{- BitMEX API ## REST API for the BitMEX Trading Platform [View Changelog](/app/apiChangelog) #### Getting Started ##### Fetching Data All REST endpoints are documented below. You can try out any query right from this interface. Most table queries accept `count`, `start`, and `reverse` params. Set `reverse=true` to get rows newest-first. Additional documentation regarding filters, timestamps, and authentication is available in [the main API documentation](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI). *All* table data is available via the [Websocket](/app/wsAPI). We highly recommend using the socket if you want to have the quickest possible data without being subject to ratelimits. ##### Return Types By default, all data is returned as JSON. Send `?_format=csv` to get CSV data or `?_format=xml` to get XML data. ##### Trade Data Queries *This is only a small subset of what is available, to get you started.* Fill in the parameters and click the `Try it out!` button to try any of these queries. * [Pricing Data](#!/Quote/Quote_get) * [Trade Data](#!/Trade/Trade_get) * [OrderBook Data](#!/OrderBook/OrderBook_getL2) * [Settlement Data](#!/Settlement/Settlement_get) * [Exchange Statistics](#!/Stats/Stats_history) Every function of the BitMEX.com platform is exposed here and documented. Many more functions are available. ##### Swagger Specification [⇩ Download Swagger JSON](swagger.json) ## All API Endpoints Click to expand a section. OpenAPI spec version: 2.0 BitMEX API API version: 1.2.0 Contact: support@bitmex.com Generated by Swagger Codegen (https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git) -} {-| Module : BitMEX.Lens -} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-matches -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} module BitMEX.ModelLens where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Data as P (Data, Typeable) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Time as TI import Data.Text (Text) import Prelude (($), (.),(<$>),(<*>),(=<<),Maybe(..),Bool(..),Char,Double,FilePath,Float,Int,Integer,String,fmap,undefined,mempty,maybe,pure,Monad,Applicative,Functor) import qualified Prelude as P import BitMEX.Model import BitMEX.Core -- * APIKey -- | 'aPIKeyId' Lens aPIKeyIdL :: Lens_' APIKey (Text) aPIKeyIdL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyId -> APIKey { aPIKeyId, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyId {-# INLINE aPIKeyIdL #-} -- | 'aPIKeySecret' Lens aPIKeySecretL :: Lens_' APIKey (Text) aPIKeySecretL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeySecret -> APIKey { aPIKeySecret, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeySecret {-# INLINE aPIKeySecretL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyName' Lens aPIKeyNameL :: Lens_' APIKey (Text) aPIKeyNameL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyName -> APIKey { aPIKeyName, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyName {-# INLINE aPIKeyNameL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyNonce' Lens aPIKeyNonceL :: Lens_' APIKey (Double) aPIKeyNonceL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyNonce -> APIKey { aPIKeyNonce, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyNonce {-# INLINE aPIKeyNonceL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyCidr' Lens aPIKeyCidrL :: Lens_' APIKey (Maybe Text) aPIKeyCidrL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyCidr -> APIKey { aPIKeyCidr, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyCidr {-# INLINE aPIKeyCidrL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyPermissions' Lens aPIKeyPermissionsL :: Lens_' APIKey (Maybe [XAny]) aPIKeyPermissionsL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyPermissions -> APIKey { aPIKeyPermissions, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyPermissions {-# INLINE aPIKeyPermissionsL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyEnabled' Lens aPIKeyEnabledL :: Lens_' APIKey (Maybe Bool) aPIKeyEnabledL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyEnabled -> APIKey { aPIKeyEnabled, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyEnabled {-# INLINE aPIKeyEnabledL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyUserId' Lens aPIKeyUserIdL :: Lens_' APIKey (Double) aPIKeyUserIdL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyUserId -> APIKey { aPIKeyUserId, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyUserId {-# INLINE aPIKeyUserIdL #-} -- | 'aPIKeyCreated' Lens aPIKeyCreatedL :: Lens_' APIKey (Maybe DateTime) aPIKeyCreatedL f APIKey{..} = (\aPIKeyCreated -> APIKey { aPIKeyCreated, ..} ) <$> f aPIKeyCreated {-# INLINE aPIKeyCreatedL #-} -- * AccessToken -- | 'accessTokenId' Lens accessTokenIdL :: Lens_' AccessToken (Text) accessTokenIdL f AccessToken{..} = (\accessTokenId -> AccessToken { accessTokenId, ..} ) <$> f accessTokenId {-# INLINE accessTokenIdL #-} -- | 'accessTokenTtl' Lens accessTokenTtlL :: Lens_' AccessToken (Maybe Double) accessTokenTtlL f AccessToken{..} = (\accessTokenTtl -> AccessToken { accessTokenTtl, ..} ) <$> f accessTokenTtl {-# INLINE accessTokenTtlL #-} -- | 'accessTokenCreated' Lens accessTokenCreatedL :: Lens_' AccessToken (Maybe DateTime) accessTokenCreatedL f AccessToken{..} = (\accessTokenCreated -> AccessToken { accessTokenCreated, ..} ) <$> f accessTokenCreated {-# INLINE accessTokenCreatedL #-} -- | 'accessTokenUserId' Lens accessTokenUserIdL :: Lens_' AccessToken (Maybe Double) accessTokenUserIdL f AccessToken{..} = (\accessTokenUserId -> AccessToken { accessTokenUserId, ..} ) <$> f accessTokenUserId {-# INLINE accessTokenUserIdL #-} -- * Affiliate -- | 'affiliateAccount' Lens affiliateAccountL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Double) affiliateAccountL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateAccount -> Affiliate { affiliateAccount, ..} ) <$> f affiliateAccount {-# INLINE affiliateAccountL #-} -- | 'affiliateCurrency' Lens affiliateCurrencyL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Text) affiliateCurrencyL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateCurrency -> Affiliate { affiliateCurrency, ..} ) <$> f affiliateCurrency {-# INLINE affiliateCurrencyL #-} -- | 'affiliatePrevPayout' Lens affiliatePrevPayoutL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliatePrevPayoutL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePrevPayout -> Affiliate { affiliatePrevPayout, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePrevPayout {-# INLINE affiliatePrevPayoutL #-} -- | 'affiliatePrevTurnover' Lens affiliatePrevTurnoverL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliatePrevTurnoverL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePrevTurnover -> Affiliate { affiliatePrevTurnover, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePrevTurnover {-# INLINE affiliatePrevTurnoverL #-} -- | 'affiliatePrevComm' Lens affiliatePrevCommL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliatePrevCommL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePrevComm -> Affiliate { affiliatePrevComm, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePrevComm {-# INLINE affiliatePrevCommL #-} -- | 'affiliatePrevTimestamp' Lens affiliatePrevTimestampL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe DateTime) affiliatePrevTimestampL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePrevTimestamp -> Affiliate { affiliatePrevTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePrevTimestamp {-# INLINE affiliatePrevTimestampL #-} -- | 'affiliateExecTurnover' Lens affiliateExecTurnoverL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateExecTurnoverL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateExecTurnover -> Affiliate { affiliateExecTurnover, ..} ) <$> f affiliateExecTurnover {-# INLINE affiliateExecTurnoverL #-} -- | 'affiliateExecComm' Lens affiliateExecCommL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateExecCommL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateExecComm -> Affiliate { affiliateExecComm, ..} ) <$> f affiliateExecComm {-# INLINE affiliateExecCommL #-} -- | 'affiliateTotalReferrals' Lens affiliateTotalReferralsL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateTotalReferralsL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateTotalReferrals -> Affiliate { affiliateTotalReferrals, ..} ) <$> f affiliateTotalReferrals {-# INLINE affiliateTotalReferralsL #-} -- | 'affiliateTotalTurnover' Lens affiliateTotalTurnoverL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateTotalTurnoverL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateTotalTurnover -> Affiliate { affiliateTotalTurnover, ..} ) <$> f affiliateTotalTurnover {-# INLINE affiliateTotalTurnoverL #-} -- | 'affiliateTotalComm' Lens affiliateTotalCommL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateTotalCommL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateTotalComm -> Affiliate { affiliateTotalComm, ..} ) <$> f affiliateTotalComm {-# INLINE affiliateTotalCommL #-} -- | 'affiliatePayoutPcnt' Lens affiliatePayoutPcntL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliatePayoutPcntL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePayoutPcnt -> Affiliate { affiliatePayoutPcnt, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePayoutPcnt {-# INLINE affiliatePayoutPcntL #-} -- | 'affiliatePendingPayout' Lens affiliatePendingPayoutL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliatePendingPayoutL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliatePendingPayout -> Affiliate { affiliatePendingPayout, ..} ) <$> f affiliatePendingPayout {-# INLINE affiliatePendingPayoutL #-} -- | 'affiliateTimestamp' Lens affiliateTimestampL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe DateTime) affiliateTimestampL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateTimestamp -> Affiliate { affiliateTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f affiliateTimestamp {-# INLINE affiliateTimestampL #-} -- | 'affiliateReferrerAccount' Lens affiliateReferrerAccountL :: Lens_' Affiliate (Maybe Double) affiliateReferrerAccountL f Affiliate{..} = (\affiliateReferrerAccount -> Affiliate { affiliateReferrerAccount, ..} ) <$> f affiliateReferrerAccount {-# INLINE affiliateReferrerAccountL #-} -- * Announcement -- | 'announcementId' Lens announcementIdL :: Lens_' Announcement (Double) announcementIdL f Announcement{..} = (\announcementId -> Announcement { announcementId, ..} ) <$> f announcementId {-# INLINE announcementIdL #-} -- | 'announcementLink' Lens announcementLinkL :: Lens_' Announcement (Maybe Text) announcementLinkL f Announcement{..} = (\announcementLink -> Announcement { announcementLink, ..} ) <$> f announcementLink {-# INLINE announcementLinkL #-} -- | 'announcementTitle' Lens announcementTitleL :: Lens_' Announcement (Maybe Text) announcementTitleL f Announcement{..} = (\announcementTitle -> Announcement { announcementTitle, ..} ) <$> f announcementTitle {-# INLINE announcementTitleL #-} -- | 'announcementContent' Lens announcementContentL :: Lens_' Announcement (Maybe Text) announcementContentL f Announcement{..} = (\announcementContent -> Announcement { announcementContent, ..} ) <$> f announcementContent {-# INLINE announcementContentL #-} -- | 'announcementDate' Lens announcementDateL :: Lens_' Announcement (Maybe DateTime) announcementDateL f Announcement{..} = (\announcementDate -> Announcement { announcementDate, ..} ) <$> f announcementDate {-# INLINE announcementDateL #-} -- * Chat -- | 'chatId' Lens chatIdL :: Lens_' Chat (Maybe Double) chatIdL f Chat{..} = (\chatId -> Chat { chatId, ..} ) <$> f chatId {-# INLINE chatIdL #-} -- | 'chatDate' Lens chatDateL :: Lens_' Chat (DateTime) chatDateL f Chat{..} = (\chatDate -> Chat { chatDate, ..} ) <$> f chatDate {-# INLINE chatDateL #-} -- | 'chatUser' Lens chatUserL :: Lens_' Chat (Text) chatUserL f Chat{..} = (\chatUser -> Chat { chatUser, ..} ) <$> f chatUser {-# INLINE chatUserL #-} -- | 'chatMessage' Lens chatMessageL :: Lens_' Chat (Text) chatMessageL f Chat{..} = (\chatMessage -> Chat { chatMessage, ..} ) <$> f chatMessage {-# INLINE chatMessageL #-} -- | 'chatHtml' Lens chatHtmlL :: Lens_' Chat (Text) chatHtmlL f Chat{..} = (\chatHtml -> Chat { chatHtml, ..} ) <$> f chatHtml {-# INLINE chatHtmlL #-} -- | 'chatFromBot' Lens chatFromBotL :: Lens_' Chat (Maybe Bool) chatFromBotL f Chat{..} = (\chatFromBot -> Chat { chatFromBot, ..} ) <$> f chatFromBot {-# INLINE chatFromBotL #-} -- | 'chatChannelId' Lens chatChannelIdL :: Lens_' Chat (Maybe Double) chatChannelIdL f Chat{..} = (\chatChannelId -> Chat { chatChannelId, ..} ) <$> f chatChannelId {-# INLINE chatChannelIdL #-} -- * ChatChannels -- | 'chatChannelsId' Lens chatChannelsIdL :: Lens_' ChatChannels (Maybe Double) chatChannelsIdL f ChatChannels{..} = (\chatChannelsId -> ChatChannels { chatChannelsId, ..} ) <$> f chatChannelsId {-# INLINE chatChannelsIdL #-} -- | 'chatChannelsName' Lens chatChannelsNameL :: Lens_' ChatChannels (Text) chatChannelsNameL f ChatChannels{..} = (\chatChannelsName -> ChatChannels { chatChannelsName, ..} ) <$> f chatChannelsName {-# INLINE chatChannelsNameL #-} -- * ConnectedUsers -- | 'connectedUsersUsers' Lens connectedUsersUsersL :: Lens_' ConnectedUsers (Maybe Double) connectedUsersUsersL f ConnectedUsers{..} = (\connectedUsersUsers -> ConnectedUsers { connectedUsersUsers, ..} ) <$> f connectedUsersUsers {-# INLINE connectedUsersUsersL #-} -- | 'connectedUsersBots' Lens connectedUsersBotsL :: Lens_' ConnectedUsers (Maybe Double) connectedUsersBotsL f ConnectedUsers{..} = (\connectedUsersBots -> ConnectedUsers { connectedUsersBots, ..} ) <$> f connectedUsersBots {-# INLINE connectedUsersBotsL #-} -- * Error -- | 'errorError' Lens errorErrorL :: Lens_' Error (ErrorError) errorErrorL f Error{..} = (\errorError -> Error { errorError, ..} ) <$> f errorError {-# INLINE errorErrorL #-} -- * ErrorError -- | 'errorErrorMessage' Lens errorErrorMessageL :: Lens_' ErrorError (Maybe Text) errorErrorMessageL f ErrorError{..} = (\errorErrorMessage -> ErrorError { errorErrorMessage, ..} ) <$> f errorErrorMessage {-# INLINE errorErrorMessageL #-} -- | 'errorErrorName' Lens errorErrorNameL :: Lens_' ErrorError (Maybe Text) errorErrorNameL f ErrorError{..} = (\errorErrorName -> ErrorError { errorErrorName, ..} ) <$> f errorErrorName {-# INLINE errorErrorNameL #-} -- * Execution -- | 'executionExecId' Lens executionExecIdL :: Lens_' Execution (Text) executionExecIdL f Execution{..} = (\executionExecId -> Execution { executionExecId, ..} ) <$> f executionExecId {-# INLINE executionExecIdL #-} -- | 'executionOrderId' Lens executionOrderIdL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionOrderIdL f Execution{..} = (\executionOrderId -> Execution { executionOrderId, ..} ) <$> f executionOrderId {-# INLINE executionOrderIdL #-} -- | 'executionClOrdId' Lens executionClOrdIdL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionClOrdIdL f Execution{..} = (\executionClOrdId -> Execution { executionClOrdId, ..} ) <$> f executionClOrdId {-# INLINE executionClOrdIdL #-} -- | 'executionClOrdLinkId' Lens executionClOrdLinkIdL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionClOrdLinkIdL f Execution{..} = (\executionClOrdLinkId -> Execution { executionClOrdLinkId, ..} ) <$> f executionClOrdLinkId {-# INLINE executionClOrdLinkIdL #-} -- | 'executionAccount' Lens executionAccountL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionAccountL f Execution{..} = (\executionAccount -> Execution { executionAccount, ..} ) <$> f executionAccount {-# INLINE executionAccountL #-} -- | 'executionSymbol' Lens executionSymbolL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionSymbolL f Execution{..} = (\executionSymbol -> Execution { executionSymbol, ..} ) <$> f executionSymbol {-# INLINE executionSymbolL #-} -- | 'executionSide' Lens executionSideL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionSideL f Execution{..} = (\executionSide -> Execution { executionSide, ..} ) <$> f executionSide {-# INLINE executionSideL #-} -- | 'executionLastQty' Lens executionLastQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionLastQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionLastQty -> Execution { executionLastQty, ..} ) <$> f executionLastQty {-# INLINE executionLastQtyL #-} -- | 'executionLastPx' Lens executionLastPxL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionLastPxL f Execution{..} = (\executionLastPx -> Execution { executionLastPx, ..} ) <$> f executionLastPx {-# INLINE executionLastPxL #-} -- | 'executionUnderlyingLastPx' Lens executionUnderlyingLastPxL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionUnderlyingLastPxL f Execution{..} = (\executionUnderlyingLastPx -> Execution { executionUnderlyingLastPx, ..} ) <$> f executionUnderlyingLastPx {-# INLINE executionUnderlyingLastPxL #-} -- | 'executionLastMkt' Lens executionLastMktL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionLastMktL f Execution{..} = (\executionLastMkt -> Execution { executionLastMkt, ..} ) <$> f executionLastMkt {-# INLINE executionLastMktL #-} -- | 'executionLastLiquidityInd' Lens executionLastLiquidityIndL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionLastLiquidityIndL f Execution{..} = (\executionLastLiquidityInd -> Execution { executionLastLiquidityInd, ..} ) <$> f executionLastLiquidityInd {-# INLINE executionLastLiquidityIndL #-} -- | 'executionSimpleOrderQty' Lens executionSimpleOrderQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionSimpleOrderQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionSimpleOrderQty -> Execution { executionSimpleOrderQty, ..} ) <$> f executionSimpleOrderQty {-# INLINE executionSimpleOrderQtyL #-} -- | 'executionOrderQty' Lens executionOrderQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionOrderQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionOrderQty -> Execution { executionOrderQty, ..} ) <$> f executionOrderQty {-# INLINE executionOrderQtyL #-} -- | 'executionPrice' Lens executionPriceL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionPriceL f Execution{..} = (\executionPrice -> Execution { executionPrice, ..} ) <$> f executionPrice {-# INLINE executionPriceL #-} -- | 'executionDisplayQty' Lens executionDisplayQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionDisplayQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionDisplayQty -> Execution { executionDisplayQty, ..} ) <$> f executionDisplayQty {-# INLINE executionDisplayQtyL #-} -- | 'executionStopPx' Lens executionStopPxL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionStopPxL f Execution{..} = (\executionStopPx -> Execution { executionStopPx, ..} ) <$> f executionStopPx {-# INLINE executionStopPxL #-} -- | 'executionPegOffsetValue' Lens executionPegOffsetValueL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionPegOffsetValueL f Execution{..} = (\executionPegOffsetValue -> Execution { executionPegOffsetValue, ..} ) <$> f executionPegOffsetValue {-# INLINE executionPegOffsetValueL #-} -- | 'executionPegPriceType' Lens executionPegPriceTypeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionPegPriceTypeL f Execution{..} = (\executionPegPriceType -> Execution { executionPegPriceType, ..} ) <$> f executionPegPriceType {-# INLINE executionPegPriceTypeL #-} -- | 'executionCurrency' Lens executionCurrencyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionCurrencyL f Execution{..} = (\executionCurrency -> Execution { executionCurrency, ..} ) <$> f executionCurrency {-# INLINE executionCurrencyL #-} -- | 'executionSettlCurrency' Lens executionSettlCurrencyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionSettlCurrencyL f Execution{..} = (\executionSettlCurrency -> Execution { executionSettlCurrency, ..} ) <$> f executionSettlCurrency {-# INLINE executionSettlCurrencyL #-} -- | 'executionExecType' Lens executionExecTypeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionExecTypeL f Execution{..} = (\executionExecType -> Execution { executionExecType, ..} ) <$> f executionExecType {-# INLINE executionExecTypeL #-} -- | 'executionOrdType' Lens executionOrdTypeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionOrdTypeL f Execution{..} = (\executionOrdType -> Execution { executionOrdType, ..} ) <$> f executionOrdType {-# INLINE executionOrdTypeL #-} -- | 'executionTimeInForce' Lens executionTimeInForceL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionTimeInForceL f Execution{..} = (\executionTimeInForce -> Execution { executionTimeInForce, ..} ) <$> f executionTimeInForce {-# INLINE executionTimeInForceL #-} -- | 'executionExecInst' Lens executionExecInstL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionExecInstL f Execution{..} = (\executionExecInst -> Execution { executionExecInst, ..} ) <$> f executionExecInst {-# INLINE executionExecInstL #-} -- | 'executionContingencyType' Lens executionContingencyTypeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionContingencyTypeL f Execution{..} = (\executionContingencyType -> Execution { executionContingencyType, ..} ) <$> f executionContingencyType {-# INLINE executionContingencyTypeL #-} -- | 'executionExDestination' Lens executionExDestinationL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionExDestinationL f Execution{..} = (\executionExDestination -> Execution { executionExDestination, ..} ) <$> f executionExDestination {-# INLINE executionExDestinationL #-} -- | 'executionOrdStatus' Lens executionOrdStatusL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionOrdStatusL f Execution{..} = (\executionOrdStatus -> Execution { executionOrdStatus, ..} ) <$> f executionOrdStatus {-# INLINE executionOrdStatusL #-} -- | 'executionTriggered' Lens executionTriggeredL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionTriggeredL f Execution{..} = (\executionTriggered -> Execution { executionTriggered, ..} ) <$> f executionTriggered {-# INLINE executionTriggeredL #-} -- | 'executionWorkingIndicator' Lens executionWorkingIndicatorL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Bool) executionWorkingIndicatorL f Execution{..} = (\executionWorkingIndicator -> Execution { executionWorkingIndicator, ..} ) <$> f executionWorkingIndicator {-# INLINE executionWorkingIndicatorL #-} -- | 'executionOrdRejReason' Lens executionOrdRejReasonL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionOrdRejReasonL f Execution{..} = (\executionOrdRejReason -> Execution { executionOrdRejReason, ..} ) <$> f executionOrdRejReason {-# INLINE executionOrdRejReasonL #-} -- | 'executionSimpleLeavesQty' Lens executionSimpleLeavesQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionSimpleLeavesQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionSimpleLeavesQty -> Execution { executionSimpleLeavesQty, ..} ) <$> f executionSimpleLeavesQty {-# INLINE executionSimpleLeavesQtyL #-} -- | 'executionLeavesQty' Lens executionLeavesQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionLeavesQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionLeavesQty -> Execution { executionLeavesQty, ..} ) <$> f executionLeavesQty {-# INLINE executionLeavesQtyL #-} -- | 'executionSimpleCumQty' Lens executionSimpleCumQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionSimpleCumQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionSimpleCumQty -> Execution { executionSimpleCumQty, ..} ) <$> f executionSimpleCumQty {-# INLINE executionSimpleCumQtyL #-} -- | 'executionCumQty' Lens executionCumQtyL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionCumQtyL f Execution{..} = (\executionCumQty -> Execution { executionCumQty, ..} ) <$> f executionCumQty {-# INLINE executionCumQtyL #-} -- | 'executionAvgPx' Lens executionAvgPxL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionAvgPxL f Execution{..} = (\executionAvgPx -> Execution { executionAvgPx, ..} ) <$> f executionAvgPx {-# INLINE executionAvgPxL #-} -- | 'executionCommission' Lens executionCommissionL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionCommissionL f Execution{..} = (\executionCommission -> Execution { executionCommission, ..} ) <$> f executionCommission {-# INLINE executionCommissionL #-} -- | 'executionTradePublishIndicator' Lens executionTradePublishIndicatorL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionTradePublishIndicatorL f Execution{..} = (\executionTradePublishIndicator -> Execution { executionTradePublishIndicator, ..} ) <$> f executionTradePublishIndicator {-# INLINE executionTradePublishIndicatorL #-} -- | 'executionMultiLegReportingType' Lens executionMultiLegReportingTypeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionMultiLegReportingTypeL f Execution{..} = (\executionMultiLegReportingType -> Execution { executionMultiLegReportingType, ..} ) <$> f executionMultiLegReportingType {-# INLINE executionMultiLegReportingTypeL #-} -- | 'executionText' Lens executionTextL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionTextL f Execution{..} = (\executionText -> Execution { executionText, ..} ) <$> f executionText {-# INLINE executionTextL #-} -- | 'executionTrdMatchId' Lens executionTrdMatchIdL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Text) executionTrdMatchIdL f Execution{..} = (\executionTrdMatchId -> Execution { executionTrdMatchId, ..} ) <$> f executionTrdMatchId {-# INLINE executionTrdMatchIdL #-} -- | 'executionExecCost' Lens executionExecCostL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionExecCostL f Execution{..} = (\executionExecCost -> Execution { executionExecCost, ..} ) <$> f executionExecCost {-# INLINE executionExecCostL #-} -- | 'executionExecComm' Lens executionExecCommL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionExecCommL f Execution{..} = (\executionExecComm -> Execution { executionExecComm, ..} ) <$> f executionExecComm {-# INLINE executionExecCommL #-} -- | 'executionHomeNotional' Lens executionHomeNotionalL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionHomeNotionalL f Execution{..} = (\executionHomeNotional -> Execution { executionHomeNotional, ..} ) <$> f executionHomeNotional {-# INLINE executionHomeNotionalL #-} -- | 'executionForeignNotional' Lens executionForeignNotionalL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe Double) executionForeignNotionalL f Execution{..} = (\executionForeignNotional -> Execution { executionForeignNotional, ..} ) <$> f executionForeignNotional {-# INLINE executionForeignNotionalL #-} -- | 'executionTransactTime' Lens executionTransactTimeL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe DateTime) executionTransactTimeL f Execution{..} = (\executionTransactTime -> Execution { executionTransactTime, ..} ) <$> f executionTransactTime {-# INLINE executionTransactTimeL #-} -- | 'executionTimestamp' Lens executionTimestampL :: Lens_' Execution (Maybe DateTime) executionTimestampL f Execution{..} = (\executionTimestamp -> Execution { executionTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f executionTimestamp {-# INLINE executionTimestampL #-} -- * Funding -- | 'fundingTimestamp' Lens fundingTimestampL :: Lens_' Funding (DateTime) fundingTimestampL f Funding{..} = (\fundingTimestamp -> Funding { fundingTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f fundingTimestamp {-# INLINE fundingTimestampL #-} -- | 'fundingSymbol' Lens fundingSymbolL :: Lens_' Funding (Text) fundingSymbolL f Funding{..} = (\fundingSymbol -> Funding { fundingSymbol, ..} ) <$> f fundingSymbol {-# INLINE fundingSymbolL #-} -- | 'fundingFundingInterval' Lens fundingFundingIntervalL :: Lens_' Funding (Maybe DateTime) fundingFundingIntervalL f Funding{..} = (\fundingFundingInterval -> Funding { fundingFundingInterval, ..} ) <$> f fundingFundingInterval {-# INLINE fundingFundingIntervalL #-} -- | 'fundingFundingRate' Lens fundingFundingRateL :: Lens_' Funding (Maybe Double) fundingFundingRateL f Funding{..} = (\fundingFundingRate -> Funding { fundingFundingRate, ..} ) <$> f fundingFundingRate {-# INLINE fundingFundingRateL #-} -- | 'fundingFundingRateDaily' Lens fundingFundingRateDailyL :: Lens_' Funding (Maybe Double) fundingFundingRateDailyL f Funding{..} = (\fundingFundingRateDaily -> Funding { fundingFundingRateDaily, ..} ) <$> f fundingFundingRateDaily {-# INLINE fundingFundingRateDailyL #-} -- * IndexComposite -- | 'indexCompositeTimestamp' Lens indexCompositeTimestampL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (DateTime) indexCompositeTimestampL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeTimestamp -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeTimestamp {-# INLINE indexCompositeTimestampL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeSymbol' Lens indexCompositeSymbolL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe Text) indexCompositeSymbolL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeSymbol -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeSymbol, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeSymbol {-# INLINE indexCompositeSymbolL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeIndexSymbol' Lens indexCompositeIndexSymbolL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe Text) indexCompositeIndexSymbolL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeIndexSymbol -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeIndexSymbol, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeIndexSymbol {-# INLINE indexCompositeIndexSymbolL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeReference' Lens indexCompositeReferenceL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe Text) indexCompositeReferenceL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeReference -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeReference, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeReference {-# INLINE indexCompositeReferenceL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeLastPrice' Lens indexCompositeLastPriceL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe Double) indexCompositeLastPriceL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeLastPrice -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeLastPrice, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeLastPrice {-# INLINE indexCompositeLastPriceL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeWeight' Lens indexCompositeWeightL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe Double) indexCompositeWeightL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeWeight -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeWeight, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeWeight {-# INLINE indexCompositeWeightL #-} -- | 'indexCompositeLogged' Lens indexCompositeLoggedL :: Lens_' IndexComposite (Maybe DateTime) indexCompositeLoggedL f IndexComposite{..} = (\indexCompositeLogged -> IndexComposite { indexCompositeLogged, ..} ) <$> f indexCompositeLogged {-# INLINE indexCompositeLoggedL #-} -- * InlineResponse200 -- | 'inlineResponse200Success' Lens inlineResponse200SuccessL :: Lens_' InlineResponse200 (Maybe Bool) inlineResponse200SuccessL f InlineResponse200{..} = (\inlineResponse200Success -> InlineResponse200 { inlineResponse200Success, ..} ) <$> f inlineResponse200Success {-# INLINE inlineResponse200SuccessL #-} -- * Instrument -- | 'instrumentSymbol' Lens instrumentSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Text) instrumentSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentRootSymbol' Lens instrumentRootSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentRootSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRootSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentRootSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRootSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentRootSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentState' Lens instrumentStateL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentStateL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentState -> Instrument { instrumentState, ..} ) <$> f instrumentState {-# INLINE instrumentStateL #-} -- | 'instrumentTyp' Lens instrumentTypL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentTypL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTyp -> Instrument { instrumentTyp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTyp {-# INLINE instrumentTypL #-} -- | 'instrumentListing' Lens instrumentListingL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentListingL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentListing -> Instrument { instrumentListing, ..} ) <$> f instrumentListing {-# INLINE instrumentListingL #-} -- | 'instrumentFront' Lens instrumentFrontL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentFrontL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFront -> Instrument { instrumentFront, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFront {-# INLINE instrumentFrontL #-} -- | 'instrumentExpiry' Lens instrumentExpiryL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentExpiryL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentExpiry -> Instrument { instrumentExpiry, ..} ) <$> f instrumentExpiry {-# INLINE instrumentExpiryL #-} -- | 'instrumentSettle' Lens instrumentSettleL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentSettleL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSettle -> Instrument { instrumentSettle, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSettle {-# INLINE instrumentSettleL #-} -- | 'instrumentRelistInterval' Lens instrumentRelistIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentRelistIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRelistInterval -> Instrument { instrumentRelistInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRelistInterval {-# INLINE instrumentRelistIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentInverseLeg' Lens instrumentInverseLegL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentInverseLegL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentInverseLeg -> Instrument { instrumentInverseLeg, ..} ) <$> f instrumentInverseLeg {-# INLINE instrumentInverseLegL #-} -- | 'instrumentSellLeg' Lens instrumentSellLegL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentSellLegL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSellLeg -> Instrument { instrumentSellLeg, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSellLeg {-# INLINE instrumentSellLegL #-} -- | 'instrumentBuyLeg' Lens instrumentBuyLegL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentBuyLegL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentBuyLeg -> Instrument { instrumentBuyLeg, ..} ) <$> f instrumentBuyLeg {-# INLINE instrumentBuyLegL #-} -- | 'instrumentPositionCurrency' Lens instrumentPositionCurrencyL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentPositionCurrencyL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPositionCurrency -> Instrument { instrumentPositionCurrency, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPositionCurrency {-# INLINE instrumentPositionCurrencyL #-} -- | 'instrumentUnderlying' Lens instrumentUnderlyingL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentUnderlyingL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentUnderlying -> Instrument { instrumentUnderlying, ..} ) <$> f instrumentUnderlying {-# INLINE instrumentUnderlyingL #-} -- | 'instrumentQuoteCurrency' Lens instrumentQuoteCurrencyL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentQuoteCurrencyL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentQuoteCurrency -> Instrument { instrumentQuoteCurrency, ..} ) <$> f instrumentQuoteCurrency {-# INLINE instrumentQuoteCurrencyL #-} -- | 'instrumentUnderlyingSymbol' Lens instrumentUnderlyingSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentUnderlyingSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentUnderlyingSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentUnderlyingSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentUnderlyingSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentUnderlyingSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentReference' Lens instrumentReferenceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentReferenceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentReference -> Instrument { instrumentReference, ..} ) <$> f instrumentReference {-# INLINE instrumentReferenceL #-} -- | 'instrumentReferenceSymbol' Lens instrumentReferenceSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentReferenceSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentReferenceSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentReferenceSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentReferenceSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentReferenceSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentCalcInterval' Lens instrumentCalcIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentCalcIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentCalcInterval -> Instrument { instrumentCalcInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentCalcInterval {-# INLINE instrumentCalcIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentPublishInterval' Lens instrumentPublishIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentPublishIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPublishInterval -> Instrument { instrumentPublishInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPublishInterval {-# INLINE instrumentPublishIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentPublishTime' Lens instrumentPublishTimeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentPublishTimeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPublishTime -> Instrument { instrumentPublishTime, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPublishTime {-# INLINE instrumentPublishTimeL #-} -- | 'instrumentMaxOrderQty' Lens instrumentMaxOrderQtyL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMaxOrderQtyL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMaxOrderQty -> Instrument { instrumentMaxOrderQty, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMaxOrderQty {-# INLINE instrumentMaxOrderQtyL #-} -- | 'instrumentMaxPrice' Lens instrumentMaxPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMaxPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMaxPrice -> Instrument { instrumentMaxPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMaxPrice {-# INLINE instrumentMaxPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLotSize' Lens instrumentLotSizeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLotSizeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLotSize -> Instrument { instrumentLotSize, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLotSize {-# INLINE instrumentLotSizeL #-} -- | 'instrumentTickSize' Lens instrumentTickSizeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTickSizeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTickSize -> Instrument { instrumentTickSize, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTickSize {-# INLINE instrumentTickSizeL #-} -- | 'instrumentMultiplier' Lens instrumentMultiplierL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMultiplierL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMultiplier -> Instrument { instrumentMultiplier, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMultiplier {-# INLINE instrumentMultiplierL #-} -- | 'instrumentSettlCurrency' Lens instrumentSettlCurrencyL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentSettlCurrencyL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSettlCurrency -> Instrument { instrumentSettlCurrency, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSettlCurrency {-# INLINE instrumentSettlCurrencyL #-} -- | 'instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplier' Lens instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplierL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplierL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplier -> Instrument { instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplier, ..} ) <$> f instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplier {-# INLINE instrumentUnderlyingToPositionMultiplierL #-} -- | 'instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplier' Lens instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplierL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplierL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplier -> Instrument { instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplier, ..} ) <$> f instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplier {-# INLINE instrumentUnderlyingToSettleMultiplierL #-} -- | 'instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplier' Lens instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplierL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplierL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplier -> Instrument { instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplier, ..} ) <$> f instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplier {-# INLINE instrumentQuoteToSettleMultiplierL #-} -- | 'instrumentIsQuanto' Lens instrumentIsQuantoL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentIsQuantoL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentIsQuanto -> Instrument { instrumentIsQuanto, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIsQuanto {-# INLINE instrumentIsQuantoL #-} -- | 'instrumentIsInverse' Lens instrumentIsInverseL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentIsInverseL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentIsInverse -> Instrument { instrumentIsInverse, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIsInverse {-# INLINE instrumentIsInverseL #-} -- | 'instrumentInitMargin' Lens instrumentInitMarginL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentInitMarginL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentInitMargin -> Instrument { instrumentInitMargin, ..} ) <$> f instrumentInitMargin {-# INLINE instrumentInitMarginL #-} -- | 'instrumentMaintMargin' Lens instrumentMaintMarginL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMaintMarginL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMaintMargin -> Instrument { instrumentMaintMargin, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMaintMargin {-# INLINE instrumentMaintMarginL #-} -- | 'instrumentRiskLimit' Lens instrumentRiskLimitL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentRiskLimitL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRiskLimit -> Instrument { instrumentRiskLimit, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRiskLimit {-# INLINE instrumentRiskLimitL #-} -- | 'instrumentRiskStep' Lens instrumentRiskStepL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentRiskStepL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRiskStep -> Instrument { instrumentRiskStep, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRiskStep {-# INLINE instrumentRiskStepL #-} -- | 'instrumentLimit' Lens instrumentLimitL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLimitL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLimit -> Instrument { instrumentLimit, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLimit {-# INLINE instrumentLimitL #-} -- | 'instrumentCapped' Lens instrumentCappedL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentCappedL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentCapped -> Instrument { instrumentCapped, ..} ) <$> f instrumentCapped {-# INLINE instrumentCappedL #-} -- | 'instrumentTaxed' Lens instrumentTaxedL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentTaxedL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTaxed -> Instrument { instrumentTaxed, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTaxed {-# INLINE instrumentTaxedL #-} -- | 'instrumentDeleverage' Lens instrumentDeleverageL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentDeleverageL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentDeleverage -> Instrument { instrumentDeleverage, ..} ) <$> f instrumentDeleverage {-# INLINE instrumentDeleverageL #-} -- | 'instrumentMakerFee' Lens instrumentMakerFeeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMakerFeeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMakerFee -> Instrument { instrumentMakerFee, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMakerFee {-# INLINE instrumentMakerFeeL #-} -- | 'instrumentTakerFee' Lens instrumentTakerFeeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTakerFeeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTakerFee -> Instrument { instrumentTakerFee, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTakerFee {-# INLINE instrumentTakerFeeL #-} -- | 'instrumentSettlementFee' Lens instrumentSettlementFeeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentSettlementFeeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSettlementFee -> Instrument { instrumentSettlementFee, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSettlementFee {-# INLINE instrumentSettlementFeeL #-} -- | 'instrumentInsuranceFee' Lens instrumentInsuranceFeeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentInsuranceFeeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentInsuranceFee -> Instrument { instrumentInsuranceFee, ..} ) <$> f instrumentInsuranceFee {-# INLINE instrumentInsuranceFeeL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingBaseSymbol' Lens instrumentFundingBaseSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentFundingBaseSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingBaseSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentFundingBaseSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingBaseSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentFundingBaseSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingQuoteSymbol' Lens instrumentFundingQuoteSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentFundingQuoteSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingQuoteSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentFundingQuoteSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingQuoteSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentFundingQuoteSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingPremiumSymbol' Lens instrumentFundingPremiumSymbolL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentFundingPremiumSymbolL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingPremiumSymbol -> Instrument { instrumentFundingPremiumSymbol, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingPremiumSymbol {-# INLINE instrumentFundingPremiumSymbolL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingTimestamp' Lens instrumentFundingTimestampL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentFundingTimestampL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingTimestamp -> Instrument { instrumentFundingTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingTimestamp {-# INLINE instrumentFundingTimestampL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingInterval' Lens instrumentFundingIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentFundingIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingInterval -> Instrument { instrumentFundingInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingInterval {-# INLINE instrumentFundingIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentFundingRate' Lens instrumentFundingRateL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentFundingRateL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFundingRate -> Instrument { instrumentFundingRate, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFundingRate {-# INLINE instrumentFundingRateL #-} -- | 'instrumentIndicativeFundingRate' Lens instrumentIndicativeFundingRateL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentIndicativeFundingRateL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentIndicativeFundingRate -> Instrument { instrumentIndicativeFundingRate, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIndicativeFundingRate {-# INLINE instrumentIndicativeFundingRateL #-} -- | 'instrumentRebalanceTimestamp' Lens instrumentRebalanceTimestampL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentRebalanceTimestampL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRebalanceTimestamp -> Instrument { instrumentRebalanceTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRebalanceTimestamp {-# INLINE instrumentRebalanceTimestampL #-} -- | 'instrumentRebalanceInterval' Lens instrumentRebalanceIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentRebalanceIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentRebalanceInterval -> Instrument { instrumentRebalanceInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentRebalanceInterval {-# INLINE instrumentRebalanceIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentOpeningTimestamp' Lens instrumentOpeningTimestampL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentOpeningTimestampL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentOpeningTimestamp -> Instrument { instrumentOpeningTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentOpeningTimestamp {-# INLINE instrumentOpeningTimestampL #-} -- | 'instrumentClosingTimestamp' Lens instrumentClosingTimestampL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentClosingTimestampL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentClosingTimestamp -> Instrument { instrumentClosingTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentClosingTimestamp {-# INLINE instrumentClosingTimestampL #-} -- | 'instrumentSessionInterval' Lens instrumentSessionIntervalL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentSessionIntervalL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSessionInterval -> Instrument { instrumentSessionInterval, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSessionInterval {-# INLINE instrumentSessionIntervalL #-} -- | 'instrumentPrevClosePrice' Lens instrumentPrevClosePriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentPrevClosePriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPrevClosePrice -> Instrument { instrumentPrevClosePrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPrevClosePrice {-# INLINE instrumentPrevClosePriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLimitDownPrice' Lens instrumentLimitDownPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLimitDownPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLimitDownPrice -> Instrument { instrumentLimitDownPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLimitDownPrice {-# INLINE instrumentLimitDownPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLimitUpPrice' Lens instrumentLimitUpPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLimitUpPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLimitUpPrice -> Instrument { instrumentLimitUpPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLimitUpPrice {-# INLINE instrumentLimitUpPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentBankruptLimitDownPrice' Lens instrumentBankruptLimitDownPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentBankruptLimitDownPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentBankruptLimitDownPrice -> Instrument { instrumentBankruptLimitDownPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentBankruptLimitDownPrice {-# INLINE instrumentBankruptLimitDownPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentBankruptLimitUpPrice' Lens instrumentBankruptLimitUpPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentBankruptLimitUpPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentBankruptLimitUpPrice -> Instrument { instrumentBankruptLimitUpPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentBankruptLimitUpPrice {-# INLINE instrumentBankruptLimitUpPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentPrevTotalVolume' Lens instrumentPrevTotalVolumeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentPrevTotalVolumeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPrevTotalVolume -> Instrument { instrumentPrevTotalVolume, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPrevTotalVolume {-# INLINE instrumentPrevTotalVolumeL #-} -- | 'instrumentTotalVolume' Lens instrumentTotalVolumeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTotalVolumeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTotalVolume -> Instrument { instrumentTotalVolume, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTotalVolume {-# INLINE instrumentTotalVolumeL #-} -- | 'instrumentVolume' Lens instrumentVolumeL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentVolumeL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentVolume -> Instrument { instrumentVolume, ..} ) <$> f instrumentVolume {-# INLINE instrumentVolumeL #-} -- | 'instrumentVolume24h' Lens instrumentVolume24hL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentVolume24hL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentVolume24h -> Instrument { instrumentVolume24h, ..} ) <$> f instrumentVolume24h {-# INLINE instrumentVolume24hL #-} -- | 'instrumentPrevTotalTurnover' Lens instrumentPrevTotalTurnoverL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentPrevTotalTurnoverL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPrevTotalTurnover -> Instrument { instrumentPrevTotalTurnover, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPrevTotalTurnover {-# INLINE instrumentPrevTotalTurnoverL #-} -- | 'instrumentTotalTurnover' Lens instrumentTotalTurnoverL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTotalTurnoverL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTotalTurnover -> Instrument { instrumentTotalTurnover, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTotalTurnover {-# INLINE instrumentTotalTurnoverL #-} -- | 'instrumentTurnover' Lens instrumentTurnoverL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTurnoverL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTurnover -> Instrument { instrumentTurnover, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTurnover {-# INLINE instrumentTurnoverL #-} -- | 'instrumentTurnover24h' Lens instrumentTurnover24hL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentTurnover24hL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTurnover24h -> Instrument { instrumentTurnover24h, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTurnover24h {-# INLINE instrumentTurnover24hL #-} -- | 'instrumentPrevPrice24h' Lens instrumentPrevPrice24hL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentPrevPrice24hL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentPrevPrice24h -> Instrument { instrumentPrevPrice24h, ..} ) <$> f instrumentPrevPrice24h {-# INLINE instrumentPrevPrice24hL #-} -- | 'instrumentVwap' Lens instrumentVwapL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentVwapL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentVwap -> Instrument { instrumentVwap, ..} ) <$> f instrumentVwap {-# INLINE instrumentVwapL #-} -- | 'instrumentHighPrice' Lens instrumentHighPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentHighPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentHighPrice -> Instrument { instrumentHighPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentHighPrice {-# INLINE instrumentHighPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLowPrice' Lens instrumentLowPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLowPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLowPrice -> Instrument { instrumentLowPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLowPrice {-# INLINE instrumentLowPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLastPrice' Lens instrumentLastPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLastPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLastPrice -> Instrument { instrumentLastPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLastPrice {-# INLINE instrumentLastPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentLastPriceProtected' Lens instrumentLastPriceProtectedL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLastPriceProtectedL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLastPriceProtected -> Instrument { instrumentLastPriceProtected, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLastPriceProtected {-# INLINE instrumentLastPriceProtectedL #-} -- | 'instrumentLastTickDirection' Lens instrumentLastTickDirectionL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentLastTickDirectionL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLastTickDirection -> Instrument { instrumentLastTickDirection, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLastTickDirection {-# INLINE instrumentLastTickDirectionL #-} -- | 'instrumentLastChangePcnt' Lens instrumentLastChangePcntL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentLastChangePcntL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentLastChangePcnt -> Instrument { instrumentLastChangePcnt, ..} ) <$> f instrumentLastChangePcnt {-# INLINE instrumentLastChangePcntL #-} -- | 'instrumentBidPrice' Lens instrumentBidPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentBidPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentBidPrice -> Instrument { instrumentBidPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentBidPrice {-# INLINE instrumentBidPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentMidPrice' Lens instrumentMidPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMidPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMidPrice -> Instrument { instrumentMidPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMidPrice {-# INLINE instrumentMidPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentAskPrice' Lens instrumentAskPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentAskPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentAskPrice -> Instrument { instrumentAskPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentAskPrice {-# INLINE instrumentAskPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentImpactBidPrice' Lens instrumentImpactBidPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentImpactBidPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentImpactBidPrice -> Instrument { instrumentImpactBidPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentImpactBidPrice {-# INLINE instrumentImpactBidPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentImpactMidPrice' Lens instrumentImpactMidPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentImpactMidPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentImpactMidPrice -> Instrument { instrumentImpactMidPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentImpactMidPrice {-# INLINE instrumentImpactMidPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentImpactAskPrice' Lens instrumentImpactAskPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentImpactAskPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentImpactAskPrice -> Instrument { instrumentImpactAskPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentImpactAskPrice {-# INLINE instrumentImpactAskPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentHasLiquidity' Lens instrumentHasLiquidityL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Bool) instrumentHasLiquidityL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentHasLiquidity -> Instrument { instrumentHasLiquidity, ..} ) <$> f instrumentHasLiquidity {-# INLINE instrumentHasLiquidityL #-} -- | 'instrumentOpenInterest' Lens instrumentOpenInterestL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentOpenInterestL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentOpenInterest -> Instrument { instrumentOpenInterest, ..} ) <$> f instrumentOpenInterest {-# INLINE instrumentOpenInterestL #-} -- | 'instrumentOpenValue' Lens instrumentOpenValueL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentOpenValueL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentOpenValue -> Instrument { instrumentOpenValue, ..} ) <$> f instrumentOpenValue {-# INLINE instrumentOpenValueL #-} -- | 'instrumentFairMethod' Lens instrumentFairMethodL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentFairMethodL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFairMethod -> Instrument { instrumentFairMethod, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFairMethod {-# INLINE instrumentFairMethodL #-} -- | 'instrumentFairBasisRate' Lens instrumentFairBasisRateL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentFairBasisRateL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFairBasisRate -> Instrument { instrumentFairBasisRate, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFairBasisRate {-# INLINE instrumentFairBasisRateL #-} -- | 'instrumentFairBasis' Lens instrumentFairBasisL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentFairBasisL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFairBasis -> Instrument { instrumentFairBasis, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFairBasis {-# INLINE instrumentFairBasisL #-} -- | 'instrumentFairPrice' Lens instrumentFairPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentFairPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentFairPrice -> Instrument { instrumentFairPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentFairPrice {-# INLINE instrumentFairPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentMarkMethod' Lens instrumentMarkMethodL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Text) instrumentMarkMethodL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMarkMethod -> Instrument { instrumentMarkMethod, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMarkMethod {-# INLINE instrumentMarkMethodL #-} -- | 'instrumentMarkPrice' Lens instrumentMarkPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentMarkPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentMarkPrice -> Instrument { instrumentMarkPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentMarkPrice {-# INLINE instrumentMarkPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentIndicativeTaxRate' Lens instrumentIndicativeTaxRateL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentIndicativeTaxRateL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentIndicativeTaxRate -> Instrument { instrumentIndicativeTaxRate, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIndicativeTaxRate {-# INLINE instrumentIndicativeTaxRateL #-} -- | 'instrumentIndicativeSettlePrice' Lens instrumentIndicativeSettlePriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentIndicativeSettlePriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentIndicativeSettlePrice -> Instrument { instrumentIndicativeSettlePrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIndicativeSettlePrice {-# INLINE instrumentIndicativeSettlePriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentSettledPrice' Lens instrumentSettledPriceL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe Double) instrumentSettledPriceL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentSettledPrice -> Instrument { instrumentSettledPrice, ..} ) <$> f instrumentSettledPrice {-# INLINE instrumentSettledPriceL #-} -- | 'instrumentTimestamp' Lens instrumentTimestampL :: Lens_' Instrument (Maybe DateTime) instrumentTimestampL f Instrument{..} = (\instrumentTimestamp -> Instrument { instrumentTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f instrumentTimestamp {-# INLINE instrumentTimestampL #-} -- * InstrumentInterval -- | 'instrumentIntervalIntervals' Lens instrumentIntervalIntervalsL :: Lens_' InstrumentInterval ([Text]) instrumentIntervalIntervalsL f InstrumentInterval{..} = (\instrumentIntervalIntervals -> InstrumentInterval { instrumentIntervalIntervals, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIntervalIntervals {-# INLINE instrumentIntervalIntervalsL #-} -- | 'instrumentIntervalSymbols' Lens instrumentIntervalSymbolsL :: Lens_' InstrumentInterval ([Text]) instrumentIntervalSymbolsL f InstrumentInterval{..} = (\instrumentIntervalSymbols -> InstrumentInterval { instrumentIntervalSymbols, ..} ) <$> f instrumentIntervalSymbols {-# INLINE instrumentIntervalSymbolsL #-} -- * Insurance -- | 'insuranceCurrency' Lens insuranceCurrencyL :: Lens_' Insurance (Text) insuranceCurrencyL f Insurance{..} = (\insuranceCurrency -> Insurance { insuranceCurrency, ..} ) <$> f insuranceCurrency {-# INLINE insuranceCurrencyL #-} -- | 'insuranceTimestamp' Lens insuranceTimestampL :: Lens_' Insurance (DateTime) insuranceTimestampL f Insurance{..} = (\insuranceTimestamp -> Insurance { insuranceTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f insuranceTimestamp {-# INLINE insuranceTimestampL #-} -- | 'insuranceWalletBalance' Lens insuranceWalletBalanceL :: Lens_' Insurance (Maybe Double) insuranceWalletBalanceL f Insurance{..} = (\insuranceWalletBalance -> Insurance { insuranceWalletBalance, ..} ) <$> f insuranceWalletBalance {-# INLINE insuranceWalletBalanceL #-} -- * Leaderboard -- | 'leaderboardName' Lens leaderboardNameL :: Lens_' Leaderboard (Text) leaderboardNameL f Leaderboard{..} = (\leaderboardName -> Leaderboard { leaderboardName, ..} ) <$> f leaderboardName {-# INLINE leaderboardNameL #-} -- | 'leaderboardIsRealName' Lens leaderboardIsRealNameL :: Lens_' Leaderboard (Maybe Bool) leaderboardIsRealNameL f Leaderboard{..} = (\leaderboardIsRealName -> Leaderboard { leaderboardIsRealName, ..} ) <$> f leaderboardIsRealName {-# INLINE leaderboardIsRealNameL #-} -- | 'leaderboardIsMe' Lens leaderboardIsMeL :: Lens_' Leaderboard (Maybe Bool) leaderboardIsMeL f Leaderboard{..} = (\leaderboardIsMe -> Leaderboard { leaderboardIsMe, ..} ) <$> f leaderboardIsMe {-# INLINE leaderboardIsMeL #-} -- | 'leaderboardProfit' Lens leaderboardProfitL :: Lens_' Leaderboard (Maybe Double) leaderboardProfitL f Leaderboard{..} = (\leaderboardProfit -> Leaderboard { leaderboardProfit, ..} ) <$> f leaderboardProfit {-# INLINE leaderboardProfitL #-} -- * Liquidation -- | 'liquidationOrderId' Lens liquidationOrderIdL :: Lens_' Liquidation (Text) liquidationOrderIdL f Liquidation{..} = (\liquidationOrderId -> Liquidation { liquidationOrderId, ..} ) <$> f liquidationOrderId {-# INLINE liquidationOrderIdL #-} -- | 'liquidationSymbol' Lens liquidationSymbolL :: Lens_' Liquidation (Maybe Text) liquidationSymbolL f Liquidation{..} = (\liquidationSymbol -> Liquidation { liquidationSymbol, ..} ) <$> f liquidationSymbol {-# INLINE liquidationSymbolL #-} -- | 'liquidationSide' Lens liquidationSideL :: Lens_' Liquidation (Maybe Text) liquidationSideL f Liquidation{..} = (\liquidationSide -> Liquidation { liquidationSide, ..} ) <$> f liquidationSide {-# INLINE liquidationSideL #-} -- | 'liquidationPrice' Lens liquidationPriceL :: Lens_' Liquidation (Maybe Double) liquidationPriceL f Liquidation{..} = (\liquidationPrice -> Liquidation { liquidationPrice, ..} ) <$> f liquidationPrice {-# INLINE liquidationPriceL #-} -- | 'liquidationLeavesQty' Lens liquidationLeavesQtyL :: Lens_' Liquidation (Maybe Double) liquidationLeavesQtyL f Liquidation{..} = (\liquidationLeavesQty -> Liquidation { liquidationLeavesQty, ..} ) <$> f liquidationLeavesQty {-# INLINE liquidationLeavesQtyL #-} -- * Margin -- | 'marginAccount' Lens marginAccountL :: Lens_' Margin (Double) marginAccountL f Margin{..} = (\marginAccount -> Margin { marginAccount, ..} ) <$> f marginAccount {-# INLINE marginAccountL #-} -- | 'marginCurrency' Lens marginCurrencyL :: Lens_' Margin (Text) marginCurrencyL f Margin{..} = (\marginCurrency -> Margin { marginCurrency, ..} ) <$> f marginCurrency {-# INLINE marginCurrencyL #-} -- | 'marginRiskLimit' Lens marginRiskLimitL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginRiskLimitL f Margin{..} = (\marginRiskLimit -> Margin { marginRiskLimit, ..} ) <$> f marginRiskLimit {-# INLINE marginRiskLimitL #-} -- | 'marginPrevState' Lens marginPrevStateL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Text) marginPrevStateL f Margin{..} = (\marginPrevState -> Margin { marginPrevState, ..} ) <$> f marginPrevState {-# INLINE marginPrevStateL #-} -- | 'marginState' Lens marginStateL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Text) marginStateL f Margin{..} = (\marginState -> Margin { marginState, ..} ) <$> f marginState {-# INLINE marginStateL #-} -- | 'marginAction' Lens marginActionL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Text) marginActionL f Margin{..} = (\marginAction -> Margin { marginAction, ..} ) <$> f marginAction {-# INLINE marginActionL #-} -- | 'marginAmount' Lens marginAmountL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginAmountL f Margin{..} = (\marginAmount -> Margin { marginAmount, ..} ) <$> f marginAmount {-# INLINE marginAmountL #-} -- | 'marginPendingCredit' Lens marginPendingCreditL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginPendingCreditL f Margin{..} = (\marginPendingCredit -> Margin { marginPendingCredit, ..} ) <$> f marginPendingCredit {-# INLINE marginPendingCreditL #-} -- | 'marginPendingDebit' Lens marginPendingDebitL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginPendingDebitL f Margin{..} = (\marginPendingDebit -> Margin { marginPendingDebit, ..} ) <$> f marginPendingDebit {-# INLINE marginPendingDebitL #-} -- | 'marginConfirmedDebit' Lens marginConfirmedDebitL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginConfirmedDebitL f Margin{..} = (\marginConfirmedDebit -> Margin { marginConfirmedDebit, ..} ) <$> f marginConfirmedDebit {-# INLINE marginConfirmedDebitL #-} -- | 'marginPrevRealisedPnl' Lens marginPrevRealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginPrevRealisedPnlL f Margin{..} = (\marginPrevRealisedPnl -> Margin { marginPrevRealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f marginPrevRealisedPnl {-# INLINE marginPrevRealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'marginPrevUnrealisedPnl' Lens marginPrevUnrealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginPrevUnrealisedPnlL f Margin{..} = (\marginPrevUnrealisedPnl -> Margin { marginPrevUnrealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f marginPrevUnrealisedPnl {-# INLINE marginPrevUnrealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'marginGrossComm' Lens marginGrossCommL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossCommL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossComm -> Margin { marginGrossComm, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossComm {-# INLINE marginGrossCommL #-} -- | 'marginGrossOpenCost' Lens marginGrossOpenCostL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossOpenCostL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossOpenCost -> Margin { marginGrossOpenCost, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossOpenCost {-# INLINE marginGrossOpenCostL #-} -- | 'marginGrossOpenPremium' Lens marginGrossOpenPremiumL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossOpenPremiumL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossOpenPremium -> Margin { marginGrossOpenPremium, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossOpenPremium {-# INLINE marginGrossOpenPremiumL #-} -- | 'marginGrossExecCost' Lens marginGrossExecCostL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossExecCostL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossExecCost -> Margin { marginGrossExecCost, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossExecCost {-# INLINE marginGrossExecCostL #-} -- | 'marginGrossMarkValue' Lens marginGrossMarkValueL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossMarkValueL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossMarkValue -> Margin { marginGrossMarkValue, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossMarkValue {-# INLINE marginGrossMarkValueL #-} -- | 'marginRiskValue' Lens marginRiskValueL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginRiskValueL f Margin{..} = (\marginRiskValue -> Margin { marginRiskValue, ..} ) <$> f marginRiskValue {-# INLINE marginRiskValueL #-} -- | 'marginTaxableMargin' Lens marginTaxableMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginTaxableMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginTaxableMargin -> Margin { marginTaxableMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginTaxableMargin {-# INLINE marginTaxableMarginL #-} -- | 'marginInitMargin' Lens marginInitMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginInitMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginInitMargin -> Margin { marginInitMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginInitMargin {-# INLINE marginInitMarginL #-} -- | 'marginMaintMargin' Lens marginMaintMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginMaintMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginMaintMargin -> Margin { marginMaintMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginMaintMargin {-# INLINE marginMaintMarginL #-} -- | 'marginSessionMargin' Lens marginSessionMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginSessionMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginSessionMargin -> Margin { marginSessionMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginSessionMargin {-# INLINE marginSessionMarginL #-} -- | 'marginTargetExcessMargin' Lens marginTargetExcessMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginTargetExcessMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginTargetExcessMargin -> Margin { marginTargetExcessMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginTargetExcessMargin {-# INLINE marginTargetExcessMarginL #-} -- | 'marginVarMargin' Lens marginVarMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginVarMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginVarMargin -> Margin { marginVarMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginVarMargin {-# INLINE marginVarMarginL #-} -- | 'marginRealisedPnl' Lens marginRealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginRealisedPnlL f Margin{..} = (\marginRealisedPnl -> Margin { marginRealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f marginRealisedPnl {-# INLINE marginRealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'marginUnrealisedPnl' Lens marginUnrealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginUnrealisedPnlL f Margin{..} = (\marginUnrealisedPnl -> Margin { marginUnrealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f marginUnrealisedPnl {-# INLINE marginUnrealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'marginIndicativeTax' Lens marginIndicativeTaxL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginIndicativeTaxL f Margin{..} = (\marginIndicativeTax -> Margin { marginIndicativeTax, ..} ) <$> f marginIndicativeTax {-# INLINE marginIndicativeTaxL #-} -- | 'marginUnrealisedProfit' Lens marginUnrealisedProfitL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginUnrealisedProfitL f Margin{..} = (\marginUnrealisedProfit -> Margin { marginUnrealisedProfit, ..} ) <$> f marginUnrealisedProfit {-# INLINE marginUnrealisedProfitL #-} -- | 'marginSyntheticMargin' Lens marginSyntheticMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginSyntheticMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginSyntheticMargin -> Margin { marginSyntheticMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginSyntheticMargin {-# INLINE marginSyntheticMarginL #-} -- | 'marginWalletBalance' Lens marginWalletBalanceL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginWalletBalanceL f Margin{..} = (\marginWalletBalance -> Margin { marginWalletBalance, ..} ) <$> f marginWalletBalance {-# INLINE marginWalletBalanceL #-} -- | 'marginMarginBalance' Lens marginMarginBalanceL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginMarginBalanceL f Margin{..} = (\marginMarginBalance -> Margin { marginMarginBalance, ..} ) <$> f marginMarginBalance {-# INLINE marginMarginBalanceL #-} -- | 'marginMarginBalancePcnt' Lens marginMarginBalancePcntL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginMarginBalancePcntL f Margin{..} = (\marginMarginBalancePcnt -> Margin { marginMarginBalancePcnt, ..} ) <$> f marginMarginBalancePcnt {-# INLINE marginMarginBalancePcntL #-} -- | 'marginMarginLeverage' Lens marginMarginLeverageL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginMarginLeverageL f Margin{..} = (\marginMarginLeverage -> Margin { marginMarginLeverage, ..} ) <$> f marginMarginLeverage {-# INLINE marginMarginLeverageL #-} -- | 'marginMarginUsedPcnt' Lens marginMarginUsedPcntL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginMarginUsedPcntL f Margin{..} = (\marginMarginUsedPcnt -> Margin { marginMarginUsedPcnt, ..} ) <$> f marginMarginUsedPcnt {-# INLINE marginMarginUsedPcntL #-} -- | 'marginExcessMargin' Lens marginExcessMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginExcessMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginExcessMargin -> Margin { marginExcessMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginExcessMargin {-# INLINE marginExcessMarginL #-} -- | 'marginExcessMarginPcnt' Lens marginExcessMarginPcntL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginExcessMarginPcntL f Margin{..} = (\marginExcessMarginPcnt -> Margin { marginExcessMarginPcnt, ..} ) <$> f marginExcessMarginPcnt {-# INLINE marginExcessMarginPcntL #-} -- | 'marginAvailableMargin' Lens marginAvailableMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginAvailableMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginAvailableMargin -> Margin { marginAvailableMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginAvailableMargin {-# INLINE marginAvailableMarginL #-} -- | 'marginWithdrawableMargin' Lens marginWithdrawableMarginL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginWithdrawableMarginL f Margin{..} = (\marginWithdrawableMargin -> Margin { marginWithdrawableMargin, ..} ) <$> f marginWithdrawableMargin {-# INLINE marginWithdrawableMarginL #-} -- | 'marginTimestamp' Lens marginTimestampL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe DateTime) marginTimestampL f Margin{..} = (\marginTimestamp -> Margin { marginTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f marginTimestamp {-# INLINE marginTimestampL #-} -- | 'marginGrossLastValue' Lens marginGrossLastValueL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginGrossLastValueL f Margin{..} = (\marginGrossLastValue -> Margin { marginGrossLastValue, ..} ) <$> f marginGrossLastValue {-# INLINE marginGrossLastValueL #-} -- | 'marginCommission' Lens marginCommissionL :: Lens_' Margin (Maybe Double) marginCommissionL f Margin{..} = (\marginCommission -> Margin { marginCommission, ..} ) <$> f marginCommission {-# INLINE marginCommissionL #-} -- * Notification -- | 'notificationId' Lens notificationIdL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe Double) notificationIdL f Notification{..} = (\notificationId -> Notification { notificationId, ..} ) <$> f notificationId {-# INLINE notificationIdL #-} -- | 'notificationDate' Lens notificationDateL :: Lens_' Notification (DateTime) notificationDateL f Notification{..} = (\notificationDate -> Notification { notificationDate, ..} ) <$> f notificationDate {-# INLINE notificationDateL #-} -- | 'notificationTitle' Lens notificationTitleL :: Lens_' Notification (Text) notificationTitleL f Notification{..} = (\notificationTitle -> Notification { notificationTitle, ..} ) <$> f notificationTitle {-# INLINE notificationTitleL #-} -- | 'notificationBody' Lens notificationBodyL :: Lens_' Notification (Text) notificationBodyL f Notification{..} = (\notificationBody -> Notification { notificationBody, ..} ) <$> f notificationBody {-# INLINE notificationBodyL #-} -- | 'notificationTtl' Lens notificationTtlL :: Lens_' Notification (Double) notificationTtlL f Notification{..} = (\notificationTtl -> Notification { notificationTtl, ..} ) <$> f notificationTtl {-# INLINE notificationTtlL #-} -- | 'notificationType' Lens notificationTypeL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe E'Type) notificationTypeL f Notification{..} = (\notificationType -> Notification { notificationType, ..} ) <$> f notificationType {-# INLINE notificationTypeL #-} -- | 'notificationClosable' Lens notificationClosableL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe Bool) notificationClosableL f Notification{..} = (\notificationClosable -> Notification { notificationClosable, ..} ) <$> f notificationClosable {-# INLINE notificationClosableL #-} -- | 'notificationPersist' Lens notificationPersistL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe Bool) notificationPersistL f Notification{..} = (\notificationPersist -> Notification { notificationPersist, ..} ) <$> f notificationPersist {-# INLINE notificationPersistL #-} -- | 'notificationWaitForVisibility' Lens notificationWaitForVisibilityL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe Bool) notificationWaitForVisibilityL f Notification{..} = (\notificationWaitForVisibility -> Notification { notificationWaitForVisibility, ..} ) <$> f notificationWaitForVisibility {-# INLINE notificationWaitForVisibilityL #-} -- | 'notificationSound' Lens notificationSoundL :: Lens_' Notification (Maybe Text) notificationSoundL f Notification{..} = (\notificationSound -> Notification { notificationSound, ..} ) <$> f notificationSound {-# INLINE notificationSoundL #-} -- * Order -- | 'orderOrderId' Lens orderOrderIdL :: Lens_' Order (Text) orderOrderIdL f Order{..} = (\orderOrderId -> Order { orderOrderId, ..} ) <$> f orderOrderId {-# INLINE orderOrderIdL #-} -- | 'orderClOrdId' Lens orderClOrdIdL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderClOrdIdL f Order{..} = (\orderClOrdId -> Order { orderClOrdId, ..} ) <$> f orderClOrdId {-# INLINE orderClOrdIdL #-} -- | 'orderClOrdLinkId' Lens orderClOrdLinkIdL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderClOrdLinkIdL f Order{..} = (\orderClOrdLinkId -> Order { orderClOrdLinkId, ..} ) <$> f orderClOrdLinkId {-# INLINE orderClOrdLinkIdL #-} -- | 'orderAccount' Lens orderAccountL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderAccountL f Order{..} = (\orderAccount -> Order { orderAccount, ..} ) <$> f orderAccount {-# INLINE orderAccountL #-} -- | 'orderSymbol' Lens orderSymbolL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderSymbolL f Order{..} = (\orderSymbol -> Order { orderSymbol, ..} ) <$> f orderSymbol {-# INLINE orderSymbolL #-} -- | 'orderSide' Lens orderSideL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderSideL f Order{..} = (\orderSide -> Order { orderSide, ..} ) <$> f orderSide {-# INLINE orderSideL #-} -- | 'orderSimpleOrderQty' Lens orderSimpleOrderQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderSimpleOrderQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderSimpleOrderQty -> Order { orderSimpleOrderQty, ..} ) <$> f orderSimpleOrderQty {-# INLINE orderSimpleOrderQtyL #-} -- | 'orderOrderQty' Lens orderOrderQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderOrderQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderOrderQty -> Order { orderOrderQty, ..} ) <$> f orderOrderQty {-# INLINE orderOrderQtyL #-} -- | 'orderPrice' Lens orderPriceL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderPriceL f Order{..} = (\orderPrice -> Order { orderPrice, ..} ) <$> f orderPrice {-# INLINE orderPriceL #-} -- | 'orderDisplayQty' Lens orderDisplayQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderDisplayQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderDisplayQty -> Order { orderDisplayQty, ..} ) <$> f orderDisplayQty {-# INLINE orderDisplayQtyL #-} -- | 'orderStopPx' Lens orderStopPxL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderStopPxL f Order{..} = (\orderStopPx -> Order { orderStopPx, ..} ) <$> f orderStopPx {-# INLINE orderStopPxL #-} -- | 'orderPegOffsetValue' Lens orderPegOffsetValueL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderPegOffsetValueL f Order{..} = (\orderPegOffsetValue -> Order { orderPegOffsetValue, ..} ) <$> f orderPegOffsetValue {-# INLINE orderPegOffsetValueL #-} -- | 'orderPegPriceType' Lens orderPegPriceTypeL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderPegPriceTypeL f Order{..} = (\orderPegPriceType -> Order { orderPegPriceType, ..} ) <$> f orderPegPriceType {-# INLINE orderPegPriceTypeL #-} -- | 'orderCurrency' Lens orderCurrencyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderCurrencyL f Order{..} = (\orderCurrency -> Order { orderCurrency, ..} ) <$> f orderCurrency {-# INLINE orderCurrencyL #-} -- | 'orderSettlCurrency' Lens orderSettlCurrencyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderSettlCurrencyL f Order{..} = (\orderSettlCurrency -> Order { orderSettlCurrency, ..} ) <$> f orderSettlCurrency {-# INLINE orderSettlCurrencyL #-} -- | 'orderOrdType' Lens orderOrdTypeL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderOrdTypeL f Order{..} = (\orderOrdType -> Order { orderOrdType, ..} ) <$> f orderOrdType {-# INLINE orderOrdTypeL #-} -- | 'orderTimeInForce' Lens orderTimeInForceL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderTimeInForceL f Order{..} = (\orderTimeInForce -> Order { orderTimeInForce, ..} ) <$> f orderTimeInForce {-# INLINE orderTimeInForceL #-} -- | 'orderExecInst' Lens orderExecInstL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderExecInstL f Order{..} = (\orderExecInst -> Order { orderExecInst, ..} ) <$> f orderExecInst {-# INLINE orderExecInstL #-} -- | 'orderContingencyType' Lens orderContingencyTypeL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderContingencyTypeL f Order{..} = (\orderContingencyType -> Order { orderContingencyType, ..} ) <$> f orderContingencyType {-# INLINE orderContingencyTypeL #-} -- | 'orderExDestination' Lens orderExDestinationL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderExDestinationL f Order{..} = (\orderExDestination -> Order { orderExDestination, ..} ) <$> f orderExDestination {-# INLINE orderExDestinationL #-} -- | 'orderOrdStatus' Lens orderOrdStatusL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderOrdStatusL f Order{..} = (\orderOrdStatus -> Order { orderOrdStatus, ..} ) <$> f orderOrdStatus {-# INLINE orderOrdStatusL #-} -- | 'orderTriggered' Lens orderTriggeredL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderTriggeredL f Order{..} = (\orderTriggered -> Order { orderTriggered, ..} ) <$> f orderTriggered {-# INLINE orderTriggeredL #-} -- | 'orderWorkingIndicator' Lens orderWorkingIndicatorL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Bool) orderWorkingIndicatorL f Order{..} = (\orderWorkingIndicator -> Order { orderWorkingIndicator, ..} ) <$> f orderWorkingIndicator {-# INLINE orderWorkingIndicatorL #-} -- | 'orderOrdRejReason' Lens orderOrdRejReasonL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderOrdRejReasonL f Order{..} = (\orderOrdRejReason -> Order { orderOrdRejReason, ..} ) <$> f orderOrdRejReason {-# INLINE orderOrdRejReasonL #-} -- | 'orderSimpleLeavesQty' Lens orderSimpleLeavesQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderSimpleLeavesQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderSimpleLeavesQty -> Order { orderSimpleLeavesQty, ..} ) <$> f orderSimpleLeavesQty {-# INLINE orderSimpleLeavesQtyL #-} -- | 'orderLeavesQty' Lens orderLeavesQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderLeavesQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderLeavesQty -> Order { orderLeavesQty, ..} ) <$> f orderLeavesQty {-# INLINE orderLeavesQtyL #-} -- | 'orderSimpleCumQty' Lens orderSimpleCumQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderSimpleCumQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderSimpleCumQty -> Order { orderSimpleCumQty, ..} ) <$> f orderSimpleCumQty {-# INLINE orderSimpleCumQtyL #-} -- | 'orderCumQty' Lens orderCumQtyL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderCumQtyL f Order{..} = (\orderCumQty -> Order { orderCumQty, ..} ) <$> f orderCumQty {-# INLINE orderCumQtyL #-} -- | 'orderAvgPx' Lens orderAvgPxL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Double) orderAvgPxL f Order{..} = (\orderAvgPx -> Order { orderAvgPx, ..} ) <$> f orderAvgPx {-# INLINE orderAvgPxL #-} -- | 'orderMultiLegReportingType' Lens orderMultiLegReportingTypeL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderMultiLegReportingTypeL f Order{..} = (\orderMultiLegReportingType -> Order { orderMultiLegReportingType, ..} ) <$> f orderMultiLegReportingType {-# INLINE orderMultiLegReportingTypeL #-} -- | 'orderText' Lens orderTextL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe Text) orderTextL f Order{..} = (\orderText -> Order { orderText, ..} ) <$> f orderText {-# INLINE orderTextL #-} -- | 'orderTransactTime' Lens orderTransactTimeL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe DateTime) orderTransactTimeL f Order{..} = (\orderTransactTime -> Order { orderTransactTime, ..} ) <$> f orderTransactTime {-# INLINE orderTransactTimeL #-} -- | 'orderTimestamp' Lens orderTimestampL :: Lens_' Order (Maybe DateTime) orderTimestampL f Order{..} = (\orderTimestamp -> Order { orderTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f orderTimestamp {-# INLINE orderTimestampL #-} -- * OrderBook -- | 'orderBookSymbol' Lens orderBookSymbolL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Text) orderBookSymbolL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookSymbol -> OrderBook { orderBookSymbol, ..} ) <$> f orderBookSymbol {-# INLINE orderBookSymbolL #-} -- | 'orderBookLevel' Lens orderBookLevelL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Double) orderBookLevelL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookLevel -> OrderBook { orderBookLevel, ..} ) <$> f orderBookLevel {-# INLINE orderBookLevelL #-} -- | 'orderBookBidSize' Lens orderBookBidSizeL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Maybe Double) orderBookBidSizeL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookBidSize -> OrderBook { orderBookBidSize, ..} ) <$> f orderBookBidSize {-# INLINE orderBookBidSizeL #-} -- | 'orderBookBidPrice' Lens orderBookBidPriceL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Maybe Double) orderBookBidPriceL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookBidPrice -> OrderBook { orderBookBidPrice, ..} ) <$> f orderBookBidPrice {-# INLINE orderBookBidPriceL #-} -- | 'orderBookAskPrice' Lens orderBookAskPriceL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Maybe Double) orderBookAskPriceL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookAskPrice -> OrderBook { orderBookAskPrice, ..} ) <$> f orderBookAskPrice {-# INLINE orderBookAskPriceL #-} -- | 'orderBookAskSize' Lens orderBookAskSizeL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Maybe Double) orderBookAskSizeL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookAskSize -> OrderBook { orderBookAskSize, ..} ) <$> f orderBookAskSize {-# INLINE orderBookAskSizeL #-} -- | 'orderBookTimestamp' Lens orderBookTimestampL :: Lens_' OrderBook (Maybe DateTime) orderBookTimestampL f OrderBook{..} = (\orderBookTimestamp -> OrderBook { orderBookTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f orderBookTimestamp {-# INLINE orderBookTimestampL #-} -- * OrderBookL2 -- | 'orderBookL2Symbol' Lens orderBookL2SymbolL :: Lens_' OrderBookL2 (Text) orderBookL2SymbolL f OrderBookL2{..} = (\orderBookL2Symbol -> OrderBookL2 { orderBookL2Symbol, ..} ) <$> f orderBookL2Symbol {-# INLINE orderBookL2SymbolL #-} -- | 'orderBookL2Id' Lens orderBookL2IdL :: Lens_' OrderBookL2 (Double) orderBookL2IdL f OrderBookL2{..} = (\orderBookL2Id -> OrderBookL2 { orderBookL2Id, ..} ) <$> f orderBookL2Id {-# INLINE orderBookL2IdL #-} -- | 'orderBookL2Side' Lens orderBookL2SideL :: Lens_' OrderBookL2 (Text) orderBookL2SideL f OrderBookL2{..} = (\orderBookL2Side -> OrderBookL2 { orderBookL2Side, ..} ) <$> f orderBookL2Side {-# INLINE orderBookL2SideL #-} -- | 'orderBookL2Size' Lens orderBookL2SizeL :: Lens_' OrderBookL2 (Maybe Double) orderBookL2SizeL f OrderBookL2{..} = (\orderBookL2Size -> OrderBookL2 { orderBookL2Size, ..} ) <$> f orderBookL2Size {-# INLINE orderBookL2SizeL #-} -- | 'orderBookL2Price' Lens orderBookL2PriceL :: Lens_' OrderBookL2 (Maybe Double) orderBookL2PriceL f OrderBookL2{..} = (\orderBookL2Price -> OrderBookL2 { orderBookL2Price, ..} ) <$> f orderBookL2Price {-# INLINE orderBookL2PriceL #-} -- * Position -- | 'positionAccount' Lens positionAccountL :: Lens_' Position (Double) positionAccountL f Position{..} = (\positionAccount -> Position { positionAccount, ..} ) <$> f positionAccount {-# INLINE positionAccountL #-} -- | 'positionSymbol' Lens positionSymbolL :: Lens_' Position (Text) positionSymbolL f Position{..} = (\positionSymbol -> Position { positionSymbol, ..} ) <$> f positionSymbol {-# INLINE positionSymbolL #-} -- | 'positionCurrency' Lens positionCurrencyL :: Lens_' Position (Text) positionCurrencyL f Position{..} = (\positionCurrency -> Position { positionCurrency, ..} ) <$> f positionCurrency {-# INLINE positionCurrencyL #-} -- | 'positionUnderlying' Lens positionUnderlyingL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Text) positionUnderlyingL f Position{..} = (\positionUnderlying -> Position { positionUnderlying, ..} ) <$> f positionUnderlying {-# INLINE positionUnderlyingL #-} -- | 'positionQuoteCurrency' Lens positionQuoteCurrencyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Text) positionQuoteCurrencyL f Position{..} = (\positionQuoteCurrency -> Position { positionQuoteCurrency, ..} ) <$> f positionQuoteCurrency {-# INLINE positionQuoteCurrencyL #-} -- | 'positionCommission' Lens positionCommissionL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionCommissionL f Position{..} = (\positionCommission -> Position { positionCommission, ..} ) <$> f positionCommission {-# INLINE positionCommissionL #-} -- | 'positionInitMarginReq' Lens positionInitMarginReqL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionInitMarginReqL f Position{..} = (\positionInitMarginReq -> Position { positionInitMarginReq, ..} ) <$> f positionInitMarginReq {-# INLINE positionInitMarginReqL #-} -- | 'positionMaintMarginReq' Lens positionMaintMarginReqL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionMaintMarginReqL f Position{..} = (\positionMaintMarginReq -> Position { positionMaintMarginReq, ..} ) <$> f positionMaintMarginReq {-# INLINE positionMaintMarginReqL #-} -- | 'positionRiskLimit' Lens positionRiskLimitL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRiskLimitL f Position{..} = (\positionRiskLimit -> Position { positionRiskLimit, ..} ) <$> f positionRiskLimit {-# INLINE positionRiskLimitL #-} -- | 'positionLeverage' Lens positionLeverageL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionLeverageL f Position{..} = (\positionLeverage -> Position { positionLeverage, ..} ) <$> f positionLeverage {-# INLINE positionLeverageL #-} -- | 'positionCrossMargin' Lens positionCrossMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Bool) positionCrossMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionCrossMargin -> Position { positionCrossMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionCrossMargin {-# INLINE positionCrossMarginL #-} -- | 'positionDeleveragePercentile' Lens positionDeleveragePercentileL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionDeleveragePercentileL f Position{..} = (\positionDeleveragePercentile -> Position { positionDeleveragePercentile, ..} ) <$> f positionDeleveragePercentile {-# INLINE positionDeleveragePercentileL #-} -- | 'positionRebalancedPnl' Lens positionRebalancedPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRebalancedPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionRebalancedPnl -> Position { positionRebalancedPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionRebalancedPnl {-# INLINE positionRebalancedPnlL #-} -- | 'positionPrevRealisedPnl' Lens positionPrevRealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPrevRealisedPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionPrevRealisedPnl -> Position { positionPrevRealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionPrevRealisedPnl {-# INLINE positionPrevRealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'positionPrevUnrealisedPnl' Lens positionPrevUnrealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPrevUnrealisedPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionPrevUnrealisedPnl -> Position { positionPrevUnrealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionPrevUnrealisedPnl {-# INLINE positionPrevUnrealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'positionPrevClosePrice' Lens positionPrevClosePriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPrevClosePriceL f Position{..} = (\positionPrevClosePrice -> Position { positionPrevClosePrice, ..} ) <$> f positionPrevClosePrice {-# INLINE positionPrevClosePriceL #-} -- | 'positionOpeningTimestamp' Lens positionOpeningTimestampL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe DateTime) positionOpeningTimestampL f Position{..} = (\positionOpeningTimestamp -> Position { positionOpeningTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f positionOpeningTimestamp {-# INLINE positionOpeningTimestampL #-} -- | 'positionOpeningQty' Lens positionOpeningQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpeningQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionOpeningQty -> Position { positionOpeningQty, ..} ) <$> f positionOpeningQty {-# INLINE positionOpeningQtyL #-} -- | 'positionOpeningCost' Lens positionOpeningCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpeningCostL f Position{..} = (\positionOpeningCost -> Position { positionOpeningCost, ..} ) <$> f positionOpeningCost {-# INLINE positionOpeningCostL #-} -- | 'positionOpeningComm' Lens positionOpeningCommL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpeningCommL f Position{..} = (\positionOpeningComm -> Position { positionOpeningComm, ..} ) <$> f positionOpeningComm {-# INLINE positionOpeningCommL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderBuyQty' Lens positionOpenOrderBuyQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderBuyQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderBuyQty -> Position { positionOpenOrderBuyQty, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderBuyQty {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderBuyQtyL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderBuyCost' Lens positionOpenOrderBuyCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderBuyCostL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderBuyCost -> Position { positionOpenOrderBuyCost, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderBuyCost {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderBuyCostL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderBuyPremium' Lens positionOpenOrderBuyPremiumL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderBuyPremiumL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderBuyPremium -> Position { positionOpenOrderBuyPremium, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderBuyPremium {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderBuyPremiumL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderSellQty' Lens positionOpenOrderSellQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderSellQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderSellQty -> Position { positionOpenOrderSellQty, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderSellQty {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderSellQtyL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderSellCost' Lens positionOpenOrderSellCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderSellCostL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderSellCost -> Position { positionOpenOrderSellCost, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderSellCost {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderSellCostL #-} -- | 'positionOpenOrderSellPremium' Lens positionOpenOrderSellPremiumL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionOpenOrderSellPremiumL f Position{..} = (\positionOpenOrderSellPremium -> Position { positionOpenOrderSellPremium, ..} ) <$> f positionOpenOrderSellPremium {-# INLINE positionOpenOrderSellPremiumL #-} -- | 'positionExecBuyQty' Lens positionExecBuyQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecBuyQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionExecBuyQty -> Position { positionExecBuyQty, ..} ) <$> f positionExecBuyQty {-# INLINE positionExecBuyQtyL #-} -- | 'positionExecBuyCost' Lens positionExecBuyCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecBuyCostL f Position{..} = (\positionExecBuyCost -> Position { positionExecBuyCost, ..} ) <$> f positionExecBuyCost {-# INLINE positionExecBuyCostL #-} -- | 'positionExecSellQty' Lens positionExecSellQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecSellQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionExecSellQty -> Position { positionExecSellQty, ..} ) <$> f positionExecSellQty {-# INLINE positionExecSellQtyL #-} -- | 'positionExecSellCost' Lens positionExecSellCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecSellCostL f Position{..} = (\positionExecSellCost -> Position { positionExecSellCost, ..} ) <$> f positionExecSellCost {-# INLINE positionExecSellCostL #-} -- | 'positionExecQty' Lens positionExecQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionExecQty -> Position { positionExecQty, ..} ) <$> f positionExecQty {-# INLINE positionExecQtyL #-} -- | 'positionExecCost' Lens positionExecCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecCostL f Position{..} = (\positionExecCost -> Position { positionExecCost, ..} ) <$> f positionExecCost {-# INLINE positionExecCostL #-} -- | 'positionExecComm' Lens positionExecCommL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionExecCommL f Position{..} = (\positionExecComm -> Position { positionExecComm, ..} ) <$> f positionExecComm {-# INLINE positionExecCommL #-} -- | 'positionCurrentTimestamp' Lens positionCurrentTimestampL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe DateTime) positionCurrentTimestampL f Position{..} = (\positionCurrentTimestamp -> Position { positionCurrentTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f positionCurrentTimestamp {-# INLINE positionCurrentTimestampL #-} -- | 'positionCurrentQty' Lens positionCurrentQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionCurrentQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionCurrentQty -> Position { positionCurrentQty, ..} ) <$> f positionCurrentQty {-# INLINE positionCurrentQtyL #-} -- | 'positionCurrentCost' Lens positionCurrentCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionCurrentCostL f Position{..} = (\positionCurrentCost -> Position { positionCurrentCost, ..} ) <$> f positionCurrentCost {-# INLINE positionCurrentCostL #-} -- | 'positionCurrentComm' Lens positionCurrentCommL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionCurrentCommL f Position{..} = (\positionCurrentComm -> Position { positionCurrentComm, ..} ) <$> f positionCurrentComm {-# INLINE positionCurrentCommL #-} -- | 'positionRealisedCost' Lens positionRealisedCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRealisedCostL f Position{..} = (\positionRealisedCost -> Position { positionRealisedCost, ..} ) <$> f positionRealisedCost {-# INLINE positionRealisedCostL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedCost' Lens positionUnrealisedCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedCostL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedCost -> Position { positionUnrealisedCost, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedCost {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedCostL #-} -- | 'positionGrossOpenCost' Lens positionGrossOpenCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionGrossOpenCostL f Position{..} = (\positionGrossOpenCost -> Position { positionGrossOpenCost, ..} ) <$> f positionGrossOpenCost {-# INLINE positionGrossOpenCostL #-} -- | 'positionGrossOpenPremium' Lens positionGrossOpenPremiumL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionGrossOpenPremiumL f Position{..} = (\positionGrossOpenPremium -> Position { positionGrossOpenPremium, ..} ) <$> f positionGrossOpenPremium {-# INLINE positionGrossOpenPremiumL #-} -- | 'positionGrossExecCost' Lens positionGrossExecCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionGrossExecCostL f Position{..} = (\positionGrossExecCost -> Position { positionGrossExecCost, ..} ) <$> f positionGrossExecCost {-# INLINE positionGrossExecCostL #-} -- | 'positionIsOpen' Lens positionIsOpenL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Bool) positionIsOpenL f Position{..} = (\positionIsOpen -> Position { positionIsOpen, ..} ) <$> f positionIsOpen {-# INLINE positionIsOpenL #-} -- | 'positionMarkPrice' Lens positionMarkPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionMarkPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionMarkPrice -> Position { positionMarkPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionMarkPrice {-# INLINE positionMarkPriceL #-} -- | 'positionMarkValue' Lens positionMarkValueL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionMarkValueL f Position{..} = (\positionMarkValue -> Position { positionMarkValue, ..} ) <$> f positionMarkValue {-# INLINE positionMarkValueL #-} -- | 'positionRiskValue' Lens positionRiskValueL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRiskValueL f Position{..} = (\positionRiskValue -> Position { positionRiskValue, ..} ) <$> f positionRiskValue {-# INLINE positionRiskValueL #-} -- | 'positionHomeNotional' Lens positionHomeNotionalL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionHomeNotionalL f Position{..} = (\positionHomeNotional -> Position { positionHomeNotional, ..} ) <$> f positionHomeNotional {-# INLINE positionHomeNotionalL #-} -- | 'positionForeignNotional' Lens positionForeignNotionalL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionForeignNotionalL f Position{..} = (\positionForeignNotional -> Position { positionForeignNotional, ..} ) <$> f positionForeignNotional {-# INLINE positionForeignNotionalL #-} -- | 'positionPosState' Lens positionPosStateL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Text) positionPosStateL f Position{..} = (\positionPosState -> Position { positionPosState, ..} ) <$> f positionPosState {-# INLINE positionPosStateL #-} -- | 'positionPosCost' Lens positionPosCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosCostL f Position{..} = (\positionPosCost -> Position { positionPosCost, ..} ) <$> f positionPosCost {-# INLINE positionPosCostL #-} -- | 'positionPosCost2' Lens positionPosCost2L :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosCost2L f Position{..} = (\positionPosCost2 -> Position { positionPosCost2, ..} ) <$> f positionPosCost2 {-# INLINE positionPosCost2L #-} -- | 'positionPosCross' Lens positionPosCrossL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosCrossL f Position{..} = (\positionPosCross -> Position { positionPosCross, ..} ) <$> f positionPosCross {-# INLINE positionPosCrossL #-} -- | 'positionPosInit' Lens positionPosInitL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosInitL f Position{..} = (\positionPosInit -> Position { positionPosInit, ..} ) <$> f positionPosInit {-# INLINE positionPosInitL #-} -- | 'positionPosComm' Lens positionPosCommL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosCommL f Position{..} = (\positionPosComm -> Position { positionPosComm, ..} ) <$> f positionPosComm {-# INLINE positionPosCommL #-} -- | 'positionPosLoss' Lens positionPosLossL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosLossL f Position{..} = (\positionPosLoss -> Position { positionPosLoss, ..} ) <$> f positionPosLoss {-# INLINE positionPosLossL #-} -- | 'positionPosMargin' Lens positionPosMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionPosMargin -> Position { positionPosMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionPosMargin {-# INLINE positionPosMarginL #-} -- | 'positionPosMaint' Lens positionPosMaintL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosMaintL f Position{..} = (\positionPosMaint -> Position { positionPosMaint, ..} ) <$> f positionPosMaint {-# INLINE positionPosMaintL #-} -- | 'positionPosAllowance' Lens positionPosAllowanceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionPosAllowanceL f Position{..} = (\positionPosAllowance -> Position { positionPosAllowance, ..} ) <$> f positionPosAllowance {-# INLINE positionPosAllowanceL #-} -- | 'positionTaxableMargin' Lens positionTaxableMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionTaxableMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionTaxableMargin -> Position { positionTaxableMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionTaxableMargin {-# INLINE positionTaxableMarginL #-} -- | 'positionInitMargin' Lens positionInitMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionInitMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionInitMargin -> Position { positionInitMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionInitMargin {-# INLINE positionInitMarginL #-} -- | 'positionMaintMargin' Lens positionMaintMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionMaintMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionMaintMargin -> Position { positionMaintMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionMaintMargin {-# INLINE positionMaintMarginL #-} -- | 'positionSessionMargin' Lens positionSessionMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSessionMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionSessionMargin -> Position { positionSessionMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionSessionMargin {-# INLINE positionSessionMarginL #-} -- | 'positionTargetExcessMargin' Lens positionTargetExcessMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionTargetExcessMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionTargetExcessMargin -> Position { positionTargetExcessMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionTargetExcessMargin {-# INLINE positionTargetExcessMarginL #-} -- | 'positionVarMargin' Lens positionVarMarginL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionVarMarginL f Position{..} = (\positionVarMargin -> Position { positionVarMargin, ..} ) <$> f positionVarMargin {-# INLINE positionVarMarginL #-} -- | 'positionRealisedGrossPnl' Lens positionRealisedGrossPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRealisedGrossPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionRealisedGrossPnl -> Position { positionRealisedGrossPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionRealisedGrossPnl {-# INLINE positionRealisedGrossPnlL #-} -- | 'positionRealisedTax' Lens positionRealisedTaxL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRealisedTaxL f Position{..} = (\positionRealisedTax -> Position { positionRealisedTax, ..} ) <$> f positionRealisedTax {-# INLINE positionRealisedTaxL #-} -- | 'positionRealisedPnl' Lens positionRealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionRealisedPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionRealisedPnl -> Position { positionRealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionRealisedPnl {-# INLINE positionRealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedGrossPnl' Lens positionUnrealisedGrossPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedGrossPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedGrossPnl -> Position { positionUnrealisedGrossPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedGrossPnl {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedGrossPnlL #-} -- | 'positionLongBankrupt' Lens positionLongBankruptL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionLongBankruptL f Position{..} = (\positionLongBankrupt -> Position { positionLongBankrupt, ..} ) <$> f positionLongBankrupt {-# INLINE positionLongBankruptL #-} -- | 'positionShortBankrupt' Lens positionShortBankruptL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionShortBankruptL f Position{..} = (\positionShortBankrupt -> Position { positionShortBankrupt, ..} ) <$> f positionShortBankrupt {-# INLINE positionShortBankruptL #-} -- | 'positionTaxBase' Lens positionTaxBaseL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionTaxBaseL f Position{..} = (\positionTaxBase -> Position { positionTaxBase, ..} ) <$> f positionTaxBase {-# INLINE positionTaxBaseL #-} -- | 'positionIndicativeTaxRate' Lens positionIndicativeTaxRateL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionIndicativeTaxRateL f Position{..} = (\positionIndicativeTaxRate -> Position { positionIndicativeTaxRate, ..} ) <$> f positionIndicativeTaxRate {-# INLINE positionIndicativeTaxRateL #-} -- | 'positionIndicativeTax' Lens positionIndicativeTaxL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionIndicativeTaxL f Position{..} = (\positionIndicativeTax -> Position { positionIndicativeTax, ..} ) <$> f positionIndicativeTax {-# INLINE positionIndicativeTaxL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedTax' Lens positionUnrealisedTaxL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedTaxL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedTax -> Position { positionUnrealisedTax, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedTax {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedTaxL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedPnl' Lens positionUnrealisedPnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedPnlL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedPnl -> Position { positionUnrealisedPnl, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedPnl {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedPnlL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedPnlPcnt' Lens positionUnrealisedPnlPcntL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedPnlPcntL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedPnlPcnt -> Position { positionUnrealisedPnlPcnt, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedPnlPcnt {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedPnlPcntL #-} -- | 'positionUnrealisedRoePcnt' Lens positionUnrealisedRoePcntL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionUnrealisedRoePcntL f Position{..} = (\positionUnrealisedRoePcnt -> Position { positionUnrealisedRoePcnt, ..} ) <$> f positionUnrealisedRoePcnt {-# INLINE positionUnrealisedRoePcntL #-} -- | 'positionSimpleQty' Lens positionSimpleQtyL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSimpleQtyL f Position{..} = (\positionSimpleQty -> Position { positionSimpleQty, ..} ) <$> f positionSimpleQty {-# INLINE positionSimpleQtyL #-} -- | 'positionSimpleCost' Lens positionSimpleCostL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSimpleCostL f Position{..} = (\positionSimpleCost -> Position { positionSimpleCost, ..} ) <$> f positionSimpleCost {-# INLINE positionSimpleCostL #-} -- | 'positionSimpleValue' Lens positionSimpleValueL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSimpleValueL f Position{..} = (\positionSimpleValue -> Position { positionSimpleValue, ..} ) <$> f positionSimpleValue {-# INLINE positionSimpleValueL #-} -- | 'positionSimplePnl' Lens positionSimplePnlL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSimplePnlL f Position{..} = (\positionSimplePnl -> Position { positionSimplePnl, ..} ) <$> f positionSimplePnl {-# INLINE positionSimplePnlL #-} -- | 'positionSimplePnlPcnt' Lens positionSimplePnlPcntL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionSimplePnlPcntL f Position{..} = (\positionSimplePnlPcnt -> Position { positionSimplePnlPcnt, ..} ) <$> f positionSimplePnlPcnt {-# INLINE positionSimplePnlPcntL #-} -- | 'positionAvgCostPrice' Lens positionAvgCostPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionAvgCostPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionAvgCostPrice -> Position { positionAvgCostPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionAvgCostPrice {-# INLINE positionAvgCostPriceL #-} -- | 'positionAvgEntryPrice' Lens positionAvgEntryPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionAvgEntryPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionAvgEntryPrice -> Position { positionAvgEntryPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionAvgEntryPrice {-# INLINE positionAvgEntryPriceL #-} -- | 'positionBreakEvenPrice' Lens positionBreakEvenPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionBreakEvenPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionBreakEvenPrice -> Position { positionBreakEvenPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionBreakEvenPrice {-# INLINE positionBreakEvenPriceL #-} -- | 'positionMarginCallPrice' Lens positionMarginCallPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionMarginCallPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionMarginCallPrice -> Position { positionMarginCallPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionMarginCallPrice {-# INLINE positionMarginCallPriceL #-} -- | 'positionLiquidationPrice' Lens positionLiquidationPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionLiquidationPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionLiquidationPrice -> Position { positionLiquidationPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionLiquidationPrice {-# INLINE positionLiquidationPriceL #-} -- | 'positionBankruptPrice' Lens positionBankruptPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionBankruptPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionBankruptPrice -> Position { positionBankruptPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionBankruptPrice {-# INLINE positionBankruptPriceL #-} -- | 'positionTimestamp' Lens positionTimestampL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe DateTime) positionTimestampL f Position{..} = (\positionTimestamp -> Position { positionTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f positionTimestamp {-# INLINE positionTimestampL #-} -- | 'positionLastPrice' Lens positionLastPriceL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionLastPriceL f Position{..} = (\positionLastPrice -> Position { positionLastPrice, ..} ) <$> f positionLastPrice {-# INLINE positionLastPriceL #-} -- | 'positionLastValue' Lens positionLastValueL :: Lens_' Position (Maybe Double) positionLastValueL f Position{..} = (\positionLastValue -> Position { positionLastValue, ..} ) <$> f positionLastValue {-# INLINE positionLastValueL #-} -- * Quote -- | 'quoteTimestamp' Lens quoteTimestampL :: Lens_' Quote (DateTime) quoteTimestampL f Quote{..} = (\quoteTimestamp -> Quote { quoteTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f quoteTimestamp {-# INLINE quoteTimestampL #-} -- | 'quoteSymbol' Lens quoteSymbolL :: Lens_' Quote (Text) quoteSymbolL f Quote{..} = (\quoteSymbol -> Quote { quoteSymbol, ..} ) <$> f quoteSymbol {-# INLINE quoteSymbolL #-} -- | 'quoteBidSize' Lens quoteBidSizeL :: Lens_' Quote (Maybe Double) quoteBidSizeL f Quote{..} = (\quoteBidSize -> Quote { quoteBidSize, ..} ) <$> f quoteBidSize {-# INLINE quoteBidSizeL #-} -- | 'quoteBidPrice' Lens quoteBidPriceL :: Lens_' Quote (Maybe Double) quoteBidPriceL f Quote{..} = (\quoteBidPrice -> Quote { quoteBidPrice, ..} ) <$> f quoteBidPrice {-# INLINE quoteBidPriceL #-} -- | 'quoteAskPrice' Lens quoteAskPriceL :: Lens_' Quote (Maybe Double) quoteAskPriceL f Quote{..} = (\quoteAskPrice -> Quote { quoteAskPrice, ..} ) <$> f quoteAskPrice {-# INLINE quoteAskPriceL #-} -- | 'quoteAskSize' Lens quoteAskSizeL :: Lens_' Quote (Maybe Double) quoteAskSizeL f Quote{..} = (\quoteAskSize -> Quote { quoteAskSize, ..} ) <$> f quoteAskSize {-# INLINE quoteAskSizeL #-} -- * Settlement -- | 'settlementTimestamp' Lens settlementTimestampL :: Lens_' Settlement (DateTime) settlementTimestampL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementTimestamp -> Settlement { settlementTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f settlementTimestamp {-# INLINE settlementTimestampL #-} -- | 'settlementSymbol' Lens settlementSymbolL :: Lens_' Settlement (Text) settlementSymbolL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementSymbol -> Settlement { settlementSymbol, ..} ) <$> f settlementSymbol {-# INLINE settlementSymbolL #-} -- | 'settlementSettlementType' Lens settlementSettlementTypeL :: Lens_' Settlement (Maybe Text) settlementSettlementTypeL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementSettlementType -> Settlement { settlementSettlementType, ..} ) <$> f settlementSettlementType {-# INLINE settlementSettlementTypeL #-} -- | 'settlementSettledPrice' Lens settlementSettledPriceL :: Lens_' Settlement (Maybe Double) settlementSettledPriceL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementSettledPrice -> Settlement { settlementSettledPrice, ..} ) <$> f settlementSettledPrice {-# INLINE settlementSettledPriceL #-} -- | 'settlementBankrupt' Lens settlementBankruptL :: Lens_' Settlement (Maybe Double) settlementBankruptL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementBankrupt -> Settlement { settlementBankrupt, ..} ) <$> f settlementBankrupt {-# INLINE settlementBankruptL #-} -- | 'settlementTaxBase' Lens settlementTaxBaseL :: Lens_' Settlement (Maybe Double) settlementTaxBaseL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementTaxBase -> Settlement { settlementTaxBase, ..} ) <$> f settlementTaxBase {-# INLINE settlementTaxBaseL #-} -- | 'settlementTaxRate' Lens settlementTaxRateL :: Lens_' Settlement (Maybe Double) settlementTaxRateL f Settlement{..} = (\settlementTaxRate -> Settlement { settlementTaxRate, ..} ) <$> f settlementTaxRate {-# INLINE settlementTaxRateL #-} -- * Stats -- | 'statsRootSymbol' Lens statsRootSymbolL :: Lens_' Stats (Text) statsRootSymbolL f Stats{..} = (\statsRootSymbol -> Stats { statsRootSymbol, ..} ) <$> f statsRootSymbol {-# INLINE statsRootSymbolL #-} -- | 'statsCurrency' Lens statsCurrencyL :: Lens_' Stats (Maybe Text) statsCurrencyL f Stats{..} = (\statsCurrency -> Stats { statsCurrency, ..} ) <$> f statsCurrency {-# INLINE statsCurrencyL #-} -- | 'statsVolume24h' Lens statsVolume24hL :: Lens_' Stats (Maybe Double) statsVolume24hL f Stats{..} = (\statsVolume24h -> Stats { statsVolume24h, ..} ) <$> f statsVolume24h {-# INLINE statsVolume24hL #-} -- | 'statsTurnover24h' Lens statsTurnover24hL :: Lens_' Stats (Maybe Double) statsTurnover24hL f Stats{..} = (\statsTurnover24h -> Stats { statsTurnover24h, ..} ) <$> f statsTurnover24h {-# INLINE statsTurnover24hL #-} -- | 'statsOpenInterest' Lens statsOpenInterestL :: Lens_' Stats (Maybe Double) statsOpenInterestL f Stats{..} = (\statsOpenInterest -> Stats { statsOpenInterest, ..} ) <$> f statsOpenInterest {-# INLINE statsOpenInterestL #-} -- | 'statsOpenValue' Lens statsOpenValueL :: Lens_' Stats (Maybe Double) statsOpenValueL f Stats{..} = (\statsOpenValue -> Stats { statsOpenValue, ..} ) <$> f statsOpenValue {-# INLINE statsOpenValueL #-} -- * StatsHistory -- | 'statsHistoryDate' Lens statsHistoryDateL :: Lens_' StatsHistory (DateTime) statsHistoryDateL f StatsHistory{..} = (\statsHistoryDate -> StatsHistory { statsHistoryDate, ..} ) <$> f statsHistoryDate {-# INLINE statsHistoryDateL #-} -- | 'statsHistoryRootSymbol' Lens statsHistoryRootSymbolL :: Lens_' StatsHistory (Text) statsHistoryRootSymbolL f StatsHistory{..} = (\statsHistoryRootSymbol -> StatsHistory { statsHistoryRootSymbol, ..} ) <$> f statsHistoryRootSymbol {-# INLINE statsHistoryRootSymbolL #-} -- | 'statsHistoryCurrency' Lens statsHistoryCurrencyL :: Lens_' StatsHistory (Maybe Text) statsHistoryCurrencyL f StatsHistory{..} = (\statsHistoryCurrency -> StatsHistory { statsHistoryCurrency, ..} ) <$> f statsHistoryCurrency {-# INLINE statsHistoryCurrencyL #-} -- | 'statsHistoryVolume' Lens statsHistoryVolumeL :: Lens_' StatsHistory (Maybe Double) statsHistoryVolumeL f StatsHistory{..} = (\statsHistoryVolume -> StatsHistory { statsHistoryVolume, ..} ) <$> f statsHistoryVolume {-# INLINE statsHistoryVolumeL #-} -- | 'statsHistoryTurnover' Lens statsHistoryTurnoverL :: Lens_' StatsHistory (Maybe Double) statsHistoryTurnoverL f StatsHistory{..} = (\statsHistoryTurnover -> StatsHistory { statsHistoryTurnover, ..} ) <$> f statsHistoryTurnover {-# INLINE statsHistoryTurnoverL #-} -- * StatsUSD -- | 'statsUSDRootSymbol' Lens statsUSDRootSymbolL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Text) statsUSDRootSymbolL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDRootSymbol -> StatsUSD { statsUSDRootSymbol, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDRootSymbol {-# INLINE statsUSDRootSymbolL #-} -- | 'statsUSDCurrency' Lens statsUSDCurrencyL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Maybe Text) statsUSDCurrencyL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDCurrency -> StatsUSD { statsUSDCurrency, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDCurrency {-# INLINE statsUSDCurrencyL #-} -- | 'statsUSDTurnover24h' Lens statsUSDTurnover24hL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Maybe Double) statsUSDTurnover24hL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDTurnover24h -> StatsUSD { statsUSDTurnover24h, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDTurnover24h {-# INLINE statsUSDTurnover24hL #-} -- | 'statsUSDTurnover30d' Lens statsUSDTurnover30dL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Maybe Double) statsUSDTurnover30dL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDTurnover30d -> StatsUSD { statsUSDTurnover30d, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDTurnover30d {-# INLINE statsUSDTurnover30dL #-} -- | 'statsUSDTurnover365d' Lens statsUSDTurnover365dL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Maybe Double) statsUSDTurnover365dL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDTurnover365d -> StatsUSD { statsUSDTurnover365d, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDTurnover365d {-# INLINE statsUSDTurnover365dL #-} -- | 'statsUSDTurnover' Lens statsUSDTurnoverL :: Lens_' StatsUSD (Maybe Double) statsUSDTurnoverL f StatsUSD{..} = (\statsUSDTurnover -> StatsUSD { statsUSDTurnover, ..} ) <$> f statsUSDTurnover {-# INLINE statsUSDTurnoverL #-} -- * Trade -- | 'tradeTimestamp' Lens tradeTimestampL :: Lens_' Trade (DateTime) tradeTimestampL f Trade{..} = (\tradeTimestamp -> Trade { tradeTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f tradeTimestamp {-# INLINE tradeTimestampL #-} -- | 'tradeSymbol' Lens tradeSymbolL :: Lens_' Trade (Text) tradeSymbolL f Trade{..} = (\tradeSymbol -> Trade { tradeSymbol, ..} ) <$> f tradeSymbol {-# INLINE tradeSymbolL #-} -- | 'tradeSide' Lens tradeSideL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Text) tradeSideL f Trade{..} = (\tradeSide -> Trade { tradeSide, ..} ) <$> f tradeSide {-# INLINE tradeSideL #-} -- | 'tradeSize' Lens tradeSizeL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Double) tradeSizeL f Trade{..} = (\tradeSize -> Trade { tradeSize, ..} ) <$> f tradeSize {-# INLINE tradeSizeL #-} -- | 'tradePrice' Lens tradePriceL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Double) tradePriceL f Trade{..} = (\tradePrice -> Trade { tradePrice, ..} ) <$> f tradePrice {-# INLINE tradePriceL #-} -- | 'tradeTickDirection' Lens tradeTickDirectionL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Text) tradeTickDirectionL f Trade{..} = (\tradeTickDirection -> Trade { tradeTickDirection, ..} ) <$> f tradeTickDirection {-# INLINE tradeTickDirectionL #-} -- | 'tradeTrdMatchId' Lens tradeTrdMatchIdL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Text) tradeTrdMatchIdL f Trade{..} = (\tradeTrdMatchId -> Trade { tradeTrdMatchId, ..} ) <$> f tradeTrdMatchId {-# INLINE tradeTrdMatchIdL #-} -- | 'tradeGrossValue' Lens tradeGrossValueL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Double) tradeGrossValueL f Trade{..} = (\tradeGrossValue -> Trade { tradeGrossValue, ..} ) <$> f tradeGrossValue {-# INLINE tradeGrossValueL #-} -- | 'tradeHomeNotional' Lens tradeHomeNotionalL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Double) tradeHomeNotionalL f Trade{..} = (\tradeHomeNotional -> Trade { tradeHomeNotional, ..} ) <$> f tradeHomeNotional {-# INLINE tradeHomeNotionalL #-} -- | 'tradeForeignNotional' Lens tradeForeignNotionalL :: Lens_' Trade (Maybe Double) tradeForeignNotionalL f Trade{..} = (\tradeForeignNotional -> Trade { tradeForeignNotional, ..} ) <$> f tradeForeignNotional {-# INLINE tradeForeignNotionalL #-} -- * TradeBin -- | 'tradeBinTimestamp' Lens tradeBinTimestampL :: Lens_' TradeBin (DateTime) tradeBinTimestampL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinTimestamp -> TradeBin { tradeBinTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinTimestamp {-# INLINE tradeBinTimestampL #-} -- | 'tradeBinSymbol' Lens tradeBinSymbolL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Text) tradeBinSymbolL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinSymbol -> TradeBin { tradeBinSymbol, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinSymbol {-# INLINE tradeBinSymbolL #-} -- | 'tradeBinOpen' Lens tradeBinOpenL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinOpenL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinOpen -> TradeBin { tradeBinOpen, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinOpen {-# INLINE tradeBinOpenL #-} -- | 'tradeBinHigh' Lens tradeBinHighL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinHighL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinHigh -> TradeBin { tradeBinHigh, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinHigh {-# INLINE tradeBinHighL #-} -- | 'tradeBinLow' Lens tradeBinLowL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinLowL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinLow -> TradeBin { tradeBinLow, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinLow {-# INLINE tradeBinLowL #-} -- | 'tradeBinClose' Lens tradeBinCloseL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinCloseL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinClose -> TradeBin { tradeBinClose, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinClose {-# INLINE tradeBinCloseL #-} -- | 'tradeBinTrades' Lens tradeBinTradesL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinTradesL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinTrades -> TradeBin { tradeBinTrades, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinTrades {-# INLINE tradeBinTradesL #-} -- | 'tradeBinVolume' Lens tradeBinVolumeL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinVolumeL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinVolume -> TradeBin { tradeBinVolume, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinVolume {-# INLINE tradeBinVolumeL #-} -- | 'tradeBinVwap' Lens tradeBinVwapL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinVwapL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinVwap -> TradeBin { tradeBinVwap, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinVwap {-# INLINE tradeBinVwapL #-} -- | 'tradeBinLastSize' Lens tradeBinLastSizeL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinLastSizeL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinLastSize -> TradeBin { tradeBinLastSize, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinLastSize {-# INLINE tradeBinLastSizeL #-} -- | 'tradeBinTurnover' Lens tradeBinTurnoverL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinTurnoverL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinTurnover -> TradeBin { tradeBinTurnover, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinTurnover {-# INLINE tradeBinTurnoverL #-} -- | 'tradeBinHomeNotional' Lens tradeBinHomeNotionalL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinHomeNotionalL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinHomeNotional -> TradeBin { tradeBinHomeNotional, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinHomeNotional {-# INLINE tradeBinHomeNotionalL #-} -- | 'tradeBinForeignNotional' Lens tradeBinForeignNotionalL :: Lens_' TradeBin (Maybe Double) tradeBinForeignNotionalL f TradeBin{..} = (\tradeBinForeignNotional -> TradeBin { tradeBinForeignNotional, ..} ) <$> f tradeBinForeignNotional {-# INLINE tradeBinForeignNotionalL #-} -- * Transaction -- | 'transactionTransactId' Lens transactionTransactIdL :: Lens_' Transaction (Text) transactionTransactIdL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTransactId -> Transaction { transactionTransactId, ..} ) <$> f transactionTransactId {-# INLINE transactionTransactIdL #-} -- | 'transactionAccount' Lens transactionAccountL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Double) transactionAccountL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionAccount -> Transaction { transactionAccount, ..} ) <$> f transactionAccount {-# INLINE transactionAccountL #-} -- | 'transactionCurrency' Lens transactionCurrencyL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionCurrencyL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionCurrency -> Transaction { transactionCurrency, ..} ) <$> f transactionCurrency {-# INLINE transactionCurrencyL #-} -- | 'transactionTransactType' Lens transactionTransactTypeL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionTransactTypeL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTransactType -> Transaction { transactionTransactType, ..} ) <$> f transactionTransactType {-# INLINE transactionTransactTypeL #-} -- | 'transactionAmount' Lens transactionAmountL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Double) transactionAmountL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionAmount -> Transaction { transactionAmount, ..} ) <$> f transactionAmount {-# INLINE transactionAmountL #-} -- | 'transactionFee' Lens transactionFeeL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Double) transactionFeeL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionFee -> Transaction { transactionFee, ..} ) <$> f transactionFee {-# INLINE transactionFeeL #-} -- | 'transactionTransactStatus' Lens transactionTransactStatusL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionTransactStatusL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTransactStatus -> Transaction { transactionTransactStatus, ..} ) <$> f transactionTransactStatus {-# INLINE transactionTransactStatusL #-} -- | 'transactionAddress' Lens transactionAddressL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionAddressL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionAddress -> Transaction { transactionAddress, ..} ) <$> f transactionAddress {-# INLINE transactionAddressL #-} -- | 'transactionTx' Lens transactionTxL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionTxL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTx -> Transaction { transactionTx, ..} ) <$> f transactionTx {-# INLINE transactionTxL #-} -- | 'transactionText' Lens transactionTextL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe Text) transactionTextL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionText -> Transaction { transactionText, ..} ) <$> f transactionText {-# INLINE transactionTextL #-} -- | 'transactionTransactTime' Lens transactionTransactTimeL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe DateTime) transactionTransactTimeL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTransactTime -> Transaction { transactionTransactTime, ..} ) <$> f transactionTransactTime {-# INLINE transactionTransactTimeL #-} -- | 'transactionTimestamp' Lens transactionTimestampL :: Lens_' Transaction (Maybe DateTime) transactionTimestampL f Transaction{..} = (\transactionTimestamp -> Transaction { transactionTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f transactionTimestamp {-# INLINE transactionTimestampL #-} -- * User -- | 'userId' Lens userIdL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Double) userIdL f User{..} = (\userId -> User { userId, ..} ) <$> f userId {-# INLINE userIdL #-} -- | 'userOwnerId' Lens userOwnerIdL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Double) userOwnerIdL f User{..} = (\userOwnerId -> User { userOwnerId, ..} ) <$> f userOwnerId {-# INLINE userOwnerIdL #-} -- | 'userFirstname' Lens userFirstnameL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userFirstnameL f User{..} = (\userFirstname -> User { userFirstname, ..} ) <$> f userFirstname {-# INLINE userFirstnameL #-} -- | 'userLastname' Lens userLastnameL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userLastnameL f User{..} = (\userLastname -> User { userLastname, ..} ) <$> f userLastname {-# INLINE userLastnameL #-} -- | 'userUsername' Lens userUsernameL :: Lens_' User (Text) userUsernameL f User{..} = (\userUsername -> User { userUsername, ..} ) <$> f userUsername {-# INLINE userUsernameL #-} -- | 'userEmail' Lens userEmailL :: Lens_' User (Text) userEmailL f User{..} = (\userEmail -> User { userEmail, ..} ) <$> f userEmail {-# INLINE userEmailL #-} -- | 'userPhone' Lens userPhoneL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userPhoneL f User{..} = (\userPhone -> User { userPhone, ..} ) <$> f userPhone {-# INLINE userPhoneL #-} -- | 'userCreated' Lens userCreatedL :: Lens_' User (Maybe DateTime) userCreatedL f User{..} = (\userCreated -> User { userCreated, ..} ) <$> f userCreated {-# INLINE userCreatedL #-} -- | 'userLastUpdated' Lens userLastUpdatedL :: Lens_' User (Maybe DateTime) userLastUpdatedL f User{..} = (\userLastUpdated -> User { userLastUpdated, ..} ) <$> f userLastUpdated {-# INLINE userLastUpdatedL #-} -- | 'userPreferences' Lens userPreferencesL :: Lens_' User (Maybe UserPreferences) userPreferencesL f User{..} = (\userPreferences -> User { userPreferences, ..} ) <$> f userPreferences {-# INLINE userPreferencesL #-} -- | 'userTfaEnabled' Lens userTfaEnabledL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userTfaEnabledL f User{..} = (\userTfaEnabled -> User { userTfaEnabled, ..} ) <$> f userTfaEnabled {-# INLINE userTfaEnabledL #-} -- | 'userAffiliateId' Lens userAffiliateIdL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userAffiliateIdL f User{..} = (\userAffiliateId -> User { userAffiliateId, ..} ) <$> f userAffiliateId {-# INLINE userAffiliateIdL #-} -- | 'userPgpPubKey' Lens userPgpPubKeyL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userPgpPubKeyL f User{..} = (\userPgpPubKey -> User { userPgpPubKey, ..} ) <$> f userPgpPubKey {-# INLINE userPgpPubKeyL #-} -- | 'userCountry' Lens userCountryL :: Lens_' User (Maybe Text) userCountryL f User{..} = (\userCountry -> User { userCountry, ..} ) <$> f userCountry {-# INLINE userCountryL #-} -- * UserCommission -- | 'userCommissionMakerFee' Lens userCommissionMakerFeeL :: Lens_' UserCommission (Maybe Double) userCommissionMakerFeeL f UserCommission{..} = (\userCommissionMakerFee -> UserCommission { userCommissionMakerFee, ..} ) <$> f userCommissionMakerFee {-# INLINE userCommissionMakerFeeL #-} -- | 'userCommissionTakerFee' Lens userCommissionTakerFeeL :: Lens_' UserCommission (Maybe Double) userCommissionTakerFeeL f UserCommission{..} = (\userCommissionTakerFee -> UserCommission { userCommissionTakerFee, ..} ) <$> f userCommissionTakerFee {-# INLINE userCommissionTakerFeeL #-} -- | 'userCommissionSettlementFee' Lens userCommissionSettlementFeeL :: Lens_' UserCommission (Maybe Double) userCommissionSettlementFeeL f UserCommission{..} = (\userCommissionSettlementFee -> UserCommission { userCommissionSettlementFee, ..} ) <$> f userCommissionSettlementFee {-# INLINE userCommissionSettlementFeeL #-} -- | 'userCommissionMaxFee' Lens userCommissionMaxFeeL :: Lens_' UserCommission (Maybe Double) userCommissionMaxFeeL f UserCommission{..} = (\userCommissionMaxFee -> UserCommission { userCommissionMaxFee, ..} ) <$> f userCommissionMaxFee {-# INLINE userCommissionMaxFeeL #-} -- * UserPreferences -- | 'userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidations' Lens userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidationsL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidationsL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidations -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidations, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidations {-# INLINE userPreferencesAlertOnLiquidationsL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesAnimationsEnabled' Lens userPreferencesAnimationsEnabledL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesAnimationsEnabledL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesAnimationsEnabled -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesAnimationsEnabled, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesAnimationsEnabled {-# INLINE userPreferencesAnimationsEnabledL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeen' Lens userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeenL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe DateTime) userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeenL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeen -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeen, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeen {-# INLINE userPreferencesAnnouncementsLastSeenL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesChatChannelId' Lens userPreferencesChatChannelIdL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Double) userPreferencesChatChannelIdL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesChatChannelId -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesChatChannelId, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesChatChannelId {-# INLINE userPreferencesChatChannelIdL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesColorTheme' Lens userPreferencesColorThemeL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesColorThemeL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesColorTheme -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesColorTheme, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesColorTheme {-# INLINE userPreferencesColorThemeL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesCurrency' Lens userPreferencesCurrencyL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesCurrencyL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesCurrency -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesCurrency, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesCurrency {-# INLINE userPreferencesCurrencyL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesDebug' Lens userPreferencesDebugL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesDebugL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesDebug -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesDebug, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesDebug {-# INLINE userPreferencesDebugL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesDisableEmails' Lens userPreferencesDisableEmailsL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe [Text]) userPreferencesDisableEmailsL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesDisableEmails -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesDisableEmails, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesDisableEmails {-# INLINE userPreferencesDisableEmailsL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogs' Lens userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogsL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe [Text]) userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogsL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogs -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogs, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogs {-# INLINE userPreferencesHideConfirmDialogsL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesHideConnectionModal' Lens userPreferencesHideConnectionModalL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesHideConnectionModalL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesHideConnectionModal -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesHideConnectionModal, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesHideConnectionModal {-# INLINE userPreferencesHideConnectionModalL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboard' Lens userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboardL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboardL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboard -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboard, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboard {-# INLINE userPreferencesHideFromLeaderboardL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboard' Lens userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboardL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboardL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboard -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboard, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboard {-# INLINE userPreferencesHideNameFromLeaderboardL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesHideNotifications' Lens userPreferencesHideNotificationsL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe [Text]) userPreferencesHideNotificationsL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesHideNotifications -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesHideNotifications, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesHideNotifications {-# INLINE userPreferencesHideNotificationsL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesLocale' Lens userPreferencesLocaleL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesLocaleL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesLocale -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesLocale, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesLocale {-# INLINE userPreferencesLocaleL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesMsgsSeen' Lens userPreferencesMsgsSeenL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe [Text]) userPreferencesMsgsSeenL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesMsgsSeen -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesMsgsSeen, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesMsgsSeen {-# INLINE userPreferencesMsgsSeenL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesOrderBookBinning' Lens userPreferencesOrderBookBinningL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe A.Value) userPreferencesOrderBookBinningL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesOrderBookBinning -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesOrderBookBinning, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesOrderBookBinning {-# INLINE userPreferencesOrderBookBinningL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesOrderBookType' Lens userPreferencesOrderBookTypeL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesOrderBookTypeL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesOrderBookType -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesOrderBookType, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesOrderBookType {-# INLINE userPreferencesOrderBookTypeL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesOrderClearImmediate' Lens userPreferencesOrderClearImmediateL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesOrderClearImmediateL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesOrderClearImmediate -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesOrderClearImmediate, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesOrderClearImmediate {-# INLINE userPreferencesOrderClearImmediateL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinus' Lens userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinusL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinusL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinus -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinus, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinus {-# INLINE userPreferencesOrderControlsPlusMinusL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesSounds' Lens userPreferencesSoundsL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe [Text]) userPreferencesSoundsL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesSounds -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesSounds, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesSounds {-# INLINE userPreferencesSoundsL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesStrictIpCheck' Lens userPreferencesStrictIpCheckL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesStrictIpCheckL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesStrictIpCheck -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesStrictIpCheck, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesStrictIpCheck {-# INLINE userPreferencesStrictIpCheckL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesStrictTimeout' Lens userPreferencesStrictTimeoutL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesStrictTimeoutL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesStrictTimeout -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesStrictTimeout, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesStrictTimeout {-# INLINE userPreferencesStrictTimeoutL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesTickerGroup' Lens userPreferencesTickerGroupL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesTickerGroupL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesTickerGroup -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesTickerGroup, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesTickerGroup {-# INLINE userPreferencesTickerGroupL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesTickerPinned' Lens userPreferencesTickerPinnedL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Bool) userPreferencesTickerPinnedL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesTickerPinned -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesTickerPinned, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesTickerPinned {-# INLINE userPreferencesTickerPinnedL #-} -- | 'userPreferencesTradeLayout' Lens userPreferencesTradeLayoutL :: Lens_' UserPreferences (Maybe Text) userPreferencesTradeLayoutL f UserPreferences{..} = (\userPreferencesTradeLayout -> UserPreferences { userPreferencesTradeLayout, ..} ) <$> f userPreferencesTradeLayout {-# INLINE userPreferencesTradeLayoutL #-} -- * Wallet -- | 'walletAccount' Lens walletAccountL :: Lens_' Wallet (Double) walletAccountL f Wallet{..} = (\walletAccount -> Wallet { walletAccount, ..} ) <$> f walletAccount {-# INLINE walletAccountL #-} -- | 'walletCurrency' Lens walletCurrencyL :: Lens_' Wallet (Text) walletCurrencyL f Wallet{..} = (\walletCurrency -> Wallet { walletCurrency, ..} ) <$> f walletCurrency {-# INLINE walletCurrencyL #-} -- | 'walletPrevDeposited' Lens walletPrevDepositedL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPrevDepositedL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevDeposited -> Wallet { walletPrevDeposited, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevDeposited {-# INLINE walletPrevDepositedL #-} -- | 'walletPrevWithdrawn' Lens walletPrevWithdrawnL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPrevWithdrawnL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevWithdrawn -> Wallet { walletPrevWithdrawn, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevWithdrawn {-# INLINE walletPrevWithdrawnL #-} -- | 'walletPrevTransferIn' Lens walletPrevTransferInL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPrevTransferInL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevTransferIn -> Wallet { walletPrevTransferIn, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevTransferIn {-# INLINE walletPrevTransferInL #-} -- | 'walletPrevTransferOut' Lens walletPrevTransferOutL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPrevTransferOutL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevTransferOut -> Wallet { walletPrevTransferOut, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevTransferOut {-# INLINE walletPrevTransferOutL #-} -- | 'walletPrevAmount' Lens walletPrevAmountL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPrevAmountL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevAmount -> Wallet { walletPrevAmount, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevAmount {-# INLINE walletPrevAmountL #-} -- | 'walletPrevTimestamp' Lens walletPrevTimestampL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe DateTime) walletPrevTimestampL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPrevTimestamp -> Wallet { walletPrevTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f walletPrevTimestamp {-# INLINE walletPrevTimestampL #-} -- | 'walletDeltaDeposited' Lens walletDeltaDepositedL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDeltaDepositedL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeltaDeposited -> Wallet { walletDeltaDeposited, ..} ) <$> f walletDeltaDeposited {-# INLINE walletDeltaDepositedL #-} -- | 'walletDeltaWithdrawn' Lens walletDeltaWithdrawnL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDeltaWithdrawnL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeltaWithdrawn -> Wallet { walletDeltaWithdrawn, ..} ) <$> f walletDeltaWithdrawn {-# INLINE walletDeltaWithdrawnL #-} -- | 'walletDeltaTransferIn' Lens walletDeltaTransferInL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDeltaTransferInL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeltaTransferIn -> Wallet { walletDeltaTransferIn, ..} ) <$> f walletDeltaTransferIn {-# INLINE walletDeltaTransferInL #-} -- | 'walletDeltaTransferOut' Lens walletDeltaTransferOutL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDeltaTransferOutL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeltaTransferOut -> Wallet { walletDeltaTransferOut, ..} ) <$> f walletDeltaTransferOut {-# INLINE walletDeltaTransferOutL #-} -- | 'walletDeltaAmount' Lens walletDeltaAmountL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDeltaAmountL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeltaAmount -> Wallet { walletDeltaAmount, ..} ) <$> f walletDeltaAmount {-# INLINE walletDeltaAmountL #-} -- | 'walletDeposited' Lens walletDepositedL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletDepositedL f Wallet{..} = (\walletDeposited -> Wallet { walletDeposited, ..} ) <$> f walletDeposited {-# INLINE walletDepositedL #-} -- | 'walletWithdrawn' Lens walletWithdrawnL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletWithdrawnL f Wallet{..} = (\walletWithdrawn -> Wallet { walletWithdrawn, ..} ) <$> f walletWithdrawn {-# INLINE walletWithdrawnL #-} -- | 'walletTransferIn' Lens walletTransferInL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletTransferInL f Wallet{..} = (\walletTransferIn -> Wallet { walletTransferIn, ..} ) <$> f walletTransferIn {-# INLINE walletTransferInL #-} -- | 'walletTransferOut' Lens walletTransferOutL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletTransferOutL f Wallet{..} = (\walletTransferOut -> Wallet { walletTransferOut, ..} ) <$> f walletTransferOut {-# INLINE walletTransferOutL #-} -- | 'walletAmount' Lens walletAmountL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletAmountL f Wallet{..} = (\walletAmount -> Wallet { walletAmount, ..} ) <$> f walletAmount {-# INLINE walletAmountL #-} -- | 'walletPendingCredit' Lens walletPendingCreditL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPendingCreditL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPendingCredit -> Wallet { walletPendingCredit, ..} ) <$> f walletPendingCredit {-# INLINE walletPendingCreditL #-} -- | 'walletPendingDebit' Lens walletPendingDebitL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletPendingDebitL f Wallet{..} = (\walletPendingDebit -> Wallet { walletPendingDebit, ..} ) <$> f walletPendingDebit {-# INLINE walletPendingDebitL #-} -- | 'walletConfirmedDebit' Lens walletConfirmedDebitL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Double) walletConfirmedDebitL f Wallet{..} = (\walletConfirmedDebit -> Wallet { walletConfirmedDebit, ..} ) <$> f walletConfirmedDebit {-# INLINE walletConfirmedDebitL #-} -- | 'walletTimestamp' Lens walletTimestampL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe DateTime) walletTimestampL f Wallet{..} = (\walletTimestamp -> Wallet { walletTimestamp, ..} ) <$> f walletTimestamp {-# INLINE walletTimestampL #-} -- | 'walletAddr' Lens walletAddrL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Text) walletAddrL f Wallet{..} = (\walletAddr -> Wallet { walletAddr, ..} ) <$> f walletAddr {-# INLINE walletAddrL #-} -- | 'walletScript' Lens walletScriptL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe Text) walletScriptL f Wallet{..} = (\walletScript -> Wallet { walletScript, ..} ) <$> f walletScript {-# INLINE walletScriptL #-} -- | 'walletWithdrawalLock' Lens walletWithdrawalLockL :: Lens_' Wallet (Maybe [Text]) walletWithdrawalLockL f Wallet{..} = (\walletWithdrawalLock -> Wallet { walletWithdrawalLock, ..} ) <$> f walletWithdrawalLock {-# INLINE walletWithdrawalLockL #-} -- * XAny