name: handa-gdata version: 0.4.1 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple license: MIT license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2012-13 Brian W Bush maintainer: Brian W Bush stability: Stable homepage: package-url: bug-reports: synopsis: Library and command-line utility for accessing Google services and APIs. description: This project provides a Haskell library and command-line interface for Google services such as Google Storage, Contacts, Books, etc. . For OAuth 2.0, the following operations are supported: . * Forming a URL for authorizing one or more Google APIs . * Exchanging an authorization code for tokens . * Refreshing tokens . * Validating tokens . . For the Google Storage API, the following operations are supported: . * GET Service . * PUT Bucket . * GET Bucket . * DELETE Bucket . * GET Object . * PUT Object . * HEAD Object . * DELETE Object . For the unofficial Google Bookmarks API, the following operations are supported: . * List bookmarks . For the Google Books API, the following operations are supported: . * List bookshelves . * List books . For the Google Contacts API, the following operations are supported: . * Downloading a full list of contacts in XML format . * Extracting and decrypting GnuPG/PGP text in contacts' Notes fields . For the Picasa API, the following operations are supported: . * Listing albums . * Listing photos in an album category: Network author: Brian W Bush data-dir: "" source-repository head type: mercurial location: library build-depends: HTTP -any, base <6, base64-bytestring -any, binary -any, bytestring -any, case-insensitive -any, cmdargs -any, directory -any, filepath -any, http-conduit -any, json -any, old-locale -any, process -any, pureMD5 -any, regex-posix -any, resourcet -any, time -any, unix -any, utf8-string -any, xml -any exposed-modules: Crypto.GnuPG Crypto.MD5 Network.Google Network.Google.Bookmarks Network.Google.Books Network.Google.Contacts Network.Google.OAuth2 Network.Google.Picasa Network.Google.Storage Network.Google.Storage.Encrypted Network.Google.Storage.Sync exposed: True buildable: True hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Data.List.Util executable hgdata build-depends: HTTP -any, base <6, base64-bytestring -any, binary -any, bytestring -any, case-insensitive -any, cmdargs -any, directory -any, filepath -any, http-conduit -any, json -any, old-locale -any, process -any, pureMD5 -any, regex-posix -any, resourcet -any, time -any, unix -any, utf8-string -any, xml -any main-is: Main.hs buildable: True hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Network.Google Network.Google.Contacts Network.Google.Storage Network.Google.OAuth2 Network.Google.Picasa Network.Google.Bookmarks Network.Google.Books Network.Google.Storage.Encrypted Network.Google.Storage.Sync Crypto.MD5 Crypto.GnuPG Data.List.Util