{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Halive.FileListener where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified System.FSNotify as FSNotify
import System.FSNotify hiding (Event)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time
import Control.Exception
import Data.IORef

type FileEventChan = TChan FSNotify.Event

data ShouldReadFile = ReadFileOnEvents | JustReportEvents deriving (Eq, Show)

data FileEventListener = FileEventListener
    { felEventTChan           :: TChan (Either FSNotify.Event String)
    , felIgnoreNextEventsNear :: TVar (Maybe UTCTime)
    , felStopMVar             :: MVar ()

atomicallyIO :: MonadIO m => STM a -> m a
atomicallyIO = liftIO . atomically

readTChanIO :: MonadIO m => TChan a -> m a
readTChanIO = atomicallyIO . readTChan

writeTChanIO :: MonadIO m => TChan a -> a -> m ()
writeTChanIO chan = atomicallyIO . writeTChan chan

tryReadTChanIO :: MonadIO m => TChan a -> m (Maybe a)
tryReadTChanIO = atomicallyIO . tryReadTChan

fileModifiedPredicate :: FilePath -> FSNotify.Event -> Bool
fileModifiedPredicate fileName event = case event of
    Modified path _ -> path == fileName
    _               -> False

eventListenerForFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> ShouldReadFile -> m FileEventListener
eventListenerForFile fileName shouldReadFile = liftIO $ do
    eventChan        <- newTChanIO
    ignoreEventsNear <- newTVarIO Nothing

    stopMVar <- forkFileListenerThread fileName shouldReadFile eventChan ignoreEventsNear

    return FileEventListener
        { felEventTChan = eventChan
        , felIgnoreNextEventsNear = ignoreEventsNear
        , felStopMVar = stopMVar

eventListenerForDirectory :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> m FileEventListener
eventListenerForDirectory watchDirectory fileTypes = liftIO $ do
    eventChan        <- newTChanIO
    ignoreEventsNear <- newTVarIO Nothing

    stopMVar <- forkDirectoryListenerThread watchDirectory fileTypes eventChan

    return FileEventListener
        { felEventTChan = eventChan
        , felIgnoreNextEventsNear = ignoreEventsNear
        , felStopMVar = stopMVar

killFileEventListener :: MonadIO m => FileEventListener -> m ()
killFileEventListener eventListener = liftIO $ putMVar (felStopMVar eventListener) ()

-- Pass a list like ["hs", "pd", "frag", "vert"] to match only those filetypes,
-- or an empty list to match all
modifiedWithExtensionPredicate :: [String] -> FSNotify.Event -> Bool
modifiedWithExtensionPredicate fileTypes event = case event of
    Modified path _ -> null fileTypes || drop 1 (takeExtension path) `elem` fileTypes
    _               -> False

forkDirectoryListenerThread :: FilePath
                            -> [String]
                            -> TChan (Either FSNotify.Event String)
                            -> IO (MVar ())
forkDirectoryListenerThread watchDirectory fileTypes eventChan = do
    let predicate = modifiedWithExtensionPredicate fileTypes

    -- Configures debounce time for fsnotify
    let watchConfig = defaultConfig
            { confDebounce = Debounce 0.1 }
    stopMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- forkIO . withManagerConf watchConfig $ \manager -> do

        stop <- watchTree manager watchDirectory predicate $ \e -> do
            writeTChanIO eventChan (Left e)
        () <- takeMVar stopMVar
    return stopMVar

forkFileListenerThread :: FilePath
                       -> ShouldReadFile
                       -> TChan (Either FSNotify.Event String)
                       -> TVar (Maybe UTCTime)
                       -> IO (MVar ())
forkFileListenerThread fileName shouldReadFile eventChan ignoreEventsNear = do
    predicate        <- fileModifiedPredicate <$> canonicalizePath fileName
    -- If an ignore time is set, ignore file changes for the next 100 ms
    let ignoreTime = 0.1

    -- Configures debounce time for fsnotify
    let watchConfig = defaultConfig
            { confDebounce = Debounce 0.1 }
    stopMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- forkIO . withManagerConf watchConfig $ \manager -> do
        let watchDirectory = takeDirectory fileName

        stop <- watchTree manager watchDirectory predicate $ \e -> do
            print e
            mTimeToIgnore <- atomically $ readTVar ignoreEventsNear
            let timeOfEvent = eventTime e
                shouldIgnore = case mTimeToIgnore of
                    Nothing -> False
                    Just timeToIgnore -> abs (timeOfEvent `diffUTCTime` timeToIgnore) < ignoreTime
            unless shouldIgnore $ do
                if (shouldReadFile == ReadFileOnEvents)
                    then do
                        fileContents <- readFile fileName
                            `catch` (\err -> do
                                putStrLn $
                                    "Event listener failed to read " ++ fileName ++
                                    ": " ++ show (err::SomeException)
                                return "")
                        let !_len = length fileContents
                        writeTChanIO eventChan (Right fileContents)
                    else writeTChanIO eventChan (Left e)

        () <- takeMVar stopMVar
    return stopMVar

setIgnoreTimeNow :: MonadIO m => FileEventListener -> m ()
setIgnoreTimeNow fileEventListener = setIgnoreTime fileEventListener =<< liftIO getCurrentTime

setIgnoreTime :: MonadIO m => FileEventListener -> UTCTime -> m ()
setIgnoreTime FileEventListener{..} time = void . liftIO . atomically $ writeTVar felIgnoreNextEventsNear (Just time)

readFileEvent :: MonadIO m => FileEventListener -> m (Either FSNotify.Event String)
readFileEvent FileEventListener{..} = readTChanIO felEventTChan

onFileEvent :: MonadIO m => FileEventListener -> m () -> m ()
onFileEvent FileEventListener{..} = onTChanRead felEventTChan

onTChanRead :: MonadIO m => TChan a -> m () -> m ()
onTChanRead eventChan action =
    tryReadTChanIO eventChan >>= \case
        Just _  -> action
        Nothing -> return ()

-- | Creates a getter for a set of resources that will be rebuilt whenever the file changes.
-- Takes a filename and an action to create a resource based on that file.
-- getWatchedResource <- makeWatchedResource "resources/shapes.frag" $ do
--        shader <- createShaderProgram "resources/shapes.vert" "resources/shapes.frag"
--        useProgram shader
--        uTime       <- getShaderUniform shader "uTime"
--        (quadVAO, quadVertCount) <- makeScreenSpaceQuad shader
--        return (quadVAO, quadVertCount, uTime)
-- Then use
-- (quadVAO, quadVertCount, uResolution, uMouse, uTime) <- getWatchedResource
-- in main loop
makeWatchedResource :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO (IO a)
makeWatchedResource fileName action = do
    absFileName <- makeAbsolute fileName
    listener <- eventListenerForFile absFileName JustReportEvents

    resourceRef <- newIORef =<< action

    -- Checks event listener, rebuilds resource if needed,
    -- then returns newest version of resource
    let getWatchedResource = do
            onFileEvent listener $ writeIORef resourceRef =<< action
            readIORef resourceRef
    return getWatchedResource