{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
-- | This module implements an "object storage". This is a directory on disk
-- containing a content-addressed storage. This is useful for storing all kinds
-- of things, particularly filesystem trees, or darcs pristine caches and patch
-- objects. However, this is an abstract, flat storage: no tree semantics are
-- provided. You just need to provide a reference-collecting functionality,
-- computing a list of references for any given object. The system provides
-- transparent garbage collection and packing.
module Storage.Hashed.Packed
    ( Format(..), Block, OS
    -- * Basic operations.
    , hatch, compact, repack, lookup
    -- * Creating and loading.
    , create, load
    -- * Low-level.
    , format, blockLookup, live, hatchery, mature, roots, references, rootdir
    ) where

import Prelude hiding ( lookup, read )
import Storage.Hashed.AnchoredPath
import Storage.Hashed.Tree hiding ( lookup )
import Storage.Hashed.Utils
import Storage.Hashed.Hash

import Control.Monad( forM, forM_, unless )
import Control.Applicative( (<$>) )
import System.FilePath( (</>), (<.>) )
import System.Directory( createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile
                       , getDirectoryContents )

import Bundled.Posix( fileExists, isDirectory, getFileStatus )

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Maybe( listToMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust, isNothing )
import Data.Binary( encode, decode )

import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List( sort )
import Data.Int( Int64 )

-- | On-disk format for object storage: we implement a completely loose format
-- (one file per object), a compact format stored in a single append-only file
-- and an immutable \"pack\" format.
data Format = Loose | Compact | Pack deriving (Show, Eq)

is_loose os = format (hatchery os) == Loose
is_compact os = format (hatchery os) == Compact

loose_dirs = let chars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'f']
              in [ [a,b] | a <- chars, b <- chars ]

loosePath :: OS -> Hash -> FilePath
loosePath _ NoHash = error "No path for NoHash!"
loosePath os hash =
    let hash' = BS.unpack (encodeBase16 hash)
     in rootdir os </> "hatchery" </> take 2 hash' </> drop 2 hash'

looseLookup :: OS -> Hash -> IO (Maybe FileSegment)
looseLookup _ NoHash = return Nothing
looseLookup os hash = do
  let path = loosePath os hash
  exist <- fileExists <$> getFileStatus path
  return $ if exist then Just (path, Nothing)
                    else Nothing

-- | Object storage block. When used as a hatchery, the loose or compact format
-- are preferable, while for mature space, the pack format is more useful.
data Block = Block { blockLookup :: Hash -> IO (Maybe FileSegment)
                   , size :: Int64
                   , format :: Format }

-- | Object storage. Contains a single \"hatchery\" and possibly a number of
-- mature space blocks, usually in form of packs. It also keeps a list of root
-- pointers and has a way to extract pointers from objects (externally
-- supplied). These last two things are used to implement a simple GC.
data OS = OS { hatchery :: Block
             , mature :: [Block]
             , roots :: [Hash]
             , references :: FileSegment -> IO [Hash]
             , rootdir :: FilePath }

-- | Reduce number of packs in the object storage. This may both recombine
-- packs to eliminate dead objects and join some packs to form bigger packs.
repack :: OS -> IO OS
repack os = error "repack undefined"

-- | Add new objects to the object storage (i.e. put them into hatchery). It is
-- safe to call this even on objects that are already present in the storage:
-- such objects will be skipped.
hatch :: OS -> [BL.ByteString] -> IO OS
hatch os blobs =
    do processed <- mapM sieve blobs
       write [ (h, b) | (True, h, b) <- processed ]
    where write bits
              | is_loose os =
                  do forM bits $ \(hash, blob) -> do
                       BL.writeFile (loosePath os hash) blob
                     return os
              | is_compact os = error "hatch/compact undefined"
              | otherwise = fail "Hatchery must be either Loose or Compact."
          sieve blob = do let hash = sha256 blob
                          absent <- isNothing <$> lookup os hash
                          return (absent, hash, blob)

-- | Move things from hatchery into a (new) pack.
compact :: OS -> IO OS
compact os = do objects <- live os [hatchery os]
                block <- createPack os (M.toList objects)
                return $ os { mature = block:mature os }
    where cleanup | is_loose os =
                      forM_ loose_dirs $ nuke . ((rootdir os </> "hatchery") </>)
                  | is_compact os =
                      removeFile (rootdir os </> "hatchery") >> return ()
          nuke dir = mapM (removeFile . (dir </>)) =<<
                       (Prelude.filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) `fmap`
                               getDirectoryContents dir)

blocksLookup :: [Block] -> Hash -> IO (Maybe (Hash, FileSegment))
blocksLookup blocks hash =
    do segment <- cat `fmap` mapM (flip blockLookup hash) blocks
       return $ case segment of
                  Nothing -> Nothing
                  Just seg -> Just (hash, seg)
    where cat = listToMaybe . catMaybes

lookup :: OS -> Hash -> IO (Maybe FileSegment)
lookup os hash =
    do res <- blocksLookup (hatchery os : mature os) hash
       return $ case res of
                  Nothing -> Nothing
                  Just (_, seg) -> Just seg

-- | Create an empty object storage in given directory, with a hatchery of
-- given format. The directory is created if needed, but is assumed to be
-- empty.
create :: FilePath -> Format -> IO OS
create path fmt = do createDirectoryIfMissing True path
                     load path
    where initHatchery | fmt == Loose =
                           do mkdir hatchpath
                              forM loose_dirs $ mkdir . (hatchpath </>)
                       | fmt == Compact =
                           error "create/mkHatchery Compact undefined"
          mkdir = createDirectoryIfMissing False
          hatchpath = path </> "hatchery"

load :: FilePath -> IO OS
load path =
    do hatch_stat <- getFileStatus $ path </> "hatchery"
       let is_os = fileExists hatch_stat
           is_loose = isDirectory hatch_stat
       unless is_os $ fail $ path ++ " is not an object storage!"
       let _hatchery = Block { blockLookup = look os
                             , format = if is_loose then Loose else Compact }
           os = OS { hatchery = _hatchery
                   , rootdir = path
                   , mature = packs
                   , roots = _roots }
           look | format _hatchery == Loose = looseLookup
                | otherwise = undefined
           packs = [] -- FIXME read packs
           _roots = [] -- FIXME read root pointers
       return os

readPack :: FilePath -> IO Block
readPack file = do bits <- readSegment (file, Nothing)
                   let count = decode (BL.take 8 $ bits)
                       _lookup NoHash _ _ = return Nothing
                       _lookup hash@(SHA256 rawhash) first last = do
                         let middle = first + ((last - first) `div` 2)
                         res <- case ( compare rawhash (hashof first)
                              , compare rawhash (hashof middle)
                              , compare rawhash (hashof last) ) of
                           (LT,  _,  _) -> return Nothing
                           ( _,  _, GT) -> return Nothing
                           (EQ,  _,  _) -> return $ Just (segof first)
                           ( _,  _, EQ) -> return $ Just (segof last)
                           (GT, EQ, LT) -> return $ Just (segof middle)
                           (GT, GT, LT) | middle /= last -> _lookup hash middle last
                           (GT, LT, LT) | first /= middle -> _lookup hash first middle
                           ( _,  _,  _) -> return Nothing
                         return res
                       headerof i = BL.take 51 $ BL.drop (8 + i * 51) bits
                       hashof i = BS.concat $ BL.toChunks $ BL.take 32 $ headerof i
                       segof i = (file, Just (count * 51 + 8 + from, size))
                           where from = decode (BL.take 8 $ BL.drop 33 $ headerof i)
                                 size = decode (BL.take 8 $ BL.drop 42 $ headerof i)
                   return $ Block { size = BL.length bits
                                  , format = Pack
                                  , blockLookup = \h -> _lookup h 0 (count - 1) }

createPack :: OS -> [(Hash, FileSegment)] -> IO Block
createPack os bits =
    do contents <- mapM readSegment (map snd bits)
       let offsets = scanl (+) 0 $ map BL.length contents
           headerbits = [ BL.concat [ BL.fromChunks [rawhash]
                                    , BL.pack "@"
                                    , encode offset
                                    , BL.pack "!"
                                    , encode $ BL.length string
                                    , BL.pack "\n" ]
                          | (SHA256 rawhash, _) <- bits
                          | string <- contents
                          | offset <- offsets ]
           header = BL.concat $ (encode $ length bits) : sort headerbits
           blob = BL.concat $ header:contents
           hash = sha256 blob
           path = rootdir os </> BS.unpack (encodeBase16 hash) <.> "bin"
       BL.writeFile path blob
       readPack path

-- | Build a map of live objects (i.e. those reachable from the given roots) in
-- a given list of Blocks.
live :: OS -> [Block] -> IO (M.Map Hash FileSegment)
live os blocks =
    reachable (references os)
              (blocksLookup blocks)
              (S.fromList $ roots os)