-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Hakyll.Core.Dependencies ( Dependency (..) , DependencyFacts , outOfDate ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, unless, when) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS) import qualified Control.Monad.State as State import Control.Monad.Writer (tell) import Data.Binary (Binary (..), getWord8, putWord8) import Data.List (find) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Typeable (Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Dependency = PatternDependency Pattern [Identifier] | IdentifierDependency Identifier deriving (Show, Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Binary Dependency where put (PatternDependency p is) = putWord8 0 >> put p >> put is put (IdentifierDependency i) = putWord8 1 >> put i get = getWord8 >>= \t -> case t of 0 -> PatternDependency <$> get <*> get 1 -> IdentifierDependency <$> get _ -> error "Data.Binary.get: Invalid Dependency" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type DependencyFacts = Map Identifier [Dependency] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outOfDate :: [Identifier] -- ^ All known identifiers -> Set Identifier -- ^ Initially out-of-date resources -> DependencyFacts -- ^ Old dependency facts -> (Set Identifier, DependencyFacts, [String]) outOfDate universe ood oldFacts = let (_, state, logs) = runRWS rws universe (DependencyState oldFacts ood) in (dependencyOod state, dependencyFacts state, logs) where rws = do checkNew checkChangedPatterns bruteForce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data DependencyState = DependencyState { dependencyFacts :: DependencyFacts , dependencyOod :: Set Identifier } deriving (Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type DependencyM a = RWS [Identifier] [String] DependencyState a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- markOod :: Identifier -> DependencyM () markOod id' = State.modify $ \s -> s {dependencyOod = S.insert id' $ dependencyOod s} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dependenciesFor :: Identifier -> DependencyM [Identifier] dependenciesFor id' = do facts <- dependencyFacts <$> State.get return $ concatMap dependenciesFor' $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup id' facts where dependenciesFor' (IdentifierDependency i) = [i] dependenciesFor' (PatternDependency _ is) = is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkNew :: DependencyM () checkNew = do universe <- ask facts <- dependencyFacts <$> State.get forM_ universe $ \id' -> unless (id' `M.member` facts) $ do tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because it is new"] markOod id' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkChangedPatterns :: DependencyM () checkChangedPatterns = do facts <- M.toList . dependencyFacts <$> State.get forM_ facts $ \(id', deps) -> do deps' <- foldM (go id') [] deps State.modify $ \s -> s {dependencyFacts = M.insert id' deps' $ dependencyFacts s} where go _ ds (IdentifierDependency i) = return $ IdentifierDependency i : ds go id' ds (PatternDependency p ls) = do universe <- ask let ls' = filterMatches p universe if ls == ls' then return $ PatternDependency p ls : ds else do tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because a pattern changed"] markOod id' return $ PatternDependency p ls' : ds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bruteForce :: DependencyM () bruteForce = do todo <- ask go todo where go todo = do (todo', changed) <- foldM check ([], False) todo when changed (go todo') check (todo, changed) id' = do deps <- dependenciesFor id' ood <- dependencyOod <$> State.get case find (`S.member` ood) deps of Nothing -> return (id' : todo, changed) Just d -> do tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because " ++ show d ++ " is out-of-date"] markOod id' return (todo, True)