module Status ( FileStatus(..) , fromStatus , status , runStatus ) where import AnsiColor import P2 import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.Char import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map as Map (Map) import qualified Data.Traversable as T -- cabal import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Simple.Utils (equating, comparing) import Distribution.Text(display) data FileStatus a = Same a | Differs a a | OverlayOnly a | PortageOnly a deriving (Show,Eq) instance Ord a => Ord (FileStatus a) where compare = comparing fromStatus instance Functor FileStatus where fmap f st = case st of Same a -> Same (f a) Differs a b -> Differs (f a) (f b) OverlayOnly a -> OverlayOnly (f a) PortageOnly a -> PortageOnly (f a) fromStatus :: FileStatus a -> a fromStatus fs = case fs of Same a -> a Differs a _ -> a -- second status is lost OverlayOnly a -> a PortageOnly a -> a status :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Map Package [FileStatus Ebuild]) status _verbosity portdir overlayPath = do overlay <- readPortageTree overlayPath portage <- readPortagePackages portdir (Map.keys overlay) let (over, both, port) = portageDiff overlay portage both' <- T.forM both $ mapM $ \e -> liftIO $ do -- can't fail, we know the ebuild exists in both portagedirs -- also, one of them is already bound to 'e' let (Just e1) = lookupEbuildWith portage (ePackage e) (equating eVersion e) (Just e2) = lookupEbuildWith overlay (ePackage e) (equating eVersion e) eq <- equals (eFilePath e1) (eFilePath e2) return $ if eq then Same e else Differs e1 e2 let meld = Map.unionsWith (\a b -> List.sort (a++b)) [ (map PortageOnly) port , both' , (map OverlayOnly) over ] return meld runStatus :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> [String] -> IO () runStatus verbosity portdir overlayPath toPortageFlag pkgs = do let pkgFilter | toPortageFlag = toPortageFilter | otherwise = id tree0 <- status verbosity portdir overlayPath let tree = pkgFilter tree0 if (null pkgs) then statusPrinter tree else forM_ pkgs $ \pkg -> do let filteredTree = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> pPackage k == pkg) tree statusPrinter filteredTree -- |Only return packages that seems interesting to sync to portage; -- -- * Ebuild differs, or -- * Newer version in overlay than in portage toPortageFilter :: Map Package [FileStatus Ebuild] -> Map Package [FileStatus Ebuild] toPortageFilter = Map.mapMaybe $ \ sts -> let inPortage = flip filter sts $ \st -> case st of OverlayOnly _ -> False _ -> True latestPortageVersion = List.maximum $ map (eVersion . fromStatus) inPortage interestingPackages = flip filter sts $ \st -> case st of Differs _ _ -> True _ | eVersion (fromStatus st) > latestPortageVersion -> True | otherwise -> False in if not (null inPortage) && not (null interestingPackages) then Just sts else Nothing statusPrinter :: Map Package [FileStatus Ebuild] -> IO () statusPrinter packages = do putStrLn $ toColor (Same "Green") ++ ": package in portage and overlay are the same" putStrLn $ toColor (Differs "Yellow" "") ++ ": package in portage and overlay differs" putStrLn $ toColor (OverlayOnly "Red") ++ ": package only exist in the overlay" putStrLn $ toColor (PortageOnly "Magenta") ++ ": package only exist in the portage tree" forM_ (Map.toAscList packages) $ \(pkg, ebuilds) -> do let (P c p) = pkg putStr $ c ++ '/' : bold p putStr " " forM_ ebuilds $ \e -> do putStr $ toColor (fmap (display . eVersion) e) putChar ' ' putStrLn "" toColor :: FileStatus String -> String toColor st = inColor c False Default (fromStatus st) where c = case st of (Same _) -> Green (Differs _ _) -> Yellow (OverlayOnly _) -> Red (PortageOnly _) -> Magenta portageDiff :: Portage -> Portage -> (Portage, Portage, Portage) portageDiff p1 p2 = (in1, ins, in2) where ins = Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.intersectionWith (List.intersectBy $ equating eVersion) p1 p2 in1 = difference p1 p2 in2 = difference p2 p1 difference x y = Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.differenceWith (\xs ys -> let lst = foldr (List.deleteBy (equating eVersion)) xs ys in if null lst then Nothing else Just lst ) x y -- | Compares two ebuilds, returns True if they are equal. -- Disregards comments. equals :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool equals fp1 fp2 = do f1 <- L.readFile fp1 f2 <- L.readFile fp2 return (equal' f1 f2) equal' :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Bool equal' = equating essence where essence = filter (not . isEmpty) . filter (not . isComment) . L.lines isComment = L.isPrefixOf (L.pack "#") . L.dropWhile isSpace isEmpty = L.null . L.dropWhile isSpace