{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-} module Happstack.Facebook.Common where import Control.Applicative(Applicative((<*>), pure), (<$>)) import Control.Arrow(first, second) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L import Control.Monad(mzero, ap) import Control.Monad.Reader(MonadReader(..),ReaderT(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans(MonadTrans(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans(MonadIO(liftIO)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable) import Data.Ix (Ix) import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Happstack.Crypto.MD5 ( md5, stringMD5) import Happstack.Data (Default(..), Version(..),deriveAll, deriveNewData, deriveSerialize) import Happstack.Facebook.FacebookT import Happstack.State (Proxy(..)) import Happstack.Server -- (Method(..)) import HSP (XML,XMLMetaData) import HSX.XMLGenerator(XMLGenT(..)) import Network.Browser (Form(..),formToRequest, request, browse) import qualified Network.HTTP as HTTP import Network.URI import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD),getClockTime) import Text.RJson -- FIXME: use different JSON library? data FacebookConfig = FacebookConfig { apiKey :: ApiKey , appSecret :: AppSecret , appId :: AppId , canvasURL :: URI , connectURL :: URI } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype ApiKey = ApiKey { unApiKey :: String } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) newtype AppSecret = AppSecret { unAppSecret :: String } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) newtype AppId = AppId { unAppId :: String } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) newtype CallId = CallId Integer deriving (Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Read, Real, Show, Ix) -- | $(deriveAll [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Read, ''Show, ''Ix, ''Default] [d| newtype User = User { uid :: Integer } newtype Flid = Flid { unFlid :: Integer } data Sex = Male | Female |]) instance Version User $(deriveSerialize ''User) instance Version Sex $(deriveSerialize ''Sex) instance Version Flid $(deriveSerialize ''Flid) $(deriveAll [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Read, ''Show, ''Default] [d| data FriendList = FriendList { flid :: Flid, name :: String } |]) instance Version FriendList $(deriveSerialize ''FriendList) $(deriveAll [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Read, ''Show, ''Ix, ''Default] [d| newtype PhotoId = PhotoId { pid :: Integer } |]) $(deriveAll [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Read, ''Show, ''Ix, ''Default] [d| newtype AlbumId = AlbumId { aid :: Integer } |]) type SessionKey = String type Parameters = [(String, String)] data UidRequired = UidRequired data SessionRequired = SessionRequired data None = None class (Monad m) => FacebookMethod m method where type FacebookResponse method toParams :: method -> m Parameters parseResponse :: Proxy (m method) -> String -> Either String (FacebookResponse method) class (Monad m) => HasFacebookConfig m where askFacebookConfig :: m FacebookConfig class (Monad m) => HasUser m where askUser :: m User class (Monad m) => HasSessionKey m where askSessionKey :: m SessionKey class (Monad m) => HasFacebookData d m where askFacebookData :: m d -- |the State that lives in the facebook monad data FacebookState d = FacebookState { fbConfig :: FacebookConfig -- our api id, etc, , fbData :: d -- user specific information that facebook provides } instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookConfig (FacebookT (FacebookState d) m) where askFacebookConfig = fbConfig <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookData d (FacebookT (FacebookState d) m) where askFacebookData = fbData <$> ask data FacebookStateU d = FacebookStateU { fbuConfig :: FacebookConfig -- our api id, etc, , fbuData :: d -- user specific information that facebook provides , fbuUser :: User } instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookConfig (FacebookT (FacebookStateU d) m) where askFacebookConfig = fbuConfig <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookData d (FacebookT (FacebookStateU d) m) where askFacebookData = fbuData <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasUser (FacebookT (FacebookStateU d) m) where askUser = fbuUser <$> ask data FacebookStateS d = FacebookStateS { fbsConfig :: FacebookConfig -- our api id, etc, , fbsData :: d -- user specific information that facebook provides , fbsUser :: User , fbsSessionKey :: SessionKey } instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookConfig (FacebookT (FacebookStateS d) m) where askFacebookConfig = fbsConfig <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasFacebookData d (FacebookT (FacebookStateS d) m) where askFacebookData = fbsData <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasUser (FacebookT (FacebookStateS d) m) where askUser = fbsUser <$> ask instance (Monad m) => HasSessionKey (FacebookT (FacebookStateS d) m) where askSessionKey = fbsSessionKey <$> ask -- ** XMLGenT instance (HasFacebookConfig m) => (HasFacebookConfig (XMLGenT m)) where askFacebookConfig = XMLGenT $ askFacebookConfig instance (HasFacebookData d m) => (HasFacebookData d (XMLGenT m)) where askFacebookData = XMLGenT $ askFacebookData instance (HasUser m) => (HasUser (XMLGenT m)) where askUser = XMLGenT $ askUser instance (HasSessionKey m) => (HasSessionKey (XMLGenT m)) where askSessionKey = XMLGenT $ askSessionKey assocToJSON :: [(String, String)] -> JsonData assocToJSON assoc = JDObject $ Map.fromList (map (second toJson) assoc) parseResponseBool :: String -> Either String Bool parseResponseBool str = case fromJsonString [] str of (Right [b]) -> Right b (Left e) -> Left e parseUserIds :: String -> Either String [User] parseUserIds str = case partitionEithers $ map (fmap User . read') (commas str) of ([], users) -> Right users (errors,_) -> Left $ show errors where commas :: String -> [String] commas = words . map (\c -> if (c==',') then ' ' else c) read' str = case reads str of [(a,[])] -> Right a r -> Left ("Failed to read " ++ str ++ " got " ++ show r) -- |helper function lookupBool :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Bool lookupBool key assoc = case lookup key assoc of Nothing -> error ("required key " ++ key ++ " was not found.") (Just "0") -> False (Just "1") -> False (Just str) -> error ("key " ++ key ++ " has unparsable value " ++ str) toCommaList :: [String] -> String toCommaList = intercalate "," class RequiresSession a callId :: (MonadIO m) => m CallId callId = do (TOD x y) <- liftIO getClockTime return (CallId (x + y)) buildRequest :: FacebookConfig -> Parameters -> (CallId -> HTTP.Request String) buildRequest fbConfig parameters = \cid -> let (sig, args) = signature (appSecret fbConfig) $ [ ("api_key", unApiKey $ apiKey fbConfig) , ("call_id", show (toInteger cid)) , ("format","json") -- , ("uid", uid) , ("v","1.0") ] ++ parameters in formToRequest (Form HTTP.POST fbRESTURI (args ++ [("sig",sig)])) where fbRESTURI :: URI fbRESTURI = fromJust $ parseURI "http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php" buildRequestM :: (HasFacebookConfig m) => Parameters -> m (CallId -> HTTP.Request String) buildRequestM parameters = do c <- askFacebookConfig return $ buildRequest c parameters execRequest :: (MonadIO m) => (CallId -> HTTP.Request String) -> m String execRequest req = do cid <- callId (_uri, res) <- liftIO $ browse (request (req cid)) let body = HTTP.rspBody res return body callMethod :: forall method m. (HasFacebookConfig m, MonadIO m, FacebookMethod m method) => method -> m (Either FacebookError (FacebookResponse method)) callMethod method = do configData <- askFacebookConfig params <- toParams method req <- return $ buildRequest configData params -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Request: " ++ (show $ req (CallId 0))) res <- execRequest req -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Response: " ++ (show res)) return $ parseResponse' (Proxy :: Proxy (m method)) res callMethodWithConfig :: forall method m. (MonadIO m, FacebookMethod m method) => FacebookConfig -> method -> m (Either FacebookError (FacebookResponse method)) callMethodWithConfig configData method = do params <- toParams method req <- return $ buildRequest configData params -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Request: " ++ (show $ req (CallId 0))) res <- execRequest req -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Response: " ++ (show res)) return $ parseResponse' (Proxy :: Proxy (m method)) res callMethodOld :: forall method m. (HasFacebookConfig m, MonadIO m, FacebookMethod m method) => method -> m (Either String (FacebookResponse method)) callMethodOld method = do configData <- askFacebookConfig params <- toParams method req <- return $ buildRequest configData params -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Request: " ++ (show $ req (CallId 0))) res <- execRequest req -- liftIO (putStrLn $ "FB Response: " ++ (show res)) return $ parseResponse (Proxy :: Proxy (m method)) res -- |calculate the sig, and return the args in sorted order. The sig is *not* added to the args. signature :: AppSecret -> [(String, String)] -> (String, [(String, String)]) signature (AppSecret appSecret) unsortedArgs = let args = sortBy (compare `on` fst) unsortedArgs argStr = concatMap (\(k,v) -> k ++ '=' : v) args sig = stringMD5 (md5 (L.pack (argStr ++ appSecret))) in (sig, args) data FacebookError = FacebookError { error_code :: Integer , error_msg :: String , request_args :: Parameters } | ParseError String deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) parseResponse' :: (FacebookMethod m method) => Proxy (m method) -> String -> Either FacebookError (FacebookResponse method) parseResponse' method responseString | "{\"error_code\":" `isPrefixOf` responseString = Left (parseError responseString) | otherwise = case parseResponse method responseString of (Left str) -> Left (ParseError str) (Right r) -> Right r parseError :: String -> FacebookError parseError responseString = case parseJsonString responseString of (Left e) -> ParseError e (Right (JDObject json)) -> FacebookError { error_code = let (Just (JDNumber d)) = Map.lookup "error_code" json in floor d , error_msg = let (Just (JDString str)) = Map.lookup "error_msg" json in str , request_args = let (Just (JDArray args)) = Map.lookup "request_args" json in map fromKeyValue args } where fromKeyValue :: JsonData -> (String, String) fromKeyValue (JDObject json) = (fromJD $ fromJust $ Map.lookup "key" json, fromJD $ fromJust $ Map.lookup "value" json) fromJD (JDString str) = str fromJD (JDNumber d) = show d data ActionLink = ActionLink String String deriving (Data, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) actionLinkToJSON (ActionLink text uri) = JDObject $ Map.fromList [ ("text", (toJson text)) , ("href", (toJson uri)) ] newtype FbXML = FbXML { unFbXML :: XML } -- FIXME: the