{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
module Text.Hamlet
    ( -- * Plain HTML
    , shamlet
    , shamletFile
    , xshamlet
    , xshamletFile
      -- * Hamlet
    , HtmlUrl
    , hamlet
    , hamletFile
    , xhamlet
    , xhamletFile
      -- * I18N Hamlet
    , HtmlUrlI18n
    , ihamlet
    , ihamletFile
      -- * Type classes
    , ToAttributes (..)
      -- * Internal, for making more
    , HamletSettings (..)
    , NewlineStyle (..)
    , hamletWithSettings
    , hamletFileWithSettings
    , defaultHamletSettings
    , xhtmlHamletSettings
    , Env (..)
    , HamletRules (..)
    , hamletRules
    , ihamletRules
    , htmlRules
    , CloseStyle (..)
    ) where

import Text.Shakespeare.Base
import Text.Hamlet.Parse
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Data.Char (isUpper, isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Internal (preEscapedText)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)
import Control.Arrow ((***))

-- | Convert some value to a list of attribute pairs.
class ToAttributes a where
    toAttributes :: a -> [(Text, Text)]
instance ToAttributes (Text, Text) where
    toAttributes = return
instance ToAttributes (String, String) where
    toAttributes (k, v) = [(pack k, pack v)]
instance ToAttributes [(Text, Text)] where
    toAttributes = id
instance ToAttributes [(String, String)] where
    toAttributes = map (pack *** pack)

attrsToHtml :: [(Text, Text)] -> Html
attrsToHtml =
    foldr go mempty
    go (k, v) rest =
        toHtml " "
        `mappend` preEscapedText k
        `mappend` preEscapedText (pack "=\"")
        `mappend` toHtml v
        `mappend` preEscapedText (pack "\"")
        `mappend` rest

type Render url = url -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
type Translate msg = msg -> Html

-- | A function generating an 'Html' given a URL-rendering function.
type HtmlUrl url = Render url -> Html

-- | A function generating an 'Html' given a message translator and a URL rendering function.
type HtmlUrlI18n msg url = Translate msg -> Render url -> Html

docsToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> [Doc] -> Q Exp
docsToExp env hr scope docs = do
    exps <- mapM (docToExp env hr scope) docs
    case exps of
        [] -> [|return ()|]
        [x] -> return x
        _ -> return $ DoE $ map NoBindS exps

unIdent :: Ident -> String
unIdent (Ident s) = s

bindingPattern :: Binding -> Q (Pat, [(Ident, Exp)])
bindingPattern (BindAs i@(Ident s) b) = do
    name <- newName s
    (pattern, scope) <- bindingPattern b
    return (AsP name pattern, (i, VarE name):scope)
bindingPattern (BindVar i@(Ident s)) = do
    name <- newName s
    return (VarP name, [(i, VarE name)])
bindingPattern (BindTuple is) = do
    (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
    return (TupP patterns, concat scopes)
bindingPattern (BindList is) = do
    (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
    return (ListP patterns, concat scopes)
bindingPattern (BindConstr (Ident con) is) = do
    (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
    return (ConP (mkName con) patterns, concat scopes)
bindingPattern (BindRecord (Ident con) fields) = do
    let f (Ident field,b) =
           do (p,s) <- bindingPattern b
              return ((mkName field,p),s)
    (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM f fields
    return (RecP (mkName con) patterns, concat scopes)

docToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Doc -> Q Exp
docToExp env hr scope (DocForall list idents inside) = do
    let list' = derefToExp scope list
    (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
    let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
    mh <- [|F.mapM_|]
    inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside
    let lam = LamE [pat] inside'
    return $ mh `AppE` lam `AppE` list'
docToExp env hr scope (DocWith [] inside) = do
    inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope inside
    return $ inside'
docToExp env hr scope (DocWith ((deref, idents):dis) inside) = do
    let deref' = derefToExp scope deref
    (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
    let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
    inside' <- docToExp env hr scope' (DocWith dis inside)
    let lam = LamE [pat] inside'
    return $ lam `AppE` deref'
docToExp env hr scope (DocMaybe val idents inside mno) = do
    let val' = derefToExp scope val
    (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
    let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
    inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside
    let inside'' = LamE [pat] inside'
    ninside' <- case mno of
                    Nothing -> [|Nothing|]
                    Just no -> do
                        no' <- docsToExp env hr scope no
                        j <- [|Just|]
                        return $ j `AppE` no'
    mh <- [|maybeH|]
    return $ mh `AppE` val' `AppE` inside'' `AppE` ninside'
docToExp env hr scope (DocCond conds final) = do
    conds' <- mapM go conds
    final' <- case final of
                Nothing -> [|Nothing|]
                Just f -> do
                    f' <- docsToExp env hr scope f
                    j <- [|Just|]
                    return $ j `AppE` f'
    ch <- [|condH|]
    return $ ch `AppE` ListE conds' `AppE` final'
    go :: (Deref, [Doc]) -> Q Exp
    go (d, docs) = do
        let d' = derefToExp scope d
        docs' <- docsToExp env hr scope docs
        return $ TupE [d', docs']
docToExp env hr scope (DocCase deref cases) = do
    let exp_ = derefToExp scope deref
    matches <- mapM toMatch cases
    return $ CaseE exp_ matches
    readMay s =
        case reads s of
            (x, ""):_ -> Just x
            _ -> Nothing
    toMatch (idents, inside) = do
        let pat = case map unIdent idents of
                    ["_"] -> WildP
                        | Just i <- readMay str -> LitP $ IntegerL i
                    strs -> let (constr:fields) = map mkName strs
                            in ConP constr (map VarP fields)
        insideExp <- docsToExp env hr scope inside
        return $ Match pat (NormalB insideExp) []
docToExp env hr v (DocContent c) = contentToExp env hr v c

contentToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Content -> Q Exp
contentToExp _ hr _ (ContentRaw s) = do
    os <- [|preEscapedText . pack|]
    let s' = LitE $ StringL s
    return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (os `AppE` s')
contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentVar d) = do
    str <- [|toHtml|]
    return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (str `AppE` derefToExp scope d)
contentToExp env hr scope (ContentUrl hasParams d) =
    case urlRender env of
        Nothing -> error "URL interpolation used, but no URL renderer provided"
        Just wrender -> wrender $ \render -> do
            let render' = return render
            ou <- if hasParams
                    then [|\(u, p) -> $(render') u p|]
                    else [|\u -> $(render') u []|]
            let d' = derefToExp scope d
            pet <- [|toHtml|]
            return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (pet `AppE` (ou `AppE` d'))
contentToExp env hr scope (ContentEmbed d) = hrEmbed hr env $ derefToExp scope d
contentToExp env hr scope (ContentMsg d) =
    case msgRender env of
        Nothing -> error "Message interpolation used, but no message renderer provided"
        Just wrender -> wrender $ \render ->
            return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (render `AppE` derefToExp scope d)
contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentAttrs d) = do
    html <- [|attrsToHtml . toAttributes|]
    return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (html `AppE` derefToExp scope d)

shamlet :: QuasiQuoter
shamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings

xshamlet :: QuasiQuoter
xshamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings

htmlRules :: Q HamletRules
htmlRules = do
    i <- [|id|]
    return $ HamletRules i ($ (Env Nothing Nothing)) (\_ b -> return b)

hamlet :: QuasiQuoter
hamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings

xhamlet :: QuasiQuoter
xhamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings

asHtmlUrl :: HtmlUrl url -> HtmlUrl url
asHtmlUrl = id

hamletRules :: Q HamletRules
hamletRules = do
    i <- [|id|]
    let ur f = do
            r <- newName "_render"
            let env = Env
                    { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE r))
                    , msgRender = Nothing
            h <- f env
            return $ LamE [VarP r] h
    return $ HamletRules i ur em
    em (Env (Just urender) Nothing) e = do
        asHtmlUrl' <- [|asHtmlUrl|]
        urender $ \ur' -> return ((asHtmlUrl' `AppE` e) `AppE` ur')
    em _ _ = error "bad Env"

ihamlet :: QuasiQuoter
ihamlet = hamletWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings

ihamletRules :: Q HamletRules
ihamletRules = do
    i <- [|id|]
    let ur f = do
            u <- newName "_urender"
            m <- newName "_mrender"
            let env = Env
                    { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE u))
                    , msgRender = Just ($ (VarE m))
            h <- f env
            return $ LamE [VarP m, VarP u] h
    return $ HamletRules i ur em
    em (Env (Just urender) (Just mrender)) e =
          urender $ \ur' -> mrender $ \mr -> return (e `AppE` mr `AppE` ur')
    em _ _ = error "bad Env"

hamletWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> QuasiQuoter
hamletWithSettings hr set =
        { quoteExp = hamletFromString hr set

data HamletRules = HamletRules
    { hrFromHtml :: Exp
    , hrWithEnv :: (Env -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp
    , hrEmbed :: Env -> Exp -> Q Exp

data Env = Env
    { urlRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp)
    , msgRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp)

hamletFromString :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> String -> Q Exp
hamletFromString qhr set s = do
    hr <- qhr
    case parseDoc set s of
        Error s' -> error s'
        Ok (_mnl, d) -> hrWithEnv hr $ \env -> docsToExp env hr [] d

hamletFileWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
hamletFileWithSettings qhr set fp = do
#ifdef GHC_7_4
    qAddDependentFile fp
    contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
    hamletFromString qhr set contents

hamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
hamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings

xhamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
xhamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings

shamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
shamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings

xshamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
xshamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings

ihamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
ihamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings

varName :: Scope -> String -> Exp
varName _ "" = error "Illegal empty varName"
varName scope v@(_:_) = fromMaybe (strToExp v) $ lookup (Ident v) scope

strToExp :: String -> Exp
strToExp s@(c:_)
    | all isDigit s = LitE $ IntegerL $ read s
    | isUpper c = ConE $ mkName s
    | otherwise = VarE $ mkName s
strToExp "" = error "strToExp on empty string"

-- | Checks for truth in the left value in each pair in the first argument. If
-- a true exists, then the corresponding right action is performed. Only the
-- first is performed. In there are no true values, then the second argument is
-- performed, if supplied.
condH :: Monad m => [(Bool, m ())] -> Maybe (m ()) -> m ()
condH bms mm = fromMaybe (return ()) $ lookup True bms `mplus` mm

-- | Runs the second argument with the value in the first, if available.
-- Otherwise, runs the third argument, if available.
maybeH :: Monad m => Maybe v -> (v -> m ()) -> Maybe (m ()) -> m ()
maybeH mv f mm = fromMaybe (return ()) $ fmap f mv `mplus` mm