module Text.Hamlet.Debug
( hamletFileDebug
) where
import Text.Hamlet.Parse
import Text.Hamlet.Quasi
import Text.Hamlet.RT
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Either
import Control.Monad (forM)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Text.Blaze (toHtml)
unsafeRenderTemplate :: FilePath -> HamletMap url
-> (url -> [(String, String)] -> String) -> Html
unsafeRenderTemplate fp hd render = unsafePerformIO $ do
contents <- fmap T.unpack $ readUtf8File fp
temp <- parseHamletRT defaultHamletSettings contents
renderHamletRT' True temp hd render
hamletFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
hamletFileDebug fp = do
contents <- fmap T.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
HamletRT docs <- qRunIO $ parseHamletRT defaultHamletSettings contents
urt <- [|unsafeRenderTemplate|]
render <- newName "render"
let hd = combineDVals $ concatMap getHD docs
hd' <- liftDVals (VarE render) hd
let h = urt `AppE` LitE (StringL fp) `AppE` hd' `AppE` VarE render
return $ LamE [VarP render] h
derefToExp :: [Exp] -> Exp
derefToExp = foldr1 AppE . reverse
type DVal = ([Exp], DVal')
data DVal' = DHtml
| DUrl
| DUrlParam
| DTemplate
| DBool
| DMaybe [([String], DVal)]
| DList [([String], DVal)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
liftDVals :: Exp -> [([String], DVal)] -> Q Exp
liftDVals render pairs = do
pairs' <- forM pairs $ \(k, d) -> do
let k' = ListE $ map (LitE . StringL) k
d' <- liftDVal render d
return $ TupE [k', d']
return $ ListE pairs'
liftDVal :: Exp -> DVal -> Q Exp
liftDVal _ (x, DHtml) = do
f <- [|HDHtml . toHtml|]
return $ f `AppE` derefToExp x
liftDVal _ (x, DUrl) = do
f <- [|HDUrl|]
return $ f `AppE` derefToExp x
liftDVal _ (x, DUrlParam) = do
f <- [|uncurry HDUrlParams|]
return $ f `AppE` derefToExp x
liftDVal render (x, DTemplate) = do
f <- [|HDHtml|]
return $ f `AppE` (derefToExp x `AppE` render)
liftDVal _ (x, DBool) = do
f <- [|HDBool|]
return $ f `AppE` derefToExp x
liftDVal render (x, DMaybe each) = do
var <- newName "_var"
each' <- liftDVals render $ map (second $ replaceFirst $ VarE var) each
let each'' = LamE [VarP var] each'
hdlist <- [|HDMaybe|]
map' <- [|fmap|]
return $ hdlist `AppE` (map' `AppE` each'' `AppE` derefToExp x)
liftDVal render (x, DList each) = do
var <- newName "_var"
each' <- liftDVals render $ map (second $ replaceFirst $ VarE var) each
let each'' = LamE [VarP var] each'
hdlist <- [|HDList|]
map' <- [|map|]
return $ hdlist `AppE` (map' `AppE` each'' `AppE` derefToExp x)
combineDVals :: [([String], DVal)] -> [([String], DVal)]
combineDVals [] = []
combineDVals ((x1, y1):rest) =
case matches of
[] -> (x1, y1) : combineDVals rest
ys -> (x1, foldr combine' y1 ys) : combineDVals nomatch
matches = map snd $ filter (\(x, _) -> x == x1) rest
nomatch = filter (\(x, _) -> x /= x1) rest
combine' (a, x) (b, y)
| a == b = (a, combine x y)
| otherwise = error $ "Bad parameters to combine': " ++ show ((a, x), (b, y))
combine (DList x) (DList y) = DList $ combineDVals $ x ++ y
combine (DMaybe x) (DMaybe y) = DMaybe $ combineDVals $ x ++ y
combine x y
| x == y = x
combine x y = error $ "Bad parameters to combine: " ++ show (x, y)
varNames :: [String] -> [Exp]
varNames = map $ varName []
getHD :: SimpleDoc -> [([String], DVal)]
getHD SDRaw{} = []
getHD (SDVar x) = [(x, (varNames x, DHtml))]
getHD (SDUrl hasParams x) =
[(x, (varNames x, if hasParams then DUrlParam else DUrl))]
getHD (SDTemplate x) = [(x, (varNames x, DTemplate))]
getHD (SDCond xs edocs) =
let hd = concatMap getHD $ edocs ++ concatMap snd xs
bools = map (\(x, _) -> (x, (varNames x, DBool))) xs
in hd ++ bools
getHD (SDMaybe x y docs ndocs) =
(x, (varNames x, DMaybe subs)) : tops ++ ntops
hd = concatMap getHD docs
(tops, subs) = partitionEithers $ map go hd
ntops = concatMap getHD ndocs
go (a@(y':rest), e)
| y == y' = Right (rest, e)
| otherwise = Left (a, e)
go ([], _) = error "getHD of SDMaybe"
getHD (SDForall x y docs) =
(x, (varNames x, DList subs)) : tops
hd = concatMap getHD docs
(tops, subs) = partitionEithers $ map go hd
go (a@(y':rest), e)
| y == y' = Right (rest, e)
| otherwise = Left (a, e)
go ([], _) = error "getHD of SDForall"
replaceFirst :: Exp -> DVal -> DVal
replaceFirst x (_:y, z) = (x:y, z)
replaceFirst _ _ = error "replaceFirst on something empty"