module Portage.EBuild ( EBuild(..) , ebuildTemplate ) where import Distribution.Text ( Text(..), display ) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp import Portage.Dependency import Distribution.License as Cabal import Data.Version(Version(..)) import qualified Paths_hackport(version) data EBuild = EBuild { name :: String, version :: String, hackportVersion :: String, description :: String, homepage :: String, src_uri :: String, license :: Cabal.License, slot :: String, keywords :: [String], iuse :: [String], depend :: [Dependency], depend_extra :: [String], rdepend :: [Dependency], rdepend_extra :: [String], features :: [String], my_pn :: Maybe String --If the package's name contains upper-case } getHackportVersion :: Version -> String getHackportVersion Version {versionBranch=(x:s)} = foldl (\y z -> y ++ "." ++ (show z)) (show x) s getHackportVersion Version {versionBranch=[]} = "" ebuildTemplate :: EBuild ebuildTemplate = EBuild { name = "foobar", version = "0.1", hackportVersion = getHackportVersion Paths_hackport.version, description = "", homepage = "${PN}", src_uri = "${PN}/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz", license = Cabal.UnknownLicense "xxx UNKNOWN xxx", slot = "0", keywords = ["~amd64","~x86"], iuse = [], depend = [], depend_extra = [], rdepend = [], rdepend_extra = [], features = [], my_pn = Nothing } instance Text EBuild where disp = Disp.text . showEBuild showEBuild :: EBuild -> String showEBuild ebuild = ss "# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation". nl. ss "# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2". nl. ss "# $Header: $". nl. nl. ss ("# ebuild generated by hackport " ++ hackportVersion ebuild). nl. nl. ss "CABAL_FEATURES=". quote' (sepBy " " $ features ebuild). nl. ss "inherit haskell-cabal". nl. nl. (case my_pn ebuild of Nothing -> id Just pn -> ss "MY_PN=". quote pn. nl. ss "MY_P=". quote "${MY_PN}-${PV}". nl. nl). ss "DESCRIPTION=". quote (description ebuild). nl. ss "HOMEPAGE=". quote (homepage ebuild). nl. ss "SRC_URI=". quote (replaceVars (src_uri ebuild)). nl. nl. ss "LICENSE=". quote (convertLicense . license $ ebuild). (if null (licenseComment . license $ ebuild) then id else ss "\t#". ss (licenseComment . license $ ebuild)). nl. ss "SLOT=". quote (slot ebuild). nl. ss "KEYWORDS=". quote' (sepBy " " $ keywords ebuild).nl. ss "IUSE=". quote' (sepBy ", " $ iuse ebuild). nl. nl. dep_str "RDEPEND" (rdepend_extra ebuild) (rdepend ebuild). dep_str "DEPEND" ( depend_extra ebuild) ( depend ebuild). (case my_pn ebuild of Nothing -> id Just _ -> nl. ss "S=". quote ("${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"). nl) $ [] where replaceVars = replaceCommonVars (name ebuild) (my_pn ebuild) (version ebuild) ss :: String -> String -> String ss = showString sc :: Char -> String -> String sc = showChar nl :: String -> String nl = sc '\n' dep_str :: String -> [String] -> [Dependency] -> (String -> String) dep_str var extra deps = ss var. sc '='. quote' (sepBy "\n\t\t" $ extra ++ map display deps). nl quote :: String -> String -> String quote str = sc '"'. ss (esc str). sc '"' where esc = concatMap esc' esc' '"' = "\"" esc' c = [c] quote' :: (String -> String) -> String -> String quote' str = sc '"'. str. sc '"' sepBy :: String -> [String] -> ShowS sepBy _ [] = id sepBy _ [x] = ss x sepBy s (x:xs) = ss x. ss s. sepBy s xs getRestIfPrefix :: String -> -- ^ the prefix String -> -- ^ the string Maybe String getRestIfPrefix (p:ps) (x:xs) = if p==x then getRestIfPrefix ps xs else Nothing getRestIfPrefix [] rest = Just rest getRestIfPrefix _ [] = Nothing subStr :: String -> -- ^ the search string String -> -- ^ the string to be searched Maybe (String,String) -- ^ Just (pre,post) if string is found subStr sstr str = case getRestIfPrefix sstr str of Nothing -> if null str then Nothing else case subStr sstr (tail str) of Nothing -> Nothing Just (pre,post) -> Just (head str:pre,post) Just rest -> Just ([],rest) replaceMultiVars :: [(String,String)] -> -- ^ pairs of variable name and content String -> -- ^ string to be searched String -- ^ the result replaceMultiVars [] str = str replaceMultiVars whole@((pname,cont):rest) str = case subStr cont str of Nothing -> replaceMultiVars rest str Just (pre,post) -> (replaceMultiVars rest pre)++pname++(replaceMultiVars whole post) replaceCommonVars :: String -> -- ^ PN Maybe String -> -- ^ MYPN String -> -- ^ PV String -> -- ^ the string to be replaced String replaceCommonVars pn mypn pv str = replaceMultiVars ([("${P}",pn++"-"++pv)] ++ maybe [] (\x->[("${MY_P}",x++"-"++pv)]) mypn ++[("${PN}",pn)] ++ maybe [] (\x->[("${MY_PN}",x)]) mypn ++[("${PV}",pv)]) str -- map the cabal license type to the gentoo license string format convertLicense :: Cabal.License -> String convertLicense (Cabal.GPL mv) = "GPL-" ++ (maybe "2" display mv) -- almost certainly version 2 convertLicense (Cabal.LGPL mv) = "LGPL-" ++ (maybe "2.1" display mv) -- probably version 2.1 convertLicense Cabal.BSD3 = "BSD" convertLicense Cabal.BSD4 = "BSD-4" convertLicense Cabal.PublicDomain = "public-domain" convertLicense Cabal.AllRightsReserved = "" convertLicense Cabal.MIT = "MIT" convertLicense _ = "" licenseComment :: Cabal.License -> String licenseComment Cabal.AllRightsReserved = "Note: packages without a license cannot be included in portage" licenseComment Cabal.OtherLicense = "Fixme: \"OtherLicense\", please fill in manually" licenseComment (Cabal.UnknownLicense _) = "Fixme: license unknown to cabal" licenseComment _ = ""