{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | cabal-install CLI command: update -- module Distribution.Client.CmdUpdate ( updateCommand, updateAction, ) where import Prelude () import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions ( NixStyleFlags (..), nixStyleOptions, defaultNixStyleFlags ) import Distribution.Client.Compat.Directory ( setModificationTime ) import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig ( ProjectConfig(..) , ProjectConfigShared(projectConfigConfigFile) , projectConfigWithSolverRepoContext , withProjectOrGlobalConfig ) import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags ( ProjectFlags (..) ) import Distribution.Client.Types ( Repo(..), RepoName (..), unRepoName, RemoteRepo(..), isRepoRemote ) import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils ( DownloadResult(..) ) import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils ( downloadIndex ) import Distribution.Client.JobControl ( newParallelJobControl, spawnJob, collectJob ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( GlobalFlags, ConfigFlags(..) , UpdateFlags, defaultUpdateFlags , RepoContext(..) ) import Distribution.Simple.Flag ( fromFlagOrDefault ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die', notice, wrapText, writeFileAtomic, noticeNoWrap ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( normal, lessVerbose ) import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexState import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils ( updateRepoIndexCache, Index(..), writeIndexTimestamp , currentIndexTimestamp, indexBaseName ) import qualified Data.Maybe as Unsafe (fromJust) import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Distribution.Client.GZipUtils (maybeDecompress) import System.FilePath ((<.>), dropExtension) import Data.Time (getCurrentTime) import Distribution.Simple.Command ( CommandUI(..), usageAlternatives ) import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec updateCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags ()) updateCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "v2-update" , commandSynopsis = "Updates list of known packages." , commandUsage = usageAlternatives "v2-update" [ "[FLAGS] [REPOS]" ] , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $ "For all known remote repositories, download the package list." , commandNotes = Just $ \pname -> "REPO has the format [,] where index-state follows\n" ++ "the same format and syntax that is supported by the --index-state flag.\n\n" ++ "Examples:\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-update\n" ++ " Download the package list for all known remote repositories.\n\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-update hackage.haskell.org,@1474732068\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-update hackage.haskell.org,2016-09-24T17:47:48Z\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-update hackage.haskell.org,HEAD\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-update hackage.haskell.org\n" ++ " Download hackage.haskell.org at a specific index state.\n\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " new update hackage.haskell.org head.hackage\n" ++ " Download hackage.haskell.org and head.hackage\n" ++ " head.hackage must be a known repo-id. E.g. from\n" ++ " your cabal.project(.local) file.\n\n" ++ "Note: this command is part of the new project-based system (aka " ++ "nix-style\nlocal builds). These features are currently in beta. " ++ "Please see\n" ++ "http://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nix-local-build-overview.html " ++ "for\ndetails and advice on what you can expect to work. If you " ++ "encounter problems\nplease file issues at " ++ "https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues and if you\nhave any time " ++ "to get involved and help with testing, fixing bugs etc then\nthat " ++ "is very much appreciated.\n" -- TODO: Add ProjectFlags to NixStyleFlags, -- so project-file won't be ambiguous , commandOptions = nixStyleOptions $ const [] , commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags () } data UpdateRequest = UpdateRequest { _updateRequestRepoName :: RepoName , _updateRequestRepoState :: RepoIndexState } deriving (Show) instance Pretty UpdateRequest where pretty (UpdateRequest n s) = pretty n <<>> Disp.comma <<>> pretty s instance Parsec UpdateRequest where parsec = do name <- parsec state <- P.char ',' *> parsec <|> pure IndexStateHead return (UpdateRequest name state) updateAction :: NixStyleFlags () -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO () updateAction flags@NixStyleFlags {..} extraArgs globalFlags = do let ignoreProject = flagIgnoreProject projectFlags projectConfig <- withProjectOrGlobalConfig verbosity ignoreProject globalConfigFlag (projectConfig <$> establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig OtherCommand) (\globalConfig -> return $ globalConfig <> cliConfig) projectConfigWithSolverRepoContext verbosity (projectConfigShared projectConfig) (projectConfigBuildOnly projectConfig) $ \repoCtxt -> do let repos = filter isRepoRemote $ repoContextRepos repoCtxt repoName = remoteRepoName . repoRemote parseArg :: String -> IO UpdateRequest parseArg s = case simpleParsec s of Just r -> return r Nothing -> die' verbosity $ "'v2-update' unable to parse repo: \"" ++ s ++ "\"" updateRepoRequests <- traverse parseArg extraArgs unless (null updateRepoRequests) $ do let remoteRepoNames = map repoName repos unknownRepos = [r | (UpdateRequest r _) <- updateRepoRequests , not (r `elem` remoteRepoNames)] unless (null unknownRepos) $ die' verbosity $ "'v2-update' repo(s): \"" ++ intercalate "\", \"" (map unRepoName unknownRepos) ++ "\" can not be found in known remote repo(s): " ++ intercalate ", " (map unRepoName remoteRepoNames) let reposToUpdate :: [(Repo, RepoIndexState)] reposToUpdate = case updateRepoRequests of -- If we are not given any specific repository, update all -- repositories to HEAD. [] -> map (,IndexStateHead) repos updateRequests -> let repoMap = [(repoName r, r) | r <- repos] lookup' k = Unsafe.fromJust (lookup k repoMap) in [ (lookup' name, state) | (UpdateRequest name state) <- updateRequests ] case reposToUpdate of [] -> return () [(remoteRepo, _)] -> notice verbosity $ "Downloading the latest package list from " ++ unRepoName (repoName remoteRepo) _ -> notice verbosity . unlines $ "Downloading the latest package lists from: " : map (("- " ++) . unRepoName . repoName . fst) reposToUpdate jobCtrl <- newParallelJobControl (length reposToUpdate) traverse_ (spawnJob jobCtrl . updateRepo verbosity defaultUpdateFlags repoCtxt) reposToUpdate traverse_ (\_ -> collectJob jobCtrl) reposToUpdate where verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity configFlags) cliConfig = commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig globalFlags flags mempty -- ClientInstallFlags, not needed here globalConfigFlag = projectConfigConfigFile (projectConfigShared cliConfig) updateRepo :: Verbosity -> UpdateFlags -> RepoContext -> (Repo, RepoIndexState) -> IO () updateRepo verbosity _updateFlags repoCtxt (repo, indexState) = do transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt case repo of RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return () RepoRemote{..} -> do downloadResult <- downloadIndex transport verbosity repoRemote repoLocalDir case downloadResult of FileAlreadyInCache -> setModificationTime (indexBaseName repo <.> "tar") =<< getCurrentTime FileDownloaded indexPath -> do writeFileAtomic (dropExtension indexPath) . maybeDecompress =<< BS.readFile indexPath updateRepoIndexCache verbosity (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo) RepoSecure{} -> repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \repoSecure -> do let index = RepoIndex repoCtxt repo -- NB: This may be a nullTimestamp if we've never updated before current_ts <- currentIndexTimestamp (lessVerbose verbosity) repoCtxt repo -- NB: always update the timestamp, even if we didn't actually -- download anything writeIndexTimestamp index indexState ce <- if repoContextIgnoreExpiry repoCtxt then Just `fmap` getCurrentTime else return Nothing updated <- Sec.uncheckClientErrors $ Sec.checkForUpdates repoSecure ce let rname = remoteRepoName (repoRemote repo) -- Update cabal's internal index as well so that it's not out of sync -- (If all access to the cache goes through hackage-security this can go) case updated of Sec.NoUpdates -> do now <- getCurrentTime setModificationTime (indexBaseName repo <.> "tar") now noticeNoWrap verbosity $ "Package list of " ++ prettyShow rname ++ " is up to date at index-state " ++ prettyShow (IndexStateTime current_ts) Sec.HasUpdates -> do updateRepoIndexCache verbosity index new_ts <- currentIndexTimestamp (lessVerbose verbosity) repoCtxt repo noticeNoWrap verbosity $ "Updated package list of " ++ prettyShow rname ++ " to the index-state " ++ prettyShow (IndexStateTime new_ts) -- TODO: This will print multiple times if there are multiple -- repositories: main problem is we don't have a way of updating -- a specific repo. Once we implement that, update this. when (current_ts /= nullTimestamp) $ noticeNoWrap verbosity $ "To revert to previous state run:\n" ++ " cabal v2-update '" ++ prettyShow (UpdateRequest rname (IndexStateTime current_ts)) ++ "'\n"