hashed-storage-0.4.1: Hashed file storage support code.




Obtaining Trees.

Please note that Trees obtained this way will contain Stub items. These need to be executed (they are IO actions) in order to be accessed. Use expand to do this. However, many operations are perfectly fine to be used on a stubbed Tree (and it is often more efficient to do everything that can be done before expanding a Tree).

readDarcsHashed :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO (Tree IO)Source

Read in a darcs-style hashed tree. This is mainly useful for reading "pristine.hashed". You need to provide the root hash you are interested in (found in _darcs/hashed_inventory).

Blob access.

readBlob :: Blob m -> m ByteStringSource

Read a Blob into a Lazy ByteString. Might be backed by an mmap, use with care.

Writing trees.

writePlainTree :: Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO ()Source

Write out full tree to a plain directory structure. If you instead want to make incremental updates, refer to Storage.Hashed.Monad.

writeDarcsHashed :: Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO HashSource

Write a Tree into a darcs-style hashed directory.

Unsafe functions for the curious explorer.

These are more useful for playing within ghci than for real, serious programs. They generally trade safety for conciseness. Please use responsibly. Don't kill innocent kittens.

floatPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPathSource

Take a relative FilePath and turn it into an AnchoredPath. The operation is unsafe and if you break it, you keep both pieces. More useful for exploratory purposes (ghci) than for serious programming.

printPath :: Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO ()Source

Take a relative FilePath within a Tree and print the contents of the object there. Useful for exploration, less so for serious programming.