hails-0.1.1: IFC enforcing web platform framework

Safe HaskellUnsafe




iterIOtoIterLIO :: (LabelState l p s, ChunkData t) => Iter t IO a -> Iter t (LIO l p s) aSource

Lift the underlying monad of an Iter from IO to LIO.

ioIterRtoLIO :: (LabelState l p s, ChunkData t) => IterR t IO a -> IterR t (LIO l p s) aSource

Lift the underlying monad of an IterR from IO to LIO.

onumIOtoOnumLIO :: LabelState l p s => Onum L IO L -> Onum L (LIO l p s) aSource

Lift the underlying monad of an Inum from IO to LIO.

inumIOtoInumLIO :: (ChunkData tIn, ChunkData tOut) => Inum tIn tOut IO a -> LIOstate DCLabel TCBPriv () -> Inum tIn tOut DC aSource