{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-} -- Binding to the libevent http library -- module Hack.Handler.EvHTTP (run, eventVersion, eventMethod, Config(..), runWithConfig ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Chan import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString.Class import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Default (def, Default) import Data.Map (lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Foreign import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr import Hack import Hack.Contrib.Constants #include #include #include -- Base types type Base = () type BasePtr = Ptr Base foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_new" baseNew :: IO BasePtr foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_free" baseFree :: BasePtr -> IO () foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_loop" baseLoop :: BasePtr -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_get_version" eventVersion' :: IO CString foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_get_method" baseMethod :: BasePtr -> IO CString data Event = Event type EventPtr = Ptr Event instance Storable Event where sizeOf _ = (#size struct event) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt) -- Get the libevent method we're using such as "epoll" or "kqueue" or "select" eventMethod :: IO String eventMethod = do baseP <- baseNew s <- baseMethod baseP >>= peekCString baseFree baseP return s eventVersion :: IO String eventVersion = eventVersion' >>= peekCString foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_new" httpNew :: BasePtr -> IO HTTPPtr foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_bind_socket" bindSocket :: HTTPPtr -> CString -> CShort -> IO CInt foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_free" httpFree :: HTTPPtr -> IO () foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_set_gencb" httpSetGen :: HTTPPtr -> FunPtr (Gen a) -> Ptr a -> IO () foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_send_reply" sendReply :: ReqPtr -> CInt -> CString -> BufPtr -> IO () foreign import ccall "wrapper" wrapGen :: Gen a -> IO (FunPtr (Gen a)) foreign import ccall threadsafe "evbuffer_new" bufNew :: IO BufPtr foreign import ccall threadsafe "evbuffer_free" bufFree :: BufPtr -> IO () foreign import ccall threadsafe "evbuffer_add" bufAdd :: BufPtr -> CString -> CSize -> IO CInt foreign import ccall threadsafe "evhttp_add_header" addHeader :: Ptr KeyValQ -> CString -> CString -> IO CInt --foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_once" once :: BasePtr -> CInt -> CShort -> FunPtr EventHandler -> Ptr () -> Ptr Time -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "wrapper" wrapEventHandler :: EventHandler -> IO (FunPtr EventHandler) foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_set" eventSet :: EventPtr -> CInt -> CShort -> FunPtr EventHandler -> Ptr () -> IO () foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_add" eventAdd :: EventPtr -> Ptr Time -> IO CInt foreign import ccall threadsafe "event_base_set" baseSet :: BasePtr -> EventPtr -> IO CInt --foreign import ccall threadsafe "read" c_read :: CInt -> Ptr () -> CSize -> IO CSize --foreign import ccall threadsafe "write" c_write :: CInt -> Ptr () -> CSize -> IO CSize type EventHandler = (CInt -> CShort -> Ptr () -> IO ()) type USecs = CInt type Secs = CInt data Time = Time Secs USecs deriving (Show) instance Storable Time where sizeOf _ = (#size struct timeval) alignment _ = #{const __alignof__(struct timeval)} peek ptr = do s <- (#peek struct timeval, tv_sec) ptr u <- (#peek struct timeval, tv_usec) ptr return $ Time s u poke ptr (Time s u) = do (#poke struct timeval, tv_sec) ptr s (#poke struct timeval, tv_usec) ptr u type HTTPCmd = CShort #{enum HTTPCmd, , httpGET = EVHTTP_REQ_GET, httpPOST = EVHTTP_REQ_POST, httpHEAD = EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD } type ReqPtr = Ptr Req type Req = () reqURI :: ReqPtr -> IO String reqURI ptr = (#peek struct evhttp_request, uri) ptr >>= peekCString reqHeaders :: ReqPtr -> IO [(String, String)] reqHeaders reqP = do headersPtr <- (#peek struct evhttp_request, input_headers) reqP firstPtr <- (#peek struct evkeyvalq, tqh_first) headersPtr headers' firstPtr where headers' h | h == nullPtr = return [] | otherwise = do key <- (#peek struct evkeyval, key) h >>= peekCString val <- (#peek struct evkeyval, value) h >>= peekCString next <- (#peek struct evkeyval, next) h rest <- headers' next return $ (key, val) : rest #def struct evkeyvalq { struct evkeyval *tqh_first; struct evkeyval **tqh_last; }; type KeyValQ = () type Gen a = (ReqPtr -> Ptr a -> IO ()) type HTTPPtr = Ptr () type BufPtr = Ptr () data Config = Config { cfgAddr :: String, cfgPort :: Int, cfgWorkers :: Int } instance Default Config where def = Config "" 8080 10 -- Run a Hack application inside evhttp run :: Application -> IO () run app = runWithConfig def app -- Run a Hack application inside evhttp runWithConfig :: Config -> Application -> IO () runWithConfig config app = do done <- newEmptyMVar requestChan <- newChan responseChan <- newChan basePtr <- baseNew httpPtr <- httpNew basePtr eventPtr <- malloc timePtr <- malloc responseProcessorPtr <- wrapEventHandler $ responseProcessor basePtr responseChan eventPtr timePtr eventSet eventPtr (-1) 0 responseProcessorPtr nullPtr baseSet basePtr eventPtr eventAdd eventPtr timePtr forkOS $ do replicateM_ (cfgWorkers config) $ forkIO $ requestProcessor requestChan responseChan readMVar done withCString (cfgAddr config) $ \addrPtr -> bindSocket httpPtr addrPtr port' requestEventProcessorPtr <- wrapGen $ requestEventProcessor requestChan httpSetGen httpPtr requestEventProcessorPtr nullPtr baseLoop basePtr 0 freeHaskellFunPtr requestEventProcessorPtr freeHaskellFunPtr responseProcessorPtr free eventPtr free timePtr httpFree httpPtr baseFree basePtr where port' = fromIntegral . cfgPort $ config -- Request callback function: for each request that comes in, the evhttp machinery -- will callback to this function. At this point all of the post data -- appears to already been read requestEventProcessor chan reqP _ = do env <- extractEnv reqP writeChan chan (reqP, env) -- Process responses in the evhttp channel by polling responseChan. -- This would be more efficient if this were converted to a pipe or -- some sort of unixy thing libevent could watch instead of a timer. responseProcessor :: BasePtr -> Chan (ReqPtr, Response) -> Ptr Event -> Ptr Time -> CInt -> CShort -> Ptr () -> IO () responseProcessor basePtr responseChan evtP timeP fd what ctx = do empty <- isEmptyChan responseChan if empty then do eventAdd evtP timeP return () else do (reqP, resp) <- readChan responseChan sendResponse reqP resp responseProcessor basePtr responseChan evtP timeP fd what ctx -- Process requests in worker thread requestProcessor :: Chan (ReqPtr, Env) -> Chan (ReqPtr, Response) -> IO () requestProcessor requestChan responseChan = forever $ do (reqP, env) <- readChan requestChan response <- app env writeChan responseChan (reqP, response) extractEnv reqP = do uri <- reqURI reqP theHeaders <- reqHeaders reqP theBody <- extractBody reqP method <- extractRequestMethod reqP return $ def { scriptName="", pathInfo=takeWhile ('?' /=) $ takeWhile ('#' /=) uri, requestMethod=method, http=theHeaders, hackInput=theBody, hackUrlScheme=HTTP, queryString=takeWhile ('#' /=) $ safe_tail $ dropWhile ('?' /=) uri, serverName=fst $ getServerName theHeaders, serverPort=snd $ getServerName theHeaders } extractRequestMethod reqP = do fmap toRequestMethod $ (((#peek struct evhttp_request, type) reqP) :: IO HTTPCmd) getServerName [] = (cfgAddr config, cfgPort config) getServerName ((h, v) : xs) = if (map toLower h) == "host" then parseHost v else getServerName xs where parseHost s = (host s, port s) host s = takeWhile (':' /=) s port :: String -> Int port s = case (maybeRead $ tail $ dropWhile (':' /=) s) of Just p -> p Nothing -> cfgPort config safe_tail [] = [] safe_tail xs = tail xs maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a maybeRead = fmap fst . listToMaybe . reads toRequestMethod :: CShort -> RequestMethod toRequestMethod x | x == httpGET = GET | x == httpPOST = POST | x == httpHEAD = HEAD | otherwise = GET -- Extract the input buffer from the request body and marshall it to a Lazy ByteString extractBody :: ReqPtr -> IO ByteString extractBody reqP = do inputBufferP <- ((#peek struct evhttp_request, input_buffer) reqP :: IO BufPtr) bufP <- ((#peek struct evbuffer, buffer) inputBufferP :: IO CString) off <- fmap fromIntegral $ ((#peek struct evbuffer, off) inputBufferP :: IO CSize) fmap toLazyByteString $ BS.packCStringLen (bufP, off) -- Start sending the response sendResponse :: ReqPtr -> Response -> IO () sendResponse reqP response = do forM_ (headers response) $ \(key, val) -> do withCString key $ \k' -> do withCString val $ \v' -> do outHeadersP <- (#peek struct evhttp_request, output_headers) reqP addHeader outHeadersP k' v' let body' = toStrictByteString $ body response let bodyLength = fromIntegral $ BS.length body' BS.useAsCString (toStrictByteString $ body response) $ \bodyBytes -> do buf <- bufNew bufAdd buf bodyBytes bodyLength let msg = statusMessage $ status response let code = fromIntegral $ status response withCString msg $ \msg' -> do sendReply reqP code msg' buf bufFree buf statusMessage :: Int -> String statusMessage code = fromMaybe "" $ Data.Map.lookup code Hack.Contrib.Constants.status_code