import Test.Cabal.Prelude main = cabalTest $ do osx <- isOSX win <- isWindows -- On Travis OSX, Cabal shipped with GHC 7.8 does not work -- with error "setup: /usr/bin/ar: permission denied"; see -- also -- This is a hack to make the test not run in this case. when osx $ skipUnless =<< ghcVersionIs (>= mkVersion [7,10]) -- On Appveyor, for some reason this test fails sometimes -- due to missing symbols in Cabal 1.24. The solution is to -- use a newer version of GHC that bundles a newer version -- of Cabal, but for now, we skip. when win $ skipUnless =<< ghcVersionIs (>= mkVersion [8,2]) withSandbox $ do cabal_sandbox "add-source" ["custom"] cabal_sandbox "add-source" ["client"] -- NB: This test relies critically on the Setup script being -- built against GHC's bundled Cabal. This means that the -- output we see may vary between tests, so we don't record this. recordMode DoNotRecord $ cabal "v1-install" ["client"]