#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} -- This script generates gnuplot plots. -- Give it a .dat file as input... (or it will try to open results.dat) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass import Text.Regex import Data.List import Data.Function import Control.Monad import System import System.IO import System.FilePath import System.Environment import HSH -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Advanced -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame.OptionSet -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.X11 -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.TwoDimensional -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple as Simple -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Advanced as Plot -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.X11 as X11 -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame as Frame -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame.Option as Opt -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame.OptionSet as Opts -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.ThreeDimensional as Plot3D -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.TwoDimensional as Plot2D -- import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Graph.TwoDimensional as Graph2D -- import Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.TwoDimensional (linearScale, ) import Data.Array (listArray, ) import Data.Monoid (mappend, ) import Debug.Trace -- linewidth = "4.0" linewidth = "5.0" -- Schedulers that we don't care to graph right now. -- This happens BEFORE rename --scheduler_MASK = [5,6,99,10] scheduler_MASK = [] -- Ok, gunplot line type 6 is YELLOW... that's not to smart: line_types = [0..5] ++ [7..] -- Rename for the paper: --translate 10 = 99 --translate 100 = 10 translate n = n {- --import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.LineSpecification as LineSpec simple2d :: Plot2D.T simple2d = Plot2D.function (linearScale 100 (-10,10::Double)) sin circle2d :: Plot2D.T circle2d = fmap (Graph2D.typ Graph2D.points) (Plot2D.parameterFunction (linearScale 24 (-pi,pi::Double)) (\t -> (cos t, sin t))) overlay2d :: Frame.T Graph2D.T overlay2d = Frame.cons (Opts.size 1 0.4 $ Opts.remove Opt.key $ Opts.deflt) $ Plot2D.function (linearScale 100 (-pi,pi::Double)) cos `mappend` circle2d -- mypath :: Graph2D.T mypath :: Plot2D.T mypath = fmap (Graph2D.lineSpec $ LineSpec.title "blaht" $ LineSpec.lineWidth 3.0 $ LineSpec.pointSize 3.0 $ LineSpec.deflt) $ fmap (Graph2D.typ Graph2D.linesPoints) $ Plot2D.path [(0,0), (1,1), (3,2)] spec :: LineSpec.T spec = LineSpec.title "blah" LineSpec.deflt myoverlay :: Frame.T Graph2D.T myoverlay = --Graph2D.lineSpec (LineSpec.title "blah" LineSpec.deflt) $ Frame.cons (Opts.deflt) $ mypath --(Graph2D.lineSpec spec mypath) `mappend` circle2d -} round_2digits :: Double -> Double round_2digits n = (fromIntegral $round (n * 100)) / 100 --x11 = terminal Terminal.X11.cons --x11 = terminal cons --x11 = terminal Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.X11.cons --x11 = terminal X11.cons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Let's take a particular interpretation of Enum for pairs: instance (Enum t1, Enum t2) => Enum (t1,t2) where succ (a,b) = (succ a, succ b) pred (a,b) = (pred a, pred b) toEnum n = (toEnum n, toEnum n) fromEnum (a,b) = case (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) of (x,y) | x == y -> x (x,y) -> error$ "fromEnum of pair: nonmatching numbers: " ++ show x ++" and "++ show y -- Removes single blanks and separates lines into groups based on double blanks. sepDoubleBlanks :: [String] -> [[String]] sepDoubleBlanks ls = loop [] ls where loop acc [] = [reverse acc] loop acc ("":"":t) = reverse acc : loop [] (stripLeadingBlanks t) loop acc ("":t) = loop acc t loop acc (h :t) = loop (h:acc) t stripLeadingBlanks [] = [] stripLeadingBlanks ("":t) = stripLeadingBlanks t stripLeadingBlanks ls = ls remComments :: String -> [String] -> [String] remComments commentchars ls = filter (pred . stripLeadingWhitespace) ls where pred str = not (take (length commentchars) str == commentchars) stripLeadingWhitespace [] = [] stripLeadingWhitespace (' ':t) = stripLeadingWhitespace t stripLeadingWhitespace ls = ls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Here's the schema for the data from my timing tests: data Entry = Entry { name :: String, variant :: String, sched :: Int, threads :: Int, hashhack :: Bool, tmin :: Double, tmed :: Double, tmax :: Double, normfactor :: Double } deriving Show instance Pretty Entry where --pPrint x = pPrint$ show x pPrint Entry { name, variant, sched, threads, tmin, tmed, tmax, normfactor } = pPrint ("ENTRY", name, variant, sched, threads, (tmin, tmed, tmax), normfactor ) -- pPrint ("ENTRY", name, variant, sched, threads, tmin, tmed, tmax, normfactor) parse [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] = Entry { name = a, variant = b, sched = read c, threads = read d, hashhack = not (e == "0"), tmin = read f, tmed = read g, tmax = read h, normfactor = 1.0 } parse [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = -- trace ("Got line with norm factor: "++ show [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]) (parse [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]) { normfactor = read i } parse other = error$ "Cannot parse, wrong number of fields, "++ show (length other) ++" expected 8 or 9: "++ show other groupSort fn = (groupBy ((==) `on` fn)) . (sortBy (compare `on` fn)) -- Add three more levels of list nesting to organize the data: organize_data :: [Entry] -> [[[[Entry]]]] organize_data = (map (map (groupSort sched))) . (map (groupSort variant)) . (groupSort name) newtype Mystr = Mystr String instance Show Mystr where show (Mystr s) = s {- -- I ended up giving up on using the gnuplot package on hackage: -- mypath :: Graph2D.T --Plot2D.T --plot_benchmark :: [[[Entry]]] -> IO () --plot_benchmark :: [[[Entry]]] -> Plot2D.T plot_benchmark [io, pure] = --Plot.plot (X11.title "foobar" X11.cons) $ Plot.plot X11.cons $ Frame.cons (Opts.title ("Benchmark: " ++ benchname ++ " normalized to time " ++ show basetime) $ Opts.deflt) plots where benchname = name $ head $ head io plots = foldl1 mappend (map persched io ++ map persched pure) basetime = foldl1 min $ map tmed $ filter ((== 0) . threads) $ (concat io ++ concat pure) persched :: [Entry] -> Plot2D.T persched dat = let schd = sched$ head dat var = variant$ head dat mins = map tmin dat meds = map tmed dat maxs = map tmax dat --zip4 = map$ \ a b c d -> (a,b,c,d) zip4 s1 s2 s3 s4 = map (\ ((a,b), (c,d)) -> (a,b,c,d)) (zip (zip s1 s2) (zip s3 s4)) pairs = zip4 (map (fromIntegral . threads) dat) (map (basetime / ) meds) (map (basetime / ) mins) (map (basetime / ) maxs) quads = map (\ (a,b,c,d) -> Mystr (show a ++" "++ show b ++" "++ show d ++" "++ show c)) pairs in fmap (Graph2D.lineSpec $ LineSpec.title (var ++"/"++ show schd) $ LineSpec.lineWidth 3.0 $ LineSpec.pointSize 3.0 $ LineSpec.deflt) $ fmap (Graph2D.typ Graph2D.linesPoints) $ --Plot2D.path pairs --Plot2D.path (map ( \ (a,b,c,d) -> (a,b)) pairs) --fmap (Graph2D.typ Graph2D.errorBars) $ Plot2D.list quads -} -- Name, Scheduler, Threads, BestTime, Speedup data Best = Best (String, Int, Int, Double, Double) -- Plot a single benchmark as a gnuplot script: plot_benchmark2 root [io, pure] = do action $ filter goodSched (io ++ pure) return$ Best (benchname, bestsched, bestthreads, best, basetime / best) where benchname = name $ head $ head io -- What was the best single-threaded execution time across variants/schedulers: goodSched [] = error "Empty block of data entries..." goodSched (h:t) = not $ (sched h) `elem` scheduler_MASK cat = concat io ++ concat pure threads0 = filter ((== 0) . threads) cat threads1 = filter ((== 1) . threads) cat map_normalized_time = map (\x -> tmed x / normfactor x) times0 = map_normalized_time threads0 times1 = map_normalized_time threads1 basetime = if not$ null times0 then foldl1 min times0 else if not$ null times1 then foldl1 min times1 else error$ "\nFor benchmark "++ show benchname ++ " could not find either 1-thread or 0-thread run.\n" ++ --"ALL entries: "++ show (pPrint cat) ++"\n" "\nALL entries threads: "++ show (map threads cat) best = foldl1 min $ map_normalized_time cat Just best_index = elemIndex best $ map_normalized_time cat bestsched = sched$ cat !! best_index bestthreads = threads$ cat !! best_index (filebase,_) = break (== '.') $ basename benchname -- If all normfactors are the default 1.0 we print a different message: --let is_norm = not$ all (== 1.0) $ map normfactor ponits norms = map normfactor (concat io ++ concat pure) default_norms = all (== 1.0) $ norms max_norm = foldl1 max norms scrub '_' = ' ' scrub x = x -- scrub [] = [] -- scrub ('_':t) = "\\_"++ scrub t -- scrub (h:t) = h : scrub t action lines = do let scriptfile = root ++ filebase ++ ".gp" putStrLn$ "Dumping gnuplot script to: "++ scriptfile putStrLn$ "NORM FACTORS "++ show norms runIO$ echo "set terminal postscript enhanced color\n" -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set output \""++filebase++".eps\"\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set title \"Benchmark: "++ map scrub filebase ++ ", speedup relative to serial time " ++ show (round_2digits $ basetime * max_norm) ++" seconds "++ -- "for input size " ++ show (round_2digits max_norm) (if default_norms then "" else "for input size " ++ show (round max_norm)) --if is_norm then "normalized to work unit" --if default_norms then "" else " per unit benchmark input" ++"\"\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set xlabel \"Number of Threads\"\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set ylabel \"Parallel Speedup\"\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set xrange [1:]\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("set key left top\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile runIO$ echo ("plot \\\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile -- In this loop lets do the errorbars: forM_ (zip [1..] lines) $ \(i,points) -> do let datfile = root ++ filebase ++ show i ++".dat" runIO$ echo (" \""++ basename datfile ++"\" using 1:2:3:4 with errorbars lt "++ show (line_types !! i) ++" title \"\", \\\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile -- Now a second loop for the lines themselves and to dump the actual data to the .dat file: forM_ (zip [1..] lines) $ \(i,points) -> do let datfile = root ++ filebase ++ show i ++".dat" let schd = sched$ head points -- should be the same across all point let var = variant$ head points -- should be the same across all point let nickname = var ++"/"++ show (translate schd) runIO$ echo ("# Data for variant "++ nickname ++"\n") -|- appendTo datfile forM_ points $ \x -> do -- Here we print a line of output: runIO$ echo (show (fromIntegral (threads x)) ++" "++ show (basetime / (tmed x / normfactor x)) ++" "++ show (basetime / (tmax x / normfactor x)) ++" "++ show (basetime / (tmin x / normfactor x)) ++" \n") -|- appendTo datfile let comma = if i == length lines then "" else ",\\" runIO$ echo (" \""++ basename datfile ++ "\" using 1:2 with lines linewidth "++linewidth++" lt "++ show (line_types !! i) ++" title \""++nickname++"\" "++comma++"\n") -|- appendTo scriptfile --putStrLn$ "Finally, running gnuplot..." --runIO$ "(cd "++root++"; gnuplot "++basename scriptfile++")" --runIO$ "(cd "++root++"; ps2pdf "++ filebase ++".eps )" --plot_benchmark2 root ls = putStrLn$ "plot_benchmark2: Unexpected input, list len: "++ show (length ls) plot_benchmark2 root [io] = plot_benchmark2 root [io,[]] isMatch rg str = case matchRegex rg str of { Nothing -> False; _ -> True } main = do args <- getArgs let file = case args of [f] -> f [] -> "results.dat" dat <- run$ catFrom [file] -|- remComments "#" -- let parsed = map (parse . filter (not (== "")) . splitRegex (mkRegex "[ \t]+")) let parsed = map (parse . filter (not . (== "")) . splitRegex (mkRegex "[ \t]+")) (filter (not . isMatch (mkRegex "ERR")) $ filter (not . isMatch (mkRegex "TIMEOUT")) $ filter (not . null) dat) let organized = organize_data$ filter ((`elem` ["io","pure"]) . variant) parsed -- Notdoing this anymore.. treat it as one big bag -- let chunked = sepDoubleBlanks dat -- let chopped = map (parse . splitRegex (mkRegex "[ \t]+")) -- (chunked !! 0) -- let bysched = groupBy ((==) `on` sched) $ -- sortBy (compare `on` sched) -- chopped -- putStrLn$ show (pPrint (map length chopped)) -- putStrLn$ show (pPrint (map parse chopped)) -- print "parsed:"; print parsed --print "Organized:"; print organized {- putStrLn$ renderStyle (style { lineLength=150 }) (pPrint organized) -} --Plot.plot X11.cons myoverlay --Simple.plotList [Simple.LineStyle 0 [Simple.LineTitle "foobar"]] [0,5..100] --let root = "./graph_temp/" let root = "./" ++ dropExtension file ++ "_graphs/" -- For hygiene, completely anhilate output directory: system$ "rm -rf " ++root ++"/" system$ "mkdir -p "++root bests <- forM organized $ \ perbenchmark -> do best <- plot_benchmark2 root perbenchmark forM_ perbenchmark $ \ pervariant -> forM_ pervariant $ \ persched -> do let mins = map tmin persched let pairs = (zip (map (fromIntegral . threads) persched) mins) --putStrLn$ show pairs --plot Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.X11.cons (path pairs) --System.exitWith ExitSuccess --plot x11 (path pairs) return () return best --forM_ organized $ \ perbenchmark -> --plotLists [x11] [dat, [50..25]] --plotLists [x11] [dat, [100,95..0]] --plotDots [x11, Size$ Scale 3.0] dat --plotDots [x11, LineStyle 0 [PointSize 5.0]] dat putStrLn$ "Plotted list\n\n" let summarize hnd = do hPutStrLn hnd $ "# Benchmark, scheduler, best #threads, best median time, max parallel speedup: " hPutStrLn hnd $ "# Summary for " ++ file let pads n s = take (n - length s) $ repeat ' ' let pad n x = " " ++ (pads n (show x)) forM_ bests $ \ (Best(name, sched, threads, best, speed)) -> hPutStrLn hnd$ " "++ name++ (pads 25 name) ++ show sched++ (pad 5 sched) ++ show threads++ (pad 5 threads)++ show best ++ (pad 15 best) ++ show speed hPutStrLn hnd$ "\n\n" summarize stdout withFile (dropExtension file `addExtension` "summary") WriteMode $ summarize