ANNOUNCING Happy 1.16 - The LALR(1) Parser Generator for Haskell I'm pleased to announce version 1.16 of Happy, the parser generator system for Haskell. Changes from version 1.15 to 1.16 * Switch to a Cabal build system: you need a recent version of Cabal (1.1.6 or later). If you have GHC 6.4.2, then you need to upgrade Cabal before building Happy. GHC 6.6 is fine. * New %error directive * New production forms: {%% .. } and {%^ .. } * Added Attribute Grammar support, by Robert Dockins NOTE: Happy version 1.16 is required for building GHC version 6.6 and later. Happy is available in source form, which can be compiled with GHC version 5.04+, and we also provide binaries for some architectures. The Happy homepage with links to the various distributions lives at: Please send any bug reports and comments to