module Graphics.HappyHour (writeBarGraphSvgFile) where import Data.Functor (void) import Data.List (genericLength) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy hiding (bars) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams (renderableToFile, FileOptions, fo_size) -- | Create an SVG file containing a bar graph writeBarGraphSvgFile :: FilePath -- ^ Where the file will be written. The containing directory -- must already exist. If there already exists a file at this path, -- it will be overwritten. If there exists a directory at this path, -- the action will fail. -> [(String, Int)] -- ^ The data to visualize. Each list entry represents a bar on the -- plot, ordered from left to right. The @String@ is the label on the -- X axis, and the @Int@ is the height of the bar. -> IO () writeBarGraphSvgFile path bars = void $ renderableToFile fo path r where layout = applyBarPlot bars def :: Layout PlotIndex Int r = toRenderable layout :: Renderable () fo = applyFileOptions bars def :: FileOptions type Bars = [(String, Int)] type Endo a = a -> a foldEndo :: [a -> a] -> (a -> a) foldEndo = foldr (.) id applyFileOptions :: Bars -> Endo FileOptions applyFileOptions bars = set fo_size (maximum ([l x | (x, _) <- bars]) * l bars * 50, 600) where l = genericLength -- | Add a single bar plot to a layout, configure its X axis labels to -- match the data, and style the layout to look nice with a bar plot applyBarPlot :: Bars -> Endo (Layout PlotIndex Int) applyBarPlot bars = foldEndo [ applyLayoutStyle , applyLabels bars , set layout_plots [plotBars (( applyBarStyle . applyValues bars ) def)] ] -- | Set the data values on a bar plot applyValues :: Bars -> Endo (PlotBars PlotIndex Int) applyValues bars = set plot_bars_values (addIndexes [ [y] | (_, y) <- bars ]) -- | Set up the X axis of a layout in preparation for adding the bar plot applyLabels :: Integral x => Bars -> Endo (Layout x y) applyLabels bars = set (layout_x_axis . laxis_generate) (autoIndexAxis [ x | (x, _) <- bars ]) -- | Set some layout styles that look nice applyLayoutStyle :: Endo (Layout x y) applyLayoutStyle = foldEndo [ set layout_margin 40 , setAxisLineWidth 5 , over yGridStyle (set line_width 5 . set line_dashes [40, 20]) , set (layout_y_axis . laxis_style . axis_label_gap) 25 , set (layout_title_style . font_size) 80 , setAxisFontSize 40 ] -- | Lens for the grid style on the Y axis yGridStyle :: Lens' (Layout x y) LineStyle yGridStyle = layout_y_axis . laxis_style . axis_grid_style -- | Lens for the width of an axis axisLineWidth :: Lens' (LayoutAxis x) Double axisLineWidth = laxis_style . axis_line_style . line_width -- | Lens for the label font size of an axis axisLabelSize :: Lens' (LayoutAxis x) Double axisLabelSize = laxis_style . axis_label_style . font_size -- | Set the line width on both axes setAxisLineWidth :: Double -> Endo (Layout x y) setAxisLineWidth v = foldEndo [ set l v | l <- [ layout_x_axis . axisLineWidth , layout_y_axis . axisLineWidth ] ] -- | Set the label size on both axes setAxisFontSize :: Double -> Endo (Layout x y) setAxisFontSize v = foldEndo [ set l v | l <- [ layout_x_axis . axisLabelSize , layout_y_axis . axisLabelSize ] ] -- | Set some bar styles that look nice applyBarStyle :: Endo (PlotBars x y) applyBarStyle = foldEndo [ set plot_bars_spacing (BarsFixGap 80 20) , set plot_bars_item_styles [(FillStyleSolid (opaque steelblue), Nothing)] ]