module Main where import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Generation.OutputGenerator as OG import Language.ErrM import Language.Par import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitFailure), exitWith) import qualified TypeCheck.ApiSpec as AS import qualified TypeCheck.StaticCheck as SC -- | Flags of the executable data Options = Options { generationFunctions :: [OG.GenerationFunction] , outputDir :: FilePath } defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { generationFunctions = [] , outputDir = "./harmony_output" } -- | Definition of the flags expected by the executable options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option "c" ["client"] (OptArg (\c options -> options { generationFunctions = parseClient c:generationFunctions options}) "CLIENTS") "Desired output for the client" , Option "s" ["server"] (OptArg (\s options -> options { generationFunctions = parseServer s:generationFunctions options}) "SERVERS") "Desired output for the server" , Option "o" ["output_dir"] (OptArg (\dir options -> options { outputDir = fromJust dir }) "OUTPUT_DIR") "Output path" ] -- | Parse flag input parseClient, parseServer :: Maybe String -> OG.GenerationFunction parseClient (Just "js") = OG.generateJSClient parseClient (Just "python") = OG.generatePythonClient parseClient (Just other) = error $ "Could not parse client: " ++ other parseClient Nothing = error "parseClient: not expected Nothing as flag" parseServer (Just "js") = OG.generateJSServer parseServer (Just other) = error $ "Could not parse server" ++ other parseServer Nothing = error "parseServer: not expected Nothing as flag" -- | Entry point, parses arguments, then the specification file and generates all the desired -- | outputs. main :: IO () main = do (inputFile, outputPath, toGenerateList) <- parseArgs contents <- readFile inputFile case pSpecification (myLexer contents) of Bad err -> ioError (userError err) Ok tree -> case SC.staticCheck tree of Bad err -> ioError (userError err) Ok env -> generateOutput env toGenerateList outputPath return () -- | Parses the arguments and returns a list of targets to generate. parseArgs :: IO (FilePath, FilePath, [OG.GenerationFunction]) parseArgs = do args <- getArgs programName <- getProgName case getOpt Permute options args of (flags, args, []) -> do unless (length args == 1) (printUsageAndExitWithError Nothing programName options) unless (not $ null flags) (printUsageAndExitWithError (Just "Select at least a client/server") programName options) return (head args, outputDir info, generationFunctions info) where info :: Options info = foldl (flip ($)) defaultOptions flags -- TODO: check if this should be another printUsageAndExitWithError call (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage programName options)) -- | Generate all the output required. generateOutput :: AS.ApiSpec -> [OG.GenerationFunction] -> FilePath -> IO () generateOutput apiSpec genFunctions outputPath = forM_ genFunctions (\f -> f outputPath apiSpec) -- | Generates the usage message. usage :: String -> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] -> String usage progName = usageInfo header where header = "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [OPTION...] input_file" -- | Prints usage and exits with error. printUsageAndExitWithError :: Maybe String -> String -> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] -> IO () printUsageAndExitWithError message progName options = do case message of Just str -> putStrLn $ "ERROR: " ++ str ++ "\n" Nothing -> return () putStrLn $ usage progName options exitWith (ExitFailure 2)