#ifndef _COST_MATRIX_WRAPPER_H #define _COST_MATRIX_WRAPPER_H #include #include "dynamicCharacterOperations.h" /** Initialize a matrix (fill in all values for non-ambiguous character transition costs) using a TCM sent in from an outside source. */ costMatrix_p matrixInit(size_t alphSize, int *tcm); /** C wrapper for cpp destructor */ void matrixDestroy(costMatrix_p untyped_ptr); /** Like getCost, but also returns a pointer to a median value. */ int getCostAndMedian(dcElement_t *elem1, dcElement_t *elem2, dcElement_t *retElem, costMatrix_p tcm); /** Following three fns are C references to cpp functions found in costMatrix.cpp */ costMatrix_p construct_CostMatrix_C(size_t alphSize, int *tcm); void destruct_CostMatrix_C(costMatrix_p mytype); int call_getSetCost_C(costMatrix_p untyped_self, dcElement_t *left, dcElement_t *right, dcElement_t *retMedian); #endif // _COST_MATRIX_WRAPPER_H