-- | The recommended process for exporting plugins is to create a new module
--   that exports a single function currying the first three arguments to
--   'Plugin'. The remaining argument, the Slack secret token, can be
--   supplied in a separate file exporting the list of installed commands for
--   Haskbot. This enables you to recreate a registry of installed tokens and
--   corresponding secret tokens in a separate file outside of version control.
--   A basic /Hello World/ plugin can be created via:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > module MyPlugins.HelloWorld (register) where
-- >
-- > import Data.Text
-- > import Network.Haskbot.Plugin
-- > import Network.Haskbot.Types
-- >
-- > name :: Command
-- > name = setCommand "hello_world"
-- >
-- > helpText :: Text
-- > helpText = "Have Haskbot say _Hello, World!_ in your current channel."
-- >
-- > handler :: HandlerFn
-- > handler slashCom = return $ replySameChan slashCom "Hello, World!"
-- >
-- > register :: Text -> Plugin
-- > register = Plugin name helpText handler . setToken
--   To run the plugin, create a new Slack /slash command/ integration
--   corresponding to the command @\/hello_world@ that points to your Haskbot
--   server. Add the plugin's @register@ function to your Haskbot server's
--   plugin registry like detailed in "Network.Haskbot", giving it the Slack
--   integration's secret token as the remaining argument. Rebuild and run the
--   server. Typing @\/hello_word@ into any Slack channel should return a
--   Haskbot response of /Hello, world!/
module Network.Haskbot.Plugin
-- * The Plugin type
  Plugin (..)
, HandlerFn
-- * Common Slack replies
, replySameChan, replyAsDM
-- internal use only
, runPlugin
, isAuthorized
, selectFrom
) where

import Control.Monad.Reader (lift)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Haskbot.Incoming (Incoming (Incoming), addToSendQueue)
import Network.Haskbot.Internal.Environment (HaskbotM)
import Network.Haskbot.SlashCommand (SlashCom (..), token)
import Network.Haskbot.Types

-- | The type of function run by a plugin. It receives the full
--   "Network.Haskbot.SlashCommand" invoked and can optionally return a
--   "Network.Haskbot.Incoming" reply
type HandlerFn = SlashCom -> HaskbotM (Maybe Incoming)

data Plugin =
  Plugin { plCommand  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Command
         -- ^ The command that invokes this plugin
         , plHelpText :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
         -- ^ Help text displayed for this plugin via
         --   "Network.Haskbot.Plugin.Help"
         , plHandler  ::                !HandlerFn
         -- ^ The function run when a 'Plugin' is invoked
         , plToken    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Token
         -- ^ The secret token corresponding with this plugin's /slash command/
         --   Slack integration

-- | Send a Slack reply to the same channel as where the corresponding /slash
--   command/ was invoked, formatted according to
--   <https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting Slack>
replySameChan :: SlashCom -> Text -> Maybe Incoming
replySameChan sc = Just . Incoming (Channel $ channelName sc)

-- | Send a Slack reply as a DM to the user who invoked the /slash command/,
--   formatted according to <https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting Slack>
replyAsDM :: SlashCom -> Text -> Maybe Incoming
replyAsDM sc = Just . Incoming (DirectMsg $ userName sc)

-- internal functions

runPlugin :: Plugin -> SlashCom -> HaskbotM ()
runPlugin p slashCom = do
  reply <- plHandler p slashCom
  case reply of
    Just r -> addToSendQueue r
    _      -> return ()

isAuthorized :: Plugin -> SlashCom -> Bool
isAuthorized plugin slashCom = plToken plugin == token slashCom

selectFrom :: [Plugin] -> Command -> Maybe Plugin
selectFrom list com = find (\p -> plCommand p == com) list