Cabal-version: >=1.2.3 Name: happstack-util Version: 0.1 Synopsis: Web framework License: BSD3 License-file: COPYING Author: Happstack team, HAppS LLC Maintainer: Happstack team homepage: Category: Web, Distributed Computing Description: Miscellaneous utilities for Happstack packages. Build-type: Simple Flag base4 Description: Choose the even newer, even smaller, split-up base package. Flag tests Description: Build the testsuite, and include the tests in the library Default: True Library Build-Depends: mtl, hslogger >= 1.0.2, template-haskell, array, bytestring, old-time, process, directory, extensible-exceptions, HUnit, QuickCheck, random if flag(base4) Build-Depends: base >= 4 else Build-Depends: base < 4 hs-source-dirs: src if flag(tests) hs-source-dirs: tests Exposed-modules: HAppS.Crypto.Base64, HAppS.Crypto.DES, HAppS.Crypto.HMAC, HAppS.Crypto.SHA1, HAppS.Crypto.MD5, HAppS.Crypto.W64, HAppS.Util.ByteStringCompat, HAppS.Util.Common, HAppS.Util.Concurrent, HAppS.Util.Daemonize, HAppS.Util.TimeOut, HAppS.Util.TH, HAppS.Util.Testing if flag(tests) Exposed-modules: HAppS.Util.Tests extensions: CPP, UndecidableInstances, BangPatterns, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell, RecursiveDo ghc-options: -Wall GHC-Prof-Options: -auto-all Executable happstack-util-tests Main-Is: Test.hs GHC-Options: -threaded Build-depends: HUnit hs-source-dirs: tests, src if flag(tests) Buildable: True else Buildable: False