{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | -- -- @since module Distribution.PackageDescription.Quirks (patchQuirks) where import Distribution.Compat.Prelude import Distribution.Utils.MD5 import GHC.Fingerprint (Fingerprint (..)) import Prelude () import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Map as Map -- | Patch legacy @.cabal@ file contents to allow parsec parser to accept -- all of Hackage. -- -- Bool part of the result tells whether the output is modified. -- -- @since patchQuirks :: BS.ByteString -> (Bool, BS.ByteString) patchQuirks bs = case Map.lookup (BS.take 256 bs, md5 bs) patches of Nothing -> (False, bs) Just (post, f) | post /= md5 output -> (False, bs) | otherwise -> (True, output) where output = f bs -- | 'patches' contains first 256 bytes, pre- and post-fingerprints and a patch function. patches :: Map.Map (BS.ByteString, Fingerprint) (Fingerprint, BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) patches = Map.fromList -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/unicode-transforms-0.3.3 -- other-modules: . -- ReadP assumed dot is empty line [ mk "-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.17.0.\n--\n-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack\n\nname: unicode-transforms\nversion: 0.3.3\nsynopsis: Unicode normalization\ndescription: Fast Unic" (Fingerprint 15958160436627155571 10318709190730872881) (Fingerprint 11008465475756725834 13815629925116264363) (bsRemove " other-modules:\n .\n") -- TODO: remove traling \n to test structural-diff -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/DSTM-0.1.2 -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/DSTM-0.1.1 -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/DSTM-0.1 -- Other Modules: no dash -- ReadP parsed as section , mk "Name: DSTM\nVersion: 0.1.2\nCopyright: (c) 2010, Frank Kupke\nLicense: LGPL\nLicense-File: LICENSE\nAuthor: Frank Kupke\nMaintainer: frk@informatik.uni-kiel.de\nCabal-Version: >= 1.2.3\nStability: provisional\nSynopsis: A framework for using STM within distributed " (Fingerprint 6919263071548559054 9050746360708965827) (Fingerprint 17015177514298962556 11943164891661867280) (bsReplace "Other modules:" "-- ") , mk "Name: DSTM\nVersion: 0.1.1\nCopyright: (c) 2010, Frank Kupke\nLicense: LGPL\nLicense-File: LICENSE\nAuthor: Frank Kupke\nMaintainer: frk@informatik.uni-kiel.de\nCabal-Version: >= 1.2.3\nStability: provisional\nSynopsis: A framework for using STM within distributed " (Fingerprint 17313105789069667153 9610429408495338584) (Fingerprint 17250946493484671738 17629939328766863497) (bsReplace "Other modules:" "-- ") , mk "Name: DSTM\nVersion: 0.1\nCopyright: (c) 2010, Frank Kupke\nLicense: LGPL\nLicense-File: LICENSE\nAuthor: Frank Kupke\nMaintainer: frk@informatik.uni-kiel.de\nCabal-Version: >= 1.2.3\nStability: provisional\nSynopsis: A framework for using STM within distributed sy" (Fingerprint 10502599650530614586 16424112934471063115) (Fingerprint 13562014713536696107 17899511905611879358) (bsReplace "Other modules:" "-- ") -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/control-monad-exception-mtl-0.10.3 , mk "name: control-monad-exception-mtl\nversion: 0.10.3\nCabal-Version: >= 1.10\nbuild-type: Simple\nlicense: PublicDomain\nauthor: Pepe Iborra\nmaintainer: pepeiborra@gmail.com\nhomepage: http://pepeiborra.github.com/control-monad-exception\nsynopsis: MTL instances f" (Fingerprint 18274748422558568404 4043538769550834851) (Fingerprint 11395257416101232635 4303318131190196308) (bsReplace " default- extensions:" "unknown-section") -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vacuum-opengl-0.0 -- \DEL character , mk "Name: vacuum-opengl\nVersion: 0.0\nSynopsis: Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL.\nDescription: \DELVisualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL.\n " (Fingerprint 5946760521961682577 16933361639326309422) (Fingerprint 14034745101467101555 14024175957788447824) (bsRemove "\DEL") , mk "Name: vacuum-opengl\nVersion: 0.0.1\nSynopsis: Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL.\nDescription: \DELVisualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL.\n " (Fingerprint 10790950110330119503 1309560249972452700) (Fingerprint 1565743557025952928 13645502325715033593) (bsRemove "\DEL") -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ixset-1.0.4 -- {- comments -} , mk "Name: ixset\nVersion: 1.0.4\nSynopsis: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets.\nDescription:\n Create and query sets that are indexed by multiple indices.\nLicense: BSD3\nLicense-file: COPYING\nAut" (Fingerprint 11886092342440414185 4150518943472101551) (Fingerprint 5731367240051983879 17473925006273577821) (bsRemoveStarting "{-") -- : after section -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ds-kanren , mk "name: ds-kanren\nversion:\nsynopsis: A subset of the miniKanren language\ndescription:\n ds-kanren is an implementation of the language.\n .\n == What's in ds-kanren?\n .\n ['dis" (Fingerprint 2804006762382336875 9677726932108735838) (Fingerprint 9830506174094917897 12812107316777006473) (bsReplace "Test-Suite test-unify:" "Test-Suite \"test-unify:\"" . bsReplace "Test-Suite test-list-ops:" "Test-Suite \"test-list-ops:\"") , mk "name: ds-kanren\nversion:\nsynopsis: A subset of the miniKanren language\ndescription:\n ds-kanren is an implementation of the language.\n\nlicense: MIT\nlicense-file: " (Fingerprint 9130259649220396193 2155671144384738932) (Fingerprint 1847988234352024240 4597789823227580457) (bsReplace "Test-Suite test-unify:" "Test-Suite \"test-unify:\"" . bsReplace "Test-Suite test-list-ops:" "Test-Suite \"test-list-ops:\"") , mk "name: metric\nversion: 0.1.4\nsynopsis: Metric spaces.\nlicense: MIT\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Vikram Verma\nmaintainer: me@vikramverma.com\ncategory: Data\nbuild-type:" (Fingerprint 6150019278861565482 3066802658031228162) (Fingerprint 9124826020564520548 15629704249829132420) (bsReplace "test-suite metric-tests:" "test-suite \"metric-tests:\"") , mk "name: metric\nversion: 0.2.0\nsynopsis: Metric spaces.\nlicense: MIT\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Vikram Verma\nmaintainer: me@vikramverma.com\ncategory: Data\nbuild-type:" (Fingerprint 4639805967994715694 7859317050376284551) (Fingerprint 5566222290622325231 873197212916959151) (bsReplace "test-suite metric-tests:" "test-suite \"metric-tests:\"") , mk "name: phasechange\ncategory: Data\nversion: 0.1\nauthor: G\195\161bor Lehel\nmaintainer: G\195\161bor Lehel \nhomepage: http://github.com/glehel/phasechange\ncopyright: Copyright (C) 2012 G\195\161bor Lehel\nlicense: " (Fingerprint 10546509771395401582 245508422312751943) (Fingerprint 5169853482576003304 7247091607933993833) (bsReplace "impl(ghc >= 7.4):" "erroneous-section" . bsReplace "impl(ghc >= 7.6):" "erroneous-section") , mk "Name: smartword\nSynopsis: Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies\nVersion:\nHomepage: http://kyagrd.dyndns.org/~kyagrd/project/smartword/\nCategory: Web,Education\nLicense: " (Fingerprint 7803544783533485151 10807347873998191750) (Fingerprint 1665635316718752601 16212378357991151549) (bsReplace "build depends:" "--") , mk "name: shelltestrunner\n-- sync with README.md, ANNOUNCE:\nversion: 1.3\ncategory: Testing\nsynopsis: A tool for testing command-line programs.\ndescription:\n shelltestrunner is a cross-platform tool for testing command-line\n program" (Fingerprint 4403237110790078829 15392625961066653722) (Fingerprint 10218887328390239431 4644205837817510221) (bsReplace "other modules:" "--") -- &&! -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hblas- , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further \n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) \n-- " (Fingerprint 8570120150072467041 18315524331351505945) (Fingerprint 10838007242302656005 16026440017674974175) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further \n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) \n-- " (Fingerprint 5262875856214215155 10846626274067555320) (Fingerprint 3022954285783401045 13395975869915955260) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further \n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) \n-- " (Fingerprint 54222628930951453 5526514916844166577) (Fingerprint 1749630806887010665 8607076506606977549) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)\n-- fo" (Fingerprint 6817250511240350300 15278852712000783849) (Fingerprint 15757717081429529536 15542551865099640223) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)\n-- fo" (Fingerprint 8310050400349211976 201317952074418615) (Fingerprint 10283381191257209624 4231947623042413334) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)\n-- fo" (Fingerprint 7010988292906098371 11591884496857936132) (Fingerprint 6158672440010710301 6419743768695725095) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\r\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\r\n\r\n-- The name of the package.\r\nname: hblas\r\n\r\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)" (Fingerprint 2076850805659055833 16615160726215879467) (Fingerprint 10634706281258477722 5285812379517916984) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\r\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\r\n\r\n-- The name of the package.\r\nname: hblas\r\n\r\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)" (Fingerprint 11850020631622781099 11956481969231030830) (Fingerprint 13702868780337762025 13383526367149067158) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") , mk "-- Initial hblas.cabal generated by cabal init. For further\n-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/\n\n-- The name of the package.\nname: hblas\n\n-- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP)\n-- fo" (Fingerprint 13690322768477779172 19704059263540994) (Fingerprint 11189374824645442376 8363528115442591078) (bsReplace "&&!" "&& !") -- flag used, but not defined , mk "name: brainheck\nversion:\nsynopsis: Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell\ndescription: Brainh*ck interpreter written in haskell and taking advantage of many prominent libraries\nhomepage: https://gi" (Fingerprint 6910727116443152200 15401634478524888973) (Fingerprint 16551412117098094368 16260377389127603629) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: brainheck\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 1\r\nsynopsis: Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell\r\ndescription: Brainh*ck interpreter written in haskell and taking advantage of many prominent libraries\r\nhomepage: " (Fingerprint 14320987921316832277 10031098243571536929) (Fingerprint 7959395602414037224 13279941216182213050) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: brainheck\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 2\r\nsynopsis: Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell\r\ndescription: Brainh*ck interpreter written in haskell and taking advantage of many prominent libraries\r\nhomepage: " (Fingerprint 3809078390223299128 10796026010775813741) (Fingerprint 1127231189459220796 12088367524333209349) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: brainheck\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 3\r\nsynopsis: Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell\r\ndescription: Brainh*ck interpreter written in haskell and taking advantage of many prominent libraries\r\nhomepage: " (Fingerprint 13860013038089410950 12479824176801390651) (Fingerprint 4687484721703340391 8013395164515771785) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\nversion:\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to text with pandoc.\nho" (Fingerprint 16215911397419608203 15594928482155652475) (Fingerprint 15120681510314491047 2666192399775157359) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 1\r\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\r\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to te" (Fingerprint 16593139224723441188 4052919014346212001) (Fingerprint 3577381082410411593 11481899387780544641) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\nversion:\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to text with pandoc.\nho" (Fingerprint 9321301260802539374 1316392715016096607) (Fingerprint 3784628652257760949 12662640594755291035) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 1\r\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\r\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to te" (Fingerprint 2546901804824433337 2059732715322561176) (Fingerprint 8082068680348326500 615008613291421947) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\nversion:\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to text with pandoc.\nho" (Fingerprint 2282380737467965407 12457554753171662424) (Fingerprint 17324757216926991616 17172911843227482125) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: wordchoice\r\nversion:\r\nx-revision: 1\r\nsynopsis: Get word counts and distributions\r\ndescription: A command line tool to compute the word distribution from various types of document, converting to te" (Fingerprint 12907988890480595481 11078473638628359710) (Fingerprint 13246185333368731848 4663060731847518614) (bsReplace "flag(llvm-fast)" "False") , mk "name: hw-prim-bits\nversion:\nsynopsis: Primitive support for bit manipulation\ndescription: Please see README.md\nhomepage: https://github.com/githubuser/hw-prim-bits#readme\nlicense: " (Fingerprint 12386777729082870356 17414156731912743711) (Fingerprint 3452290353395041602 14102887112483033720) (bsReplace "flag(sse42)" "False") , mk "name: hw-prim-bits\nversion:\nsynopsis: Primitive support for bit manipulation\ndescription: Please see README.md\nhomepage: https://github.com/githubuser/hw-prim-bits#readme\nlicen" (Fingerprint 6870520675313101180 14553457351296240636) (Fingerprint 12481021059537696455 14711088786769892762) (bsReplace "flag(sse42)" "False") -- leading zeros in version digits -- https://github.com/haskell-infra/hackage-trustees/issues/128 -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5092 -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5138 , mk "name: Sit\nversion: 0.2017.02.26\nbuild-type: Simple\ncabal-version: >= 1.8\nlicense: OtherLicense\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Anonymous\nmaintainer: Anonymous\nhomepage: NONE\ncategory: Dependent" (Fingerprint 8458530898096910998 3228538743646501413) (Fingerprint 14470502514907936793 17514354054641875371) (bsReplace "0.2017.02.26" "0.2017.2.26") , mk "name: Sit\nversion: 0.2017.05.01\nbuild-type: Simple\ncabal-version: >= 1.8\nlicense: OtherLicense\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Andreas Abel \nmaintainer: Andreas Abel \n" (Fingerprint 1450130849535097473 11742099607098860444) (Fingerprint 16679762943850814021 4253724355613883542) (bsReplace "0.2017.05.01" "0.2017.5.1") , mk "name: Sit\nversion: 0.2017.05.02\nbuild-type: Simple\ncabal-version: >= 1.8\nlicense: OtherLicense\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Andreas Abel \nmaintainer: Andreas Abel \n" (Fingerprint 297248532398492441 17322625167861324800) (Fingerprint 634812045126693280 1755581866539318862) (bsReplace "0.2017.05.02" "0.2017.5.2") , mk "name: Sit\nversion: 0.2017.5.02\nx-revision: 1\n-- x-revision:1 see https://github.com/haskell-infra/hackage-trustees/issues/128\nbuild-type: Simple\ncabal-version: >= 1.8\nlicense: OtherLicense\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: " (Fingerprint 3697869560530373941 3942982281026987312) (Fingerprint 14344526114710295386 16386400353475114712) (bsReplace "0.2017.5.02" "0.2017.5.2") , mk "name: MiniAgda\nversion: 0.2017.02.18\nbuild-type: Simple\ncabal-version: >= 1.22\nlicense: OtherLicense\nlicense-file: LICENSE\nauthor: Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter\nmaintainer: Andreas Abel (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) -> IO () _makePatchKey fp transform = do contents <- BS.readFile fp let output = transform contents let Fingerprint hi lo = md5 contents let Fingerprint hi' lo' = md5 output putStrLn $ showString " , mk " . shows (BS.take 256 contents) . showString "\n (Fingerprint " . shows hi . showString " " . shows lo . showString ")\n (Fingerprint " . shows hi' . showString " " . shows lo' . showString ")" $ "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Patch helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bsRemove :: BS.ByteString -- ^ needle -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString bsRemove needle haystack = case BS.breakSubstring needle haystack of (h, t) -> BS.append h (BS.drop (BS.length needle) t) bsReplace :: BS.ByteString -- ^ needle -> BS.ByteString -- ^ replacement -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString bsReplace needle repl haystack = case BS.breakSubstring needle haystack of (h, t) | not (BS.null t) -> BS.append h (BS.append repl (BS.drop (BS.length needle) t)) | otherwise -> haystack bsRemoveStarting :: BS.ByteString -- ^ needle -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString bsRemoveStarting needle haystack = case BS.breakSubstring needle haystack of (h, _) -> h