Music.Analysis.MusicXML | Portability | HaXml | Stability | experimental | Maintainer | silva.samuel@alumni.uminho.pt |
Description |
This module make interface with MusicXML using HaXML library.
Synopsis |
toTimewise :: Score_Partwise -> Score_Timewise | | toPartwise :: Score_Timewise -> Score_Partwise | | transpose :: [(a, [(b, c)])] -> [(b, [(a, c)])] | | abst_Score_Partwise :: Score_Partwise -> Score_Partwise | | abst_Part :: Part -> Part | | abst_Measure :: Measure -> Measure | | abst_Music_Data :: Music_Data_ -> Music_Data | | abst_Note :: Note -> Note | | abst_Note_ :: Note_ -> Note_ | | abst_Grace :: Grace -> Grace | | abst_Cue :: Cue -> Cue | | abst_Instrument :: Instrument -> Instrument | | abst_Duration :: Duration -> Duration | | abst_Full_Note :: Full_Note -> Full_Note | | abst_Full_Note_ :: Full_Note_ -> Full_Note_ | | abst_Pitch :: Pitch -> Pitch | | abst_Step :: Step -> Maybe Step | | abst_Alter :: Alter -> Maybe Alter | | abst_Octave :: Octave -> Octave | | abst_Unpitched :: Unpitched -> Unpitched | | abst_Rest :: Rest -> Rest | | abst_Tie :: Tie -> Tie | | abst_Editorial_Voice :: Editorial_Voice -> Editorial_Voice | | abst_Type :: Type -> Maybe Type | | abst_Type_ :: PCDATA -> Maybe Type_ | | abst_Dot :: Dot -> Dot | | abst_Accidental :: Accidental -> Maybe Accidental | | abst_Accidental_ :: PCDATA -> Maybe Accidental_ | | abst_Time_Modification :: Time_Modification -> Time_Modification | | abst_Stem :: Stem -> Stem | | abst_Notehead :: Notehead -> Notehead | | abst_Staff :: Staff -> Staff | | abst_Beam :: Beam -> Beam | | abst_Notations :: Notations -> Notations | | abst_Lyric :: Lyric -> Lyric | | abst_Attributes :: Attributes -> Attributes | | abst_Editorial :: Editorial -> Editorial | | abst_Divisions :: Divisions -> Divisions | | abst_Key :: Key -> Key | | abst_Key_ :: Key_ -> Key_ | | abst_Fifths :: Fifths -> Fifths | | abst_Mode :: Mode -> Maybe Mode | | abst_Key_Step :: Key_Step -> Key_Step | | abst_Key_Alter :: Key_Alter -> Key_Alter | | abst_Key_Octave :: Key_Octave -> Key_Octave | | abst_Time :: Time -> Time | | abst_Time_B :: Time_B -> Time_B | | abst_Beats :: Beats -> Beats | | abst_Beat_Type :: Beat_Type -> Beat_Type | | abst_Staves :: Staves -> Staves | | abst_Part_Symbol :: Part_Symbol -> Part_Symbol | | abst_Instruments :: Instruments -> Instruments | | abst_Clef :: Clef -> Clef | | abst_Sign :: Sign -> Maybe Sign | | abst_Line :: Line -> Line | | abst_Clef_Octave_Change :: Clef_Octave_Change -> Clef_Octave_Change | | abst_Staff_Details :: Staff_Details -> Staff_Details | | abst_Transpose :: Transpose -> Transpose | | abst_Directive :: Directive -> Directive | | abst_Measure_Style :: Measure_Style -> Measure_Style | | rep_Score_Partwise :: Score_Partwise -> Score_Partwise | | rep_Part :: Part -> Part | | rep_Measure :: Measure -> Measure | | rep_Music_Data :: Music_Data -> Music_Data_ | | rep_Note :: Note -> Note | | rep_Note_ :: Note_ -> Note_ | | rep_Grace :: Grace -> Grace | | rep_Cue :: Cue -> Cue | | rep_Instrument :: Instrument -> Instrument | | rep_Duration :: Duration -> Duration | | rep_Full_Note :: Full_Note -> Full_Note | | rep_Full_Note_ :: Full_Note_ -> Full_Note_ | | rep_Pitch :: Pitch -> Pitch | | rep_Step :: Step -> Step | | rep_Alter :: Alter -> Alter | | rep_Octave :: Octave -> Octave | | rep_Unpitched :: Unpitched -> Unpitched | | rep_Rest :: Rest -> Rest | | rep_Tie :: Tie -> Tie | | rep_Editorial_Voice :: Editorial_Voice -> Editorial_Voice | | rep_Type :: Type -> Type | | rep_Type_ :: Type_ -> PCDATA | | rep_Dot :: Dot -> Dot | | rep_Accidental :: Accidental -> Accidental | | rep_Accidental_ :: Accidental_ -> PCDATA | | rep_Time_Modification :: Time_Modification -> Time_Modification | | rep_Stem :: Stem -> Stem | | rep_Notehead :: Notehead -> Notehead | | rep_Staff :: Staff -> Staff | | rep_Beam :: Beam -> Beam | | rep_Notations :: Notations -> Notations | | rep_Lyric :: Lyric -> Lyric | | rep_Attributes :: Attributes -> Attributes | | rep_Editorial :: Editorial -> Editorial | | rep_Divisions :: Divisions -> Divisions | | rep_Key :: Key -> Key | | rep_Key_ :: Key_ -> Key_ | | rep_Fifths :: Fifths -> Fifths | | rep_Mode :: Mode -> Mode | | rep_Key_Step :: Key_Step -> Key_Step | | rep_Key_Alter :: Key_Alter -> Key_Alter | | rep_Key_Octave :: Key_Octave -> Key_Octave | | rep_Time :: Time -> Time | | rep_Time_B :: Time_B -> Time_B | | rep_Beats :: Beats -> Beats | | rep_Beat_Type :: Beat_Type -> Beat_Type | | rep_Staves :: Staves -> Staves | | rep_Part_Symbol :: Part_Symbol -> Part_Symbol | | rep_Instruments :: Instruments -> Instruments | | rep_Clef :: Clef -> Clef | | rep_Sign :: Sign -> Sign | | rep_Line :: Line -> Line | | rep_Clef_Octave_Change :: Clef_Octave_Change -> Clef_Octave_Change | | rep_Staff_Details :: Staff_Details -> Staff_Details | | rep_Transpose :: Transpose -> Transpose | | rep_Directive :: Directive -> Directive | | rep_Measure_Style :: Measure_Style -> Measure_Style | | dur_Duration :: String -> IntegerNumber | | dur_Backup :: Backup -> IntegerNumber -> IntegerNumber | | dur_Forward :: Forward -> IntegerNumber -> IntegerNumber | | dur_Note_ :: Note_ -> IntegerNumber -> IntegerNumber | | dur_Note :: Note -> IntegerNumber -> IntegerNumber | | dur_Attributes :: Attributes -> Maybe Divisions | | dur_Divisions :: Maybe a -> Maybe a | | dur_Music_Data_ :: Music_Data_ -> (Divisions, IntegerNumber) -> (Divisions, IntegerNumber) | | map_Score_Partwise' :: (Music_Data_ -> Music_Data_) -> Score_Partwise -> Score_Partwise | | map_Part' :: (Music_Data_ -> Music_Data_) -> Part -> Part | | map_Measure' :: (Music_Data_ -> Music_Data_) -> Measure -> Measure | | map_Music_Data' :: (Music_Data_ -> Music_Data_) -> Music_Data_ -> Music_Data_ | | read_Number :: String -> Maybe Number | | read_IntegerNumber :: String -> Maybe IntegerNumber | | coread_Number :: String -> Either Number String | | coread_IntegerNumber :: String -> Either IntegerNumber String | | getOffSet :: Music_Data_ -> IntegerNumber | | arrangeBy :: (Ord b, Num b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[((b, Integer), a)]] | | arrange :: Music_Data -> [[((IntegerNumber, Integer), Music_Data_)]] |
Documentation |
transpose :: [(a, [(b, c)])] -> [(b, [(a, c)])] | Source |
Architecture of MusicXML
get offset from music_data elements
generic sort of Music_Data
sort of Music_Data
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |