-- Module      :  Network.Google.Bookmarks
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 Brian W Bush
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Brian W Bush <b.w.bush@acm.org>
-- Stability   :  Stable
-- Portability :  Portable
-- | Functions for accessing the unofficial Google Bookmarks API, see <http://www.mmartins.com/mmartins/googlebookmarksapi/>.

module Network.Google.Bookmarks (
-- * Types
, Password
, SmsToken
-- * Functions
, listBookmarks
) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Network.Google (appendHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Request(..), RequestBody(..), Response(..), def, httpLbs, insertCookiesIntoRequest, parseUrl, updateCookieJar, withManager)
import Text.XML.Light (Element(..), QName(..), blank_name, filterElement, findAttr, parseXMLDoc)

-- | Google e-mail address.
type EMail = String

-- | Google password.
type Password = String

-- | SMS authentication token.
type SmsToken = String

-- | List the bookmarks, see <http://www.mmartins.com/mmartins/googlebookmarksapi/>.
listBookmarks ::
     EMail       -- ^ The Google e-mail address.
  -> Password    -- ^ The Google password.
  -> SmsToken    -- ^ The SMS authentication token.
  -> IO Element  -- ^ The action returning the bookmarks in XML format.
listBookmarks email password smsToken =
    now <- getCurrentTime
    withManager $ \manager -> do
      requestGet1 <- parseUrl $ "https://accounts.google.com/Login?continue=" ++ listingUrl ++ "&hl=en&service=bookmarks&authuser=0"
      responseGet1 <- httpLbs requestGet1 manager
        encode = LBS8.unpack . fromString
        cookieInserter cookieJar request = fst $ insertCookiesIntoRequest request cookieJar now
        responseXml = fromJust . parseXMLDoc . toString . responseBody
        bodyGet1 = responseXml responseGet1
        (cookieJarGet1, _) = updateCookieJar responseGet1 requestGet1 now def
        requestPost1 =
          cookieInserter cookieJarGet1 $
          (accountsPostRequest "/ServiceLoginAuth") {
            requestBody = RequestBodyBS $ BS8.pack $
            "continue=" ++ listingUrl
            ++ "&service=bookmarks"
            ++ "&dsh=" ++ extractValue "dsh" bodyGet1
            ++ "&GALX=" ++ extractValue "GALX" bodyGet1
            ++ "&bgresponse=js_disabled"
            ++ "&Email=" ++ encode email
            ++ "&Passwd=" ++ encode password
            ++ "&PersistentCookie=yes"
          , redirectCount = 0
          , checkStatus = \_ _ -> Nothing
      responsePost1 <- httpLbs requestPost1 manager
        (cookieJarPost1, _) = updateCookieJar responsePost1 requestPost1 now cookieJarGet1
        requestPost2 =
          cookieInserter cookieJarPost1 $
          (accountsPostRequest "/SmsAuth") {
            queryString = BS8.pack $ "?continue=" ++ listingUrl ++ "&service=bookmarks"
          , requestBody = RequestBodyBS $ BS8.pack $
            "continue=" ++ listingUrl
            ++ "&service=bookmarks"
            ++ "&exp=smsauthnojs"
            ++ "&smsUserPin=" ++ encode smsToken
            ++ "&PersistentCookie=yes"
          , redirectCount = 0
          , checkStatus = \_ _ -> Nothing
      responsePost2 <- httpLbs requestPost2 manager
        bodyPost2 = responseXml responsePost2
        (cookieJarPost2, _) = updateCookieJar responsePost2 requestPost2 now cookieJarPost1
        requestPost3 =
          cookieInserter cookieJarPost2 $
          (accountsPostRequest "/ServiceLoginAuth") {
            queryString = BS8.pack $ "?continue=" ++ listingUrl
          , requestBody = RequestBodyBS $ BS8.pack $
            "continue=" ++ listingUrl
            ++ "&smsToken=" ++ extractValue "smsToken" bodyPost2
            ++ "&GALX=" ++ extractValue "GALX" bodyGet1
            ++ "&bgresponse=js_disabled"
      responsePost3 <- httpLbs requestPost3 manager
      return $ responseXml responsePost3

accountsPostRequest :: String -> Request m
accountsPostRequest path =
  appendHeaders [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] $
  def {
    method = BS8.pack "POST"
  , secure = True
  , host = BS8.pack "accounts.google.com"
  , port = 443
  , path = BS8.pack path

listingUrl :: String
listingUrl = "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fbookmarks%2F%3Foutput%3Dxml%26num%3D100000"

extractValue :: String -> Element -> String
extractValue value root =
  fromJust $ do
      inputElement = blank_name {qName = "input"}
      nameAttribute = blank_name {qName = "name"}
      valueAttribute = blank_name {qName = "value"}
      filter element = elName element == inputElement && findAttr nameAttribute element == Just value
    element <- filterElement filter root
    findAttr valueAttribute element