úÎ"`'      !"#$%& SaferTakes Malformed html and reuturns correct html if it can be corrected. Output is empty if it cannot be corrected.NoneTA Simple wrapper around simpleHttp so that it goes along with with other functions.FParses a list of (key,value) pairs to pass with GET and POST requests.ftakes a Request and a Manager and returns the response. Useful when querying with a modified request.hMinimal GET request, modify it to add proxy,cookies,user-agent etc. Then fetch using @fetchRequestWith.)Fetches request using @defaultGETRequest.iMinimal POST request, modify it to add proxy,cookies,user-agent etc. Then fetch using @fetchRequestWith.*Fetches request using @defaultPOSTRequest.Safe      Safe4'()*'()*Safe Compares   with a .…Returns the list of nodes matching the query with root matching the first NodeQuery, and subsequent Children satisfying subsequent  NodeQueries continously.Applies 8 considering each node as root and combines the result.9Get Combined Text of immediate children of current node.)Get Entire text contained in the subtree. (Get the value of an attribute of a node.+   + Safe4!,-./0123456789:;<=>?@A!!!,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ASafe"takes a HTMLtree and prints it in a neat manner.expected output 8 |html |head |body YOLO "B"""BNone#'Tries to parse html from file. returns  if parsing fails.$like ! but returns  if parsing fails.%Takes a C and tries to parse as ' returns empty query if parsing fails.&takes url and returns parsed .#DE$F%&#$%&#$%&#DE$F%& None%  !"#$%&G     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQhScra_EKNkfyHYmn37sQbGU168Dr HScraper.TidyHScraper.NetworkHScraper.TypesHScraper.QueryHScraper.HTMLparser HScraper.Show HScraper.MainHScraper.QueryParserHScrapertidy fetchResponse parseParamsfetchRequestWithdefaultGETRequestfetchGETRequestdefaultPOSTRequestfetchPOSTRequestQuery NodeQueryIDClassNameHTMLTreeAttrListNTreeNullTreeNodeTypeTextElementtoLeaftoTree $fEqNTree $fEqNodeType parseQuery~=~>=>|>>getText getEntireText getAttribute parseHtmlshowTree getFromFile getParsedHTMLgetParsedQuery parseSiteparseNodeQueriesclasiddnode=== baseParser filterHelper oneLinersslashFollowedByAlphadocTypedocTypeHandlercomments comments' parseNodes parseNode parseText exceptionListendList parseElementtempTagtagDatatagName attributestrailingSpaces attribute attribute'simpleTextInsideTag showTree'baseGHC.BaseString tempHTMLTreegetParsedHTML_getParsedQuery_