCheck.TestTest.QuickCheck.MonadicTest.QuickCheck.AllTest.QuickCheck.ExceptiondiscardTerminalStrMkStrrangesnumbershortshowErroneLine isOneLinebold newTerminalwithStdioTerminalwithNullTerminalterminalOutputhandleputPartputTempputLineStateMkStateterminalmaxSuccessTestsmaxDiscardedTests computeSizenumSuccessTestsnumDiscardedTestsnumRecentlyDiscardedTests collectedexpectedFailure randomSeednumSuccessShrinks numTryShrinksnumTotTryShrinksGenMkGenunGenvariantsizedresizechoosepromotesample'samplesuchThat suchThatMaybeoneof frequencyelementsgrowingElementslistOflistOf1vectorOf CoArbitrary coarbitrary Arbitrary arbitraryshrink shrinkListarbitrarySizedIntegralarbitrarySizedFractionalarbitraryBoundedIntegralarbitraryBoundedRandomarbitraryBoundedEnumarbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral shrinkNothingshrinkIntegralshrinkRealFrac><coarbitraryIntegralcoarbitraryRealcoarbitraryShowcoarbitraryEnumvector orderedListOrdCunOrdCOrdBunOrdBOrdAunOrdACunCBunBAunA ShrinkState shrinkInit shrinkState ShrinkingSmartShrink2 NonNegativegetNonNegativeNonZero getNonZeroPositive getPositive NonEmptyListNonEmpty getNonEmpty OrderedListOrdered getOrderedFixedBlindFunFunctionfunction:-> functionMap functionShowapplyResultMkResultokexpectreason interruptedabortstamp callbacks CallbackKindNotCounterexampleCounterexampleCallbackPostFinalFailurePostTestRoseIORoseMkRosePropMkPropunPropTestableproperty exhaustivePropertymorallyDubiousIOPropertyprotectioRosejoinRose reduceRoseonRose protectRoseprotectResultsresult exceptionformatException protectResult succeededfailedrejectedliftBool mapResultmapTotalResult mapRoseResultmapPropmapSize shrinking noShrinkingcallback printTestCasewhenFail whenFail'verbose expectFailureoncelabelcollectclassifycover==>withinforAll forAllShrink.&..&&.conjoin.||.disjoinNoExpectedFailureFailure numShrinksusedSeedusedSizeGaveUpSuccessnumTestslabelsoutputArgsreplay maxSuccessmaxDiscardRatiomaxSizechatty isSuccessstdArgs quickCheckquickCheckWithquickCheckResultquickCheckWithResult verboseCheckverboseCheckWithverboseCheckResultverboseCheckWithResulttest doneTestinggiveUprunATestsummarysuccess foundFailurelocalMin localMin' localMinFoundcallbackPostTestcallbackPostFinalFailuresafely PropertyM MkPropertyM unPropertyMstopassertprerunpickwpforAllMmonitormonadicmonadic' monadicIO monadicSTrunSTGenpolyQuickCheckpolyVerboseCheckmonoforAllProperties quickCheckAllverboseCheckAll AnException tryEvaluate tryEvaluateIO isInterrupt isDiscardfinallyOutput MkTerminal withBufferingputgetflushpostpone $fShowStr $fMonadGen$fApplicativeGen $fFunctorGen$fCoArbitraryDouble$fCoArbitraryFloat$fCoArbitraryChar$fCoArbitraryWord64$fCoArbitraryWord32$fCoArbitraryWord16$fCoArbitraryWord8$fCoArbitraryWord$fCoArbitraryInt64$fCoArbitraryInt32$fCoArbitraryInt16$fCoArbitraryInt8$fCoArbitraryInt$fCoArbitraryInteger$fCoArbitrary(,,,,)$fCoArbitrary(,,,)$fCoArbitrary(,,)$fCoArbitrary(,)$fCoArbitraryComplex$fCoArbitraryFixed$fCoArbitraryRatio$fCoArbitrary[]$fCoArbitraryEither$fCoArbitraryMaybe$fCoArbitraryOrdering$fCoArbitraryBool$fCoArbitrary()$fCoArbitrary(->)$fArbitraryDouble$fArbitraryFloat$fArbitraryChar$fArbitraryWord64$fArbitraryWord32$fArbitraryWord16$fArbitraryWord8$fArbitraryWord$fArbitraryInt64$fArbitraryInt32$fArbitraryInt16$fArbitraryInt8$fArbitraryInt$fArbitraryInteger$fArbitrary(,,,,)$fArbitrary(,,,)$fArbitrary(,,)$fArbitrary(,)$fArbitraryFixed$fArbitraryComplex$fArbitraryRatio $fArbitrary[]$fArbitraryEither$fArbitraryMaybe$fArbitraryOrdering$fArbitraryBool $fArbitrary()$fArbitrary(->)$fCoArbitraryOrdC$fArbitraryOrdC $fShowOrdC$fCoArbitraryOrdB$fArbitraryOrdB $fShowOrdB$fCoArbitraryOrdA$fArbitraryOrdA $fShowOrdA$fCoArbitraryC $fArbitraryC$fShowC$fCoArbitraryB $fArbitraryB$fShowB$fCoArbitraryA $fArbitraryA$fShowAbaseGHC.ShowShow$fArbitraryShrinking$fShowShrinking$fArbitrarySmart $fShowSmart$fArbitraryShrink2$fArbitraryNonNegative$fArbitraryNonZero$fArbitraryPositive$fArbitraryNonEmptyList$fArbitraryOrderedList$fArbitraryBlind $fShowBlindMapTableNilUnit:+:Pair showFunctionabstracttable shrinkFunmkFun$fArbitraryFun $fShowFun$fArbitrary:->$fFunctionOrdC$fFunctionOrdB$fFunctionOrdA $fFunctionC $fFunctionB $fFunctionA$fFunctionChar $fFunctionInt$fFunctionInteger$fFunctionBool$fFunctionMaybe $fFunction[]$fFunction(,,,,,,)$fFunction(,,,,,)$fFunction(,,,,)$fFunction(,,,)$fFunction(,,)$fFunctionEither $fFunction(,)$fFunctionWord8 $fFunction() $fShow:-> $fFunctor:->ghc-prim GHC.TypesIOFalse $fMonadRose $fFunctorRose$fTestable(->) $fTestableGen$fTestableProp$fTestableResult$fTestableBoolGHC.Base.$fMonadPropertyM$fFunctorPropertyM integer-gmpGHC.Integer.TypeInteger GHC.ClassesOrdBoolTrueErrorinfoTypedeconstructType monomorphiserunQuickCheckAll