{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module HaskellCI.Config where import HaskellCI.Prelude import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Distribution.CabalSpecVersion as C import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as C import qualified Distribution.Compat.Newtype as C import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar as C import qualified Distribution.Fields as C import qualified Distribution.Parsec as C import qualified Distribution.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageName as C import qualified Distribution.Types.VersionRange as C import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP import HaskellCI.Cabal import HaskellCI.Config.Components import HaskellCI.Config.ConstraintSet import HaskellCI.Config.CopyFields import HaskellCI.Config.Docspec import HaskellCI.Config.Doctest import HaskellCI.Config.Empty import HaskellCI.Config.Folds import HaskellCI.Config.HLint import HaskellCI.Config.Installed import HaskellCI.Config.Jobs import HaskellCI.Config.PackageScope import HaskellCI.Config.Ubuntu import HaskellCI.Ghcup import HaskellCI.HeadHackage import HaskellCI.Newtypes import HaskellCI.OptionsGrammar import HaskellCI.ParsecUtils import HaskellCI.TestedWith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: split other blocks like DoctestConfig data Config = Config { cfgCabalInstallVersion :: Maybe Version , cfgJobs :: Maybe Jobs , cfgUbuntu :: !Ubuntu , cfgTestedWith :: !TestedWithJobs , cfgEnabledJobs :: !VersionRange , cfgCopyFields :: !CopyFields , cfgLocalGhcOptions :: [String] , cfgSubmodules :: !Bool , cfgCache :: !Bool , cfgInstallDeps :: !Bool , cfgInstalled :: [Installed] , cfgTests :: !VersionRange , cfgRunTests :: !VersionRange , cfgBenchmarks :: !VersionRange , cfgHaddock :: !VersionRange , cfgHaddockComponents :: !Components , cfgNoTestsNoBench :: !VersionRange , cfgUnconstrainted :: !VersionRange , cfgHeadHackage :: !VersionRange , cfgHeadHackageOverride :: !Bool , cfgGhcjsTests :: !Bool , cfgGhcjsTools :: ![C.PackageName] , cfgTestOutputDirect :: !Bool , cfgCheck :: !Bool , cfgOnlyBranches :: [String] , cfgIrcChannels :: [String] , cfgIrcNickname :: Maybe String , cfgIrcPassword :: Maybe String , cfgIrcIfInOriginRepo :: Bool , cfgEmailNotifications :: Bool , cfgProjectName :: Maybe String , cfgFolds :: S.Set Fold , cfgGhcHead :: !Bool , cfgPostgres :: !Bool , cfgGoogleChrome :: !Bool , cfgEnv :: M.Map Version String , cfgAllowFailures :: !VersionRange , cfgLastInSeries :: !Bool , cfgLinuxJobs :: !VersionRange , cfgMacosJobs :: !VersionRange , cfgGhcupCabal :: !Bool , cfgGhcupJobs :: !VersionRange , cfgGhcupVersion :: !Version , cfgApt :: S.Set String , cfgTravisPatches :: [FilePath] , cfgGitHubPatches :: [FilePath] , cfgInsertVersion :: !Bool , cfgErrorMissingMethods :: !PackageScope , cfgDoctest :: !DoctestConfig , cfgDocspec :: !DocspecConfig , cfgHLint :: !HLintConfig , cfgConstraintSets :: [ConstraintSet] , cfgRawProject :: [C.PrettyField ()] , cfgRawTravis :: !String , cfgGitHubActionName :: !(Maybe String) , cfgTimeoutMinutes :: !Natural } deriving (Generic) emptyConfig :: Config emptyConfig = case runEG configGrammar of Left xs -> error $ "Required fields: " ++ show xs Right x -> x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grammar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- configGrammar :: ( OptionsGrammar c g, Applicative (g Config) , c (Identity HLintJob) , c (Identity PackageScope) , c (Identity TestedWithJobs) , c (Identity Ubuntu) , c (Identity Jobs) , c (Identity CopyFields) , c (Identity Version) , c (Identity Natural) , c (Identity Components) , c Env, c Folds, c CopyFields, c HeadVersion , c (C.List C.FSep (Identity Installed) Installed) , Applicative (g DoctestConfig) , Applicative (g DocspecConfig) , Applicative (g HLintConfig)) => g Config Config configGrammar = Config <$> C.optionalFieldDefAla "cabal-install-version" HeadVersion (field @"cfgCabalInstallVersion") defaultCabalInstallVersion ^^^ metahelp "VERSION" "cabal-install version for all jobs" <*> C.optionalField "jobs" (field @"cfgJobs") ^^^ metahelp "JOBS" "jobs (N:M - cabal:ghc)" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "distribution" (field @"cfgUbuntu") Bionic ^^^ metahelp "DIST" (concat [ "distribution version (" , intercalate ", " $ map showUbuntu [minBound..maxBound] , ")" ]) <*> C.optionalFieldDef "jobs-selection" (field @"cfgTestedWith") TestedWithUniform ^^^ metahelp "uniform|any" "Jobs selection across packages" <*> rangeField "enabled" (field @"cfgEnabledJobs") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Restrict jobs selection futher from per package tested-with" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "copy-fields" (field @"cfgCopyFields") CopyFieldsSome ^^^ metahelp "none|some|all" "Copy ? fields from cabal.project fields" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "local-ghc-options" (C.alaList' C.NoCommaFSep C.Token') (field @"cfgLocalGhcOptions") ^^^ metahelp "OPTS" "--ghc-options for local packages" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "submodules" (field @"cfgSubmodules") False ^^^ help "Clone submodules, i.e. recursively" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "cache" (field @"cfgCache") True ^^^ help "Disable caching" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "install-dependencies" (field @"cfgInstallDeps") True ^^^ help "Skip separate dependency installation step" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "installed" (C.alaList C.FSep) (field @"cfgInstalled") ^^^ metahelp "+/-PKG" "Specify 'constraint: ... installed' packages" <*> rangeField "tests" (field @"cfgTests") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Build tests with" <*> rangeField "run-tests" (field @"cfgRunTests") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Run tests with (note: only built tests are run)" <*> rangeField "benchmarks" (field @"cfgBenchmarks") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Build benchmarks" <*> rangeField "haddock" (field @"cfgHaddock") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Haddock step" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "haddock-components" (field @"cfgHaddockComponents") ComponentsAll ^^^ metahelp "all|libs" "Haddock components" <*> rangeField "no-tests-no-benchmarks" (field @"cfgNoTestsNoBench") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Build without tests and benchmarks" <*> rangeField "unconstrained" (field @"cfgUnconstrainted") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Make unconstrained build" <*> rangeField "head-hackage" (field @"cfgHeadHackage") defaultHeadHackage ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Use head.hackage repository. Also marks as allow-failures" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "head-hackage-override" (field @"cfgHeadHackageOverride") True ^^^ help "Use :override for head.hackage repository" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "ghcjs-tests" (field @"cfgGhcjsTests") False ^^^ help "Run tests with GHCJS (experimental, relies on cabal-plan finding test-suites)" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "ghcjs-tools" (C.alaList C.FSep) (field @"cfgGhcjsTools") -- ^^^ metahelp "TOOL" "Additional host tools to install with GHCJS" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "test-output-direct" (field @"cfgTestOutputDirect") True ^^^ help "Use --test-show-details=direct, may cause problems with build-type: Custom" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "cabal-check" (field @"cfgCheck") True ^^^ help "Disable cabal check run" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "branches" (C.alaList' C.FSep C.Token') (field @"cfgOnlyBranches") ^^^ metahelp "BRANCH" "Enable builds only for specific branches" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "irc-channels" (C.alaList' C.FSep C.Token') (field @"cfgIrcChannels") ^^^ metahelp "IRC" "Enable IRC notifications to given channel (e.g. 'irc.libera.chat#haskell-lens')" <*> C.freeTextField "irc-nickname" (field @"cfgIrcNickname") ^^^ metahelp "NICKNAME" "Nickname with which to authenticate to an IRC server. Only used if `irc-channels` are set." <*> C.freeTextField "irc-password" (field @"cfgIrcPassword") ^^^ metahelp "PASSWORD" "Password with which to authenticate to an IRC server. Only used if `irc-channels` are set." <*> C.booleanFieldDef "irc-if-in-origin-repo" (field @"cfgIrcIfInOriginRepo") False ^^^ help "Only send IRC notifications if run from the original remote (GitHub Actions only)" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "email-notifications" (field @"cfgEmailNotifications") True ^^^ help "Disable email notifications" <*> C.optionalFieldAla "project-name" C.Token' (field @"cfgProjectName") ^^^ metahelp "NAME" "Project name (used for IRC notifications), defaults to package name or name of first package listed in cabal.project file" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "folds" Folds (field @"cfgFolds") ^^^ metahelp "FOLD" "Build steps to fold" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "ghc-head" (field @"cfgGhcHead") False ^^^ help "Add ghc-head job" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "postgresql" (field @"cfgPostgres") False ^^^ help "Add postgresql service" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "google-chrome" (field @"cfgGoogleChrome") False ^^^ help "Add google-chrome service" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "env" Env (field @"cfgEnv") ^^^ metahelp "ENV" "Environment variables per job (e.g. `8.0.2:HADDOCK=false`)" <*> C.optionalFieldDefAla "allow-failures" Range (field @"cfgAllowFailures") noVersion ^^^ metahelp "JOB" "Allow failures of particular GHC version" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "last-in-series" (field @"cfgLastInSeries") False ^^^ help "[Discouraged] Assume there are only GHCs last in major series: 8.2.* will match only 8.2.2" <*> rangeField "linux-jobs" (field @"cfgLinuxJobs") anyVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Jobs to build on Linux" <*> rangeField "macos-jobs" (field @"cfgMacosJobs") noVersion ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "Jobs to additionally build with OSX" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "ghcup-cabal" (field @"cfgGhcupCabal") True ^^^ help "Use (or don't) ghcup to install cabal" <*> rangeField "ghcup-jobs" (field @"cfgGhcupJobs") (C.unionVersionRanges (C.intersectVersionRanges (C.laterVersion (mkVersion [8,10,4])) (C.earlierVersion (mkVersion [9]))) (C.laterVersion (mkVersion [9,0,1]))) ^^^ metahelp "RANGE" "(Linux) jobs to use ghcup to install tools" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "ghcup-version" (field @"cfgGhcupVersion") defaultGhcupVersion ^^^ metahelp "VERSION" "ghcup version" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "apt" (alaSet' C.NoCommaFSep C.Token') (field @"cfgApt") ^^^ metahelp "PKG" "Additional apt packages to install" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "travis-patches" (C.alaList' C.NoCommaFSep C.Token') (field @"cfgTravisPatches") ^^^ metaActionHelp "PATCH" "file" ".patch files to apply to the generated Travis YAML file" <*> C.monoidalFieldAla "github-patches" (C.alaList' C.NoCommaFSep C.Token') (field @"cfgGitHubPatches") ^^^ metaActionHelp "PATCH" "file" ".patch files to apply to the generated GitHub Actions YAML file" <*> C.booleanFieldDef "insert-version" (field @"cfgInsertVersion") True ^^^ help "Don't insert the haskell-ci version into the generated Travis YAML file" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "error-missing-methods" (field @"cfgErrorMissingMethods") PackageScopeLocal ^^^ metahelp "PKGSCOPE" "Insert -Werror=missing-methods for package scope (none, local, all)" <*> C.blurFieldGrammar (field @"cfgDoctest") doctestConfigGrammar <*> C.blurFieldGrammar (field @"cfgDocspec") docspecConfigGrammar <*> C.blurFieldGrammar (field @"cfgHLint") hlintConfigGrammar <*> pure [] -- constraint sets <*> pure [] -- raw project fields <*> C.freeTextFieldDef "raw-travis" (field @"cfgRawTravis") ^^^ help "Raw travis commands which will be run at the very end of the script" <*> C.freeTextField "github-action-name" (field @"cfgGitHubActionName") ^^^ help "The name of GitHub Action" <*> C.optionalFieldDef "timeout-minutes" (field @"cfgTimeoutMinutes") 60 ^^^ metahelp "MINUTES" "The maximum number of minutes to let a job run" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reading ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readConfigFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Config readConfigFile = liftIO . readAndParseFile parseConfigFile parseConfigFile :: [C.Field C.Position] -> C.ParseResult Config parseConfigFile fields0 = do config <- C.parseFieldGrammar C.cabalSpecLatest fields configGrammar config' <- traverse parseSection $ concat sections return $ postprocess $ foldl' (&) config config' where (fields, sections) = C.partitionFields fields0 parseSection :: C.Section C.Position -> C.ParseResult (Config -> Config) parseSection (C.MkSection (C.Name pos name) args cfields) | name == "constraint-set" = do name' <- parseName pos args let (fs, _sections) = C.partitionFields cfields cs <- C.parseFieldGrammar C.cabalSpecLatest fs (constraintSetGrammar name') return $ over (field @"cfgConstraintSets") (cs :) | name == "raw-project" = do let fs = C.fromParsecFields cfields return $ over (field @"cfgRawProject") (++ map void fs) | otherwise = do C.parseWarning pos C.PWTUnknownSection $ "Unknown section " ++ fromUTF8BS name return id postprocess :: Config -> Config postprocess cfg -- on yammy the only install option is ghcup | cfgUbuntu cfg >= Jammy = cfg { cfgGhcupJobs = anyVersion } | otherwise = cfg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Env ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Env = Env (M.Map Version String) deriving anyclass (C.Newtype (M.Map Version String)) instance C.Parsec Env where parsec = Env . M.fromList <$> C.parsecLeadingCommaList p where p = do v <- C.parsec _ <- C.char ':' s <- C.munch1 $ \c -> c /= ',' return (v, s) instance C.Pretty Env where pretty (Env m) = PP.fsep . PP.punctuate PP.comma . map p . M.toList $ m where p (v, s) = C.pretty v PP.<> PP.colon PP.<> PP.text s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- From Cabal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parseName :: C.Position -> [C.SectionArg C.Position] -> C.ParseResult String parseName pos args = fromUTF8BS <$> parseNameBS pos args parseNameBS :: C.Position -> [C.SectionArg C.Position] -> C.ParseResult BS.ByteString parseNameBS pos args = case args of [C.SecArgName _pos secName] -> pure secName [C.SecArgStr _pos secName] -> pure secName [] -> do C.parseFailure pos "name required" pure "" _ -> do -- TODO: pretty print args C.parseFailure pos $ "Invalid name " ++ show args pure ""