module Portage.MetadataSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Portage.Metadata spec :: Spec spec = do describe "pureMetadataFromFile" $ do it "returns Nothing from an empty Text" $ do pureMetadataFromFile T.empty `shouldBe` Nothing it "equals makeMinimalMetadata with no USE flags" $ do pureMetadataFromFile (makeDefaultMetadata Map.empty) `shouldBe` Just makeMinimalMetadata it "equals makeMinimalMetadata plus the supplied USE flags" $ do let flags = Map.singleton "name" "description" pureMetadataFromFile (makeDefaultMetadata flags) `shouldBe` Just (makeMinimalMetadata { metadataUseFlags = flags }) describe "stripGlobalUseFlags" $ do it "should remove specified global USE flags from the metadata.xml" $ do stripGlobalUseFlags (Map.singleton "debug" "description") `shouldBe` Map.empty stripGlobalUseFlags (Map.singleton "examples" "description") `shouldBe` Map.empty stripGlobalUseFlags (Map.singleton "static" "description") `shouldBe` Map.empty prop "should ignore USE flags that are not specified as global" $ do \name description -> stripGlobalUseFlags (Map.singleton name description) == if name `elem` ["debug","examples","static"] then Map.empty else Map.singleton name description describe "prettyPrintFlags" $ do it "correctly handles special XML characters contained in strings" $ do let name = "foo" desc = "bar < 1.1.0" in prettyPrintFlags (Map.singleton name desc) `shouldBe` ["\t\t" ++ "bar < 1.1.0" ++ ""] it "correctly formats a single USE flag name with its description" $ do let name = "foo" description = "bar" in prettyPrintFlags (Map.singleton name description) `shouldBe` ["\t\t" ++ (L.intercalate " " . lines $ description) ++ ""] it "correctly formats multiple USE flag names with their descriptions" $ do let f1 = "flag1" f2 = "flag2" d1 = "foo_desc" d2 = "bar_desc" in prettyPrintFlags (Map.fromList [(f1,d1),(f2,d2)]) `shouldBe` ["\t\t" ++ (L.intercalate " " . lines $ d1) ++ "" , "\t\t" ++ (L.intercalate " " . lines $ d2) ++ ""] prop "should have a length equal to the number of USE flags" $ do \flags -> length (prettyPrintFlags flags) == Map.size flags describe "makeDefaultMetadata" $ do context "when writing a minimal metadata.xml with no USE flags" $ do it "should have a certain number of lines" $ do -- This is the number of lines in a skeleton metadata.xml. -- If it does not equal this number, the formatting may be wrong. length (T.lines (makeDefaultMetadata Map.empty)) `shouldBe` 8 it "should have a certain format" $ do let correctMetadata = T.pack $ unlines [ "" , "" , "" , "\t" , "\t\" , "\t\tGentoo Haskell" , "\t" , "" ] in makeDefaultMetadata Map.empty `shouldBe` correctMetadata context "when writing a metadata.xml with USE flags" $ do it "should have a certain number of lines" $ do let flags = Map.singleton "name" "description" in length (T.lines (makeDefaultMetadata flags)) `shouldBe` 10 + (Map.size flags) it "should have a certain format, including the element" $ do let flags = Map.fromList [("flag1","desc1"),("flag2","desc2")] correctMetadata = T.pack $ unlines [ "" , "" , "" , "\t" , "\t\" , "\t\tGentoo Haskell" , "\t" , "\t" , "\t\tdesc1" , "\t\tdesc2" , "\t" , "" ] in makeDefaultMetadata flags `shouldBe` correctMetadata