{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Generating graph contents
module Text.Dot.Gen (
      module Text.Dot.Gen
    , module Text.Dot.Attributes

    , Dot
    , DotGraph
    , NodeId
    , Attribute
    , AttributeName
    , AttributeValue
    , DecType
    , RankdirType
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.State     (StateT, execStateT, get, modify, put,
import           Control.Monad.Writer    (WriterT, execWriterT, runWriterT,

import           Text.Dot.Attributes
import           Text.Dot.Types.Internal

import           Control.Monad           (void)
import           Data.Monoid             (Monoid (..), (<>))

import           Data.Text               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text               as T

-- | Generate a haphviz graph with a given name and content
-- >>> graph directed "mygraph" $ do
--         a <- node "a"
--         b <- node "b"
--         a --> b
-- > graph mygraph {
-- >   0 [label="a"];
-- >   1 [label="b"];
-- >   0 -- 1;
-- > }
graph :: GraphType
      -> GraphName -- ^ Internal graph name
      -> DotGen a  -- ^ Content
      -> DotGraph
graph gt gn func = Graph gt gn $ genDot func

-- | Like 'graph' but without an internal graph name
-- > graph_ gt func = graph gt "haphviz" func
graph_ :: GraphType
       -> DotGen a -- ^ Content
       -> DotGraph
graph_ gt func = graph gt "haphviz" func

-- | Generate Internal dot content AST
genDot :: DotGen a -> Dot
genDot = genSubDot 0

-- | Utility function to generate a graph with nameless nodes starting from a given starting number.
genSubDot :: Int -> DotGen a -> Dot
genSubDot n func = snd $ genSubDot' n func

genSubDot' :: Int -> DotGen a -> ((a, State), Dot)
genSubDot' n func = runIdentity $ runWriterT $ runStateT func n

-- * Graph types

-- | Directed graph
-- >>> directed
-- > digraph
directed :: GraphType
directed = DirectedGraph

-- | Undirected graph
-- >>> undirected
-- > graph
undirected :: GraphType
undirected = UndirectedGraph

-- * Nodes

-- | Most general node declaration
-- This allows you to specify a node identifier for the node.
-- In general it is more efficient to use nameless nodes and have the identifiers generated for you.
-- It also allows you to specify attributes.
-- In general it is better to use 'namelessNode'.
-- >>> n <- newNode
-- >>> genNode n [color =: green]
-- > 0 [color="green"];
genNode :: NodeId -> [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
genNode ni ats = tell $ Node ni ats

-- | Node with given (internal) name and attributes
-- Aside from human-readable output, there is no reason to use named nodes.
-- Use 'node' instead.
-- >>> void $ namedNode "woohoo" [color =: red]
-- > wohoo [color="red"];
namedNode :: Text -- ^ Name
          -> [Attribute] -> DotGen NodeId
namedNode t ats = do
    let ni = UserId t
    genNode ni ats
    return ni

-- | Nameless node with attributes
-- This generates a nameless node for you but still allows you to specify its individual attributes.
-- In general it is better to use 'nodeDec' and then 'node'.
-- >>> void $ namelessNode [color =: blue]
-- > 0 [color="blue"];
namelessNode :: [Attribute] -> DotGen NodeId
namelessNode ats = do
    ni <- newNode
    genNode ni ats
    return ni

-- | Node with a label but no other attributes
-- A node with a given label and no other attributes.
-- Usually used in conjunction with 'nodeDec'.
-- >>> void $ node "server"
-- > 0 [label="server"];
node :: Text -- ^ Label
     -> DotGen NodeId
node l = namelessNode [label =: l]

-- | Node with given node Id and label
-- > node_ ni l = genNode ni [label =: l]
node_ :: NodeId -- ^ given Node ID
      -> Text -- ^ Label
      -> DotGen ()
node_ ni l = genNode ni [label =: l]

-- | Generate a new internally nameless node ID
-- It is not generally a good idea to use this directly but it can be used to define node identifiers before a subgraph to reference them both in- and outside of it.
newNode :: DotGen NodeId
newNode = do
    i <- get
    modify (+1)
    return $ Nameless i

-- * Edges

-- | Most general edge declaration
-- This allows you to specify attributes for a single edge.
-- Usually it is better to use 'edgeDec' and then '-->'.
-- >>> genEdge a b [label =: "MyEdge"]
-- > a -> b [label="MyEdge"];
genEdge :: NodeId -> NodeId -> [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
genEdge n1 n2 ats = tell $ Edge n1 n2 ats

-- | Infix edge constructor. (No attributes)
-- This takes care of using the right edge declaration for the given graph.
-- For undirected graphs, the output would be @--@ ...
-- >>> a --> b
-- > a -- b;
-- ... and for directed graphs it would be @->@.
-- >>> a --> b
-- > a -> b;
(-->) :: NodeId -> NodeId -> DotGen ()
n1 --> n2 = genEdge n1 n2 []

-- * Attributes

-- | Infix operator for an attribute pair
-- >>> [label =: "MyNode"]
-- > [label="MyNode"]
(=:) :: AttributeName -> AttributeValue -> Attribute
(=:) = (,)

-- * Declarations

-- | General declaration of common attributes
genDec :: DecType -> [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
genDec t ats = tell $ Declaration t ats

-- | Graph declaration
-- >>> graphDec [compound =: true]
-- > graph [compound=true];
graphDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
graphDec = genDec DecGraph

-- | Node declaration
-- >>> nodeDec [shape =: none]
-- > node [shape=none];
nodeDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
nodeDec = genDec DecNode

-- | Edge declaration
-- >>> edgeDec [color =: "red:blue"]
-- > edge [color="red:blue"];
edgeDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen ()
edgeDec = genDec DecEdge

-- * Subgraphs

-- | Cluster with a given name
-- The @cluster_@ prefix is taken care of.
cluster :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen (GraphName, a)
cluster name = subgraph $ "cluster_" <> name

-- | Like 'cluster', discarding the graph name.
cluster_ :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen a
cluster_ name subgraph = snd <$> cluster name subgraph

-- | Subgraph declaration
-- This is rarely useful. Just use 'cluster'.
subgraph :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen (GraphName, a)
subgraph name content = do
    n <- get
    let ((a, newn), dot) = genSubDot' n content
    tell $ Subgraph name dot
    put newn
    return (name, a)

-- * Miscelaneous
-- ** Rankdir

-- | The rankdir declaration
--  This changes the default layout of nodes
-- >>> rankdir leftRight
-- > rankdir = LR;
rankdir :: RankdirType -> DotGen ()
rankdir = tell . Rankdir

-- |
-- >>> leftRight
-- > LR
leftRight :: RankdirType
leftRight = LR

-- |
-- >>> rightLeft
-- > RL
rightLeft :: RankdirType
rightLeft = RL

-- |
-- >>> topBottom
-- > TB
topBottom :: RankdirType
topBottom = TB

-- |
-- >>> bottomTop
-- > BT
bottomTop :: RankdirType
bottomTop = BT

-- ** Labels
-- | Label declaration for graphs or subgraphs
labelDec :: Text -> DotGen ()
labelDec = tell . Label

-- ** Ports

-- | Use a certain port on a given node's label as an endpoint for an edge
(.:) :: NodeId
     -> Text -- ^ Port
     -> NodeId
(UserId t) .: p = UserId $ t <> ":" <> p
(Nameless i) .: p = UserId $ T.pack (show i) <> ":" <> p

-- * Ranks

-- | {rank=same ... } declaration
-- >>> ranksame $ node [shape =: none]
-- > node [shape=none];
ranksame :: DotGen a -> DotGen a
ranksame content = do
    n <- get
    let ((a, state), dot) = genSubDot' n content
    put state
    tell $ Ranksame dot
    return a

-- * Internals
-- | Generation monad
type DotGen = StateT State (WriterT Dot Identity)

-- | The next id for a nameless node
type State = Int