module HSP.ServerPartT where
import HSP
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified HSX.XMLGenerator as HSX
import Happstack.Server (ServerPartT)
instance (Monad m) => HSX.XMLGen (ServerPartT m) where
type HSX.XML (ServerPartT m) = XML
newtype HSX.Child (ServerPartT m) = SChild { unSChild :: XML }
newtype HSX.Attribute (ServerPartT m) = SAttr { unSAttr :: Attribute }
genElement n attrs children =
do attribs <- map unSAttr <$> asAttr attrs
childer <- flattenCDATA . map unSChild <$> asChild children
HSX.XMLGenT $ return (Element
(toName n)
xmlToChild = SChild
pcdataToChild = HSX.xmlToChild . pcdata
flattenCDATA :: [XML] -> [XML]
flattenCDATA cxml =
case flP cxml [] of
[] -> []
[CDATA _ ""] -> []
xs -> xs
flP :: [XML] -> [XML] -> [XML]
flP [] bs = reverse bs
flP [x] bs = reverse (x:bs)
flP (x:y:xs) bs = case (x,y) of
(CDATA e1 s1, CDATA e2 s2) | e1 == e2 -> flP (CDATA e1 (s1++s2) : xs) bs
_ -> flP (y:xs) (x:bs)
instance (Monad m, Functor m) => IsAttrValue (ServerPartT m) T.Text where
toAttrValue = toAttrValue . T.unpack
instance (Monad m, Functor m) => IsAttrValue (ServerPartT m) TL.Text where
toAttrValue = toAttrValue . TL.unpack
instance (Monad m) => HSX.EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) Attribute where
asAttr = return . (:[]) . SAttr
instance (Monad m) => HSX.EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr String Char) where
asAttr (n := c) = asAttr (n := [c])
instance (Monad m) => HSX.EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr String String) where
asAttr (n := str) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal str)
instance (Monad m) => HSX.EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr String Bool) where
asAttr (n := True) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal "true")
asAttr (n := False) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal "false")
instance (Monad m) => HSX.EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr String Int) where
asAttr (n := i) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal (show i))
instance (Monad m, Functor m, IsName n) => (EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr n TL.Text)) where
asAttr (n := a) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal $ TL.unpack a)
instance (Monad m, Functor m, IsName n) => (EmbedAsAttr (ServerPartT m) (Attr n T.Text)) where
asAttr (n := a) = asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, pAttrVal $ T.unpack a)
instance (Monad m) => EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) Char where
asChild = XMLGenT . return . (:[]) . SChild . pcdata . (:[])
instance (Monad m) => EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) String where
asChild = XMLGenT . return . (:[]) . SChild . pcdata
instance (Monad m) => EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) XML where
asChild = XMLGenT . return . (:[]) . SChild
instance Monad m => EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) () where
asChild () = return []
instance (Monad m, Functor m) => (EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) TL.Text) where
asChild = asChild . TL.unpack
instance (Monad m, Functor m) => (EmbedAsChild (ServerPartT m) T.Text) where
asChild = asChild . T.unpack
instance (Monad m) => AppendChild (ServerPartT m) XML where
appAll xml children = do
chs <- children
case xml of
CDATA _ _ -> return xml
Element n as cs -> return $ Element n as (cs ++ (map unSChild chs))
instance (Monad m) => SetAttr (ServerPartT m) XML where
setAll xml hats = do
attrs <- hats
case xml of
CDATA _ _ -> return xml
Element n as cs -> return $ Element n (foldr (:) as (map unSAttr attrs)) cs
instance (Monad m) => XMLGenerator (ServerPartT m)