# cabal v2-run Resolving dependencies... Build profile: -w ghc- -O1 In order, the following will be built: - bar-1.0 (exe:bar-exe) (first run) Configuring executable 'bar-exe' for bar-1.0.. Preprocessing executable 'bar-exe' for bar-1.0.. Building executable 'bar-exe' for bar-1.0.. # cabal v2-run Up to date # cabal v2-run Build profile: -w ghc- -O1 In order, the following will be built: - foo-1.0 (exe:foo-exe) (first run) Configuring executable 'foo-exe' for foo-1.0.. Preprocessing executable 'foo-exe' for foo-1.0.. Building executable 'foo-exe' for foo-1.0.. # cabal v2-run Build profile: -w ghc- -O1 In order, the following will be built: - bar-1.0 (exe:foo-exe) (first run) Configuring executable 'foo-exe' for bar-1.0.. Preprocessing executable 'foo-exe' for bar-1.0.. Building executable 'foo-exe' for bar-1.0.. # cabal v2-run cabal: No targets given and there is no package in the current directory. Use the target 'all' for all packages in the project or specify packages or components by name or location. See 'cabal build --help' for more details on target options. # cabal v2-run cabal: The run command is for running a single executable at once. The target 'bar' refers to the package bar-1.0 which includes the executable 'foo-exe' and the executable 'bar-exe'. # cabal v2-run cabal: Ambiguous target 'foo-exe'. It could be: bar:foo-exe (component) foo:foo-exe (component) # cabal v2-run cabal: Unknown target 'foo:bar-exe'. The package foo has no component 'bar-exe'.