module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Binary as B import qualified Data.Binary.Get as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Text as T import Foundation import qualified Prelude (show) import Network.ABCI data State = State { stateHashCount ∷ Integer, stateTxCount ∷ Integer, stateSerial ∷ Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) main ∷ IO () main = serve defaultHost defaultPort =<< counter False handleInfo ∷ MVar State → RequestInfo → IO ResponseInfo handleInfo state RequestInfo = do (State hashCount txCount _) ← readMVar state return ResponseInfo { _ResponseInfo'data' = T.concat ["{\"hashes\":", T.pack ( hashCount), ",\"txs\":", T.pack ( txCount), "}"], _ResponseInfo'version = "0.1.0", _ResponseInfo'lastBlockHeight = 0, _ResponseInfo'lastBlockAppHash = B.empty } handleEcho ∷ RequestEcho → IO ResponseEcho handleEcho (RequestEcho e) = return $ ResponseEcho e handleFlush ∷ RequestFlush → IO ResponseFlush handleFlush RequestFlush = return ResponseFlush handleOption ∷ MVar State → RequestSetOption → IO ResponseSetOption handleOption state (RequestSetOption key val) = do if key == "serial" && val == "on" then modifyMVar_ state (\s → return $ s { stateSerial = True }) else return () return $ ResponseSetOption "" handleInitChain ∷ RequestInitChain → IO ResponseInitChain handleInitChain _ = return ResponseInitChain handleBeginBlock ∷ RequestBeginBlock → IO ResponseBeginBlock handleBeginBlock _ = return ResponseBeginBlock handleCheckTx ∷ MVar State → RequestCheckTx → IO ResponseCheckTx handleCheckTx state (RequestCheckTx tx) = case B.runGetOrFail B.getInt64be $ BL.fromStrict $ B.append (B.replicate (8 - B.length tx) '\NUL') tx of Right (_, _, num) → do (State _ txCount serial) ← readMVar state if not serial || fromIntegral num >= txCount then return $ ResponseCheckTx OK B.empty T.empty else return $ ResponseCheckTx BadNonce B.empty invalidNumber Left _ → return $ ResponseCheckTx EncodingError B.empty undecodable handleDeliverTx ∷ MVar State → RequestDeliverTx → IO ResponseDeliverTx handleDeliverTx state (RequestDeliverTx tx) = case B.runGetOrFail B.getInt64be $ BL.fromStrict $ B.append (B.replicate (8 - B.length tx) '\NUL') tx of Right (_, _, num) → modifyMVar state $ \state@(State _ txCount serial) → if not serial || fromIntegral num == txCount then return (state { stateTxCount = txCount + 1 }, ResponseDeliverTx OK B.empty T.empty) else return (state, ResponseDeliverTx BadNonce B.empty invalidNumber) Left _ → return $ ResponseDeliverTx EncodingError B.empty undecodable handleEndBlock ∷ RequestEndBlock → IO ResponseEndBlock handleEndBlock _ = return $ ResponseEndBlock [] handleCommit ∷ MVar State → RequestCommit → IO ResponseCommit handleCommit state _ = do count ← modifyMVar state $ \state@(State hashCount txCount _) → do let newCount = hashCount + 1 return (state { stateHashCount = newCount }, fromIntegral txCount ∷ Int64) return $ ResponseCommit OK (if count == 0 then "" else BL.toStrict $ B.encode count) T.empty handleQuery ∷ MVar State → RequestQuery → IO ResponseQuery handleQuery state (RequestQuery _ path _ _) = case path of "hash" → do (State hashCount _ _) ← readMVar state return $ ResponseQuery OK 0 "" (BL.toStrict $ B.encode hashCount) "" 0 "" "tx" → do (State _ txCount _) ← readMVar state return $ ResponseQuery OK 0 "" (BL.toStrict $ B.encode txCount) "" 0 "" _ → return $ ResponseQuery EncodingError 0 "" "" "" 0 $ T.append "Invalid query path. Expected hash or tx, got " path counter ∷ Bool → IO (Request → IO Response) counter serial = do state ← newMVar $ State 0 0 serial let respondWith func val = func .~ val $ emptyResponse return $ \req → handleCase _Request'info (fmap (respondWith info) . handleInfo state) req $ handleCase _Request'echo (fmap (respondWith echo) . handleEcho) req $ handleCase _Request'flush (fmap (respondWith flush) . handleFlush) req $ handleCase _Request'setOption (fmap (respondWith setOption) . handleOption state) req $ handleCase _Request'initChain (fmap (respondWith initChain) . handleInitChain) req $ handleCase _Request'checkTx (fmap (respondWith checkTx) . handleCheckTx state) req $ handleCase _Request'beginBlock (fmap (respondWith beginBlock) . handleBeginBlock) req $ handleCase _Request'deliverTx (fmap (respondWith deliverTx) . handleDeliverTx state) req $ handleCase _Request'endBlock (fmap (respondWith endBlock) . handleEndBlock) req $ handleCase _Request'commit (fmap (respondWith commit) . handleCommit state) req $ handleCase _Request'query (fmap (respondWith query) . handleQuery state) req $ return $ exception .~ ResponseException unknown $ emptyResponse flushResponse ∷ Response flushResponse = flush .~ ResponseFlush $ emptyResponse handleCase ∷ ∀ a b c m . (a → Maybe b) → (b → m c) → a → m c → m c handleCase getter func val cont = case getter val of Just x → func x Nothing → cont emptyResponse ∷ Response emptyResponse = Response Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing unknown ∷ T.Text unknown = "unknown_request" invalidNumber ∷ T.Text invalidNumber = "invalid_number" undecodable ∷ T.Text undecodable = "undecodable"