{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.IndexUtils -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : duncan@community.haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Extra utils related to the package indexes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.IndexUtils ( getIndexFileAge, getInstalledPackages, indexBaseName, Configure.getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles, getSourcePackages, getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles, TotalIndexState, getSourcePackagesAtIndexState, ActiveRepos, Index(..), RepoIndexState (..), PackageEntry(..), parsePackageIndex, updateRepoIndexCache, updatePackageIndexCacheFile, writeIndexTimestamp, currentIndexTimestamp, BuildTreeRefType(..), refTypeFromTypeCode, typeCodeFromRefType ) where import Prelude () import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Index as Tar import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.ActiveRepos import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexState import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp import Distribution.Client.Types import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsecBS) import Distribution.Package ( PackageId, PackageIdentifier(..), mkPackageName , Package(..), packageVersion, packageName ) import Distribution.Types.Dependency import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( GenericPackageDescription(..) , PackageDescription(..), emptyPackageDescription ) import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( Compiler, PackageDBStack ) import Distribution.Simple.Program ( ProgramDb ) import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Configure ( getInstalledPackages, getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles ) import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName) import Distribution.Version ( Version, VersionRange, mkVersion, intersectVersionRanges ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die', warn, info, createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( RepoContext(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec ( parseGenericPackageDescription, parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe ) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as PackageDesc.Parse import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex (PackageIndex) import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Exception import Data.List (stripPrefix) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSS import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Distribution.Client.GZipUtils (maybeDecompress) import Distribution.Client.Utils ( byteStringToFilePath , tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc ) import Distribution.Utils.Structured (Structured (..), nominalStructure, structuredEncodeFile, structuredDecodeFileOrFail) import Distribution.Compat.Time (getFileAge, getModTime) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist) import System.FilePath ( (), (<.>), takeFileName, takeExtension, replaceExtension, splitDirectories, normalise, takeDirectory ) import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import Distribution.Compat.Directory (listDirectory) import Distribution.Utils.Generic (fstOf3) import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Some as Sec -- | Reduced-verbosity version of 'Configure.getInstalledPackages' getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> PackageDBStack -> ProgramDb -> IO InstalledPackageIndex getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDbs progdb = Configure.getInstalledPackages verbosity' comp packageDbs progdb where verbosity' = lessVerbose verbosity -- | Get filename base (i.e. without file extension) for index-related files -- -- /Secure/ cabal repositories use a new extended & incremental -- @01-index.tar@. In order to avoid issues resulting from clobbering -- new/old-style index data, we save them locally to different names. -- -- Example: Use @indexBaseName repo <.> "tar.gz"@ to compute the 'FilePath' of the -- @00-index.tar.gz@/@01-index.tar.gz@ file. indexBaseName :: Repo -> FilePath indexBaseName repo = repoLocalDir repo fn where fn = case repo of RepoSecure {} -> "01-index" RepoRemote {} -> "00-index" RepoLocalNoIndex {} -> "noindex" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Reading the source package index -- -- Note: 'data IndexState' is defined in -- "Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp" to avoid import cycles -- | 'IndexStateInfo' contains meta-information about the resulting -- filtered 'Cache' 'after applying 'filterCache' according to a -- requested 'IndexState'. data IndexStateInfo = IndexStateInfo { isiMaxTime :: !Timestamp -- ^ 'Timestamp' of maximum/latest 'Timestamp' in the current -- filtered view of the cache. -- -- The following property holds -- -- > filterCache (IndexState (isiMaxTime isi)) cache == (cache, isi) -- , isiHeadTime :: !Timestamp -- ^ 'Timestamp' equivalent to 'IndexStateHead', i.e. the latest -- known 'Timestamp'; 'isiHeadTime' is always greater or equal to -- 'isiMaxTime'. } emptyStateInfo :: IndexStateInfo emptyStateInfo = IndexStateInfo nullTimestamp nullTimestamp -- | Filters a 'Cache' according to an 'IndexState' -- specification. Also returns 'IndexStateInfo' describing the -- resulting index cache. -- -- Note: 'filterCache' is idempotent in the 'Cache' value filterCache :: RepoIndexState -> Cache -> (Cache, IndexStateInfo) filterCache IndexStateHead cache = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..}) where isiMaxTime = cacheHeadTs cache isiHeadTime = cacheHeadTs cache filterCache (IndexStateTime ts0) cache0 = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..}) where cache = Cache { cacheEntries = ents, cacheHeadTs = isiMaxTime } isiHeadTime = cacheHeadTs cache0 isiMaxTime = maximumTimestamp (map cacheEntryTimestamp ents) ents = filter ((<= ts0) . cacheEntryTimestamp) (cacheEntries cache0) -- | Read a repository index from disk, from the local files specified by -- a list of 'Repo's. -- -- All the 'SourcePackage's are marked as having come from the appropriate -- 'Repo'. -- -- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install. getSourcePackages :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> IO SourcePackageDb getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt = fstOf3 <$> getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt Nothing Nothing -- | Variant of 'getSourcePackages' which allows getting the source -- packages at a particular 'IndexState'. -- -- Current choices are either the latest (aka HEAD), or the index as -- it was at a particular time. -- -- Returns also the total index where repositories' -- RepoIndexState's are not HEAD. This is used in v2-freeze. -- getSourcePackagesAtIndexState :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Maybe TotalIndexState -> Maybe ActiveRepos -> IO (SourcePackageDb, TotalIndexState, ActiveRepos) getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt _ _ | null (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) = do -- In the test suite, we routinely don't have any remote package -- servers, so don't bleat about it warn (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity) $ "No remote package servers have been specified. Usually " ++ "you would have one specified in the config file." return (SourcePackageDb { packageIndex = mempty, packagePreferences = mempty }, headTotalIndexState, ActiveRepos []) getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt mb_idxState mb_activeRepos = do let describeState IndexStateHead = "most recent state" describeState (IndexStateTime time) = "historical state as of " ++ prettyShow time pkgss <- for (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) $ \r -> do let rname :: RepoName rname = case r of RepoRemote remote _ -> remoteRepoName remote RepoSecure remote _ -> remoteRepoName remote RepoLocalNoIndex local _ -> localRepoName local info verbosity ("Reading available packages of " ++ unRepoName rname ++ "...") idxState <- case mb_idxState of Just totalIdxState -> do let idxState = lookupIndexState rname totalIdxState info verbosity $ "Using " ++ describeState idxState ++ " as explicitly requested (via command line / project configuration)" return idxState Nothing -> do mb_idxState' <- readIndexTimestamp (RepoIndex repoCtxt r) case mb_idxState' of Nothing -> do info verbosity "Using most recent state (could not read timestamp file)" return IndexStateHead Just idxState -> do info verbosity $ "Using " ++ describeState idxState ++ " specified from most recent cabal update" return idxState unless (idxState == IndexStateHead) $ case r of RepoLocalNoIndex {} -> warn verbosity "index-state ignored for file+noindex repositories" RepoRemote {} -> warn verbosity ("index-state ignored for old-format (remote repository '" ++ unRepoName rname ++ "')") RepoSecure {} -> pure () let idxState' = case r of RepoSecure {} -> idxState _ -> IndexStateHead (pis,deps,isi) <- readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt r idxState' case idxState' of IndexStateHead -> do info verbosity ("index-state("++ unRepoName rname ++") = " ++ prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi)) return () IndexStateTime ts0 -> do when (isiMaxTime isi /= ts0) $ if ts0 > isiMaxTime isi then warn verbosity $ "Requested index-state " ++ prettyShow ts0 ++ " is newer than '" ++ unRepoName rname ++ "'!" ++ " Falling back to older state (" ++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ ")." else info verbosity $ "Requested index-state " ++ prettyShow ts0 ++ " does not exist in '"++ unRepoName rname ++"'!" ++ " Falling back to older state (" ++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ ")." info verbosity ("index-state("++ unRepoName rname ++") = " ++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ " (HEAD = " ++ prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi) ++ ")") pure RepoData { rdRepoName = rname , rdTimeStamp = isiMaxTime isi , rdIndex = pis , rdPreferences = deps } let activeRepos :: ActiveRepos activeRepos = fromMaybe defaultActiveRepos mb_activeRepos pkgss' <- case organizeByRepos activeRepos rdRepoName pkgss of Right x -> return x Left err -> warn verbosity err >> return (map (\x -> (x, CombineStrategyMerge)) pkgss) let activeRepos' :: ActiveRepos activeRepos' = ActiveRepos [ ActiveRepo (rdRepoName rd) strategy | (rd, strategy) <- pkgss' ] let totalIndexState :: TotalIndexState totalIndexState = makeTotalIndexState IndexStateHead $ Map.fromList [ (n, IndexStateTime ts) | (RepoData n ts _idx _prefs, _strategy) <- pkgss' ] let addIndex :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage -> (RepoData, CombineStrategy) -> PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage addIndex acc (RepoData _ _ idx _, CombineStrategyMerge) = PackageIndex.merge acc idx addIndex acc (RepoData _ _ idx _, CombineStrategyOverride) = PackageIndex.override acc idx let pkgs :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage pkgs = foldl' addIndex mempty pkgss' -- Note: preferences combined without using CombineStrategy let prefs :: Map PackageName VersionRange prefs = Map.fromListWith intersectVersionRanges [ (name, range) | (RepoData _n _ts _idx prefs', _strategy) <- pkgss' , Dependency name range _ <- prefs' ] _ <- evaluate pkgs _ <- evaluate prefs _ <- evaluate totalIndexState return (SourcePackageDb { packageIndex = pkgs, packagePreferences = prefs }, totalIndexState, activeRepos') -- auxiliary data used in getSourcePackagesAtIndexState data RepoData = RepoData { rdRepoName :: RepoName , rdTimeStamp :: Timestamp , rdIndex :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage , rdPreferences :: [Dependency] } -- | Read a repository index from disk, from the local file specified by -- the 'Repo'. -- -- All the 'SourcePackage's are marked as having come from the given 'Repo'. -- -- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install. -- readRepoIndex :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> RepoIndexState -> IO (PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo) readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt repo idxState = handleNotFound $ do when (isRepoRemote repo) $ warnIfIndexIsOld =<< getIndexFileAge repo updateRepoIndexCache verbosity (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo) readPackageIndexCacheFile verbosity mkAvailablePackage (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo) idxState where mkAvailablePackage pkgEntry = SourcePackage { srcpkgPackageId = pkgid , srcpkgDescription = pkgdesc , srcpkgSource = case pkgEntry of NormalPackage _ _ _ _ -> RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid Nothing BuildTreeRef _ _ _ path _ -> LocalUnpackedPackage path , srcpkgDescrOverride = case pkgEntry of NormalPackage _ _ pkgtxt _ -> Just pkgtxt _ -> Nothing } where pkgdesc = packageDesc pkgEntry pkgid = packageId pkgEntry handleNotFound action = catchIO action $ \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then do case repo of RepoRemote{..} -> warn verbosity $ errMissingPackageList repoRemote RepoSecure{..} -> warn verbosity $ errMissingPackageList repoRemote RepoLocalNoIndex local _ -> warn verbosity $ "Error during construction of local+noindex " ++ unRepoName (localRepoName local) ++ " repository index: " ++ show e return (mempty,mempty,emptyStateInfo) else ioError e isOldThreshold = 15 --days warnIfIndexIsOld dt = do when (dt >= isOldThreshold) $ case repo of RepoRemote{..} -> warn verbosity $ errOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt RepoSecure{..} -> warn verbosity $ errOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt RepoLocalNoIndex {} -> return () errMissingPackageList repoRemote = "The package list for '" ++ (unRepoName (remoteRepoName repoRemote)) ++ "' does not exist. Run 'hackport update' to download it." errOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt = "The package list for '" ++ unRepoName (remoteRepoName repoRemote) ++ "' is " ++ shows (floor dt :: Int) " days old.\nRun " ++ "'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages." -- | Return the age of the index file in days (as a Double). getIndexFileAge :: Repo -> IO Double getIndexFileAge repo = getFileAge $ indexBaseName repo <.> "tar" -- | A set of files (or directories) that can be monitored to detect when -- there might have been a change in the source packages. -- getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles :: [Repo] -> [FilePath] getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles repos = concat [ [ indexBaseName repo <.> "cache" , indexBaseName repo <.> "timestamp" ] | repo <- repos ] -- | It is not necessary to call this, as the cache will be updated when the -- index is read normally. However you can do the work earlier if you like. -- updateRepoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO () updateRepoIndexCache verbosity index = whenCacheOutOfDate index $ updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index whenCacheOutOfDate :: Index -> IO () -> IO () whenCacheOutOfDate index action = do exists <- doesFileExist $ cacheFile index if not exists then action else if localNoIndex index then return () -- TODO: don't update cache for local+noindex repositories else do indexTime <- getModTime $ indexFile index cacheTime <- getModTime $ cacheFile index when (indexTime > cacheTime) action localNoIndex :: Index -> Bool localNoIndex (RepoIndex _ (RepoLocalNoIndex {})) = True localNoIndex _ = False ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Reading the index file -- -- | An index entry is either a normal package, or a local build tree reference. data PackageEntry = NormalPackage PackageId GenericPackageDescription ByteString BlockNo | BuildTreeRef BuildTreeRefType PackageId GenericPackageDescription FilePath BlockNo -- | A build tree reference is either a link or a snapshot. data BuildTreeRefType = SnapshotRef | LinkRef deriving (Eq,Show,Generic) instance Binary BuildTreeRefType instance Structured BuildTreeRefType refTypeFromTypeCode :: Tar.TypeCode -> BuildTreeRefType refTypeFromTypeCode t | t == Tar.buildTreeRefTypeCode = LinkRef | t == Tar.buildTreeSnapshotTypeCode = SnapshotRef | otherwise = error "Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.refTypeFromTypeCode: unknown type code" typeCodeFromRefType :: BuildTreeRefType -> Tar.TypeCode typeCodeFromRefType LinkRef = Tar.buildTreeRefTypeCode typeCodeFromRefType SnapshotRef = Tar.buildTreeSnapshotTypeCode instance Package PackageEntry where packageId (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid packageId (BuildTreeRef _ pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid packageDesc :: PackageEntry -> GenericPackageDescription packageDesc (NormalPackage _ descr _ _) = descr packageDesc (BuildTreeRef _ _ descr _ _) = descr -- | Parse an uncompressed \"00-index.tar\" repository index file represented -- as a 'ByteString'. -- data PackageOrDep = Pkg PackageEntry | Dep Dependency -- | Read @00-index.tar.gz@ and extract @.cabal@ and @preferred-versions@ files -- -- We read the index using 'Tar.read', which gives us a lazily constructed -- 'TarEntries'. We translate it to a list of entries using 'tarEntriesList', -- which preserves the lazy nature of 'TarEntries', and finally 'concatMap' a -- function over this to translate it to a list of IO actions returning -- 'PackageOrDep's. We can use 'lazySequence' to turn this into a list of -- 'PackageOrDep's, still maintaining the lazy nature of the original tar read. parsePackageIndex :: Verbosity -> ByteString -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)] parsePackageIndex verbosity = concatMap (uncurry extract) . tarEntriesList . Tar.read where extract :: BlockNo -> Tar.Entry -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)] extract blockNo entry = tryExtractPkg ++ tryExtractPrefs where tryExtractPkg = do mkPkgEntry <- maybeToList $ extractPkg verbosity entry blockNo return $ fmap (fmap Pkg) mkPkgEntry tryExtractPrefs = do prefs' <- maybeToList $ extractPrefs entry fmap (return . Just . Dep) prefs' -- | Turn the 'Entries' data structure from the @tar@ package into a list, -- and pair each entry with its block number. -- -- NOTE: This preserves the lazy nature of 'Entries': the tar file is only read -- as far as the list is evaluated. tarEntriesList :: Show e => Tar.Entries e -> [(BlockNo, Tar.Entry)] tarEntriesList = go 0 where go !_ Tar.Done = [] go !_ (Tar.Fail e) = error ("tarEntriesList: " ++ show e) go !n (Tar.Next e es') = (n, e) : go (Tar.nextEntryOffset e n) es' extractPkg :: Verbosity -> Tar.Entry -> BlockNo -> Maybe (IO (Maybe PackageEntry)) extractPkg verbosity entry blockNo = case Tar.entryContent entry of Tar.NormalFile content _ | takeExtension fileName == ".cabal" -> case splitDirectories (normalise fileName) of [pkgname,vers,_] -> case simpleParsec vers of Just ver -> Just . return $ Just (NormalPackage pkgid descr content blockNo) where pkgid = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName pkgname) ver parsed = parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe (BS.toStrict content) descr = case parsed of Just d -> d Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't read cabal file " ++ show fileName _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing Tar.OtherEntryType typeCode content _ | Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typeCode -> Just $ do let path = byteStringToFilePath content dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path result <- if not dirExists then return Nothing else do cabalFile <- tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity path "Error reading package index." descr <- PackageDesc.Parse.readGenericPackageDescription normal cabalFile return . Just $ BuildTreeRef (refTypeFromTypeCode typeCode) (packageId descr) descr path blockNo return result _ -> Nothing where fileName = Tar.entryPath entry extractPrefs :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe [Dependency] extractPrefs entry = case Tar.entryContent entry of {- -- get rid of hackage's preferred-versions -- I'd like to have bleeding-edge packages in system and I don't fear of -- broken packages with improper depends Tar.NormalFile content _ | FilePath.Posix.takeFileName entrypath == "preferred-versions" -> Just prefs where entrypath = Tar.entryPath entry prefs = parsePreferredVersions content -} _ -> Nothing parsePreferredVersions :: ByteString -> [Dependency] parsePreferredVersions = mapMaybe simpleParsec . filter (not . isPrefixOf "--") . lines . BS.Char8.unpack -- TODO: Are we sure no unicode? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Reading and updating the index cache -- -- | Variation on 'sequence' which evaluates the actions lazily -- -- Pattern matching on the result list will execute just the first action; -- more generally pattern matching on the first @n@ '(:)' nodes will execute -- the first @n@ actions. lazySequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a] lazySequence = unsafeInterleaveIO . go where go [] = return [] go (x:xs) = do x' <- x xs' <- lazySequence xs return (x' : xs') -- | A lazy unfolder for lookup operations which return the current -- value and (possibly) the next key lazyUnfold :: (k -> IO (v, Maybe k)) -> k -> IO [(k,v)] lazyUnfold step = goLazy . Just where goLazy s = unsafeInterleaveIO (go s) go Nothing = return [] go (Just k) = do (v, mk') <- step k vs' <- goLazy mk' return ((k,v):vs') -- | Which index do we mean? data Index = -- | The main index for the specified repository RepoIndex RepoContext Repo -- | A sandbox-local repository -- Argument is the location of the index file | SandboxIndex FilePath indexFile :: Index -> FilePath indexFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "tar" indexFile (SandboxIndex index) = index cacheFile :: Index -> FilePath cacheFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "cache" cacheFile (SandboxIndex index) = index `replaceExtension` "cache" timestampFile :: Index -> FilePath timestampFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "timestamp" timestampFile (SandboxIndex index) = index `replaceExtension` "timestamp" -- | Return 'True' if 'Index' uses 01-index format (aka secure repo) is01Index :: Index -> Bool is01Index (RepoIndex _ repo) = case repo of RepoSecure {} -> True RepoRemote {} -> False RepoLocalNoIndex {} -> True is01Index (SandboxIndex _) = False updatePackageIndexCacheFile :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO () updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index = do info verbosity ("Updating index cache file " ++ cacheFile index ++ " ...") withIndexEntries verbosity index callback callbackNoIndex where callback entries = do let !maxTs = maximumTimestamp (map cacheEntryTimestamp entries) cache = Cache { cacheHeadTs = maxTs , cacheEntries = entries } writeIndexCache index cache info verbosity ("Index cache updated to index-state " ++ prettyShow (cacheHeadTs cache)) callbackNoIndex entries = do writeNoIndexCache verbosity index $ NoIndexCache entries info verbosity "Index cache updated" -- | Read the index (for the purpose of building a cache) -- -- The callback is provided with list of cache entries, which is guaranteed to -- be lazily constructed. This list must ONLY be used in the scope of the -- callback; when the callback is terminated the file handle to the index will -- be closed and further attempts to read from the list will result in (pure) -- I/O exceptions. -- -- In the construction of the index for a secure repo we take advantage of the -- index built by the @hackage-security@ library to avoid reading the @.tar@ -- file as much as possible (we need to read it only to extract preferred -- versions). This helps performance, but is also required for correctness: -- the new @01-index.tar.gz@ may have multiple versions of preferred-versions -- files, and 'parsePackageIndex' does not correctly deal with that (see #2956); -- by reading the already-built cache from the security library we will be sure -- to only read the latest versions of all files. -- -- TODO: It would be nicer if we actually incrementally updated @cabal@'s -- cache, rather than reconstruct it from zero on each update. However, this -- would require a change in the cache format. withIndexEntries :: Verbosity -> Index -> ([IndexCacheEntry] -> IO a) -> ([NoIndexCacheEntry] -> IO a) -> IO a withIndexEntries _ (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo@RepoSecure{}) callback _ = repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \repoSecure -> Sec.withIndex repoSecure $ \Sec.IndexCallbacks{..} -> do -- Incrementally (lazily) read all the entries in the tar file in order, -- including all revisions, not just the last revision of each file indexEntries <- lazyUnfold indexLookupEntry (Sec.directoryFirst indexDirectory) callback [ cacheEntry | (dirEntry, indexEntry) <- indexEntries , cacheEntry <- toCacheEntries dirEntry indexEntry ] where toCacheEntries :: Sec.DirectoryEntry -> Sec.Some Sec.IndexEntry -> [IndexCacheEntry] toCacheEntries dirEntry (Sec.Some sie) = case Sec.indexEntryPathParsed sie of Nothing -> [] -- skip unrecognized file Just (Sec.IndexPkgMetadata _pkgId) -> [] -- skip metadata Just (Sec.IndexPkgCabal pkgId) -> force [CachePackageId pkgId blockNo timestamp] Just (Sec.IndexPkgPrefs _pkgName) -> force [ CachePreference dep blockNo timestamp | dep <- parsePreferredVersions (Sec.indexEntryContent sie) ] where blockNo = Sec.directoryEntryBlockNo dirEntry timestamp = fromMaybe (error "withIndexEntries: invalid timestamp") $ epochTimeToTimestamp $ Sec.indexEntryTime sie withIndexEntries verbosity (RepoIndex _repoCtxt (RepoLocalNoIndex (LocalRepo name localDir _) _cacheDir)) _ callback = do dirContents <- listDirectory localDir let contentSet = Set.fromList dirContents entries <- handle handler $ fmap catMaybes $ for dirContents $ \file -> do case isTarGz file of Nothing -> do unless (takeFileName file == "noindex.cache" || ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` file) $ info verbosity $ "Skipping " ++ file return Nothing Just pkgid | cabalPath `Set.member` contentSet -> do contents <- BSS.readFile (localDir cabalPath) for (parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe contents) $ \gpd -> return (CacheGPD gpd contents) where cabalPath = prettyShow pkgid ++ ".cabal" Just pkgId -> do -- check for the right named .cabal file in the compressed tarball tarGz <- BS.readFile (localDir file) let tar = GZip.decompress tarGz entries = Tar.read tar case Tar.foldEntries (readCabalEntry pkgId) Nothing (const Nothing) entries of Just ce -> return (Just ce) Nothing -> die' verbosity $ "Cannot read .cabal file inside " ++ file info verbosity $ "Entries in file+noindex repository " ++ unRepoName name for_ entries $ \(CacheGPD gpd _) -> info verbosity $ "- " ++ prettyShow (package $ Distribution.PackageDescription.packageDescription gpd) callback entries where handler :: IOException -> IO a handler e = die' verbosity $ "Error while updating index for " ++ unRepoName name ++ " repository " ++ show e isTarGz :: FilePath -> Maybe PackageIdentifier isTarGz fp = do pfx <- stripSuffix ".tar.gz" fp simpleParsec pfx stripSuffix sfx str = fmap reverse (stripPrefix (reverse sfx) (reverse str)) -- look for /.cabal inside the tarball readCabalEntry :: PackageIdentifier -> Tar.Entry -> Maybe NoIndexCacheEntry -> Maybe NoIndexCacheEntry readCabalEntry pkgId entry Nothing | filename == Tar.entryPath entry , Tar.NormalFile contents _ <- Tar.entryContent entry = let bs = BS.toStrict contents in fmap (\gpd -> CacheGPD gpd bs) $ parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe bs where filename = prettyShow pkgId FilePath.Posix. prettyShow (packageName pkgId) ++ ".cabal" readCabalEntry _ _ x = x withIndexEntries verbosity index callback _ = do -- non-secure repositories withFile (indexFile index) ReadMode $ \h -> do bs <- maybeDecompress `fmap` BS.hGetContents h pkgsOrPrefs <- lazySequence $ parsePackageIndex verbosity bs callback $ map toCache (catMaybes pkgsOrPrefs) where toCache :: PackageOrDep -> IndexCacheEntry toCache (Pkg (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ blockNo)) = CachePackageId pkgid blockNo nullTimestamp toCache (Pkg (BuildTreeRef refType _ _ _ blockNo)) = CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockNo toCache (Dep d) = CachePreference d 0 nullTimestamp readPackageIndexCacheFile :: Package pkg => Verbosity -> (PackageEntry -> pkg) -> Index -> RepoIndexState -> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo) readPackageIndexCacheFile verbosity mkPkg index idxState | localNoIndex index = do cache0 <- readNoIndexCache verbosity index pkgs <- packageNoIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg cache0 pure (pkgs, [], emptyStateInfo) | otherwise = do cache0 <- readIndexCache verbosity index indexHnd <- openFile (indexFile index) ReadMode let (cache,isi) = filterCache idxState cache0 (pkgs,deps) <- packageIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg indexHnd cache pure (pkgs,deps,isi) packageIndexFromCache :: Package pkg => Verbosity -> (PackageEntry -> pkg) -> Handle -> Cache -> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency]) packageIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd cache = do (pkgs, prefs) <- packageListFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd cache pkgIndex <- evaluate $ PackageIndex.fromList pkgs return (pkgIndex, prefs) packageNoIndexFromCache :: forall pkg. Package pkg => Verbosity -> (PackageEntry -> pkg) -> NoIndexCache -> IO (PackageIndex pkg) packageNoIndexFromCache _verbosity mkPkg cache = evaluate $ PackageIndex.fromList pkgs where pkgs = [ mkPkg $ NormalPackage pkgId gpd (BS.fromStrict bs) 0 | CacheGPD gpd bs <- noIndexCacheEntries cache , let pkgId = package $ Distribution.PackageDescription.packageDescription gpd ] -- | Read package list -- -- The result package releases and preference entries are guaranteed -- to be unique. -- -- Note: 01-index.tar is an append-only index and therefore contains -- all .cabal edits and preference-updates. The masking happens -- here, i.e. the semantics that later entries in a tar file mask -- earlier ones is resolved in this function. packageListFromCache :: Verbosity -> (PackageEntry -> pkg) -> Handle -> Cache -> IO ([pkg], [Dependency]) packageListFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd Cache{..} = accum mempty [] mempty cacheEntries where accum !srcpkgs btrs !prefs [] = return (Map.elems srcpkgs ++ btrs, Map.elems prefs) accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CachePackageId pkgid blockno _ : entries) = do -- Given the cache entry, make a package index entry. -- The magic here is that we use lazy IO to read the .cabal file -- from the index tarball if it turns out that we need it. -- Most of the time we only need the package id. ~(pkg, pkgtxt) <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ do pkgtxt <- getEntryContent blockno pkg <- readPackageDescription pkgid pkgtxt return (pkg, pkgtxt) let srcpkg = mkPkg (NormalPackage pkgid pkg pkgtxt blockno) accum (Map.insert pkgid srcpkg srcpkgs) btrs prefs entries accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockno : entries) = do -- We have to read the .cabal file eagerly here because we can't cache the -- package id for build tree references - the user might edit the .cabal -- file after the reference was added to the index. path <- liftM byteStringToFilePath . getEntryContent $ blockno pkg <- do let err = "Error reading package index from cache." file <- tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity path err PackageDesc.Parse.readGenericPackageDescription normal file let srcpkg = mkPkg (BuildTreeRef refType (packageId pkg) pkg path blockno) accum srcpkgs (srcpkg:btrs) prefs entries accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CachePreference pref@(Dependency pn _ _) _ _ : entries) = accum srcpkgs btrs (Map.insert pn pref prefs) entries getEntryContent :: BlockNo -> IO ByteString getEntryContent blockno = do entry <- Tar.hReadEntry hnd blockno case Tar.entryContent entry of Tar.NormalFile content _size -> return content Tar.OtherEntryType typecode content _size | Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typecode -> return content _ -> interror "unexpected tar entry type" readPackageDescription :: PackageIdentifier -> ByteString -> IO GenericPackageDescription readPackageDescription pkgid content = case snd $ PackageDesc.Parse.runParseResult $ parseGenericPackageDescription $ BS.toStrict content of Right gpd -> return gpd Left (Just specVer, _) | specVer >= mkVersion [2,2] -> return (dummyPackageDescription specVer) Left _ -> interror "failed to parse .cabal file" where dummyPackageDescription :: Version -> GenericPackageDescription dummyPackageDescription specVer = GenericPackageDescription { packageDescription = emptyPackageDescription { package = pkgid , synopsis = dummySynopsis } , gpdScannedVersion = Just specVer -- tells index scanner to skip this file. , genPackageFlags = [] , condLibrary = Nothing , condSubLibraries = [] , condForeignLibs = [] , condExecutables = [] , condTestSuites = [] , condBenchmarks = [] } dummySynopsis = "" interror :: String -> IO a interror msg = die' verbosity $ "internal error when reading package index: " ++ msg ++ "The package index or index cache is probably " ++ "corrupt. Running 'hackport update' might fix it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Index cache data structure -- -- | Read the 'Index' cache from the filesystem -- -- If a corrupted index cache is detected this function regenerates -- the index cache and then reattempt to read the index once (and -- 'die's if it fails again). readIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO Cache readIndexCache verbosity index = do cacheOrFail <- readIndexCache' index case cacheOrFail of Left msg -> do warn verbosity $ concat [ "Parsing the index cache failed (", msg, "). " , "Trying to regenerate the index cache..." ] updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index either (die' verbosity) (return . hashConsCache) =<< readIndexCache' index Right res -> return (hashConsCache res) readNoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO NoIndexCache readNoIndexCache verbosity index = do cacheOrFail <- readNoIndexCache' index case cacheOrFail of Left msg -> do warn verbosity $ concat [ "Parsing the index cache failed (", msg, "). " , "Trying to regenerate the index cache..." ] updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index either (die' verbosity) return =<< readNoIndexCache' index -- we don't hash cons local repository cache, they are hopefully small Right res -> return res -- | Read the 'Index' cache from the filesystem without attempting to -- regenerate on parsing failures. readIndexCache' :: Index -> IO (Either String Cache) readIndexCache' index | is01Index index = structuredDecodeFileOrFail (cacheFile index) | otherwise = liftM (Right .read00IndexCache) $ BSS.readFile (cacheFile index) readNoIndexCache' :: Index -> IO (Either String NoIndexCache) readNoIndexCache' index = structuredDecodeFileOrFail (cacheFile index) -- | Write the 'Index' cache to the filesystem writeIndexCache :: Index -> Cache -> IO () writeIndexCache index cache | is01Index index = structuredEncodeFile (cacheFile index) cache | otherwise = writeFile (cacheFile index) (show00IndexCache cache) writeNoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> NoIndexCache -> IO () writeNoIndexCache verbosity index cache = do let path = cacheFile index createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory path) structuredEncodeFile path cache -- | Write the 'IndexState' to the filesystem writeIndexTimestamp :: Index -> RepoIndexState -> IO () writeIndexTimestamp index st = writeFile (timestampFile index) (prettyShow st) -- | Read out the "current" index timestamp, i.e., what -- timestamp you would use to revert to this version currentIndexTimestamp :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> IO Timestamp currentIndexTimestamp verbosity repoCtxt r = do mb_is <- readIndexTimestamp (RepoIndex repoCtxt r) case mb_is of Just (IndexStateTime ts) -> return ts _ -> do (_,_,isi) <- readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt r IndexStateHead return (isiHeadTime isi) -- | Read the 'IndexState' from the filesystem readIndexTimestamp :: Index -> IO (Maybe RepoIndexState) readIndexTimestamp index = fmap simpleParsec (readFile (timestampFile index)) `catchIO` \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return Nothing else ioError e -- | Optimise sharing of equal values inside 'Cache' -- -- c.f. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_consing hashConsCache :: Cache -> Cache hashConsCache cache0 = cache0 { cacheEntries = go mempty mempty (cacheEntries cache0) } where -- TODO/NOTE: -- -- If/when we redo the binary serialisation via e.g. CBOR and we -- are able to use incremental decoding, we may want to move the -- hash-consing into the incremental deserialisation, or -- alterantively even do something like -- http://cbor.schmorp.de/value-sharing -- go _ _ [] = [] -- for now we only optimise only CachePackageIds since those -- represent the vast majority go !pns !pvs (CachePackageId pid bno ts : rest) = CachePackageId pid' bno ts : go pns' pvs' rest where !pid' = PackageIdentifier pn' pv' (!pn',!pns') = mapIntern pn pns (!pv',!pvs') = mapIntern pv pvs PackageIdentifier pn pv = pid go pns pvs (x:xs) = x : go pns pvs xs mapIntern :: Ord k => k -> Map.Map k k -> (k,Map.Map k k) mapIntern k m = maybe (k,Map.insert k k m) (\k' -> (k',m)) (Map.lookup k m) -- | Cabal caches various information about the Hackage index data Cache = Cache { cacheHeadTs :: Timestamp -- ^ maximum/latest 'Timestamp' among 'cacheEntries'; unless the -- invariant of 'cacheEntries' being in chronological order is -- violated, this corresponds to the last (seen) 'Timestamp' in -- 'cacheEntries' , cacheEntries :: [IndexCacheEntry] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance NFData Cache where rnf = rnf . cacheEntries -- | Cache format for 'file+noindex' repositories newtype NoIndexCache = NoIndexCache { noIndexCacheEntries :: [NoIndexCacheEntry] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance NFData NoIndexCache where rnf = rnf . noIndexCacheEntries -- | Tar files are block structured with 512 byte blocks. Every header and file -- content starts on a block boundary. -- type BlockNo = Word32 -- Tar.TarEntryOffset data IndexCacheEntry = CachePackageId PackageId !BlockNo !Timestamp | CachePreference Dependency !BlockNo !Timestamp | CacheBuildTreeRef !BuildTreeRefType !BlockNo -- NB: CacheBuildTreeRef is irrelevant for 01-index & v2-build deriving (Eq,Show,Generic) data NoIndexCacheEntry = CacheGPD GenericPackageDescription !BSS.ByteString deriving (Eq,Show,Generic) instance NFData IndexCacheEntry where rnf (CachePackageId pkgid _ _) = rnf pkgid rnf (CachePreference dep _ _) = rnf dep rnf (CacheBuildTreeRef _ _) = () instance NFData NoIndexCacheEntry where rnf (CacheGPD gpd bs) = rnf gpd `seq` rnf bs cacheEntryTimestamp :: IndexCacheEntry -> Timestamp cacheEntryTimestamp (CacheBuildTreeRef _ _) = nullTimestamp cacheEntryTimestamp (CachePreference _ _ ts) = ts cacheEntryTimestamp (CachePackageId _ _ ts) = ts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- new binary 01-index.cache format instance Binary Cache instance Binary IndexCacheEntry instance Binary NoIndexCache instance Structured Cache instance Structured IndexCacheEntry instance Structured NoIndexCache -- | We need to save only .cabal file contents instance Binary NoIndexCacheEntry where put (CacheGPD _ bs) = put bs get = do bs <- get case parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe bs of Just gpd -> return (CacheGPD gpd bs) Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse GPD" instance Structured NoIndexCacheEntry where structure = nominalStructure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- legacy 00-index.cache format packageKey, blocknoKey, buildTreeRefKey, preferredVersionKey :: String packageKey = "pkg:" blocknoKey = "b#" buildTreeRefKey = "build-tree-ref:" preferredVersionKey = "pref-ver:" -- legacy 00-index.cache format read00IndexCache :: BSS.ByteString -> Cache read00IndexCache bs = Cache { cacheHeadTs = nullTimestamp , cacheEntries = mapMaybe read00IndexCacheEntry $ BSS.lines bs } read00IndexCacheEntry :: BSS.ByteString -> Maybe IndexCacheEntry read00IndexCacheEntry = \line -> case BSS.words line of [key, pkgnamestr, pkgverstr, sep, blocknostr] | key == BSS.pack packageKey && sep == BSS.pack blocknoKey -> case (parseName pkgnamestr, parseVer pkgverstr [], parseBlockNo blocknostr) of (Just pkgname, Just pkgver, Just blockno) -> Just (CachePackageId (PackageIdentifier pkgname pkgver) blockno nullTimestamp) _ -> Nothing [key, typecodestr, blocknostr] | key == BSS.pack buildTreeRefKey -> case (parseRefType typecodestr, parseBlockNo blocknostr) of (Just refType, Just blockno) -> Just (CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockno) _ -> Nothing (key: remainder) | key == BSS.pack preferredVersionKey -> do pref <- simpleParsecBS (BSS.unwords remainder) return $ CachePreference pref 0 nullTimestamp _ -> Nothing where parseName str | BSS.all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') str = Just (mkPackageName (BSS.unpack str)) | otherwise = Nothing parseVer str vs = case BSS.readInt str of Nothing -> Nothing Just (v, str') -> case BSS.uncons str' of Just ('.', str'') -> parseVer str'' (v:vs) Just _ -> Nothing Nothing -> Just (mkVersion (reverse (v:vs))) parseBlockNo str = case BSS.readInt str of Just (blockno, remainder) | BSS.null remainder -> Just (fromIntegral blockno) _ -> Nothing parseRefType str = case BSS.uncons str of Just (typeCode, remainder) | BSS.null remainder && Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typeCode -> Just (refTypeFromTypeCode typeCode) _ -> Nothing -- legacy 00-index.cache format show00IndexCache :: Cache -> String show00IndexCache Cache{..} = unlines $ map show00IndexCacheEntry cacheEntries show00IndexCacheEntry :: IndexCacheEntry -> String show00IndexCacheEntry entry = unwords $ case entry of CachePackageId pkgid b _ -> [ packageKey , prettyShow (packageName pkgid) , prettyShow (packageVersion pkgid) , blocknoKey , show b ] CacheBuildTreeRef tr b -> [ buildTreeRefKey , [typeCodeFromRefType tr] , show b ] CachePreference dep _ _ -> [ preferredVersionKey , prettyShow dep ]