module WebServer where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,threadDelay) import Data.Time.Calendar (Day(..)) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..),addUTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime,getPOSIXTime,posixSecondsToUTCTime) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime) import Hans.Message.Tcp (TcpPort) import Hans.NetworkStack (NetworkStack,tcpHandle,Socket,readLine,sendSocket,acceptSocket,listenPort ,closeSocket,SocketError(..)) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import qualified Control.Exception as X import qualified Data.ByteString as S webserver :: NetworkStack -> TcpPort -> IO () webserver ns port = body `X.catch` \se -> print (se :: X.SomeException) where body = do start <- getPOSIXTime sock <- initServer ns port serverLoop start sock accept :: Socket -> IO Socket accept sock = loop where loop = X.catch (acceptSocket sock) $ \se -> do case se of AcceptError err -> putStrLn ("Accept error: " ++ err) _ -> putStrLn ("Socket error: " ++ show se) loop serverLoop :: POSIXTime -> Socket -> IO () serverLoop start sock = loop where loop = do client <- accept sock _ <- forkIO (handleClient start client) loop initServer :: NetworkStack -> TcpPort -> IO Socket initServer ns port = listenPort (tcpHandle ns) port `X.catch` h where h ListenError{} = do putStrLn ("Unable to listen on port: " ++ show port) exitFailure h se = do print se exitFailure handleClient :: POSIXTime -> Socket -> IO () handleClient start client = body `X.catch` \se -> print (se :: X.SomeException) where body = do mb <- processRequest client case mb of Nothing -> closeSocket client Just (url,req) -> do sendSocket client =<< makeResponse start url req threadDelay 1000000 closeSocket client processRequest :: Socket -> IO (Maybe (String,[S.ByteString])) processRequest sock = do ls <- readRequest sock case ls of [] -> return Nothing l:_ -> return (Just (parseUrl l, ls)) crlf :: S.ByteString crlf = S.pack [0x0d, 0x0a] readRequest :: Socket -> IO [S.ByteString] readRequest sock = loop where loop = do line <- readLine sock if line == crlf then return [] else do rest <- loop return (line:rest) parseUrl :: S.ByteString -> String parseUrl = head . drop 1 . words . toString fromString :: String -> S.ByteString fromString = S.pack . map (toEnum . fromEnum) toString :: S.ByteString -> String toString = map (toEnum . fromEnum) . S.unpack status200 :: S.ByteString status200 = fromString "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" contentLength :: Int -> S.ByteString contentLength len = fromString ("Content-Length: " ++ show len) contentType :: String -> S.ByteString contentType ty = fromString ("Content-Type: " ++ ty) response404 :: S.ByteString response404 = fromString $ concat [ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" , "Content-Length: 0\r\n" , "\r\n" ] connectionClose :: S.ByteString connectionClose = fromString "Connection: close" makeResponse :: POSIXTime -> String -> [S.ByteString] -> IO S.ByteString makeResponse start url req | url == "/favicon.ico" = return response404 | otherwise = do uptime <- timePassed start let date = posixSecondsToUTCTime start body = fromString (concat [ "HaLVM" , "

Welcome to the HaLVM!

\r\n\r\n" , "Started on: " , formatDate date , ", and up for " , uptime , "\r\n

HTTP Request:

               ]) `S.append` S.concat req
                  `S.append` fromString "
" return $! S.concat [ status200 , contentLength (S.length body), crlf , contentType "text/html", crlf , connectionClose, crlf , crlf , body ] formatDate :: UTCTime -> String formatDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" zeroUTCTime :: UTCTime zeroUTCTime = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0 timePassed :: POSIXTime -> IO String timePassed start = do now <- getPOSIXTime let date@(UTCTime day _) = addUTCTime (now - start) zeroUTCTime return $ concat [ show (toModifiedJulianDay day) , " days, " , formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%k hours, %M minutes, %S seconds." date ]