module Halfs.FSState (StateHandle(..)
,FSWrite, unsafeLiftIOWrite, runFSWrite
,evalFSWriteIO, evalFSWriteIOMV
,runFSWriteIO, readToWrite, readToWriteCont, writeToBuffer
,unsafeLiftIOWriteWithRoot, unsafeWriteGet, putStrLnWriteRead
,FSRead, unsafeLiftIORead, runFSRead
,runFSReadIO, evalFSReadIOMV, unsafeReadGet
,newReadRef, readReadRef, modifyReadRef, writeReadRef
,takeMVarRW, readMVarRW, putMVarRW, modifyMVarRW_
,module Control.Monad.Trans
,module Control.Monad.Error
,module Control.Monad.State
,FSRW, unsafeLiftIORW
) where
import Binary (Binary, BinHandle, put_)
import Halfs.FSRoot (FSRoot(..), FSStatus(..)
import Halfs.FSRW
import Halfs.Inode(Inode(..), InodeMetadata(..))
import Control.Concurrent(MVar, ThreadId, modifyMVar_, tryPutMVar, modifyMVar,
putMVar, newMVar, readMVar, forkIO, takeMVar,
import Control.Exception(assert)
import Control.Monad.Error(throwError, catchError, MonadError)
import Control.Monad.State(StateT(..), modify,
evalStateT, execStateT,
import qualified Control.Monad.State (get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef, writeIORef)
import System.IO.Error (alreadyExistsErrorType, doesNotExistErrorType,
illegalOperationErrorType, eofErrorType, mkIOError)
data StateHandle
= StateHandle {
stateFineMVar :: MVar FSRoot
, stateCoarseMVar :: Maybe (MVar ())
} deriving Eq
type FSState a = StateT StateHandle IO a
alreadyExistsEx :: FilePath -> IOError
alreadyExistsEx path
= mkIOError alreadyExistsErrorType "already exists" Nothing (Just path)
doesNotExistEx :: FilePath -> IOError
doesNotExistEx path
= mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType "does not exist" Nothing (Just path)
illegalOpEx :: FilePath -> IOError
illegalOpEx path
= mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "illegal operation" Nothing (Just path)
eofEx :: FilePath -> IOError
eofEx path = mkIOError eofErrorType "EOF" Nothing (Just path)
newtype FSRead a = FSR (FSState a)
instance Monad FSRead where
return a = FSR (return a)
(FSR m) >>= k = FSR $ do a <- m
runFSRead $ k a
runFSRead :: FSRead a -> FSState a
runFSRead (FSR f) = f
runFSReadIO' :: FSRead a
-> FSRoot
-> IO (a, FSRoot)
runFSReadIO' (FSR f) s =
do mv <- newMVar s
(r,_) <- runStateT f (StateHandle mv Nothing)
fsroot <- readMVar mv
return (r, fsroot)
runFSReadIO :: FSRead a
-> FSRoot
-> (IOError -> IO (a, FSRoot))
-> IO (a, FSRoot)
runFSReadIO f s handler = catch (runFSReadIO' f s) handler
evalFSReadIOMV :: FSRead a -> StateHandle -> IO a
evalFSReadIOMV (FSR f) mv@(StateHandle _ (Just blockOn))
= do (r,_) <- withMVar blockOn $ \ _ -> runStateT f mv
return r
evalFSReadIOMV (FSR f) mv@(StateHandle _ Nothing)
= do (r,_) <- runStateT f mv
return r
unsafeReadGet :: FSRead FSRoot
unsafeReadGet = FSR $ do (StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
liftIO $ readMVar mv
unsafeModifyFSRead :: (FSRoot -> (FSRoot, a)) -> FSRead a
unsafeModifyFSRead f = FSR $ do
(StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
retVal <- liftIO $ modifyMVar mv (\fsroot -> return (f fsroot))
return retVal
unsafeLiftIORead :: IO a -> FSRead a
unsafeLiftIORead action = FSR $ liftIO action
unsafeWriteToRead :: FSWrite a -> FSRead a
unsafeWriteToRead (FSW a) = FSR a
type ReadRef a = IORef a
newReadRef :: a -> FSRead (ReadRef a)
newReadRef = unsafeLiftIORead . newIORef
readReadRef :: (ReadRef a) -> FSRead a
readReadRef = unsafeLiftIORead . readIORef
modifyReadRef :: (ReadRef a) -> (a -> a) -> FSRead ()
modifyReadRef f h = unsafeLiftIORead $ modifyIORef f h
writeReadRef :: (ReadRef a) -> a -> FSRead ()
writeReadRef f h = unsafeLiftIORead $ writeIORef f h
takeMVarRW :: (FSRW m) => MVar a -> m a
takeMVarRW = unsafeLiftIORW . takeMVar
putMVarRW :: (FSRW m) => MVar a -> a -> m ()
putMVarRW m a = unsafeLiftIORW (putMVar m a)
readMVarRW :: (FSRW m) => MVar a -> m a
readMVarRW = unsafeLiftIORW . readMVar
modifyMVarRW_ :: (FSRW m) => MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> m ()
modifyMVarRW_ m f = unsafeLiftIORW (modifyMVar_ m f)
modifyMVarRW_' :: (FSRW m, MonadError IOError m) => MVar a -> (a -> m a) -> m ()
modifyMVarRW_' m f = do
s <- takeMVarRW m
catchError (f s >>= putMVarRW m)
(\e -> putMVarRW m s >> unsafeLiftIORW (throwError e))
instance MonadError IOError FSRead where
throwError = FSR . throwError
catchError (FSR m) f
= FSR $ catchError m (\e -> runFSRead $ f e)
newtype FSWrite a = FSW (FSState a)
instance Monad FSWrite where
return a = FSW (return a)
(FSW m) >>= k = FSW $ do a <- m
runFSWrite $ k a
runFSWrite :: FSWrite a -> FSState a
runFSWrite (FSW f) = f
forkWithMVar :: (StateHandle -> FSWrite ()) -> FSWrite ThreadId
forkWithMVar f = do
mv <- FSW Control.Monad.State.get
forkFSWrite (f mv)
forkFSWrite :: FSWrite () -> FSWrite ThreadId
forkFSWrite (FSW f) =
FSW (do mv <- Control.Monad.State.get
liftIO $ forkIO $ (runStateT f mv >> return ()))
runFSWriteIO :: FSWrite a -> FSRoot -> IO (a, FSRoot)
runFSWriteIO (FSW f) s = do mv <- newMVar s
(r,_) <- runStateT f (StateHandle mv Nothing)
fsroot <- readMVar mv
return (r, fsroot)
evalFSWriteIOMV :: FSWrite a -> StateHandle -> IO a
evalFSWriteIOMV (FSW f) mv@(StateHandle _ (Just blockOn))
= do (r,_) <- withMVar blockOn $ \ _ -> runStateT f mv
return r
evalFSWriteIOMV (FSW f) mv@(StateHandle _ Nothing)
= do (r,_) <- runStateT f mv
return r
evalFSWriteIO :: FSWrite a -> FSRoot -> IO a
evalFSWriteIO (FSW f) s = do
mv <- newMVar s
evalStateT f (StateHandle mv Nothing)
putStrLnWriteRead :: String -> FSWrite ()
putStrLnWriteRead = unsafeLiftIOWrite . putStrLn
unsafeLiftIOWrite :: IO a -> FSWrite a
unsafeLiftIOWrite action = FSW $ liftIO action
unsafeLiftIOWriteWithRoot :: (FSRoot -> IO a) -> FSWrite a
unsafeLiftIOWriteWithRoot action = FSW $ do (StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
fsroot <- liftIO $ readMVar mv
liftIO (action fsroot)
writeToBuffer :: (Binary a) => BinHandle -> a -> FSWrite ()
writeToBuffer bh a = FSW $ liftIO (Binary.put_ bh a)
instance MonadError IOError FSWrite where
throwError = FSW . throwError
catchError (FSW m) f
= FSW $ catchError m (\e -> runFSWrite $ f e)
instance MonadState FSRoot FSWrite where
get = FSW (do (StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
fsroot <- liftIO $ takeMVar mv
return $ assert (fsStatus fsroot /= FsUnmounted) fsroot
put s = FSW (do (StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
maybeFoo <- liftIO $ tryPutMVar mv s
case maybeFoo of
True -> return ()
False -> liftIO $ putStrLn "DEADLOCK PUT" >> error "deadlock put" )
unsafeWriteGet :: FSWrite FSRoot
unsafeWriteGet = FSW $ do (StateHandle mv _) <- Control.Monad.State.get
liftIO $ readMVar mv
modifyFSWrite :: (FSRoot -> FSWrite (FSRoot, a)) -> FSWrite a
modifyFSWrite f = do
fsroot <- Control.Monad.State.get
(newRoot, retVal) <- f fsroot
Control.Monad.State.put newRoot
return retVal
readToWrite :: FSRead a -> FSWrite a
readToWrite (FSR a) = FSW a
readToWriteCont :: ((forall s . m s -> FSRead a) -> FSRead a)
-> (forall s . m s -> FSWrite a) -> FSWrite a
readToWriteCont f cont =
case f (w2r cont) of
FSR a -> FSW a
w2r :: (forall s . m s -> FSWrite a) -> (forall s . m s -> FSRead a)
w2r g s = case g s of
FSW a -> FSR a
updateInodeCacheWrite :: Inode -> FSWrite ()
updateInodeCacheWrite inode
= modify (\f -> fsRootUpdateInodeCache f inode)
decLinksForInode :: Inode -> FSWrite ()
decLinksForInode inode@Inode{metaData=md@InodeMetadata{hard_links=hl}}
= updateInodeCacheWrite inode{metaData=md{hard_links=hl1}}
instance FSRW FSRead where
unsafeLiftIORW = unsafeLiftIORead
instance FSRW FSWrite where
unsafeLiftIORW = unsafeLiftIOWrite