Name: haskeem Version: 0.7.7 Homepage: Author: Uwe Hollerbach Maintainer: Uwe Hollerbach Synopsis: A small scheme interpreter Description: This is a moderately complete small scheme interpreter. It implements most of R6RS, with the exception of call/cc. It has a macro system, although not R6RS hygienic macros. It is also not necessarily fully tail-recursive; so it's not industrial-strength. For playing with or learning scheme, it should be pretty good. License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Build-Type: Simple Category: Compilers/Interpreters Executable haskeem Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, network, containers, mtl, parsec, haskell98, random, old-time, unix, directory, haskeline Main-is: haskeem.hs Other-Modules: LispData Parser Library Environment Evaluator WriteNumber