{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Hans.IP4.ArpTable (
    -- * Arp Table
    ArpTable(), newArpTable,

    -- ** Update

    -- ** Query
    resolveAddr, QueryResult(..),
    WaitStrategy(), blockingStrategy, writeChanStrategy

  ) where

import           Hans.Config (Config(..))
import           Hans.Device.Types (DeviceStats,updateError,statTX)
import           Hans.Ethernet (Mac)
import qualified Hans.HashTable as HT
import           Hans.IP4.Packet (IP4)
import           Hans.Threads (forkNamed)
import           Hans.Time (toUSeconds)

import           Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.BoundedChan as BC
import           Control.Monad (forever)
import           Data.Time.Clock

-- | The Arp table consists of a map of IP4 to Mac, as well as a heap that
-- orders the IP4 addresses according to when their corresponding entries should
-- be expired.
-- NOTE: There's currently no way to limit the memory use of the arp table, but
-- that might not be a huge problem as the entries are added based on requests
-- from higher layers.
-- INVARIANT: there should never be entries in the map that aren't also in the
-- heap.
data ArpTable = ArpTable { atMacs        :: !(HT.HashTable IP4 Entry)
                         , atLifetime    :: !NominalDiffTime
                         , atPurgeThread :: !ThreadId

data Entry = Waiting [Maybe Mac -> IO ()]
           | Present !UTCTime !Mac

newArpTable :: Config -> IO ArpTable
newArpTable Config { .. } =
  do atMacs        <- HT.newHashTable cfgArpTableSize
     atPurgeThread <- forkNamed "Arp Purge Thread"
                          (purgeArpTable cfgArpTableLifetime atMacs)
     return ArpTable { atLifetime = cfgArpTableLifetime, .. }

-- | Loops forever, delaying until the next arp table entry needs to be purged.
-- If no entries exist, it waits for the maximum entry lifetime before checking
-- again.
purgeArpTable :: NominalDiffTime -> HT.HashTable IP4 Entry -> IO ()
purgeArpTable lifetime table = forever $
  do now <- getCurrentTime
     HT.filterHashTable (update now) table
     threadDelay delay


  update _   _ Waiting{}          = False
  update now _ (Present expire _) = expire < now

  delay = toUSeconds lifetime

-- | Lookup an entry in the Arp table.
lookupEntry :: ArpTable -> IP4 -> IO (Maybe Mac)
lookupEntry ArpTable { .. } spa =
  do mb <- HT.lookup spa atMacs
     case mb of
       Just (Present _ mac) -> return (Just mac)
       _                    -> return Nothing

-- | Insert an entry into the Arp table, and unblock any waiting actions.
addEntry :: ArpTable -> IP4 -> Mac -> IO ()
addEntry ArpTable { .. } spa sha =
  do now <- getCurrentTime
     let end = addUTCTime atLifetime now

     waiters <- HT.alter (update end) spa atMacs

     -- NOTE: as we don't allow user-supplied IO actions to be registered as
     -- callbacks, we don't catch any exceptions here; the only way that an
     -- action can end up in this list is through the constructors for the
     -- WaitStrategy type defined below.
     -- If it turns out that it's significantly impacting the performance of the
     -- fast path, we should consider forking a thread to run the waiters.
     mapM_ ($ Just sha) waiters


  update expire (Just (Waiting ks)) = (Just (Present expire sha), ks)
  update expire (Just Present{})    = (Just (Present expire sha), [])
  update expire Nothing             = (Just (Present expire sha), [])

-- | If nobody has responded to queries for this address, notify any waiters
-- that there is no mac associated.
-- NOTE: in the future, it might be nice to keep an entry in the table that
-- indicates that this host is unreachable.
markUnreachable :: ArpTable -> IP4 -> IO ()
markUnreachable ArpTable { .. } addr =
  do waiters <- HT.alter update addr atMacs

     -- See the note in addEntry about why we don't need to sandbox the
     -- callbacks.
     mapM_ ($ Nothing) waiters


  update (Just (Waiting ks))  = (Nothing, ks)
  update ent@(Just Present{}) = (ent, [])
  update Nothing              = (Nothing,[])

newtype WaitStrategy res = WaitStrategy { getWaiter :: IO (Maybe Mac -> IO (), res) }

-- | Have the entry block on a 
blockingStrategy :: WaitStrategy (MVar (Maybe Mac))
blockingStrategy  = WaitStrategy $
  do mvar <- newEmptyMVar

     let write mb = do _ <- tryPutMVar mvar mb
                       return ()

     return (write, mvar)

-- | Write the discovered Mac to a bounded channel, passing it through a
-- filtering function first.
writeChanStrategy :: Maybe DeviceStats -> (Maybe Mac -> Maybe msg) -> BC.BoundedChan msg
                  -> WaitStrategy ()
writeChanStrategy mbStats f chan = WaitStrategy (return (handler,()))
  handler mb =
    case f mb of
      Just msg -> do written <- BC.tryWriteChan chan msg
                     case mbStats of
                       Just stats | not written -> updateError statTX stats
                       _                        -> return ()

      -- XXX should this update a stat?
      Nothing  -> return ()

data QueryResult res = Known !Mac
                     | Unknown !Bool res

-- | Returns either the address, or an empty 'MVar' that will eventually contain
-- the 'Mac', or 'Nothing' if the Arp request fails.
resolveAddr :: ArpTable -> IP4 -> WaitStrategy res -> IO (QueryResult res)
resolveAddr arp addr strategy =
  do mb <- lookupEntry arp addr
     case mb of
       Just mac -> return (Known mac)
       Nothing  -> registerWaiter arp addr strategy

-- | Register to wait on an entry in the table.
registerWaiter :: ArpTable -> IP4 -> WaitStrategy res -> IO (QueryResult res)
registerWaiter ArpTable { .. } addr strategy =
  do waiter <- getWaiter strategy
     HT.alter (update waiter) addr atMacs
  update (w,r) (Just (Waiting ws))        = (Just (Waiting (w:ws)), Unknown False r)
  update _     ent@(Just (Present _ mac)) = (ent, Known mac)
  update (w,r) Nothing                    = (Just (Waiting [w]), Unknown True r)