-- | Information about files
module Hackage.Security.TUF.FileInfo (
  , HashFn(..)
  , Hash(..)
    -- * Utility
  , fileInfo
  , computeFileInfo
  , knownFileInfoEqual
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Crypto.Hash          as CH
import qualified Data.Map             as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.L

import Hackage.Security.JSON
import Hackage.Security.TUF.Common
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path


data HashFn = HashFnSHA256
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | File information
-- This intentionally does not have an 'Eq' instance; see 'knownFileInfoEqual'
-- and 'verifyFileInfo' instead.
-- NOTE: Throughout we compute file information always over the raw bytes.
-- For example, when @timestamp.json@ lists the hash of @snapshot.json@, this
-- hash is computed over the actual @snapshot.json@ file (as opposed to the
-- canonical form of the embedded JSON). This brings it in line with the hash
-- computed over target files, where that is the only choice available.
data FileInfo = FileInfo {
    fileInfoLength :: FileLength
  , fileInfoHashes :: Map HashFn Hash
  deriving (Show)


-- | Compute 'FileInfo'
-- TODO: Currently this will load the entire input bytestring into memory.
-- We need to make this incremental, by computing the length and all hashes
-- in a single traversal over the input.
fileInfo :: BS.L.ByteString -> FileInfo
fileInfo bs = FileInfo {
      fileInfoLength = FileLength . fromIntegral $ BS.L.length bs
    , fileInfoHashes = Map.fromList [
          (HashFnSHA256, Hash $ show (CH.hashlazy bs :: CH.Digest CH.SHA256))

-- | Compute 'FileInfo'
computeFileInfo :: IsFileSystemRoot root => Path (Rooted root) -> IO FileInfo
computeFileInfo fp = fileInfo <$> readLazyByteString fp

-- | Compare known file info
-- This should be used only when the FileInfo is already known. If we want to
-- compare known FileInfo against a file on disk we should delay until we know
-- have confirmed that the file lengths don't match (see 'verifyFileInfo').
knownFileInfoEqual :: FileInfo -> FileInfo -> Bool
knownFileInfoEqual a b = (==) (fileInfoLength a, fileInfoHashes a)
                              (fileInfoLength b, fileInfoHashes b)


instance Monad m => ToObjectKey m HashFn where
  toObjectKey HashFnSHA256 = return "sha256"

instance ReportSchemaErrors m => FromObjectKey m HashFn where
  fromObjectKey "sha256" = return HashFnSHA256
  fromObjectKey str      = expected "valid hash function" (Just str)

instance Monad m => ToJSON m FileInfo where
  toJSON FileInfo{..} = mkObject [
        ("length", toJSON fileInfoLength)
      , ("hashes", toJSON fileInfoHashes)

instance ReportSchemaErrors m => FromJSON m FileInfo where
  fromJSON enc = do
    fileInfoLength <- fromJSField enc "length"
    fileInfoHashes <- fromJSField enc "hashes"
    return FileInfo{..}