, KindSignatures
           , DataKinds
           , FlexibleContexts
           , UndecidableInstances

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2016.02.21
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.Pretty.Haskell
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
module Language.Hakaru.Pretty.Haskell
    -- * The user-facing API
    , prettyPrec
    , prettyAssoc
    , prettyPrecAssoc

    -- * Helper functions (semi-public internal API)
    , ppVariable
    , ppVariables
    , ppBinder
    , ppCoerceTo
    , ppUnsafeFrom
    , ppRatio
    , Associativity(..)
    , ppBinop
    , Pretty(..)
    ) where
import           Data.Ratio
import           Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, (<>), (<+>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint   as PP
import qualified Data.Foldable      as F
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import qualified Data.Text          as Text
import qualified Data.Sequence      as Seq -- Because older versions of "Data.Foldable" do not export 'null' apparently...

import Data.Number.Nat                 (fromNat)
import Data.Number.Natural             (fromNatural)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses (fmap11, foldMap11, List1(..))
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Coercion
import Language.Hakaru.Types.HClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT

-- | Pretty-print a term.
pretty :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Doc
pretty = prettyPrec 0

-- | Pretty-print a term at a given precendence level.
prettyPrec :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> abt '[] a -> Doc
prettyPrec p = toDoc . prettyPrec_ p . LC_

-- | Pretty-print a variable\/term association pair.
prettyAssoc :: (ABT Term abt) => Assoc (abt '[]) -> Doc
prettyAssoc = prettyPrecAssoc 0

-- | Pretty-print an association at a given precendence level.
prettyPrecAssoc :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> Assoc (abt '[]) -> Doc
prettyPrecAssoc p (Assoc x e) =
    toDoc $ ppFun p "Assoc"
        [ ppVariable x
        , prettyPrec 11 e

class Pretty (f :: Hakaru -> *) where
    -- | A polymorphic variant if 'prettyPrec', for internal use.
    prettyPrec_ :: Int -> f a -> Docs

type Docs = [Doc] 

-- So far as I can tell from the documentation, if the input is a singleton list then the result is the same as that singleton.
toDoc :: Docs -> Doc
toDoc = PP.sep

-- | Pretty-print a variable.
ppVariable :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> Doc
ppVariable x = hint <> (PP.int . fromNat . varID) x
        | Text.null (varHint x) = PP.char 'x' -- We used to use '_' but...
        | otherwise             = (PP.text . Text.unpack . varHint) x

-- | Pretty-print a list of variables as a list of variables. N.B., the output is not valid Haskell code since it uses the special built-in list syntax rather than using the 'List1' constructors...
ppVariables :: List1 Variable (xs :: [Hakaru]) -> Docs
ppVariables = ppList . go
    go :: List1 Variable (xs :: [Hakaru]) -> Docs
    go Nil1         = []
    go (Cons1 x xs) = ppVariable x : go xs

-- | Pretty-print Hakaru binders as a Haskell lambda, as per our HOAS API.
ppBinder :: (ABT Term abt) => abt xs a -> Docs
ppBinder e =
    case go [] (viewABT e) of
    ([],  body) -> body
    (vars,body) -> PP.char '\\' <+> PP.sep vars <+> PP.text "->" : body
    go :: (ABT Term abt) => [Doc] -> View (Term abt) xs a -> ([Doc],Docs)
    go xs (Syn  t)   = (reverse xs, prettyPrec_ 0 (LC_ (syn t)))
    go xs (Var  x)   = (reverse xs, [ppVariable x])
    go xs (Bind x v) =
        -- HACK: how can we avoid calling 'unviewABT' here?
        let x' = if True -- x `memberVarSet` freeVars (unviewABT v)
                 then ppVariable x
                 else PP.char '_'
        in go (x' : xs) v

-- TODO: since switching to ABT2, this instance requires -XFlexibleContexts; we should fix that if we can
-- BUG: since switching to ABT2, this instance requires -XUndecidableInstances; must be fixed!
instance (ABT Term abt) => Pretty (LC_ abt) where
  prettyPrec_ p (LC_ e) =
    caseVarSyn e ((:[]) . ppVariable) $ \t -> 
        case t of
        o :$ es      -> ppSCon p o es
        NaryOp_ o es ->
            -- TODO: make sure these ops actually have those precedences in the Prelude!!
            let prettyNaryOp :: NaryOp a -> (String, Int, Maybe String)
                prettyNaryOp And  = ("&&", 3, Just "true")
                prettyNaryOp Or   = ("||", 2, Just "false")
                prettyNaryOp Xor  = ("`xor`", 0, Just "false")
                -- BUG: even though 'Iff' is associative (in Boolean algebras), we should not support n-ary uses in our *surface* syntax. Because it's too easy for folks to confuse "a <=> b <=> c" with "(a <=> b) /\ (b <=> c)".
                prettyNaryOp Iff      = ("`iff`", 0, Just "true")
                prettyNaryOp (Min  _) = ("`min`", 5, Nothing)
                prettyNaryOp (Max  _) = ("`max`", 5, Nothing)
                -- TODO: pretty print @(+ negate)@ as @(-)@ and @(* recip)@ as @(/)@
                prettyNaryOp (Sum  _) = ("+",     6, Just "zero")
                prettyNaryOp (Prod _) = ("*",     7, Just "one")
            let (opName,opPrec,maybeIdentity) = prettyNaryOp o in
            if Seq.null es
                case maybeIdentity of
                Just identity -> [PP.text identity]
                Nothing ->
                    ppFun p "syn"
                        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "NaryOp_"
                            [ PP.text (showsPrec 11 o "")
                            , PP.text "(Seq.fromList [])"
                parens (p > opPrec)
                    . PP.punctuate (PP.space <> PP.text opName)
                    . map (prettyPrec opPrec)
                    $ F.toList es

        Literal_ v    -> prettyPrec_ p v
        Empty_   _    -> [PP.text "empty"]
        Array_ e1 e2  ->
            ppFun 11 "array"
                [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
                , toDoc $ ppBinder e2
        Datum_ d      -> prettyPrec_ p (fmap11 LC_ d)
        Case_  e1 bs  ->
            -- TODO: should we also add hints to the 'Case_' constructor to know whether it came from 'if_', 'unpair', etc?
             ppFun p "case_"
                 [ ppArg e1
                 , toDoc $ ppList (map (toDoc . prettyPrec_ 0) bs)
        Superpose_ pes ->
            case pes of
            (e1,e2) L.:| [] ->
                -- Or we could print it as @weight e1 *> e2@ excepting that has an extra redex in it compared to the AST itself.
                ppFun 11 "pose"
                    [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
                    , ppArg e2
            _ ->
                ppFun p "superpose"
                    [ toDoc
                    . ppList
                    . map (\(e1,e2) -> ppTuple [pretty e1, pretty e2])
                    $ L.toList pes

        Reject_ _ -> [PP.text "reject"]

-- | Pretty-print @(:$)@ nodes in the AST.
ppSCon :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> SCon args a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppSCon p Lam_ = \(e1 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 0) $ adjustHead (PP.text "lam $" <+>) (ppBinder e1)
ppSCon p App_ = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "`app`" 9 LeftAssoc p e1 e2 -- BUG: this puts extraneous parentheses around e2 when it's a function application...
ppSCon p Let_ = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 0) $ 
            (PP.text "let_" <+> ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$' <+>)
            (ppBinder e2)
ppSCon p (Ann_ typ) = \(e1 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "ann_"
        [ PP.text (showsPrec 11 typ "") -- TODO: make this prettier. Add hints to the singletons?
        , ppArg e1
ppSCon p (PrimOp_     o) = \es          -> ppPrimOp     p o es
ppSCon p (ArrayOp_    o) = \es          -> ppArrayOp    p o es
ppSCon p (CoerceTo_   c) = \(e1 :* End) -> ppCoerceTo   p c e1
ppSCon p (UnsafeFrom_ c) = \(e1 :* End) -> ppUnsafeFrom p c e1
ppSCon p (MeasureOp_  o) = \es          -> ppMeasureOp  p o es
ppSCon p Dirac           = \(e1 :* End) -> ppApply1 p "dirac" e1
ppSCon p MBind = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 1) $
            (prettyPrec 1 e1 <+> PP.text ">>=" <+>)
            (ppBinder e2)
ppSCon p Expect = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- N.B., for this to be read back in correctly, "Language.Hakaru.Expect" must be in scope as well as the prelude.
    parens (p > 0) $
            (PP.text "expect" <+> ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$' <+>)
            (ppBinder e2)
ppSCon p Observe   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "observe" e1 e2
ppSCon p Integrate = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "integrate"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)
ppSCon p (Summate _ _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "summate"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)

ppSCon p (Product _ _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "product"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)

ppSCon _ Plate = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> 
    ppFun 11 "plate"
        [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
        , toDoc $ ppBinder e2

ppSCon _ Chain = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun 11 "chain"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2 <+> PP.char '$'
        , toDoc $ ppBinder e3

ppCoerceTo :: ABT Term abt => Int -> Coercion a b -> abt '[] a -> Docs
ppCoerceTo =
    -- BUG: this may not work quite right when the coercion isn't one of the special named ones...
    \p c e -> ppFun p (prettyShow c) [ppArg e]
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil)           = "fromProb"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)  CNil)           = "nat2int"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Real) CNil) = "fromInt"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Prob) CNil) = "nat2prob"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Prob)
        (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil))                 = "nat2real"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)
        (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Real) CNil))       = "nat2real"
    prettyShow c = "coerceTo_ " ++ showsPrec 11 c ""

ppUnsafeFrom :: ABT Term abt => Int -> Coercion a b -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppUnsafeFrom =
    -- BUG: this may not work quite right when the coercion isn't one of the special named ones...
    \p c e -> ppFun p (prettyShow c) [ppArg e]
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil) = "unsafeProb"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)  CNil) = "unsafeNat"
    prettyShow c = "unsafeFrom_ " ++ showsPrec 11 c ""

-- | Pretty-print a 'PrimOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> PrimOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppPrimOp p Not  = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "not" e1
ppPrimOp p Impl = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- TODO: make prettier
    ppFun p "syn"
        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "Impl"
            [ ppArg e1
            , ppArg e2
ppPrimOp p Diff = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- TODO: make prettier
    ppFun p "syn"
        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "Diff"
            [ ppArg e1
            , ppArg e2
ppPrimOp p Nand = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)        -> ppApply2 p "nand" e1 e2 -- TODO: make infix...
ppPrimOp p Nor  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)        -> ppApply2 p "nor" e1 e2 -- TODO: make infix...
ppPrimOp _ Pi        = \End                 -> [PP.text "pi"]
ppPrimOp p Sin       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "sin"   e1
ppPrimOp p Cos       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "cos"   e1
ppPrimOp p Tan       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "tan"   e1
ppPrimOp p Asin      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "asin"  e1
ppPrimOp p Acos      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "acos"  e1
ppPrimOp p Atan      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "atan"  e1
ppPrimOp p Sinh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "sinh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Cosh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "cosh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Tanh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "tanh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Asinh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "asinh" e1
ppPrimOp p Acosh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "acosh" e1
ppPrimOp p Atanh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "atanh" e1
ppPrimOp p RealPow   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)   -> ppBinop "**" 8 RightAssoc p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p Exp       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "exp"   e1
ppPrimOp p Log       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "log"   e1
ppPrimOp _ (Infinity _)     = \End          -> [PP.text "infinity"]
ppPrimOp p GammaFunc = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "gammaFunc" e1
ppPrimOp p BetaFunc  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)   -> ppApply2 p "betaFunc" e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Equal   _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "==" 4 NonAssoc   p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Less    _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "<"  4 NonAssoc   p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (NatPow  _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "^"  8 RightAssoc p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Negate  _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "negate" e1
ppPrimOp p (Abs     _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "abs_"   e1
ppPrimOp p (Signum  _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "signum" e1
ppPrimOp p (Recip   _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "recip"  e1
ppPrimOp p (NatRoot _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- N.B., argument order is swapped!
    ppBinop "`thRootOf`" 9 LeftAssoc p e2 e1
ppPrimOp p (Erf _) = \(e1 :* End)           -> ppApply1 p "erf" e1

-- | Pretty-print a 'ArrayOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> ArrayOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppArrayOp p (Index   _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    ppBinop "!" 9 LeftAssoc p e1 e2
ppArrayOp p (Size    _) = \(e1 :* End) ->
    ppApply1 p "size" e1
ppArrayOp p (Reduce  _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "reduce"
        [ ppArg e1 -- N.B., @e1@ uses lambdas rather than being a binding form!
        , ppArg e2
        , ppArg e3

-- | Pretty-print a 'MeasureOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> MeasureOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppMeasureOp _ Lebesgue    = \End           -> [PP.text "lebesgue"]
ppMeasureOp _ Counting    = \End           -> [PP.text "counting"]
ppMeasureOp p Categorical = \(e1 :* End)   -> ppApply1 p "categorical" e1
ppMeasureOp p Uniform = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "uniform"     e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Normal  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "normal"      e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Poisson = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "poisson"     e1
ppMeasureOp p Gamma   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "gamma"       e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Beta    = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "beta"        e1 e2

instance Pretty Literal where
    prettyPrec_ p (LNat  n) = ppFun p "nat_"  [PP.integer (fromNatural n)]
    prettyPrec_ p (LInt  i) = ppFun p "int_"  [PP.integer i]
    prettyPrec_ p (LProb l) = ppFun p "prob_" [ppRatio 11 l]
    prettyPrec_ p (LReal r) = ppFun p "real_" [ppRatio 11 r]

instance Pretty f => Pretty (Datum f) where
    prettyPrec_ p (Datum hint _typ d)
        | Text.null hint =
            ppFun p "datum_"
                [error "TODO: prettyPrec_@Datum"]
        | otherwise = 
          ppFun p "ann_"
            [ PP.parens . PP.text . show $ _typ
            , PP.parens . toDoc $ ppFun p (Text.unpack hint)
                (foldMap11 ((:[]) . toDoc . prettyPrec_ 11) d)

-- HACK: need to pull this out in order to get polymorphic recursion over @xs@
ppPattern :: Int -> Pattern xs a -> Docs
ppPattern _ PWild = [PP.text "PWild"]
ppPattern _ PVar  = [PP.text "PVar"]
ppPattern p (PDatum hint d0)
    | Text.null hint = error "TODO: prettyPrec_@Pattern"
    | otherwise      = ppFun p ("p" ++ Text.unpack hint) (goCode d0)
    goCode :: PDatumCode xss vars a -> Docs
    goCode (PInr d) = goCode   d
    goCode (PInl d) = goStruct d

    goStruct :: PDatumStruct xs vars a -> Docs
    goStruct PDone       = []
    goStruct (PEt d1 d2) = goFun d1 ++ goStruct d2

    goFun :: PDatumFun x vars a -> Docs
    goFun (PKonst d) = [toDoc $ ppPattern 11 d]
    goFun (PIdent d) = [toDoc $ ppPattern 11 d]

instance Pretty (Pattern xs) where
    prettyPrec_ = ppPattern

instance (ABT Term abt) => Pretty (Branch a abt) where
    prettyPrec_ p (Branch pat e) =
        ppFun p "branch"
            [ toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 pat
            , PP.parens . toDoc $ ppBinder e
            -- BUG: we can't actually use the HOAS API here, since we aren't using a Prelude-defined @branch@...
            -- HACK: don't *always* print parens; pass down the precedence to 'ppBinder' to
            --       have them decide if they need to or not.

-- | For the \"@lam $ \x ->\n@\"  style layout.
adjustHead :: (Doc -> Doc) -> Docs -> Docs
adjustHead f []     = [f (toDoc [])]
adjustHead f (d:ds) = f d : ds

{- -- unused
-- | For the \"@lam (\x ->\n\t...)@\"  style layout.
nestTail :: Int -> Docs -> Docs
nestTail _ []     = []
nestTail n (d:ds) = [d, PP.nest n (toDoc ds)]

parens :: Bool -> Docs -> Docs
parens True  ds = [PP.parens (PP.nest 1 (toDoc ds))]
parens False ds = ds

ppList :: [Doc] -> Docs
ppList = (:[]) . PP.brackets . PP.nest 1 . PP.fsep . PP.punctuate PP.comma

ppTuple :: [Doc] -> Doc
ppTuple = PP.parens . PP.sep . PP.punctuate PP.comma

ppFun :: Int -> String -> [Doc] -> Docs
ppFun _ f [] = [PP.text f]
ppFun p f ds =
    parens (p > 9) [PP.text f <+> PP.nest (1 + length f) (PP.sep ds)]

ppArg :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Doc
ppArg = prettyPrec 11

ppApply1 :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> String -> abt '[] a -> Docs
ppApply1 p f e1 = ppFun p f [ppArg e1]

    :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> String -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppApply2 p f e1 e2 = ppFun p f [ppArg e1, ppArg e2]

-- | Something prettier than 'PP.rational'. This works correctly
-- for both 'Rational' and 'NonNegativeRational', though it may not
-- work for other @a@ types.
-- N.B., the resulting string assumes prefix negation and the
-- 'Fractional' @(/)@ operator are both in scope.
ppRatio :: (Show a, Integral a) => Int -> Ratio a -> Doc
ppRatio p r
    | d == 1    = ppShowS $ showsPrec p n
    | n < 0     =
        . showParen (p > 7)
            $ showChar '-' -- TODO: is this guaranteed valid no matter @a@?
            . showsPrec 8 (negate n)
            . showChar '/'
            . showsPrec 8 d
    | otherwise =
        . showParen (p > 7)
            $ showsPrec 8 n
            . showChar '/'
            . showsPrec 8 d
    d = denominator r
    n = numerator   r

    ppShowS s = PP.text (s [])

    -- TODO: we might prefer to use something like:
    PP.cat [ppIntegral n, PP.char '/' <> ppIntegral d ]
    where ppIntegral = PP.text . show

data Associativity = LeftAssoc | RightAssoc | NonAssoc

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => String -> Int -> Associativity
    -> Int -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppBinop op p0 assoc =
    let (p1,p2) =
            case assoc of
            LeftAssoc  -> (p0, 1 + p0)
            RightAssoc -> (1 + p0, p0)
            NonAssoc   -> (1 + p0, 1 + p0)
    in \p e1 e2 -> 
        parens (p > p0)
            [ prettyPrec p1 e1
            , PP.text op
                <+> prettyPrec p2 e2

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.