#!/bin/sh cabal install --flags=jsaddle miso # This is important for cabal v1: unregister beforehand if already built without the jsaddle flag. cabal install --flags="jsaddle server -mhlmc" hanabi-dealer runghc $0 -package hanabi-dealer & # cabal exec --flags="jsaddle -mhlmc" -- runghc -- $0 & chromium-browser "http://localhost:8080" exit This is an example strategy module, which is actually the same as EndGameSearch, but is self-contained and thus can freely be edited in every detail. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} import Game.Hanabi.VersionInfo import Game.Hanabi.Client import Game.Hanabi hiding (main) import Data.Maybe(isNothing) import Data.List(sortOn, tails) import Data.Bits(bit, (.&.)) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import Game.Hanabi.Strategies.EndGameLite import Game.Hanabi.Strategies(mksd, mkStr, Constrs) \end{code} The following is a renamed copy of EndGameSearch.hs. \begin{code} -- An example strategy, which is actually a simplified version of EndGameSearch data Example = ES instance (Monad m) => Strategy Example m where strategyName ms = return "Example" move pvs@(pv:_) mvs ES = do (m, _) <- move (sontakuColorHint pvs mvs) mvs $ searchExhaustivelyLite $ assumeOthersAreSLLite SL return (m, ES) where searchExhaustivelyLite fallback = egml (\pub -> pileNum pub == 0) SL fallback (numPlayers $ gameSpec $ publicView pv) assumeOthersAreSLLite fallback = egl (\pub -> pileNum pub <= 1) SL fallback $ replicate (pred $ numPlayers $ gameSpec $ publicView pv) SL \end{code} The following is a copy of Stateless.hs. \begin{code} -- A stateless implementation of Stateful data Stateless = SL lookupOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> [a] lookupOn fun key xs = [ result | result <- xs, fun key == fun result ] sontakuColorHint :: [PrivateView] -> [Move] -> [PrivateView] sontakuColorHint pvs@(pv:_) mvs = let consistentGuess = [ case lookupOn ixDeck realAnn hintedAnns of guessedAnn:_ -> guessedAnn _ -> realAnn | realAnn <- myAnns ] hintedAnns = [ ann{possibilities = narrowedPos} | Ann{ixDeck=ix, marks=(Just c, Nothing), possibilities=currentPos} <- myAnns , (p,pvInQ,c) <- take 1 [ (p,pvq,c) | (p, pvq, Hint q (Left d)) <- zip3 [1..] pvs mvs, c==d && p `mod` numPlayers (gameSpec pub) == q ] , let pubInQ = publicView pvInQ myAnnsInQ = head $ annotations pubInQ , not $ or [ isObviouslyPlayable pubInQ m | Ann{marks=(Just i, _),possibilities=m} <- myAnnsInQ, c==i ] -- Exclude if there is a playable card with the color. , ann <- take 1 [ ann | ann@Ann{marks=(Just i,_)} <- myAnnsInQ, c==i ] , let narrowedPos = currentPos .&. rankToQit (succ $ achievedRank pubInQ c) -- This is undefined when achievedRank pub c == K5, but then isDefinitelyUnplayable pv ann should be True. , ixDeck ann == ix , not $ isDefinitelyUnplayable pvInQ ann , narrowedPos /= 0 ] pub = publicView pv myAnns = head $ annotations pub in pv{publicView=pub{annotations=consistentGuess : tail (annotations pub)}} : tail pvs instance Monad m => Strategy Stateless m where strategyName ms = return "Stateless" move pvs@(pv:_) mvs SL = move (sontakuColorHint pvs mvs) mvs S >>= \(mov,S) -> return (mov, SL) \end{code} The following is a copy of SimpleStrategy.hs. \begin{code} -- An example of a simple and stupid strategy. data Simple = S instance Monad m => Strategy Simple m where strategyName ms = return "Stupid example strategy" move (pv:pvs) mvs s = let pub = publicView pv nextPlayersHand = head $ handsPV pv ::[Card] nextPlayersAnns = annotations pub !! 1 nextPlayer = zip3 [0..] nextPlayersHand nextPlayersAnns myAnns = head $ annotations pub myHand = zip [0..] myAnns numHand = length myAnns colorHint pl = Hint pl . Left . color rankHint pl = Hint pl . Right . rank isColorMarkable col = isPlayable pub (head [ c | (j,c,Ann{marks=(_,Nothing)}) <- nextPlayer, color c == col ]) || any (isPlayable pub) [ c | (j,c,Ann{marks=(Nothing,Just num)}) <- nextPlayer, color c == col ] isNewestOfColor i d = null [ () | (j,c,Ann{marks=(_,Nothing)}) <- nextPlayer, color c == color d, j < i ] -- True if there is no newer rank-unmarked card of the same color in nextPlayer. markCandidates = filter (\(_,card,ann) -> isPlayable pub card && not (isObviouslyPlayable pub $ possibilities ann)) $ reverse nextPlayer -- Playable cards that are not enough hinted, old to new. markUnhintedCritical = take 1 [ if isColorMarkable (color te) then colorHint 1 te else rankHint 1 te | (_ix, te, ann) <- reverse nextPlayer, not (isHinted $ marks ann), isCritical pub te ] keep2 = take 1 [ Hint 1 $ Right K2 | (_ix, te@(C c K2), ann) <- reverse nextPlayer, not (isHinted $ marks ann), not $ isUseless pub te, not $ isPlayable pub te && havePlayableCardWithTheSameColor c ] unhintedNon2 = [ t | t@(_, c@(C _ n), ann) <- nextPlayer, n/=K2 || isUseless pub c, not $ isHinted $ marks ann ] colorMarkUnmarkedPlayable = take 1 [ colorHint 1 d | (i,d,Ann{marks=(Nothing, Nothing)}) <- markCandidates, -- Mark the color if a (not obviously) playable card is not marked isNewestOfColor i d, -- but be cautious not to color-mark newer cards. not $ havePlayableCardWithTheSameColor $ color d ] -- refrain marking if I have a playable card with the same color colorMarkNumberMarkedPlayable = take 1 [ colorHint 1 d | (_,d,Ann{marks=(Nothing, Just _)}) <- markCandidates, -- Mark the color if a (not obviously) playable card is only rank-marked. not $ havePlayableCardWithTheSameColor $ color d -- refrain marking if I have a playable card with the same color ] removeDuplicate = take 1 [ Drop i | (i,Ann{marks=m}):xs <- tails [ anned | anned@(_,Ann{marks=(Just _, Just _)}) <- myHand ], m `elem` [ m' | (_, Ann{marks=m'}) <- xs ] ] numberMarkPlayable = take 1 [ rankHint 1 d | (_,d,Ann{marks=(_, Nothing)}) <- markCandidates, -- Mark the rank if a (not obviously) playable card is not rank-marked. not $ havePlayableCardWithTheSameColor $ color d -- refrain marking if I have a playable card with the same color ] havePlayableCardWithTheSameColor c = or [ isDefinitelyPlayable pv ann | (_,ann@Ann{marks=(Just d,_)}) <- myHand, c==d ] numberMarkIfInformative cond = take 1 [ rankHint 1 d | (_,d,Ann{marks=(Just _,Nothing),possibilities=p}) <- nextPlayer, not $ cond pub p, cond pub (p .&. rankToQit (rank d)) ] numberMarkUselessIfInformative = numberMarkIfInformative isObviouslyUseless numberMarkUncriticalIfInformative = numberMarkIfInformative isObviouslyUncritical colorMarkIfInformative cond = take 1 [ colorHint 1 d | (i,d,Ann{marks=(Nothing,Just _),possibilities=p}) <- reverse nextPlayer, not $ cond pub p, cond pub (p .&. colorToQit (color d)), isNewestOfColor i d ] -- but be cautious not to color-mark newer cards. colorMarkUselessIfInformative = colorMarkIfInformative isObviouslyUseless colorMarkUncriticalIfInformative = colorMarkIfInformative isObviouslyUncritical numberMarkUnmarked = take 1 [ rankHint 1 d | (_,d,Ann{marks=(Nothing, Nothing),possibilities=p}) <- nextPlayer, not $ isObviouslyUseless pub p ] numberMarkNumberUnmarked = take 1 [ rankHint 1 d | (_,d,Ann{marks=(Just _, Nothing),possibilities=p}) <- nextPlayer, not $ isObviouslyUseless pub p ] colorMarkColorUnmarked = take 1 [ colorHint 1 d | (i,d,Ann{marks=(Nothing, Just _),possibilities=p}) <- reverse nextPlayer, not $ isObviouslyUseless pub p, isNewestOfColor i d ] -- but be cautious not to color-mark newer cards. playPlayable5 = take 1 [ Play i | (i,ann@Ann{marks=(_,Just K5)}) <- myHand, isDefinitelyPlayable pv ann ] dropUselessCard = take 1 [ Drop i | hintTokens pub < 7, (i,ann) <- reverse myHand, isDefinitelyUseless pv ann ] dropSafe = take 1 [ Drop i | (i,ann) <- reverse myHand, isDefinitelyUncritical pv ann ] dropPossiblyUncritical = take 1 [ Drop i | (i,ann) <- reverse myHand, not $ isDefinitelyCritical pv ann ] sontakuColorMark = case mvs of -- When the last move is color mark, Hint 1 (Left c) : _ | isDefinitelyUseless pv (myAnns!!i) -> [Drop i] -- If the first color-marked is obviously useless, drop it. | isDefinitelyUnplayable pv (myAnns!!i) -> [] -- If the first color-marked is unplayable for now, ignore it. | otherwise -> [Play i] -- Otherwise, it means "Play!" where i = length $ takeWhile ((/=Just c) . fst . marks) $ head $ annotations $ publicView pv -- (This should also be rewritten using list comprehension.) _ -> [] sontakuPositionalDrop = case mvs of Drop i : _ | i `notElem` unusualChops || length myAnns <= i -> [] -- It is not a positional drop if nothing is unusual or the corresponding card does not exist. | not $ isDefinitelyUnplayable pv (myAnns!!i) -> [Play i] | otherwise -> [Drop i] -- if by no means it is playable, it means "drop it" (unless there are 8 hints), even if isDefinitelyCritical. where lastpub = publicView (head pvs) lastAnns = last (annotations lastpub) unusualChops = drop 1 $ concat $ map reverse $ obviousChopss lastpub lastAnns _ -> [] dropChopUnlessDoubleDrop = [ Drop i | is@(i:_) <- take 1 $ map reverse $ definiteChopss pv myAnns, not $ isDoubleDrop pv (result pub) is $ myAnns !! i ] dropChop = [ Drop i | i:_ <- take 1 $ definiteChopss pv myAnns ] current = currentScore pub achievable = seeminglyAchievableScore pub noDeck = pileNum pub == 0 && not (prolong (Game.Hanabi.rule $ gameSpec pub)) enoughDeck = prolong (Game.Hanabi.rule $ gameSpec pub) || achievable - current < pileNum pub mov = head $ filter (isMoveValid pv) $ sontakuPositionalDrop ++ (if noDeck then playPlayable5 else markUnhintedCritical) ++ (if hintTokens pub >= 2 || not enoughDeck then colorMarkUnmarkedPlayable else []) ++ (if hintTokens pub >= 4 then colorMarkNumberMarkedPlayable ++ numberMarkPlayable ++ if length unhintedNon2 >= 2 then keep2 else [] else []) -- Do one of these only when there are spare hint tokens. ++ (if noDeck then markUnhintedCritical else playPlayable5) ++ (if enoughDeck then removeDuplicate ++ dropUselessCard else []) -- Drop a useless card unless endgame is approaching. ++ take 1 [ Play i | (i,ann) <- myHand, isDefinitelyPlayable pv ann ] -- Play a playable card ++ sontakuColorMark -- guess the meaning of the last move, and believe it. ++ dropChopUnlessDoubleDrop ++ colorMarkUnmarkedPlayable ++ colorMarkNumberMarkedPlayable ++ numberMarkPlayable ++ dropUselessCard ++ keep2 ++ colorMarkUselessIfInformative ++ numberMarkUselessIfInformative ++ colorMarkColorUnmarked ++ numberMarkNumberUnmarked ++ numberMarkUnmarked ++ [Hint 1 $ Right n | n <- [K1 .. K5]] ++ dropSafe -- drop the oldest 'safe to drop' card ++ dropChop -- ++ dropPossiblyUncritical -- This may not be a good idea. See Haddock comment on Hanabi.isDefinitelyCritical. ++ reverse [ Drop i | (i,_) <- sortOn (\(_,Ann{marks=(_,mb)}) -> fmap fromEnum mb) myHand ] in return (mov, s) \end{code} The main function. \begin{code} main = client defOpt{strategies=strs} strs :: [(String, Maybe Constrs)] strs = map mkStr [ ("simpler example strategy", mksd S), ("example strategy", mksd ES) ] \end{code}