hakyll-1.3: A simple static site generator library.Source codeContentsIndex
Internal module do some low-level rendering.
substitute :: String -> Template -> Context -> String
regularSubstitute :: Template -> Context -> String
finalSubstitute :: Template -> Context -> String
pureRenderWith :: ContextManipulation -> Template -> Context -> Context
pureRenderAndConcatWith :: ContextManipulation -> [Template] -> [Context] -> String
pureRenderChainWith :: ContextManipulation -> [Template] -> Context -> Context
writePage :: Page -> Hakyll ()
substitute :: String -> Template -> Context -> StringSource
Substitutes $identifiers in the given Template by values from the given Context. When a key is not found, it is left as it is. You can specify the characters used to replace escaped dollars ($$) here.
regularSubstitute :: Template -> Context -> StringSource
substitute for use during a chain. This will leave escaped characters as they are.
finalSubstitute :: Template -> Context -> StringSource
substitute for the end of a chain (just before writing). This renders escaped characters.
:: ContextManipulationManipulation to apply on the context.
-> TemplateTemplate to use for rendering.
-> ContextRenderable object to render with given template.
-> ContextThe body of the result will contain the render.
A pure render function.
:: ContextManipulationManipulation to apply.
-> [Template]Templates to use.
-> [Context]Different renderables.
-> String
A pure renderAndConcat function.
pureRenderChainWith :: ContextManipulation -> [Template] -> Context -> ContextSource
A pure renderChain function.
writePage :: Page -> Hakyll ()Source
Write a page to the site destination. Final action after render chains and such.
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