Name: haskarrow Version: 0.0 Synopsis: A dialect of haskell with order of execution based on dependency resolution Description: This haskell preprocessor will allow you to write "haskarrow" code. Haskarrow is a semi-impertive language. In a normal imperitive language evaluation happens top to bottom. In haskarrow, each command is given a set of dependencies. Commands are then excecuted in order of dependency resolution, those commands that have the fewest dependencies comming before those with the most. Category:Language License: GPL-3 License-file:COPYING Author: Timothy Hobbs Maintainer: Timothy Hobbs build-type:Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 Executable haskarrowPrecompiler build-depends:base<5, containers >=0, her-lexer >=0.1, split >=0, cpphs >=1.13, directory >=1.1, cmdargs >=0.9.5 Main-is: haskarrowPrecompiler.lhs Extensions: DoAndIfThenElse,DeriveDataTypeable source-repository head type: git location: