{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Harpy.CodeGenMonad
-- Copyright:   (c) 2006-2007 Martin Grabmueller and Dirk Kleeblatt
-- License:     GPL
-- Maintainer:  {magr,klee}@cs.tu-berlin.de
-- Stability:   provisional
-- Portability: portable (but generated code non-portable)
-- Monad for generating x86 machine code at runtime.
-- This is a combined reader-state-exception monad which handles all
-- the details of handling code buffers, emitting binary data,
-- relocation etc.
-- All the code generation functions in module "Harpy.X86CodeGen" live
-- in this monad and use its error reporting facilities as well as the
-- internal state maintained by the monad.  
-- The library user can pass a user environment and user state through
-- the monad.  This state is independent from the internal state and
-- may be used by higher-level code generation libraries to maintain
-- their own state across code generation operations.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Harpy.CodeGenMonad(
    -- * Types
    -- * Functions
    -- ** General code generator monad operations
    -- ** Accessing code generation internals
    -- ** Access to user state and environment
    -- ** Label management
    -- ** Code emission
    -- ** Executing code generation
    -- ** Calling generated functions
    -- ** Interface to disassembler
    ) where

import qualified Harpy.X86Disassembler as Dis

import Control.Monad

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

import Numeric

import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Foreign
import System.IO

import Control.Monad.Trans

import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

-- | An error message produced by a code generation operation.
type ErrMsg = Doc

-- | The code generation monad, a combined reader-state-exception
-- monad.
newtype CodeGen e s a = CodeGen ((e, CodeGenEnv) -> (s, CodeGenState) -> IO ((s, CodeGenState), Either ErrMsg a))

-- | Configuration of the code generator.  There are currently two
-- configuration options.  The first is the number fo bytes to use for
-- allocating code buffers (the first as well as additional buffers
-- created in calls to 'ensureBufferSize'.  The second allows to pass
-- in a pre-allocated code buffer and its size.  When this option is
-- used, Harpy does not perform any code buffer resizing (calls to
-- 'ensureBufferSize' will be equivalent to calls to
-- 'checkBufferSize').
data CodeGenConfig = CodeGenConfig { 
      codeBufferSize   :: Int,                   -- ^ Size of individual code buffer blocks. 
      customCodeBuffer :: Maybe (Ptr Word8, Int) -- ^ Code buffer passed in.

-- | Internal state of the code generator
data CodeGenState = CodeGenState { 
      buffer        :: Ptr Word8,                    -- ^ Pointer to current code buffer.
      bufferList    :: [(Ptr Word8, Int)],           -- ^ List of all other code buffers.
      firstBuffer   :: Ptr Word8,                    -- ^ Pointer to first buffer.
      bufferOfs     :: Int,                          -- ^ Current offset into buffer where next instruction will be stored.
      bufferSize    :: Int,                          -- ^ Size of current buffer.
      relocEntries  :: [Reloc],                      -- ^ List of all emitted relocation entries.
      nextLabel     :: Int,                          -- ^ Counter for generating labels.
      definedLabels :: Map.Map Int (Ptr Word8, Int, String), -- ^ Map of already defined labels.
      pendingFixups :: Map.Map Int [FixupEntry],     -- ^ Map of labels which have been referenced, but not defined.
      config        :: CodeGenConfig                 -- ^ Configuration record.

data FixupEntry = FixupEntry { 
      fueBuffer :: Ptr Word8,
      fueOfs    :: Int,
      fueKind   :: FixupKind 

-- | Kind of a fixup entry.  When a label is emitted with
-- 'defineLabel', all prior references to this label must be fixed
-- up.  This data type tells how to perform the fixup operation.
data FixupKind = Fixup8          -- ^ 8-bit relative reference
               | Fixup16         -- ^ 16-bit relative reference
               | Fixup32         -- ^ 32-bit relative reference
               | Fixup32Absolute -- ^ 32-bit absolute reference
               deriving (Show)

data CodeGenEnv = CodeGenEnv { tailContext :: Bool }
   deriving (Show)

-- | Kind of relocation, for example PC-relative
data RelocKind = RelocPCRel    -- ^ PC-relative relocation
               | RelocAbsolute -- ^ Absolute address
   deriving (Show)

-- | Relocation entry
data Reloc = Reloc { offset :: Int, 
             -- ^ offset in code block which needs relocation
                     kind :: RelocKind,
             -- ^ kind of relocation
                     address :: FunPtr () 
             -- ^ target address
   deriving (Show)

-- | Label
data Label = Label Int String
           deriving (Eq, Ord)

unCg :: CodeGen e s a -> ((e, CodeGenEnv) -> (s, CodeGenState) -> IO ((s, CodeGenState), Either ErrMsg a))
unCg (CodeGen a) = a

instance Monad (CodeGen e s) where
    return x = cgReturn x
    fail err = cgFail err
    m >>= k = cgBind m k

cgReturn :: a -> CodeGen e s a
cgReturn x = CodeGen (\_env state -> return (state, Right x))

cgFail :: String -> CodeGen e s a
cgFail err = CodeGen (\_env state -> return (state, Left (text err)))

cgBind :: CodeGen e s a -> (a -> CodeGen e s a1) -> CodeGen e s a1
cgBind m k = CodeGen (\env state -> 
               do r1 <- unCg m env state
                  case r1 of
                    (state', Left err) -> return (state', Left err)
                    (state', Right v) -> unCg (k v) env state')

-- | Abort code generation with the given error message.
failCodeGen :: Doc -> CodeGen e s a
failCodeGen d = CodeGen (\_env state -> return (state, Left d))

instance MonadIO (CodeGen e s) where
  liftIO st = CodeGen (\_env state -> do { r <- st; return (state, Right r) })

emptyCodeGenState :: CodeGenState
emptyCodeGenState = CodeGenState { buffer = undefined,
                                   bufferList = [],
                                   firstBuffer = undefined,
                                   bufferOfs = 0,
                                   bufferSize = 0,
                                   relocEntries = [], 
                                   nextLabel = 0,
                                   definedLabels = Map.empty,
                                   pendingFixups = Map.empty,
                                   config = defaultCodeGenConfig}

-- | Default code generation configuration.  The code buffer size is
-- set to 4KB, and code buffer management is automatic.  This value is
-- intended to be used with record update syntax, for example:
-- >  runCodeGenWithConfig ... defaultCodeGenConfig{codeBufferSize = 128} ...
defaultCodeGenConfig :: CodeGenConfig
defaultCodeGenConfig = CodeGenConfig { codeBufferSize = defaultCodeBufferSize,
                                       customCodeBuffer = Nothing }

defaultCodeBufferSize :: Int
defaultCodeBufferSize = 4096

-- | Execute code generation, given a user environment and state.  The
-- result is a tuple of the resulting user state and either an error
-- message (when code generation failed) or the result of the code
-- generation.  This function runs 'runCodeGenWithConfig' with a
-- sensible default configuration.
runCodeGen :: CodeGen e s a -> e -> s -> IO (s, Either ErrMsg a)
runCodeGen cg uenv ustate =
    runCodeGenWithConfig cg uenv ustate defaultCodeGenConfig

-- | Like 'runCodeGen', but allows more control over the code
-- generation process.  In addition to a code generator and a user
-- environment and state, a code generation configuration must be
-- provided.  A code generation configuration allows control over the
-- allocation of code buffers, for example.
runCodeGenWithConfig :: CodeGen e s a -> e -> s -> CodeGenConfig -> IO (s, Either ErrMsg a)
runCodeGenWithConfig (CodeGen cg) uenv ustate conf =
    do (buf, sze) <- case customCodeBuffer conf of
                       Nothing -> do let initSize = codeBufferSize conf
                                     arr <- mallocBytes initSize
                                     return (arr, initSize)
                       Just (buf, sze) -> return (buf, sze)
       let env = CodeGenEnv {tailContext = True}
       let state = emptyCodeGenState{buffer = buf,
                                     bufferList = [],
                                     firstBuffer = buf,
                                     bufferSize = sze,
                                     config = conf}
       ((ustate', _), res) <- cg (uenv, env) (ustate, state)
       return (ustate', res)

-- | Check whether the code buffer has room for at least the given
-- number of bytes.  This should be called by code generators
-- whenever it cannot be guaranteed that the code buffer is large
-- enough to hold all the generated code.  Lets the code generation
-- monad fail when the buffer overflows.
-- /Note:/ Starting with version 0.4, Harpy automatically checks for
-- buffer overflow, so you do not need to call this function anymore.
checkBufferSize :: Int -> CodeGen e s ()
checkBufferSize needed =
    do state <- getInternalState
       unless (bufferOfs state + needed <= bufferSize state)
              (failCodeGen (text "code generation buffer overflow: needed additional" <+> 
                            int needed <+> text "bytes (offset =" <+> 
                            int (bufferOfs state) <> 
                            text ", buffer size =" <+> 
                            int (bufferSize state) <> text ")"))

-- | Make sure that the code buffer has room for at least the given
-- number of bytes.  This should be called by code generators whenever
-- it cannot be guaranteed that the code buffer is large enough to
-- hold all the generated code.  Creates a new buffer and places a
-- jump to the new buffer when there is not sufficient space
-- available.  When code generation was invoked with a pre-defined
-- code buffer, code generation is aborted on overflow.
-- /Note:/ Starting with version 0.4, Harpy automatically checks for
-- buffer overflow, so you do not need to call this function anymore.
ensureBufferSize :: Int -> CodeGen e s ()
ensureBufferSize needed =
    do state <- getInternalState
       case (customCodeBuffer (config state)) of
         Nothing ->
             unless (bufferOfs state + needed + 5 <= bufferSize state)
                        (do let incrSize = max (needed + 16) (codeBufferSize (config state))
                            arr <- liftIO $ mallocBytes incrSize
                            ofs <- getCodeOffset
                            let buf = buffer state
                                disp :: Int
                                disp = arr `minusPtr` (buf `plusPtr` ofs) - 5
                            emit8 0xe9    -- FIXME: Machine dependent!
                            emit32 (fromIntegral disp)
                            st <- getInternalState
                            setInternalState st{buffer = arr, bufferList = bufferList st ++ [(buffer st, bufferOfs st)], bufferOfs = 0})
         Just (_, _) -> checkBufferSize needed

-- | Return a pointer to the beginning of the first code buffer, which
-- is normally the entry point to the generated code.
getEntryPoint :: CodeGen e s (Ptr Word8)
getEntryPoint =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, state), Right (firstBuffer state)))

-- | Return the current offset in the code buffer, e.g. the offset
-- at which the next instruction will be emitted.
getCodeOffset :: CodeGen e s Int
getCodeOffset =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, state), Right (bufferOfs state)))

-- | Set the user state to the given value. 
setState :: s -> CodeGen e s ()
setState st =
    CodeGen (\ _ (_, state) -> 
      return $ ((st, state), Right ()))

-- | Return the current user state.
getState :: CodeGen e s s
getState =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, state), Right (ustate)))

-- | Return the current user environment.
getEnv :: CodeGen e s e
getEnv =
    CodeGen (\ (uenv, _) state -> 
      return $ (state, Right uenv))

-- | Set the environment to the given value and execute the given
-- code generation in this environment.
withEnv :: e -> CodeGen e s r -> CodeGen e s r
withEnv e (CodeGen cg) =
    CodeGen (\ (_, env) state ->
      cg (e, env) state)

-- | Set the user state to the given value. 
setInternalState :: CodeGenState -> CodeGen e s ()
setInternalState st =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, _) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, st), Right ()))

-- | Return the current user state.
getInternalState :: CodeGen e s CodeGenState
getInternalState =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, state), Right (state)))

-- | Return the pointer to the start of the code buffer.
getBasePtr :: CodeGen e s (Ptr Word8)
getBasePtr =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      return $ ((ustate, state), Right (buffer state)))

-- | Return a list of all code buffers and their respective size 
-- (i.e., actually used space for code, not allocated size).
getCodeBufferList :: CodeGen e s [(Ptr Word8, Int)]
getCodeBufferList = do st <- getInternalState
                       return $ bufferList st ++ [(buffer st, bufferOfs st)]

-- | Generate a new label to be used with the label operations
-- 'emitFixup' and 'defineLabel'.
newLabel :: CodeGen e s Label
newLabel =
    do state <- getInternalState
       let lab = nextLabel state
       setInternalState state{nextLabel = lab + 1}
       return (Label lab "")

-- | Generate a new label to be used with the label operations
-- 'emitFixup' and 'defineLabel'.  The given name is used for
-- diagnostic purposes, and will appear in the disassembly.
newNamedLabel :: String -> CodeGen e s Label
newNamedLabel name =
    do state <- getInternalState
       let lab = nextLabel state
       setInternalState state{nextLabel = lab + 1}
       return (Label lab name)

-- | Generate a new label and define it at once
setLabel :: CodeGen e s Label
setLabel =
    do l <- newLabel
       defineLabel l
       return l

-- | Emit a relocation entry for the given offset, relocation kind 
-- and target address.
emitRelocInfo :: Int -> RelocKind -> FunPtr a -> CodeGen e s ()
emitRelocInfo ofs knd addr = 
    do state <- getInternalState
       setInternalState state{relocEntries =
                              Reloc{offset = ofs, 
                                    kind = knd,
                                    address = castFunPtr addr} : 
                              (relocEntries state)}

-- | Emit a byte value to the code buffer. 
emit8 :: Word8 -> CodeGen e s ()
emit8 op = 
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      do let buf = buffer state
             ptr = bufferOfs state
         pokeByteOff buf ptr op
         return $ ((ustate, state{bufferOfs = ptr + 1}), Right ()))

-- | Store a byte value at the given offset into the code buffer.
emit8At :: Int -> Word8 -> CodeGen e s ()
emit8At pos op = 
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      do let buf = buffer state
         pokeByteOff buf pos op
         return $ ((ustate, state), Right ()))

-- | Return the byte value at the given offset in the code buffer.
peek8At :: Int -> CodeGen e s Word8
peek8At pos =
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      do let buf = buffer state
         b <- peekByteOff buf pos
         return $ ((ustate, state), Right b))

-- | Like 'emit8', but for a 32-bit value.
emit32 :: Word32 -> CodeGen e s ()
emit32 op = 
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      do let buf = buffer state
             ptr = bufferOfs state
         pokeByteOff buf ptr op
         return $ ((ustate, state{bufferOfs = ptr + 4}), Right ()))

-- | Like 'emit8At', but for a 32-bit value.
emit32At :: Int -> Word32 -> CodeGen e s ()
emit32At pos op = 
    CodeGen (\ _ (ustate, state) -> 
      do let buf = buffer state
         pokeByteOff buf pos op
         return $ ((ustate, state), Right ()))

-- | Emit a label at the current offset in the code buffer.  All
-- references to the label will be relocated to this offset.
defineLabel :: Label -> CodeGen e s ()
defineLabel (Label lab name) = 
    do state <- getInternalState
       case Map.lookup lab (definedLabels state) of
         Just _ -> failCodeGen $ text "duplicate definition of label" <+> 
                     int lab
         _ -> return ()
       case Map.lookup lab (pendingFixups state) of
         Just fixups -> do mapM_ (performFixup (buffer state) (bufferOfs state)) fixups
                           setInternalState state{pendingFixups = Map.delete lab (pendingFixups state)}
         Nothing -> return ()
       state1 <- getInternalState
       setInternalState state1{definedLabels = Map.insert lab (buffer state1, bufferOfs state1, name) (definedLabels state1)}

performFixup :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> FixupEntry -> CodeGen e s ()
performFixup labBuf labOfs (FixupEntry{fueBuffer = buf, fueOfs = ofs, fueKind = knd}) =
    do let diff = (labBuf `plusPtr` labOfs) `minusPtr` (buf `plusPtr` ofs)
       liftIO $ case knd of
                  Fixup8  -> pokeByteOff buf ofs (fromIntegral diff - 1 :: Word8)
                  Fixup16 -> pokeByteOff buf ofs (fromIntegral diff - 2 :: Word16)
                  Fixup32 -> pokeByteOff buf ofs (fromIntegral diff - 4 :: Word32)
                  Fixup32Absolute -> pokeByteOff buf ofs (fromIntegral (ptrToWordPtr (labBuf `plusPtr` labOfs)) :: Word32)
       return ()

-- | This operator gives neat syntax for defining labels.  When @l@ is a label, the code
-- > l @@ mov eax ebx
-- associates the label l with the following @mov@ instruction.
(@@) :: Label -> CodeGen e s a -> CodeGen e s a
(@@) lab gen = do defineLabel lab

-- | Emit a fixup entry for the given label at the current offset in
-- the code buffer (unless the label is already defined).
-- The instruction at this offset will
-- be patched to target the address associated with this label when
-- it is defined later.
emitFixup :: Label -> Int -> FixupKind -> CodeGen e s ()
emitFixup (Label lab _) ofs knd = 
    do state <- getInternalState 
       let base = buffer state
           ptr = bufferOfs state
           fue = FixupEntry{fueBuffer = base,
                            fueOfs = ptr + ofs,
                            fueKind = knd}
       case Map.lookup lab (definedLabels state) of
         Just (labBuf, labOfs, _) -> performFixup labBuf labOfs fue
         Nothing -> setInternalState state{pendingFixups = Map.insertWith (++) lab [fue] (pendingFixups state)}

-- | Return the address of a label, fail if the label is not yet defined.
labelAddress :: Label -> CodeGen e s (Ptr a)
labelAddress (Label lab name) = do
  state <- getInternalState
  case Map.lookup lab (definedLabels state) of
    Just (labBuf, labOfs, _) -> return $ plusPtr labBuf labOfs
    Nothing -> fail $ "Label " ++ show lab ++ "(" ++ name ++ ") not yet defined"

-- | Disassemble all code buffers.  The result is a list of
-- disassembled instructions which can be converted to strings using
-- the 'Dis.showIntel' or 'Dis.showAtt' functions from module
-- "Harpy.X86Disassembler".
disassemble :: CodeGen e s [Dis.Instruction]
disassemble = do
  s <- getInternalState
  let buffers = bufferList s
  r <- mapM (\ (buff, len) -> do
             r <- liftIO $ Dis.disassembleBlock buff len
             case r of
                    Left err -> cgFail $ show err
                    Right instr -> return instr
            ) $ buffers ++ [(buffer s, bufferOfs s)]
  r' <- insertLabels (concat r)
  return r'
 where insertLabels :: [Dis.Instruction] -> CodeGen e s [Dis.Instruction]
       insertLabels = liftM concat . mapM ins
       ins :: Dis.Instruction -> CodeGen e s [Dis.Instruction]
       ins i@(Dis.BadInstruction{}) = return [i]
       ins i@(Dis.PseudoInstruction{}) = return [i]
       ins i@(Dis.Instruction{Dis.address = addr}) =
           do state <- getInternalState
              let allLabs = Map.toList (definedLabels state)
                  labs = filter (\ (_, (buf, ofs, _)) -> fromIntegral (ptrToWordPtr (buf `plusPtr` ofs)) == addr) allLabs
                  createLabel (l, (buf, ofs, name)) = Dis.PseudoInstruction addr
                                                        (case name of
                                                           "" ->
                                                               "label " ++ show l ++ 
                                                                " [" ++ 
                                                                hex32 (fromIntegral (ptrToWordPtr (buf `plusPtr` ofs))) ++ 
                                                           _ -> name ++ ": [" ++ 
                                                                  hex32 (fromIntegral (ptrToWordPtr (buf `plusPtr` ofs))) ++ 
              return $ fmap createLabel labs ++ [i]
       hex32 :: Int -> String
       hex32 i =
              let w :: Word32
                  w = fromIntegral i
                  s = showHex w ""
              in take (8 - length s) (repeat '0') ++ s

#ifndef __HADDOCK__

callDecl :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
callDecl ns qt =  do
    t0 <- qt
    let (tvars, cxt, t) = case t0 of
                         ForallT vs c t' -> (vs, c, t')
                         _ -> ([], [], t0)
    let name = mkName ns
    let funptr = AppT (ConT $ mkName "FunPtr") t
    let ioresult = addIO t
    let ty = AppT (AppT ArrowT funptr) ioresult
    dynName <- newName "conv"
    let dyn = ForeignD $ ImportF CCall Safe "dynamic" dynName $ ForallT tvars cxt ty
    vs <- mkArgs t
    cbody <- [| CodeGen (\env (ustate, state) ->
                        do let code = firstBuffer state
                           res <- liftIO $ $(do
                                             c <- newName "c"
                                             cast <- [|castPtrToFunPtr|]
                                             let f = AppE (VarE dynName)
                                                          (AppE cast
                                                                (VarE c))
                                             return $ LamE [VarP c] $ foldl AppE f $ map VarE vs
                                            ) code
                           return $ ((ustate, state), Right res))|]
    let call = ValD (VarP name) (NormalB $ LamE (map VarP vs) cbody) []
    return [ dyn, call ]

mkArgs (AppT (AppT ArrowT _from) to) = do
  v  <- newName "v"
  vs <- mkArgs to
  return $ v : vs
mkArgs _ = return []

addIO (AppT t@(AppT ArrowT _from) to) = AppT t $ addIO to
addIO t = AppT (ConT $ mkName "IO") t


-- | Declare a stub function to call the code buffer. Arguments are the name
-- of the generated function, and the type the code buffer is supposed to have.
-- The type argument can be given using the [t| ... |] notation of Template Haskell.
-- Allowed types are the legal types for FFI functions.
callDecl :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
