-- | This module implements relative paths within a Tree. All paths are
-- anchored at a certain root (this is usually the Tree root). They are
-- represented by a list of Names (these are just strict bytestrings).
module Storage.Hashed.AnchoredPath
    ( Name(..), AnchoredPath(..), appendPath, anchorPath
    , isPrefix, parent, parents, catPaths, flatten, makeName
    -- * Unsafe functions.
    , nameToFilePath, nameFromFilePath, floatBS ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List( isPrefixOf, inits )
import System.FilePath( (</>) )

-- AnchoredPath utilities

newtype Name = Name BS.ByteString  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
newtype AnchoredPath = AnchoredPath [Name] deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

-- | Unsafe.
nameToFilePath :: Name -> FilePath
nameToFilePath (Name p) = BS.unpack p

-- | Unsafe.
nameFromFilePath :: FilePath -> Name
nameFromFilePath = Name . BS.pack

-- | Check whether a path is a prefix of another path.
isPrefix :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Bool
(AnchoredPath a) `isPrefix` (AnchoredPath b) = a `isPrefixOf` b

-- | Append an element to the end of a path.
appendPath :: AnchoredPath -> Name -> AnchoredPath
appendPath (AnchoredPath p) n =
    case n of
      (Name s) | s == BS.empty -> AnchoredPath p
               | otherwise -> AnchoredPath $ p ++ [n]

-- | Catenate two paths together. Not very safe, but sometimes useful
-- (e.g. when you are representing paths relative to a different point than a
-- Tree root).
catPaths :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath
catPaths (AnchoredPath p) (AnchoredPath n) = AnchoredPath $ p ++ n

-- | Get parent (path) of a given path. foo/bar/baz -> foo/bar
parent :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath
parent (AnchoredPath x) = AnchoredPath (init x)

-- | List all parents of a given path. foo/bar/baz -> [foo, foo/bar]
parents :: AnchoredPath -> [AnchoredPath]
parents (AnchoredPath x) = map AnchoredPath . init . inits $ x

-- | Take a "root" directory and an anchored path and produce a full
-- 'FilePath'. Moreover, you can use @anchorPath \"\"@ to get a relative
-- 'FilePath'.
anchorPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPath -> FilePath
anchorPath dir p = dir </> BS.unpack (flatten p)
{-# INLINE anchorPath #-}

floatBS :: BS.ByteString -> AnchoredPath
floatBS = AnchoredPath . map Name . takeWhile (not . BS.null) . BS.split '/'

flatten :: AnchoredPath -> BS.ByteString
flatten (AnchoredPath []) = BS.singleton '.'
flatten (AnchoredPath p) = BS.intercalate (BS.singleton '/')
                                           [ n | (Name n) <- p ]

makeName :: String -> Name
makeName = Name . BS.pack