{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Miscellaneous string manipulation functions. module Hakyll.Core.Util.String ( trim , replaceAll , splitAll , needlePrefix , removeWinPathSeparator ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~~)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Trim a string (drop spaces, tabs and newlines at both sides). trim :: String -> String trim = reverse . trim' . reverse . trim' where trim' = dropWhile isSpace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A simple (but inefficient) regex replace funcion replaceAll :: String -- ^ Pattern -> (String -> String) -- ^ Replacement (called on match) -> String -- ^ Source string -> String -- ^ Result replaceAll pattern f source = replaceAll' source where replaceAll' src = case listToMaybe (src =~~ pattern) of Nothing -> src Just (o, l) -> let (before, tmp) = splitAt o src (capture, after) = splitAt l tmp in before ++ f capture ++ replaceAll' after -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A simple regex split function. The resulting list will contain no empty -- strings. splitAll :: String -- ^ Pattern -> String -- ^ String to split -> [String] -- ^ Result splitAll pattern = filter (not . null) . splitAll' where splitAll' src = case listToMaybe (src =~~ pattern) of Nothing -> [src] Just (o, l) -> let (before, tmp) = splitAt o src in before : splitAll' (drop l tmp) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Find the first instance of needle (must be non-empty) in haystack. We -- return the prefix of haystack before needle is matched. -- -- Examples: -- -- > needlePrefix "cd" "abcde" = "ab" -- -- > needlePrefix "ab" "abc" = "" -- -- > needlePrefix "ab" "xxab" = "xx" -- -- > needlePrefix "a" "xx" = "xx" needlePrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String needlePrefix needle haystack = go [] haystack where go _ [] = Nothing go acc xss@(x:xs) | needle `isPrefixOf` xss = Just $ reverse acc | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Translate native Windows path separators '\\' to '/' if present. removeWinPathSeparator :: String -> String removeWinPathSeparator = concatMap (\c -> if c == '\\' then ['/'] else [c])