synopsis: Backported to 3.2 packages: Cabal-internal prs: -- solver #5918 #6447 -- buildinfo generator #6258 -- bump version #6426 -- cabal install -z #6428 -- incomplete-uni-patterns #6433 -- packages/optional packages empty #6436 -- file+noindex #6448 -- documentation #6450 #6464 #6473 #6546 -- bounds #6455 -- safe functions #6456 -- Improve few internalErrors in InstallPlan #6439 -- v2-run -z #6457 -- test fixes #6463 #6499 #6518 -- CI #6469 -- show full abi hash #6498 #6496 #6476 -- Create distTempDirectory in withTempEnvFile #6501 -- cabal_macros.h zinza -- TODO: check whether it made to 3.2 -- issue: #6533 #6502 #6535 -- disallow spaces around : in dependency #6538 -- pkg-config #6540 #6541