-- | Module providing BlazeHtml support for hakyll -- module Hakyll.Web.Blaze ( getFieldHtml , getFieldHtml' , getBodyHtml , getBodyHtml' ) where import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml) import Text.Blaze.Internal (preEscapedString) import Hakyll.Web.Page import Hakyll.Web.Page.Metadata -- | Get a field from a page and convert it to HTML. This version does not -- escape the given HTML -- getFieldHtml :: String -> Page a -> Html getFieldHtml key = preEscapedString . getField key -- | Version of 'getFieldHtml' that escapes the HTML content -- getFieldHtml' :: String -> Page a -> Html getFieldHtml' key = toHtml . getField key -- | Get the body as HTML -- getBodyHtml :: Page String -> Html getBodyHtml = preEscapedString . pageBody -- | Version of 'getBodyHtml' that escapes the HTML content -- getBodyHtml' :: Page String -> Html getBodyHtml' = toHtml . pageBody