(2023-02-08) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Change type of stream parameter in `writeExcept` from ```haskell Producer ByteString (ExceptT abort IO) commit ``` to ``haskell Producer ByteString IO (Either abort commit) ``` The new version is equivalent (via the `ExceptT` constructor) to ``haskell ExceptT abort (Producer ByteString IO) commit ``` and so what this change is doing is reversing the order of the monad transformers. The overall result is the same, but the new version seems slightly easier to work with. (2023-01-31) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### HashFunction `HashFunction` type is no longer opaque; any hash function can be supported. The type is now a newtype for `Fold` from the `gambler` library. ### Directory Renamed `ContentAddressedDirectory` to `Directory` `Directory` constructor is now exported Removed `init` function, which is redundant to `Directory` constructor ### Pipes Now using the `pipes` library to express streams. Removed: ```haskell writeStreaming :: ContentAddressedDirectory -> (forall m. MonadIO m => (ByteString -> m ()) -> m ()) -> IO WriteResult ``` Added: ```haskell writeStream :: MonadIO m => Directory -> Producer ByteString IO a -> m (a, WriteResult) ``` Removed: ```haskell writeEither :: ContentAddressedDirectory -> (forall m. MonadIO m => (ByteString -> m ()) -> m (Either bad good)) -> IO (Either bad (good, WriteResult)) ``` Added: ```haskell writeExcept :: (MonadIO m, MonadError abort m) => Directory -> Producer ByteString (ExceptT abort IO) commit -> m (commit, WriteResult) ``` ### WriteResult Renamed field from `contentAddressedFile` to `hashAddressedFile` (2023-01-27) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Add `HashAddressed.Directory.writeEither` (2023-01-27) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Initial release