Module exporting pandoc bindings
- readPandoc :: FileType -> String -> Pandoc
- readPandocWith :: ParserState -> FileType -> String -> Pandoc
- writePandoc :: Pandoc -> String
- writePandocWith :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
- pageReadPandoc :: Compiler (Page String) (Page Pandoc)
- pageReadPandocWith :: ParserState -> Compiler (Page String) (Page Pandoc)
- pageRenderPandoc :: Compiler (Page String) (Page String)
- pageRenderPandocWith :: ParserState -> WriterOptions -> Compiler (Page String) (Page String)
- defaultHakyllParserState :: ParserState
- defaultHakyllWriterOptions :: WriterOptions
The basic building blocks
:: FileType | File type, determines how parsing happens |
-> String | String to read |
-> Pandoc | Resulting document |
Read a string using pandoc, with the default options
:: ParserState | Parser options |
-> FileType | File type, determines how parsing happens |
-> String | String to read |
-> Pandoc | Resulting document |
Read a string using pandoc, with the supplied options
Write a document (as HTML) using pandoc, with the default options
:: WriterOptions | Writer options for pandoc |
-> Pandoc | Document to write |
-> String | Resulting HTML |
Write a document (as HTML) using pandoc, with the supplied options
Functions working on pages/compilers
pageReadPandocWith :: ParserState -> Compiler (Page String) (Page Pandoc)Source
Read the resource using pandoc
pageRenderPandocWith :: ParserState -> WriterOptions -> Compiler (Page String) (Page String)Source
Render the resource using pandoc
Default options
defaultHakyllParserState :: ParserStateSource
The default reader options for pandoc parsing in hakyll
defaultHakyllWriterOptions :: WriterOptionsSource
The default writer options for pandoc rendering in hakyll